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The individual well is much more that just an expensive faucet. It provides the only
communication with reservoir during the exploitation of a field. The effectiveness of that
communication is a driving factor in the reservoir drainage as well as overall economics. The
individual well completion must be designed to yield maximum overall profitability.

A well completion is nothing but an arrangement that allows the well to produce oil and gas
from the reservoir to surface.

The completion basically consists of:

 Bottom hole equipment to provide communication between producing formation and


 Tubulars and accessories to provide a means for the produced fluids to flow from
bottom to surface

 Well head equipment for control and monitoring of the produced fluids.

An ideal completion is the one that meets the demands placed upon it for the exploitation of a
reservoir at lowest cost for the entire producing life. Many factors-both reservoir and
mechanical need to be considered to intelligently design completion of a well.

Reservoir Considerations:

Reservoir considerations involve the location of different fluids in the formation penetrated by
the well bore, flow behaviour of these fluids in the reservoirs and the characteristics of the rock
itself. It is the producing rate that provides maximum economic recovery which is often
considered as the starting point for well completion design. The other important factors that
influence the well completion design are as follows:

 Multiple reservoirs that require multiple completions with or without packers, in single or
multiple strings etc.

 Reservoir drive mechanism mainly determines the completion or perforation interval

depending on expected movements of gas-oil or water-oil contacts. A water drive reservoir
may indicate water cut problem. Dissolved gas drive may indicate artificial lift and the
dissolved gas and the gas drive reservoirs usually mean declining productivity index and
increasing GOR.

 GOR Techniques may require completion methods conducive to selective injection or

production. Thermal recovery processes may require special casing and cementing

 Stimulation may require special perforating patterns to permit zone isolation, perhaps
adaptability to high injection rates and pressures and a well hook up such that after
treatment, the zone can be returned to production without contact with killing fluids.

 High Temperatures may require special cementing, casing and casing landing practices.
 Sand Control may dictate the type of completion in a well where sand control measures
are to be adopted.

 Work over Frequency, wherever it is high, often dictates completion conducive to wire line
or through tubing type re-completion systems.

 Artificial Lift requires single completions even where multiple zones exist, as well as
larger than normal tubulars.

Mechanical considerations:

It involves the mechanical configuration or well hook up to exploit the reservoir effectively,
monitor down hole performances and modify the well situation when necessary.

While designing well completion, it should always be kept in mind that design should be cost
effective, safe, simple and reliable fulfilling all anticipated operating conditions. Keeping in view
the above influencing factors, the basic decisions to be reached are

a) Method of completion
b) Number of completions within the well bore
c) Casing –Tubing configuration
d) Diameter of the production conduit
e) Completion interval

This chapter mainly deals with the types of development wells and their completions.


Based on the well construction profile, the wells can be classified as:

1. Vertical well
2. Deviated/ Directional well
3. High angle well
4. Horizontal well
5. Extended Reach Drilling (ERD) well
6. ERD Horizontal well
7. Multilateral well

A vertical well is the one that is drilled straight in to the seabed and is normally drilled from the
center of the platform. The remaining types of wells are drilled with an angular profile to attain
drainage from a particular producing layer. These types of wells have been discussed in detail
in subsequent sections.

The wells can be categorized based on the service they provide such as:

 Producers that produce hydrocarbons from the reservoir

 Injectors that inject fluid into the reservoir for better recovery


The completion types can be classified on different basis. Some of the classifications are:


Basically, there are the following three methods for completing a well based on casing
1. Open hole completion where the production casing is set on top of or slightly into the pay
zone and cemented. The pay zone is left open and uncemented.

Figure 3.1 Open-hole completion

Advantages of open hole completion

 Special drilling techniques can be used to minimize formation damage since the casing
is set at the top of the pay zone.
 Higher production since full well bore diameter is available for flow
 Saving in perforation costs since no perforation is required.
 Hole can be easily deepened and converted to a liner completion subsequently
 High productivity is maintained when gravel packed for sand control.
Disadvantages of open hole completion

 The fluid flow from or into well bore cannot be controlled

 The gas or water production cannot be regulated effectively since the entire hole is
 Difficult to selectively stimulate producing intervals
 Well bore may require periodic cleanout
2. Perforated completion where the producing interval is covered by the production casing,
cemented and then perforated for taking production.

Figure 3.2 Perforated completion

 The tubing controls the internal corrosion of the casing because produced fluid flows
through it and do not contact the casing.
 Tubing restricts the flow of produced fluid.
 The completion is more expensive because of the cost of packer, tubing and
3. Liner completion where the production casing is set on top of the pay zone and is
followed by a liner/slotted liner/ screen. The slotted liners and screen are not cemented. In
case liner is lowered then the same is cemented and perforated in the producing layer.
 Formation damage is minimized
 Selective stimulation is possible in cemented liner
 Perforation expense is avoided in screen liner
 Cleanout problem is avoided in screen liner
 Diameter across the pay is minimized
 Good quality cementation is difficult in cemented liner.

Figure 3.3 Liner Completion


Based on the number of tubing strings lowered into the well, the most commonly used
completions can be classified into:
a) Single completion
A single tubing string is lowered in to the well to take production from either a single layer
or many layers. All the figures shown above indicate single completions.
In case production is taken from multiple layers through a single string then the completion
string makes use of packers and sliding sleeves to control flow from individual layer. It is
important that the reservoir pressures of all the layers flowing into a single string be similar
for this type of completion to be successful.
b) Dual completion
In dual completion, two layers are completed and production from each layer is taken
through different production strings. Such type of completion does not require the
pressures of individual layers to be similar since the production from each layer is
independent from one another. The layers are isolated through use of packers.

Figure 3.4 Dual completion
 It is possible to produce from/inject into more than one production/ injection zone
through a single well, thereby reducing overall development costs.
 Selective treatment of individual zone is possible.
 Use of natural energy from one zone can be used to artificially produce another zone.
 Large number of equipment down hole used can create problems.
 Expensive and more complicated completion and workover technique.
 Possibility of loss of production in zone due to mechanical problems and formation
damage during work over.


Based on the number of layers completed, the completion types can be:

Single zone completion

This is the simplest concept in which only a single layer is completed for production.
Multiple zone completion
In this type of completion, a number of layers are completed in a well using various
configurations. Some of the configurations are:
 Single string-Single Packer:

The flow from two layers is taken through tubing and casing. This type of completion is not
used in offshore as production through casing and tubing annulus is considered a safety
hazard. Such configuration does not allow upper formation to be produced through tubing.
 Single String-Dual packer:
In this type of completion also, there is flow in tubing and annulus. However, it allows the
upper zone to be flowed through tubing. Again, for safety of casing, such completions are
not used in offshore unless in cases where there is provision to divert the production
through annulus to tubing string.
 Parallel string-Multiple packer:
This type of completion is same as dual completion discussed above.
 Single string-Multiple packers-Selective zones:
In such completions, the producing zones are opened or closed individually through use of
wire line or hydraulic pressures.


Gas lift completion

The casing is set through the pay zone and then perforated. A packer is set above the
producing zone with the tubing string that has required number of gas lift valves. A readily
available natural gas is injected down the casing through the gas lift valves and into the tubing.
It may be injected at various intervals. This gas is used to lift the reservoir fluid to the surface
when the reservoir pressure is not sufficient to lift the fluids on its own.

Figure 3.5 Gas Lift Completion

Tubingless cased hole completion

In tubing-less cased hole completion, casing is set into or through the producing
formation and cemented (refer fig 1.8). The casing is then perforated to provide
communication between the well bore and formation. This type of completion is
usually followed in slim-holes in isolated
area to keep the completion cost low. All remedial operations are carried out with coiled

Figure 3.6 Tubingless Completion


The completion equipment used are discussed in brief in the following sections.

3.4.1 Wellhead Equipments

Wellhead equipments are attached to the top of the various casing strings lowered in a well in
order to support the tubular strings, hang them, provide seals between strings and control
production from the well.
A typical wellhead assembly, as shown in Figure 3.7 consists of:
Lowermost casing head to support the other strings of pipe and seal the annular space
between the two strings of casing.
Lowermost casing hangers to suspend the next smaller casing securely and provide a seal
between the suspended casing and the casing bowl.
Intermediate casing heads to provide a means of supporting the next smaller casing string
and sealing the annular space between the two casing strings.

Figure 3.7: A typical Wellhead assembly

Intermediate casing hangers to suspend the next smaller casing string in the intermediate
casing head.
Tubing head to provide a support for the tubing string, seal annular space between the tubing
string and production casing string and also provide access to the casing /tubing annulus
through side outlets (threaded, studded or extended flanged).

Tubing hanger to provide a seal between the tubing and the tubing head and also to support
the tubing. The lock screws force the top steel mandrel or plate down to compress the sealing
element and form a seal between the tubing and tubing head. Full tubing weight can be
temporarily supported on the tubing hanger, but permanent support is provided by threading
the top tubing thread into the adapter flange on top of the tubing head. The hanger then acts as
a seal only. In selecting a tubing hanger, it should be ensured that the hanger will provide an
adequate seal between the tubing and tubing head for the particular well conditions (metal to

metal seals are desired in most cases) and that it is of standard size and suitable for lowering
through full opening drilling equipment.

Figure 3.8: Tubing Hanger

Adapter to connect two flanges of different dimensions or connect a flange to a threaded end.
Crossover flange to connect flanges of different working pressures.
Multiple completions or multiple-tubing-string completions require the same wellhead
assembly as single tubing string completions, with one exception. The tubing-head bowl
must be designed and sized to accommodate the required size and number of tubing strings
and provide a means for properly orienting the tubing strings.

3.4.2 Christmas tree (X-mas tree)

A Christmas tree is the most important well control equipment used in well completions. It
consists of an arrangement of valves, spools, flanges, and connections to control the flow of
fluids from the well. Based on application and environment of use, several types &
configurations of Christmas trees are available.
All the X-mas tree designs, however, have the following basic components:
Master valves
Master valves are main shut-off valves. They are kept open for most of the period during a
well’s life and are used as little as possible, especially the lower master valve, to avoid wear or
damage to them.
Wing valve
A wing valve is used to close well and carry out most routine operations.
The choke regulates the flow from the well.
Flow or cross tee
The flow tee allows tools to be run into the well while the well is producing.
Crown or swab valve
The crown valve allows access to the well for wire line, coil tubing or any other well
interventions jobs to be carried out.
Gauge flange or cap
The gauge flange seals the top of the tree and has a fitting for a pressure gauge. When the
gauge flange is removed, the tubing becomes accessible for bottom hole test or installing
lubricator equipment.
Pressure gauges
Pressure gauges are installed to monitor tubing pressure and casing or annular pressure.
Casing valve
The casing valve gives access to the area between the tubing and the casing.
Backpressure Valve (BPV)
The BP valve is installed in the tubing hanger and facilitates the removal or replacement of X-
mas tree without killing the well. It is also used to pressure test the X-mas valves.

Figure 3.9: X-mas tree

3.4.3 Production tubing
Production tubing forms the conduit for the reservoir fluids to flow from well bore to surface. In
addition, it facilitates well bore service operations such as wire line, stimulation, circulation etc.
Typically, tubing is run inside a casing or liner but can also be cemented in slim hole wells as
the casing. Depending on the type of completion, one or two tubing strings may be used in the
The major considerations in the selection of tubing for a particular well are:
Tubing size is determined on the basis of inflow performance of the reservoir and tubing
performance so as to ensure optimum production rates over the field’s life. Tubing sizes from
2 7/8” to 5 ½” sizes are in use.
Tubing grade determines the chemical composition and physical & mechanical properties of
tubing. The tubing grade selected for a particular completion must satisfy the minimum
performance requirements for that application. Tubing of sufficient yield strength to withstand
the various forces caused by changes in pressures and temperatures must be used in the well.
The tubing must also be resistant to formation fluids containing corrosive components e.g. H2S,
CO2, chlorides and water. Normally, L-80 grade of tubing is used which provides resistance to
Sulfide Stress Cracking.
Tubing weight determines the burst and collapse ratings of a tubing and is normally expressed
in pounds per foot (ppf) and is a function of thickness of wall.
Tubing connections are primarily either API connections or premium connections. The
commonly used API connection is EUE that provides reliable service in a majority of wells.
Premium tubing connections are used in corrosive environments, high-pressure wells and in
wells with bends and doglegs.

A Typical well completion diagram with the
Down hole completion equipment is illustrated
here. The well completion configuration can vary
from well to well based of different factors.

Figure 3.10 Typical Well Completion Diagram

3.4.4 Packers
A packer provides a means of sealing the tubing string from the casing thereby preventing
communication of fluids. This protects the casing from undue stress in the form of pressure
differentials and also protects the casing against the corrosion and erosion from the produced
fluids. Since casing used in a well is a permanent component of the completion system, repair /
replacement of casing is very complicated and expensive. The packer along with tubing string
is easier to remove and replace. Packers are also used for zone separation as in the case of
multiple zone completions.
All types of packers are mostly made up of:
 Flow mandrel to provide the flow conduit for production.
 Resilient elements to ensure the tubing to annulus pressure seals.
 Cone or Wedges to assist in positioning of the slips.
 Slips to grip the casing wall and prevent the packer from moving up and down.
 Hold down buttons to prevent packer from unseating.

The packer design also provides for a spacer tube that has holes to remove trapped
air and bypass ports to circulate out debris settled on packer & pressure equalization
across the packer elements.

The criteria for packer selection must consider:

 Selection / completion strategy

 Rig capacity for fishing/ milling
 Fishing requirements
 Well fluid characteristics, H2S, CO2
 Bottom hole pressure & temperature

The packer can be single, dual or triple bore and are mainly classified as: -
 Retrievable packer
A retrievable packer is run as an integral part of the tubing string and is set either
mechanically or hydraulically and can be released by pulling or rotating the string.

 Tubing can be landed and the Christmas tree be
 The packer does not have to be milled out if it
becomes necessary to remove it, thus saving rig
 Packer can be reused in other applications.
 Mechanical retrievable packer can be reused in
same well without redressing.
 Pulling may swab the well in if packer is not fully
 They have lower differential pressure rating
mostly limited to 7500 psi.
 Equalization of pressure across the packer may
be difficult.
 While stimulating the well with cold fluids,
excessive contraction of tubing may shear the
packer release studs of straight pull release type
packers, if the hold down buttons are not

The mechanically set retrievable packers are set by

applying sufficient right hand rotations to the string
and released by straight pull. Compression set
mechanical packers have dies downwards e.g.
RTTS, R-3. Tensions set mechanical packers are used when packer is to be set at shallow
depths where required compression cannot be given. The packer configuration in tension
set packer is opposite to that of compression set i.e. slips at top and rubber elements at
bottom. Prior to running in the packer, it must be ensured that the rubber elements, spacer
rings, dies, slips, Teflon ring at the top sub are in good condition.

The hydraulic set retrievable packers are set by applying a pressure of 1400 to 2000 psi
inside the string and thus require a system such as Pump Out Plug to apply pressure. The
POP rating depends on well pressure. The ratchet mechanism in the packer stores the
setting pressure and enables the elements to remain in inflated condition. The packer is
released through a release ring/screws that shear at an over pull of 20,000 to 30,000 lbs
above pull out weight.

 Permanent packer
The permanent packer, normally once set, is regarded as part of the casing and can only
be removed destructively by milling.
The completion string can be engaged into for providing the flow conduit or removed from
the packer for well killing.
Permanent packers can be set mechanically, hydraulically or electrically through wire line.
Some recent designs of permanent packers, such as Quantum packer of M/s
Schlumberger, can be set hydraulically and retrieved also after the job is completed.
These type of packers are recommended for use where long term completion, high-
pressure differential, maximum dependability, large packer bore are required.

Figure 3.12 Wire line set Permanent packer

 Inflatable packer
The inflatable packers are run through the tubing string either on wire line or coiled tubing
and inflated to the required size. The pressure rating of such packers is less. Such packers
are used in straddle completions and for open hole testing.

3.4.5 Blast joint

Reservoir fluids entering the well bore through perforations may display a jetting behaviour that
can erode the tubing string at the point of fluid entry and ultimately may cause the tubing

The blast joints are pipe joints of 20 to 30 feet length with a wall thickness greater than the
tubing and are run in the string so to be opposite the perforations. The blast joints delay the
erosional failure at the point of entry of fluids into well bore.

3.4.6 Flow coupling

A flow coupling is a short piece of pipe that has a wall thickness greater than the tubing string.
It is used to delay the erosional failure at points inside a completion string wherever turbulent
flow is anticipated such as around a landing nipple or sub surface safety valve. The flow
couplings are available in 3 to 10 feet length and length of flow coupling for a particular
application depends on how quickly the turbulent flow is expected to dissipate and the abrasive
nature of the fluid.

3.4.7 Seating nipple

Seating nipples are located at various depths in the tubing string. The seating nipples enable
various wire line intervention jobs for the purposes of flow control. Some of such jobs include
shutting the well for testing the tubing string, circulation, pressure equalization, operation of sub
surface safety valve when hydraulic control is lost, installation of down hole chokes etc.
3.4.8 Landing nipple

A landing nipple is a short section of thick walled tubing that is machined internally to provide a
locking profile and at least one packing bore. It provides a profile at a specific point in the
completion string to locate, lock and seal sub-surface flow controls either through wire line or
pump down method.

Figure 3.13 Seating Nipple Figure 3.14 Landing Nipple

3.4.9 Expansion joint

Expansion joints are used to compensate tubing movement due to temperature and /or
pressure changes during treatment or production. These are available in various stroke lengths.

3.4.10 Safety joints

Safety joints are used in between the packers in
multiple completions and in selective completion using
hydraulic single string packers.
The shear pin in safety joint enables stuck tubing to be
sheared off. But because it introduces a weak joint, its
use should be restricted wherever possible.

Figure 3.15 Safety Joint

3.4.11 Safety valves
a. Sub-Surface Control Safety Valve (SSCSV)
Subsurface control is executed by a number of devices such as safety valves, bottom
hole chokes & regulators and injection safety valves. Based on operating/ activation
mechanism these valves can be classified as:
Differential pressure or velocity type where the valve is spring operated and kept
normally open. The differential pressure design valve shuts in the well automatically
when abnormal production flow, such as due to rupture in surface equipment, results in
higher pressure differential than the spring setting of the valve.
Pressure activated type consists of a valve that is dome pressure operated and
normally closed until acted upon by a pressure greater than the pre-set dome pressure.
The pressure actuated values are pre-charged with a set dome pressure and held open
by well pressure. When the flowing pressure of the well drops, the valve closes to shut in
the well. When the tubing pressure is equalized with dome pressure it will open the
valve automatically.
b. Surface controlled sub-surface safety valves (SCSSV)
The use of SCSSV is mandatory for offshore producing wells and offers a mechanism for
remotely operated sub-surface well control. It consists of a flapper type valve that is
located in the string at a depth of normally 150 m from wellhead. It is controlled from the
surface by hydraulic pressure application through external ¼” stainless steel control line.
The valve is fail-safe close and is held open against spring pressure by maintaining
hydraulic pressure. The loss of hydraulic pressure will cause the valve to close and shut in
the well. Surface control units, which supply the hydraulic pressure, also monitor any
abnormal increase or decrease in flow line pressure. The valve operation is independent
of tubing pressure, and well fluid surges.
Both wire line retrievable and tubing retrievable designs of SCSSV are available but the
tubing retrievable type is extensively used in Western offshore.

Malfunction / Failure of SCSSV
The four major reasons for the failure of SCSSV along with the likely reasons and their
possible remedies are tabulated below:
1. Flapper valve Scale deposition due to high Acid spotting/ Operation of
stuck in open water cut / Non-operation of SCSSV once in 6 months/
position SCSSV for a long time Installation of secondary
Safety valve (Storm choke)
2. Hydraulic control line Temperature gradient System always to be put online to
control panel for corrective pressure
Leak difference owing to
release/ Sealtite application
initial flow or flow after
stimulation job/ Leaking
connector joints/ Elastomer seals
3. Control line blockage Solid partcles in hydraulic oil Periodic change of oil filters
4. Control system Same as at point no. 2 above

In case of failure to open a SCSSV, a secondary safety valve viz. storm choke is installed
through wire line to lock open the SCSSV flapper and continue with production. This is
employed as a stop gap arrangement only till the time a rig is deployed at the well for work
over operation during which the SCSSV is retrieved, repaired/ replaced and reinstalled.
The storm choke is velocity operated and hence requires no hydraulic pressure for its
operation. The valve is designed for closure once the production rate exceeds a pre-
determined level thereby ensuring well safety.
c. Shut down valve (SDV)
The shut down valve is used at surface in the flow line from the X-mas tree and is located
after the flow valve. It is pneumatically controlled and gets closed in case of any leak in
the flow line down stream of it.

3.4.12 Circulating valves

Provision for tubing to annulus communication is required to circulate fluids in a well, treat a
well with chemicals, inject fluids from the annulus in to the tubing string or produce a zone
that is isolated between two packers. Such tubing to annulus access is provided in the
completion string through use of various types of circulating devices.
a. Sliding sleeve
Sliding sleeves are the principle circulating devices that provide the ability to circulate a
well and also selectively produce multiple reservoirs.
A sliding sleeve is a cylindrical device with an inner sleeve and outer body bored to
provide matching openings. The inner sleeve is moved using a wire line shifting tool.
When the sleeve is moved and matched with openings in the outer body, it creates a
circulation path between tubing and annulus.

Some of the typical applications for which the sliding sleeves are used are for displacing
fluid, selective testing, treating or production in multiple completion, killing by circulation,
pressure equalizing etc.
b. Side Pocket Mandrel
Side pocket mandrel has a polished receptacle/pocket on one side that can accommodate
down hole tools lowered by wire line. Side pocket mandrels are placed in the tubing string
at a location where it is necessary to install gas lift valve/ chemical injection valve/ down
hole choke, complete the dual or multiple zones, test or treat selectively and provide
communication between the tubing and the annulus when required.

Figure 3.16 Side Pocket Mandrel Figure 3.17 Sliding Sleeves

3.4.13 Gas lift mandrel

The gas lift mandrel is similar to side pocket mandrel and is used to install gas lift valves in
the string through wire line or at surface in wells completed with gas lift.

3.4.14 Pump out plug

A pump out plug is generally run at the bottom of the string and is used for hydraulically
setting the retrievable packer. It has a seat to accommodate the ball and the seat is locked in
position by shear screws of specified shear value. The ball dropped for setting the hydraulic
packer sits on this seat and ensures leak proof system. When hydraulically pressurized from
surface, the packer is set at a predetermined pressure. As more and more pressure is
applied, the entire shear screws in the seat shear off allowing the seat of POP to fall along
with the ball in the sump.

3.4.15 Wire line re-entry guide

The wire line re-entry guide forms the bottom most part of completion string and is basically a
mule shoe that is bevelled to facilitate easy lowering of wire line tools in well bore and their
re-entry into the string.

Some of the pump out plugs used have a beveled profile at the bottom and can be used as
wire line re-entry guide.

In deviated wells, when the string can get held-up at packer top a self-indexing mule shoe is
used. The weight on touching the packer triggers indexing and facilitates entry into the packer
by rotating the string.


The following considerations should be kept in mind while lowering and installation of
completion equipment:
 Casing ID restriction should be minimized or eliminated and well fluids should be circulated
and conditioned before the equipment is lowered. The ID restrictions may result from mud
cake build up, cement scale, over torque of casing connection, and pipe scale build. Non-
condition well fluid may develop gel strength or conversely may not be able to keep solid in
suspension. In either case a viscous coagulated, semisolid stage may develop down hole,
making it difficult, if not impossible, to run completion equipment. A bit and scrapper run
may be necessary to circulate out and recondition the well bore fluids.
 When selecting completion equipment for a particular down hole service, it is necessary to
specify equipment that is appropriate for use with the production tubular under worst
collapse and tension conditions. Deviation from this requirement may be costly if
equipment failure occurs down hole.
 When installing packers and other completion equipment it is best to run and set as quickly
and accurately as possible. Safe run in speed should be determined since most completion
packers have small clearances with respect to the casing ID. Running tool fast may cause
the packer elements to swab the well that may damage the elements.


The basic steps involved in the installation of completion system are:
1. RIH down hole completion hook-up.
2. RIH SCSSV with control line strapped to completion string. The SCSSV must be
function & pressure tested prior to lowering.
3. Installation of tubing hanger & pressure test.
4. Nippling down BOP.
5. Installation of X-mas tree and pressure test.
6. Displacement with lighter cushion fluid
7. Packer setting
8. Activation
9. Cleaning
10. Handing over well to platform for production

The horizontal & multi lateral wells can be classified under a special category of Extended
Reach Drilling (ERD) wells. This class of wells can be defined as wells with a departure of twice
or more of True Vertical Depth (TVD) of the well i.e. a reach to TVD ratio of 2 or more. This
definition separates conventional directional wells from horizontal and multilateral wells that
require special considerations.

Horizontal well drilling and production have gained increasing importance in recent years due to
the potential increase in oil and gas production from horizontal and multilateral wells and
comparatively high reduction in drilling and completion costs. Developments in technologies to
tackle the problems of well bore stability and formation damage have made horizontal wells
more attractive. The thrust on horizontal and multilateral wells has diverse reasons such as
productivity increase, production from low permeability formations, connecting vertical fissures,
staying away from OGC & OWC contacts, producing thin reservoirs, injecting steam, increasing
injectivity, increasing sweep efficiency, controlling sand, producing gas from coal seams, etc.

Horizontal wells are normally new wells drilled from the surface. Drain holes or laterals are
generally drilled from existing well (vertical or horizontal) through re-entry drilling. Drain holes or
laterals may be single or multiple drain holes (multilateral). In contrast to a vertical well, a
horizontal well provides infinite conductivity fluid path for the formation fluid. Formations in
which bottom and top gas cap renders fracturing difficult, a horizontal well offers an alternative
to get high production rates without gas and water coning problems. Thus, in general,
horizontal wells are effective way of exploiting new as well as mature oil fields having thin
formations, naturally fractured formations, tight formations and formations with gas and water
coning problems.

Horizontal well Completion

Selection of completion method has a significant influence on life of well, its performance and
intervention requirement in future. A completion option may look expensive at the time of well
completion but in the long term it may be very cost effective. Various factors such as potential
of the reservoir, reservoir characteristics, geology, rock and formation type, nature of fluid to be
produced and exploitation strategy play very important role in well completion.

Based on these considerations, the following four types of completion options are available for
horizontal wells:

Figure 3.18 Various Completion Options for Horizontal wells

(1) Open hole Completion:

In open hole completion, the horizontal segment of the well bore is kept open without any
casing or liner. This type of completion is very inexpensive and is well suited for a stable
formation that remains stable through out the life of the well and has low to medium
permeability. This completion ideally suits the formations having very little zonal isolation
requirement for water and gas breakthrough. The most common application for the open
hole completion is in fractured limestone or chalk formations. One major advantage, other
than the cost itself, is that the formation has little damage from the completion because of
the absence of cementation. Absence of a casing in open hole, however, severely limits
stimulation and remedial options including control either in injection or production through
out the life of the well. For stimulating wells, having open hole completion effectively,
diversion techniques assisted with CTU, retrievable inflatable open hole packers etc are

(2) Slotted liner Completion:

The only difference between open hole and a slotted liner completion is the addition of a
slotted liner having narrow longitudinal slots/ holes in the open hole section of the well. This
slotted liner gives additional stability to open hole section without adding substantial cost or
complexity over the open hole completion and provides a convenient path for entry of
various CTU and tractor assisted down hole tools for remedial and diagnostic works.

In unconsolidated sandstone reservoirs, the prepack/ gravel pack liners are used to provide
some degree of sand incursion control.

The major disadvantage of slotted liner completion is that it still does not offer selective
layer stimulation and control since no zonal isolation is used in between the layers.

(3) Slotted liner Completion for zonal isolation:

This type of completion is an improvement over the conventional slotted liner completion
that makes use of External Casing Packer (ECP) to provide selective zonal isolation and

Inflatable External Casing Packers are installed out side the slotted liner in open hole to
divide a long horizontal section into several producing sections. Limited zone isolation can
be achieved by using ported subs or sliding sleeves, bridge plugs, packers or straddles. If
unwanted fluids break through from a particular horizontal section then production from that
section is isolated using ECPs. The production from the remaining well length remains

This type of completion provides limited zone isolation for stimulation and production
control along the well bore at lesser cost and risk than cemented & perforated completion
but its use in reservoirs having corrosive and scaling environment may pose problems
owing to inability to operate ECP, sleeves after a period of time.

Figure 3.19 ECP and Sliding Sleeve Completion

(4) Cemented & Perforated liner completion:

In this type of completion, the horizontal / drain hole section is covered with casing/ liner,
cemented and then perforated in hydrocarbon bearing sections. The completion offers
effective means of zonal isolation with the help of retrievable or permanent bridge plugs
and packers.

This completion is relatively expensive and hence used only when the other completion
methods, as discussed above, are likely to be ineffective such as in formations having low
permeability that requires transverse or longitudinal hydraulic fractures for adequate
drainage & deliverability and thin oil column reservoirs with top gas or lower water layers
that require frequent isolation for shutting off unwanted gas and water production.
Figure 3.20 Cased, cemented & perforated liner completion

Multilateral well Completion

Multilateral well technology involves drilling and production from various layers drilled from a
single slot or mother bore. It provides cost reduction in terms of increased production,
increased reserves for exploitation and slot conservation.

Reservoir characteristics and completion variables such as sand or debris control, water
production, draw down requirement, lifting mechanism, various completion designs and
production control help in determining the most appropriate multilateral system for any given

Multilateral well classification:

The difference between the various multilateral systems is basically a matter of the completion
itself. The most simple multilateral from a drilling standpoint is not much different from drilling of
a very complex multilateral. But the completion hard wares between the two systems will vary
widely and the risk involved will also vary drastically.

An oil industry forum on the Technical Advancement of Multilaterals (TAML) has been created
to develop multilateral classification matrix and foster a better understanding of multilateral well
application, capabilities and equipments. The major oil & service companies all over the world
are its members.

In order to properly categorize the various multilateral systems, TAML group has classified the
systems into levels as a function of increasing risk and complexity.

Figure 3.21TAML Classification System

Level Classification Illustration
1 Open / Unsupported Junction
Barefoot main bore & lateral or slotted
liner hung off in either bore

2 Main bore Cased & Cemented, Lateral
Lateral either barefoot or with slotted
liner hung off in open hole
3 Main bore Cased & Cemented, Lateral
Cased but Not Cemented
Lateral liner anchored to main bore but
not cemented at junction

4 Main bore & Lateral Cased &

Both bores cemented at the junction

5 Pressure Integrity at the Junction
Achieved with the completion, i.e.
straddle packers; (may or may not be

6 Pressure Integrity at the Junction

Achieved with sealed casing (cement
alone is not sufficient)
Includes reformable junctions and non-
reformable, full diameter splitters that
require larger diameter well bores

 Revised November 2002. This classification system was developed by TAML

(Technical Advancement of Multilaterals). A well's classification level corresponds to
the highest junction level in the well.

Another representation of the above classification is shown below:

Figure 3.22 Representation of Multilateral well classification (TAML)

Level-1 multilateral well:

This type of multilateral is drilled from an open hole main bore (parent-bore) and no mechanical
support or hydraulic isolation at junction is provided. These are the simplest multilateral
systems and utilize multiple drainage legs from parent open hole bore. The advantages of this
system are its low cost and simplicity. There is no milling required, no whip stocks to retrieve,
no liners to cement and no production control equipment to install. Lack of casing support limits
its use to stable formation only at the cost of no production control of individual layers. The
production must be commingled and cannot be selectively shut-off.

Level- 2 multilateral well:

Level-2 multilateral system has a cased parent bore while open or simple (slotted liners, pre-
packed screens) lateral bores. The parent bore is cased & cemented, and an orientation packer
is set below the proposed junction kick-off point. A whip stock is then landed into the packer
and oriented in the desired kick-off direction. Subsequently, the casing is milled away and a
lateral is drilled to the target length. After drilling the lateral section, the whip stock is retrieved
and the hole is completed in a variety of ways with various completion hard wares depending
on requirements of the well.

The requirement of casing exit & whip stock retrieval in Level-2 poses much greater risk than
Level-1 but minimizes the chances of borehole collapse and also provides hydraulic isolation
between the lateral zones.

A low cost option of multilateral completion system that provides both parent-bore support and
production control, not found in level –1, is to incorporate a sliding sleeve between the
orientation packer & a second packer placed above the casing exit so that production from both
the laterals can be commingled. Production isolation of either lateral is possible in this
arrangement. In case bottom zone begins to deplete or produce water, a plug can be placed in
the lower packer to shut off production from lower bore. In case the upper lateral production
needs to be shut off then the same can be done by closing the sliding sleeves.

However, the main disadvantages of this type of completion system are continued reliance on
formation for junction stability at exit point, no provision to produce separately from individual
layers and limitation of re-entry in lateral bore due to sliding sleeve. The re-entry into lateral
bore is possible in case a lateral nipple is used in place of sliding sleeve.

Figure 3.23 Level –2 multilateral well completions

Both Level-1 & 2 multilaterals have been completed in Mumbai Offshore.

Level – 3 well completion:

The next level of completion in terms of risk & complexity is Level –3 that has its main bore
cased & cemented and laterals cased but not cemented. Lateral liner is anchored with main
bore but not cemented. The well can be completed with a lateral re-entry system or a sliding
sleeve in same manner as in Level -2 completion. Quality of mechanical support at the junction
is achieved by anchoring the lateral liner but still hydraulic support is not available at the
junction. Cement sheath in main bore at junction is not capable of withstanding even a small
pressure differential and can fail over a period of time if draw down becomes substantial. Due
to this reason this system is not useful for wells with unconsolidated formations expected with
higher draw down during production period.

Figure 3.24 Level – 3 multilateral completion


Various methods of well activation have been used in development wells with mixed results.
Activation of highly deviated wells such as ERD wells or horizontal wells poses challenges that
require special tools or innovative ideas to successfully activate or stimulate these wells.

Some of the methods of activation in these types of wells are:

1. Matrix acidization job

2. Nitrified MAJ
3. Acid spotting with CTU
4. Acidization through CTU

However, the results from the application of these techniques were not very encouraging.

Recently, many such wells have been activated through use of Back surge tool with excellent
results and most of wells so activated have not required stimulation jobs.

The formation surge tool provides an instantaneous draw down across the formation that
assists in the removal of debris from the area around the perforated tunnel.

The tool is run on a lock mandrel to an appropriate landing nipple profile. Precisely rated shear
screws are used to set the tool to activate at a predetermined draw down pressure starting from
500 psi to 4000 psi.

Activation of the tool is achieved in a number of ways:

 Bleeding off above the tool

 Circulating out well contents to nitrogen above the tool
 Pre-pressurizing the formation and bleeding off above the tool.


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