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Around 11 am in the morning, he was sitting on the sofa in drawing room as

usual wasting time by looking at some nonsense recommended bullshit stuff
on internet. He was never like that, but in last two years, he has changed a
lot. He was so busy in his nonsense that he was not even aware of the
beautifully decorated space around him. Each and every corner, each and
every wall was well decorated. His wife is particular about cleanliness but
obsessive about decoration. While he was watching his videos, there were
sounds coming from the kitchen, which was approximately 10 meters from
him. His wife was preparing lunch for him and for their 13-month-old bundle
of joy, who is nothing less than a miracle and a life changer in both of their

Suddenly, the chopping of vegetables stopped, and she came outside of the
kitchen shouting, “Tarun…. Tarun…!”

He was almost caught watching videos again. So, in a rush he got up, hid
his mobile phone and replied in despair, “Haan, what happened? She angrily
questioned, “Where is Veer?” He replied, “How do I know?”

The knife in her hands dropped and she started running towards the
bathroom. Tarun also started running behind her and recollected that he was
actually bathing Veer.

She saw Veer drowsing inside fully water filled tub with his head hung in air.
She took out this little bundle of joy, held him tightly with her chest from one
hand and from other hand picked up the towel. While she was wrapping him
in towel, and changing his clothes, she was constantly weeping. Tarun was
looking at all this with his head hung in shame, fear and self-hatred. After
wrapping this little bundle of joy in blanket, she breastfed him and made him
to sleep. During this process tears were rolling down her cheeks and her
breath was inconsistent due to lack of oxygen reaching to her lungs, because
it was pain which was reaching there first.

Now full in anger, she pulled Tarun out of the room by pulling his heavy dull
body to the drawing room. And there she busted out on the top of her voice,
“Tarun, I'm done with you. This is the last thing I could have ever imagined

in my wildest of the dreams. You forgot Veer!!!! That too in the water filled
bathtub. Do you even comprehend what you did just know?

Tarun was aware of his grave mistake. So, he was just listening with his eyes
stuck to his toes. She continued, “Till the time it's between you and me. It's
okay. But if it comes to Veer, I will not leave anyone, even if it's YOU.”

Tarun slowly looked up trying to avoid her eyes and said, “I'm sorry Adity. I'm
really sorry. I did not intend to do that. I just don't know how it happened. I
just forgot. I don't remember anything!” She replied in a flash of a second,
“What nonsense is this? For everything, you just have to say sorry. You're
forgetting things - and you're sorry, you get dead drunk at parties and
embarrass me - you are sorry. We have not been intimate in last two years.
And for that thing also, you just say sorry to me. You just go to hell and you
just go!!!” With the last sentence I think Tarun's male ego was hurt so he
came up with a defensive statement immediately, “Yeah, I think I should go
away from everything. Bloody hell, I think it’s better I end up my life!” It is his
habit, probably it's genetic to him. If you tell him your pain, he will start
sharing his pain instead of listening to other person or empathizing with them.

But she was not in a mood to listen his nonsense once again. Because today,
he was not talking to his life partner, his friend, his spouse, a girl, a daughter,
or daughter in law; he was talking to a furious Mother, whose kid’s life was
being threatened. I think this is the most furious avatar of any species. You
take example of any species; a furious mother is the hardest enemy to fight
with. Because when you are fighting her, you're not fighting a person or an
animal, you are fighting Emotions. You cannot fight an intangible thing
with tangible assets.

With painful aggression, she replied, “You want to end your life! You want to
end your life!! It's me, you bastard, who should end the life. I went through
all this pain. I am the one who is for no reasons blamed in your home for
everything. I am the most hated person in your family. Everyone talks shit
about me at my back. It's me who has not slept for more than 30 minutes in
last two years. It's me whose body is totally distorted. It's me who has
undergone the operation. It's me who's not even physically satisfied. It's me
who's broken at all levels, be it physical, psychological or mental. You tell me
to end your life! It's me who thinks of doing it every moment. But because of
this little blessing, I can't even think about it!!” With this she started weeping.
It was probably enough for Tarun to understand that his genetic responses

will not work anymore, because in last 4 years of marriage this was the first
time, he saw her in this avatar. So, he just turned around and left home in
the car.

This was the day when we both took charge of our life and used the
biggest ingredient for bringing change in our life that is – TO PUT THE

Well, I am Adity Singh Rana, the furious Mother, you read in the previous
paragraphs and the gentleman Tarun is my life partner. In order to
understand better that how we came up to this state, let me share with you
about myself and my life so that we understand how beautifully life conspired
for me and Tarun for our highest good and greatest joy.

I belong to a normal family. My father is a farmer and mother is a homemaker.

Despite lack of education my parents ensured that me and my elder brother
get best of the education, resulting my brother has been working in IT
industry and I completed MBA a few years back. Everything was pretty
normal and life was going on its own pace.

One day I got an invitation for a class reunion wherein Lieutenant Tarun
would also be joining us. The moment I heard his name mixed emotions
cropped up in my mind, because I didn’t see him in last 10 years. The last
time I saw him was probably in class 6th. After sixth, he went to Sainik School
Ghorakhal and thereafter I just heard from people that he has joined Indian
Army through NDA. Somewhere I was excited and nervous too. This is my
habit or you can say my behaviour. I take time to mingle up with people and
it takes a lot of courage and trust for me to build bonds. Because somewhere
deep down, I don't like to start or explore something new. So, with this mixed
emotion, I accepted the invitation. And we all old friends met in a restaurant.

He was not at all what I expected from him. He was extremely thin and wore
spectacles. His height was only five feet five inches, which is as per me very
short. Well, I like Ranvijay kind of personality, the host of Roadies. But Tarun
was nowhere even in the vicinity of that personality, I would have ever fallen
for. But there was something in him which was attracting me towards him,
even though I was already in a bad relationship. I used to think that I would
never come out from it. And under that thought I was confirmed in my mind
that I will neither love anyone nor let anyone else fall for me. But this time

the case was different. I was attracted to him for no reason. I sensed the
same from his side. He immediately took my number and we started chatting.

The toxic relationship I was in was really a bad one. Actually, every toxic
relationship is like that. I knew from within that this person is the worst person
of my life, worst decision of my life. But under the pressure of the time, we
have been together, I did not let my heart win over my mind. Every time my
heart used to bring forward the idea to end this long distance toxic
relationship, my mind used to justify all the bad feelings with bullshit
rebuttals, to mention a few – “Whatever he is, he's finally mine”, “He always
comes back to me”, “My parents will kill me, If they come to know about all
this, it's better this way”, “I will correct him once we start living together”,
“Who will trust me if they come to know about my past”, blah …... blah ….
blah …… and many more such nonsense things.

Let me tell you, it's a very messy situation, when you know about the
mistakes of your past but still you are living under the burdens of them
because of societal, parental and self-made pressures. The worst part is that
you can foresee your crumbled future and you accept it. In such a situation,
we give away the biggest power humans are bestowed with - The power to
bring change in our lives. Instead, we blame ourselves, our destiny and
our karma (Probably the most hated, blamed and misunderstood
concept on this earth).

In those four years of toxic relationship, all my good friends, even my

enemies have clearly told me to end it (Hahaha, yes, one of the girls who
used to hate me, even she clearly told me multiple times to end it). But I was
adamant and I did not want any change. I think self-destructive mentality and
blaming your destiny is addictive. You start enjoying it after some time.

So just after our reunion, Tarun & I started talking to each other. At that time,
I was not able to comprehend why I love to talk to him. But today I know,
even though he was not matching my physical standards, but his thought
process, emotional and mental energies were exactly matching to that of a
life partner I wanted in my life.

The truth about truth is that it's dynamic. You are revealed with new
meanings and understandings depending on your evolution. And
within few months’ truth started revealing to me and Tarun became the
companion of my life I have been searching for!

The moment he became comfortable with me, he started pushing me to get

over with my toxic relationship. One day when he started the same topic, as
usual I rebutted him with low level poor philosophical answers to which he
responded bluntly, “Now Adity listen to me very clearly. First thing first, I like
you, and I would love to get married to you. That's a totally a different issue.
At this point of time, I want to help you because I know in what condition you
are in. I was in the same place - cheated emotionally and physically
exploited, buried in the burdens of my past and living a self-destructive life.
But once I came to know that the walls of fear are in me, I was able to break
them all. All thanks to my training that I came to know about the power of
breaking fears. I can help you by intervening with your situation in various
ways but that will not break your walls of fear. It's you and only you who can
break them. Let me tell you world is a better place without these walls. You
know there is 10 meters jump exercise during our training wherein you have
to jump in the swimming pool from this height. Everyone fears it within
because when you are standing at the top of swimming pool, it seems as if
you will fly across the water and hit on the ground. Every cadet has to pass
this test because it’s mandatory. I have seen many brilliant cadets getting
relegated and even thrown out of academy only because of this simple test.
Senior officers, PT instructors and fellow course mates can help failing
cadets but nobody helps. You know why? Because this exercise is kept to
install this thing in our minds that Fears are always in our heads & it’s only
and only we who can get over with them. Once you take the leap of faith
and courageously jump out of the board, within a second God takes care of
you and gravitation helps you.” To this I justified. “Tarun It's very easy to say
for a boy but for a girl it’s not easy. Society doesn't accept girls this way” To
this he replied, “This is all your fears speaking. There is nothing wrong in the
past. Everyone has a past; everything has a past. And at the end, if you
accept yourself wholeheartedly, then the society will also do it.”

These words were like elixir to me, because they brought me back to the true
me, who's a fighter, a person who never gives up. That day I did the magical
thing. I took the charge of my life and decided to bring change in my life.
Within few days, I ended the toxic relationship and felt so relieved you cannot
even comprehend. My all fears were gone in thin air. Thereafter we came
closer to each other. Finally, after a lot of hullabaloos of cast issue, traditional
differences and financial constraints, over the nuptial conferences which
used to happen between my family and his family, we finally got married.
Lately, I have realized that in Indian marriages whether it's a love marriage
or arrange, the concept of happy families is a myth. Everyone just accepts

things showing unacceptance at the back. The worst part is that everyone
has some sort of weird expectations. I don't know why it happens, but
somehow it happens. Well, whatever be the case I was married to Tarun,
and we both started living and knowing life together.

We both were madly in love. Every moment we just used to enjoy the time
together, everything was just too good. But like a typical new Indian daughter
in law, I was expected so much that I did not even comprehend. Very young
in age and new to everything we both tried to handle things but failed
drastically. In civil environment people have a very different and false thought
process about army and its life. But in reality, it's totally different. It's a
beautiful organisation, which not only cares for its workers i.e., soldiers but
also for their families. It's a small social ecosystem altogether. The weird
expectations of new daughter in law were mixed with false thought processes
about army. Since Tarun was also newly commissioned, hence he was also
clueless about many things. So, we both were actually burdened with the
weights of loads and loads of expectation on both fronts’ family as well as
professional. As the principal of expectation works - they are never fulfilled.

Tarun on professional front was trying to learn and do whatever it takes, but
he was also failing everywhere. His relationship with his boss was totally in
shackles. I saw him turning from a confident, cheerful and inspiring person
to a frightened, depressed and lethargic person. We both were lost on both
the fronts be it professional or family. In this deep state of despair, we both
just held together with only one thought ‘The best part is we both together’.
Till date this particular thought keeps both of us sticking together.

So, our relationships with everyone were in a bad state, even though we
never wanted it to happen, but we both were in that state. [Disclaimer: - This
all was in the past. Today we both have harmonious relationship with

Now let's talk about finances. What do you expect from a newly married
couple on the topic of finance? - Miss handling! That's what we were doing
it. We both were not able to manage our finances. Before the end of month,
we used to be waiting for the pay to get credited in our accounts. For almost
four years, we both faced extreme financial crunch. The worst part was, we
even did not know where we were going. That's the reality of being in a
messy situation. You don't want it but you can't do anything about it.

This all was hampering our mental and emotional health. The harmony in
both of our relationship was also getting affected. In addition to that our
stress levels were adding to our physical pains and hormonal disorders.
Tarun started having backaches and frequent illnesses. I was undergoing
through weight gain issues and various hormonal disorders.

Almost three years went and we did not plan for a kid. Because we both were
not ready for this big step in our life. A couple who is not able to handle the
present relationships, then how do you expect them to handle this big
relationship of being parents. But due to societal pressure we both took the
decision and started planning for a kid. Within a month I became pregnant.
But within 30 days I suffered from a miscarriage. After this I went into
emotional shock. I know these days it's normal, but for me it was not. It was
very disturbing for me. I take time to establish relationships and more time to
delink from them. Within only a month I developed very intricate relationship
with that thing which was inside me and feelings flourished, which hurt me at
the core level after the miscarriage.

Then after giving time to ourselves, we again thought of planning a kid with
medical advice from gynecologist and radiologist. The radiologist used to
give hopes that the expectancy rate is more than 90% this month, but
continuously for six months nothing happened. Each month we both were
getting burdened with more societal pressure and the weight of our broken
hopes were also getting heavier. During this whole time Tarun was also
preparing for an internal competitive examination. Whenever there is a
competition, the bar is set high and so was the case here. Tarun was also
getting more burdened with the examination’s pressure.

Then in the seventh month after ultrasound examination radiologist said that
the follicle is not growing as per the normal growth. So, the expectancy for
pregnancy that month was the least. This was also the time when Tarun’s
examination was over. So, we both were relieved from that part. After coming
from radiologist, we both again did the magical thing - we decided to bring
change in our life. So, we both decided that we had enough of nonsense
and pressures from all sides, we will start enjoying the life. No more
becoming a parent talk. So, we both started enjoying our life. We started
hitting pubs and bars. We used to drink, dance and forget everything. We
started having good time. But this was too short.

After a month Dhokalam issue happened and Tarun was supposed to go at

a place all alone for six months where communication would also be difficult.
The thought of leaving Tarun was itself scary and for so long with this medical
process going on, I was not ready for it. I just requested him to do something
about it, if he can be changed or something like that, but he said straight on
my face, “If he has to go, he will go whatever be the case.” s

Then in night at around 09 pm I just requested him to at least get a pregnancy

strip so that I could check whether pregnancy is there or not! To this he told
me that radiologist has already told us to forget about it. So why are we even
checking it? But somewhere within me was telling me to check it because
my period was delayed. So reluctantly, he got me the strips and I did the
urine examination. To our surprise it showed positive result. We then bought
good quality strips to reassure and they all showed positive results. We did
not waste our time and went to radiologist immediately in the night itself.
Luckily, he was in his clinic. The moment he saw us he shouted at us, “I told
you nothing will happen this month! Then what are you doing here right
now?” We showed him all the strips, after seeing them he himself got baffled
and went into silence for five minutes. After this awkward silence he said,
“It's human body, anything can happen. Let me do a blood test and then I
will give you some confirmation tomorrow.” I gave my blood and we came
back to our quarter. I was constantly weeping that if it's a pregnancy, then I
need you. But to all the pleadings, he was lost because I knew it was the
motto of his alma mater, which was ringing in his mind – ‘Service Before
Self’. In the morning we met the radiologist and he told us that, “See, I can't
say whether it's a zygote or not. But your hormones tell that there is
something. Now the time will exactly tell what it is.” I think he was more
surprised, then both of us, because in last one year, since we have been
under his medical advice, this is for the first time we showed progression in
the situation, wherein he himself told that the possibility was the minimum.

Well, this is what life is, you expect it to be unexpected at the correct time
if your intentions are clear. We both shared our case with Tarun’s new
boss and within five minutes he changed Tarun from the duty and told him
that the lady needs medical attention.

Tarun always used to say that being in army he cannot help people. But that
day, he was proven wrong. Yes, it's true that like civil services, you cannot
help people being in army but still you have the power to touch lives in
whatever way you can. This situation was exactly the same.

Tarun was not only removed from the duties but his boss also ensured that
he is always available for me. So, we both started taking extra care of this
little whatever thing was inside my womb. Delayed by two weeks the
heartbeat of the fetus came and so do the confirmation that this little
something is a baby.

In the initial month itself, I was diagnosed with natal thyroid and diabetes,
which happens to very few women and I was one of them. Everything was
going normal but exactly after one and a half month I suffered from heavy
bleeding. We rushed immediately to our gynecologist and he told Tarun that,
“Since your wife has a history of miscarriage generally it repeats. We have
given the necessary medical assistance but nothing can be guaranteed. It is
the fetus who has to survive.” But luckily, the fetus survived.

After this episode we were constantly under fear and pain, because the
hopes were building up. And the pain of breaking hopes is much more than
the pain of breaking bones. Due to thyroid and diabetes, my regular diet was
also curtailed. I literally used to eat on measures. Women have craving
stories of their pregnancy, but I have only fearful stories. I never had
medicines or injections throughout my life but during my pregnancy I went
through both of these things on regular basis because of my complex issues
and miscarriage history. Things were a little stable till third month, but again
in the third bmonth, the same episode of heavy bleeding happened.
Everything was exactly the same and thankfully the fetus again survived. To
our horror again in the fifth month, the same episode happened but by God's
grace fetus survived. Finally, after nine months of fear, pain and hopes, I
delivered this little bundle of joy whom we named Veer because of the very
fact that like a little warrior he survived every time.

During the delivery Tarun was undergoing a course. So, during the course,
we had a small baby with us. Undergoing the course curriculum, taking care
of me, taking care of the baby, sleepless nights and pressure of studies was
making Tarun extremely stressed. I could see that because he was always
low in his energies. I myself was physically troubled, psychological disturbed,
and was undergoing postnatal depression. In all this handling a new life, who
survived all this was a challenge. In addition to this we didn’t have any
support from anyone. At this point of time Tarun and I were totally broken at
all levels and in all areas of life.

The only success we had was Veer in our hands. Correctly said by our
ancestors that - Kids bring their own destinies and through that life of
parents also gets changed. We have seen the same change in our life.

After a year with a baby of 12 months, we came back to our unit, but this
time, we both were in the worst of our health, relationships and finances.
Tarun and I were undergoing physical and psychological issues. We both
were failure in all areas. Tarun was so much under depression that he was
doing insane things. He started forgetting things, he was low in energies, and
he started developing suicidal tendencies. The glimpse I have already
shared with you in the beginning itself.

I was trying to handle everything but I'm also a human. There is a limit to
your limit, and probably that day when Tarun literally forgot Veer in the
bathtub, my limit was over.

So that day after weeping for almost one hour, I came back to my senses
and realized whatever be the case, he himself is in a very messy situation.
For the first time he said such a big thing that he wants to end his life. The
moment I focused on this, I came to know that we both are in this situation
and it's time we need to come back. I called Tarun and like a typical wife I
threatened him to come back ASAP and lured him for the food. Food is the
weak point of Tarun. He cannot remain hungry, and I knew that he has not
eaten breakfast, so as expected he was back to home within five minutes.
We all three had lunch and thereafter when Veer slept, I spoke to Tarun.

I told him that whatever has happened today, it's an alarming situation for
both of us. He has been taking medicines for everything, be it his physical
issues or psychological issues, but nothing was helping. So, I told him to take
better medical advice or treatment. Once again, he was supposed to go for
a course within 20 days, so I requested him to go there all alone, take medical
advice, or whatever he could but be back the Tarun I knew.

Tarun left me and Veer at our home and went for the course all alone. He
planned to reach the course destination five days prior to the commencement
of the course in order to start with some treatment.

The moment he landed at that place, he started searching

for psychologists, psychiatrist sexologist, acupuncturist and all therapies
which claimed for relieving stress and depression. In the options, the nearest

Therapy Centre, which was shown by the Google was at 32 minutes of

distance and the therapy was known as Pranic Healing.

Generally, Tarun is skeptical and apprehensive about such things because

he has been learning and performing magic since his childhood. Recently he
learned and performed mentalism too. So, he used to say that these all
things are a game play of mind and some kind of placebo effect which is
being created by performers as illusion in front of the clients to win their trust.
I have myself seen him performing mentalism, so I don't question him when
he doubts because he knows the mind manipulating illusions. And about
therapies, he never ever like to even talk about them. He is a strong believer
of Vedanta philosophy and an avid reader of Swami Vivekananda, so I knew
he would be avoiding these therapies. But to my surprise, after a lot of
research on the very first day, he decided to go for Pranic Healing Center.

Reluctantly he gave a call on the contact number of Pranic Healing Centre.

After two rings he wished in his mind to hang up because somewhere his
skeptical mindset was pulling him back. But before he could have hung up,
phone call got connected and the voice from the other end said, “Hello,
Pranic healing center!” Tarun said, “Hello sir, actually, I read about your
center on Google so contacted you.” The other person said, “What is the
problem?” Tarun replied, “Sir, actually I am suffering from stress and anxiety
issues.” He said, “No issue, meet me once.” Tarun asked, “How much do
you charge?” He said, “Leave charges sir!” Tarun said forcefully. “Sir, I need
to know the price first, I don’t want to be in an embarrassing situation later
on.” To this he replied, “Sir, its only 500 rupees per session.” Tarun was
amazed after listening the price because a farmhouse pizza costs more than
that, and I know him when it comes to avail such offers, he just doesn’t let
them slip off. Since it was late evening so he had a quick bite and rushed off
to Pranic Healing Centre.

Google directed him to a clumsy society, which was a little weird. On a house
there was an old board written ‘Pranic Healing Centre’ on it. Tarun went
inside. It was a small room of approximately 10 feet by 10 feet. Towards left
there was a table, on to the right a three-seater sofa and in the center of the
room was a small plastic container with some water in it. After 10 minutes a
short heighted middle-aged man with long moustaches, rosy cheeks and
glowing skin arrived. He was fat as per the standards of Tarun, but within
civil standards it was an accepted healthy stature.

The man said, “I am XYZ. So, tell me your problems.” Tarun started within a
flash as if he was waiting to share his load with someone. From last few
months even, I haven't spoken to him, and this was the time when he could
have shared his thoughts. Through my experience with people I have
realized, if you even just listen to people empathetically, you can actually
give them a lot of peace. Haven't you realized in most of our conversations,
we wait for our chance to share, to boast, or to showcase our knowledge
about something. In this bargain, we actually lose out to the conversation
itself. Mostly the conversations are just urges to outburst, what is in your
head instead of listening to the other person. The same feeling has been
correctly portrayed by Mr. Paulo Coelho in his book ‘11 minutes’ when the
protagonist who was a sex worker, shares that most of her clients used to
come to her not for the sexual or physical gratifications but for the mental
satisfaction as she was a great empathetic listener.

Well, Tarun spoke about all his psychological issues, including his sexual
wellness. After listening to him XYZ sir closed his eyes and started waving
his hand in the air and said, “Oh, you have a right shoulder pain, which is
very acute.” Tarun felt as if he is caught red handed for something, because
he did not share his physical problems with him. He then started recollecting
that by chance, he would have shared it or not, but he was sure he didn't.
Then again XYZ sir said, “You also have an injury in your spine.” “To The
hell with you, man. How do you know?” Tarun shouted in his mind. Then
came to the third and the last bomb when XYZ sir said, “Right knee is also
having pain.” Tarun was not only surprised, but also bewildered because in
past few years, he has been following many mentalists but such a feat
neither heard nor seen. Tarun was already trying to comprehend all possible
methods behind such a mentalist trick but he was startled in between by XYZ
sir, “It will take a minimum of 12 to 15 sessions because your problem is
more than two years old. But you will be fine.” Tarun said, “Sir 12 to 15
session is too much. I don't have leverage of coming to you so many times.
I'm here for a professional course and once it starts, I will not have time to
come here. Also don't charge like pandits 100 rupees here 200 rupees there.
You take the whole amount at once and do whatever it takes.” To this he
replied very calmly, “Tarun ji first of all, Pranic Healing is a distance healing
modality. You need not to come to me. We can decide on to time and I will
send you healings. You just have to receive them. You need not to pay me
anything right now. Once you are completely healed then pay me afterwards
whatever you feel like.” Tarun was again shocked as well as impressed. For
the first time he came across a person who was more interested in the

wellbeing than the money of the client. In addition to this the facility of home
delivery of healing was mind blowing. What can be better than this for a
person who is on a professional course?

(Information - XYZ sir talked about the physical issues of Tarun by

doing energy scanning. It’s not a big thing to do. I have come across
many healers who don’t even do physical scanning, they do it mentally
with accuracy & precision. Anyone and everyone who has the will to
learn can do it. However, it needs practice and efforts. I have been
practicing it myself with success).

Tarun within no time accepted the offer and took his first session then and
there itself. During and after the process Tarun did not feel anything. After
returning back from there he immediately called me and shared his
experience with me. The excitement was audible in his voice because this
thing was something new for him. However, to be true at that point of time, I
was more worried for him because this whole scenario was sounding like
black magic to me. I clearly warned Tarun, “I don't know what you have come
across. But please be careful. Such people are very dangerous. I have seen
in my village people do such weird things. It's very risky affair. Please don't
fall prey to it.” But he said that he has already researched about it and he
could relate to it with concepts of Vedanta Philosophy. So, he started taking
sessions and within 10 to 15 sessions, he was out of his many problems.
The laughter in his talks, the clarity in his thoughts, and the energy in his
speech, was clearly telling me that he is improving. I was not able to
comprehend the mechanics at that point of time, but his improvement was
enough for me. Then he shared with me that he will be learning it as well.

The healing course was supposed to happen on Saturday and Sunday.

Because of Tarun’s professional course schedule, it was impossible for him
to attend it. But he requested XYZ sir to carry out the class of Saturday on
previous Sunday. So, he completed his Pranic Healing basic level course on
two Sundays. Under the divine plan he even attended the level two and level
three of Pranic Healing courses because the dates of the courses exactly
coincided with the dates of three days midterm break of Tarun’s professional
course. So, during the professional course, he also did all the three levels of
Pranic healing, and even started practicing everything which was taught to
him. He cured my pains, Veer’s fever and his own pains within a week. Then
he started scanning people to check his own accuracy. He also wrote a small
two paragraph note on the internal LAN blogging facility of his campus, to

which many of his colleagues responded and got scanning done for
themselves. To everyone's surprise, he was giving accurate diagnosis.

Whatever it was I was happy to see my Tarun getting back. I was now
desperately waiting to meet him and start our life altogether again. However,
I did not comprehend most of the things he used to share about Pranic
Healing with me, but I was just happy seeing him back to senses. Then after
completion of the course, when I met him, the first hug was itself enough to
make me cry. This warmth between both of us was lost, and I just melted in
his arms. I cannot forget the happiness I felt when all three of us were
giggling together.

Then Tarun wrote an article on Pranic Healing and forwarded on WhatsApp

to all. The response from that was unexpected. More than 100 people
approached and as per Tarun’s directions everyone got relief from their
physical and psychological problems. To very close ones Tarun himself
became a medium of healing for them. After witnessing all these responses
and success ratio, I was somewhere getting motivated to learn it myself. But
I needed a little push, and then Tarun cured his 17 years old eyesight issue.
Since our marriage, I have never seen him without spectacles, but he just
got over with them within three months. To everyone's surprise, he walks
without them today.

After all these success stories of Tarun I did the magical thing – I intended
to bring change in my life by learning Pranic Healing myself. Within no time
we contacted the organisation and we were surprised to know that a new
Pranic Healing centre was opened in our vicinity. Within a month I did all the
three basic courses and we both became Pranic Healers. I also became a
medium of healing for many near and dear ones. We both used to discuss,
study, experiment and experience the miraculous results of this energy
healing modality. Within no time we applied for its higher courses. We got
our reservations and booking done as those were planned in different cities.
I took the decision that I will become a professional healer and will pursue all
the courses within few days. Everything was set and it was like a dream
coming true because after doing all the courses, it was very easy for me to
become a professional Pranic Healer.

Just three weeks prior to the commencement of the courses COVID

happened and all our hopes got shattered once again. We both were again
feeling that life always tries to be harsh on us. Nothing comes easy for us in

our life. Our whole progress was again stopped because everything was
cancelled. My whole thought of becoming a healer just got away. Even
though we were at much peace with health, but still, there were other facets
of our life, which were required to be fixed and by attending these advanced
courses, we could have learned the various methods to heal them. But
everything got shattered. We thought that the only tool which was helping us
to elevate in our life is taken away from us.

But it’s correctly said if one door closes look around three will be opened.
The same happened with us. One day in the evening over a cup of coffee I
told Tarun, “This is the only thing in my life which gives me pleasure. Tarun,
I love giving healings. I just love giving healings to people. I wanted to go
ahead in my life with this. But now what? How would I learn Pranic Healing
more? How would I be able to do it? Is it the end? Once again, our progress
is stopped! I want to do it” Tarun replied, “I don’t know what’s in the future for
us. But now, we are not succumbing to anything. We will change our life no
matter what it takes. If you want to become a Healer just keep the intention.”
This was again an example of putting the intention into the environment. We
both were clear in putting the intention of what we want from our life that is –
‘To bring change in our life’.

Just two days after this conversation Tarun’s first boss's wife who is nothing
less than a mother to us, gave a call and shared some workshops pamphlets.
You know what, the CHANGE BEGAN.

Within few months, after toiling hard with the studies and managing house I
learned Tarot Card Reading, Numerology, Angelic rituals and became a
Reiki Grandmaster. It was very painful process because everything was new
and experimenting with them was also very different as well as difficult. But
by learning all these modalities, I was getting much clarity about many things
of life, energy modalities and spirituality. Also, during this time, Tarun was
attending various workshops from different teachers on energy as well as
spirituality. So basically, we both were still learning new things, even though
COVID stopped our plans of becoming a Pranic Healer. But probably, our
intentions were clear so life had no other option, then to help us.

After learning all these things, I started giving professional healings and
energetic support to many of the people who came to me and let me tell you
all of them got benefited. Within two years we both toiled hard on each and
every aspect of these energy modalities. We switched schools, learned &

collaborated principles, experimented with them and experienced success in

all spheres of our life as well as to the other people's life who took our help.

After all this, one fact got clear in our minds, that life can be simplified
by taking the help of these beautiful tools and Pranic Healing is not the
only tool. There are many modalities and they all work because they
are based on the mechanics of life.

We have been using these principles in our life, brought harmony in our life
and to whomsoever who came to us. We have even made a full life changing
concept model which is based on the underlying principles of spirituality
backed up by practicality. With the intention to introduce these aspects to
everyone I established ‘SANIDHYA’ A PLACE WHERE ANYONE CAN

Keeping practicality in mind and following these beautiful spiritual as well as

energy methods, anyone can bring change in his or her life, the only
requirement is - To Put The Intention For Bringing Change In Your Life.

Let me tell you, if you have put this intention, the life will conspire for your
highest good and greatest joy. It has helped me, it has helped many people
in the past, and it will definitely help anyone who wants to bring change in
his/her life. The whole point of sharing my own story was simply to let
everyone know that if the change can happen for me, it can happen even for

You know what is the basic ingredient for it!!! - DON’T YOU???

If you are reading it probably UNIVERSE, SOURCE, ANGELS, GOD, LIFE

or whatever you want to call it - WANTS YOU TO TAKE THIS STEP.

In the following pages I will be sharing the courses as well services for you
to have a look.


WHATSAPP NUMBER - +91 9002794420

Frequently Asked Questions To Tarun Along With His Answers

Ques No “Tujhe itni kam umar main stress ho raha? Tu fauji hai? Ajjeb hai yr!!! Not

Ans No “Main apko chand dikha raha hun, aap meri ungli tedi hai complain kar rahe
ho.” In the same age group, I am in, Sachin lead the Indian cricket team, Swami
Vivekananda finished his world enlightenment tour, Mahatma Gandhi was back to India
to fight for freedom, Alexander conquered half of the world etc. the examples are many
but the fact remains the same, that it’s never about the age. It’s always about the
experiences/opportunities life gives you. I was lucky enough to have one of them.

Ques No “Kya bakwas hai! How can somebody treat someone sitting at a distance?
I don’t trust it!”

Ans No Ignorance is no bliss! There are many things which are happening in the
Universe. Our awareness/unawareness has no effect on it. If you want to comment on
the taste of a pie, firstly eat it. Merely thinking about the pie will never give you the taste
of it. Experience it first & then criticize or comment. We trust Palmistry, Astrology, and
Numerology etc which has no scientific clarification. However, energy therapy is an age-
old concept well tested, verified & scientifically proven. There are many westerners at
present who are working on the same concept. To name a few: -

(a) Anodea Judith.

(b) Jeffrey Allen.
(c) Christie Marie Sheldon.

Ques No “What is your interest in it?”

Ans No I was in a state that I was getting the thoughts to end my life. But I was lucky
enough that I was introduced to such a thing which changed my life. It took me 5 sessions
within a month to come over my 2 years of stress & depression. I feel that the inability of
most the people to handle complex situations lead to these problems. Let’s discuss a
hypothetical situation wherein your mother speaks foul words to your wife, which are
totally illogical & unwarranted. But now your wife complains the same to you. In such a
situation neither you can console your wife because she is right at her place nor you can
talk to your mother because it will be of no use & if done this little incidence will transform
into a bigger issue, wherein probably your sister/brother/father might also get involved.
The result is that you keep listening to both the parties relieving their tensions, resulting
you totally stressed out & frustrated. Now whether you are sitting in a meeting or in office,
thoughts will keep coming back to you “what could have I done?”, “why it happened?”,
“Everything was normal yr unnecessarily issue create ho gaya?” and it will take at least a
week for you to get over with the hangover of this incidence (the above stated situation is
a hypothetical situation. Iska kisi bhi jivit ya mrut vyakti se koi lena dena nahi. Agar hota

hai toh isse mahaj ek sanjog kaha jayega). However, with energy healing modalities this
stress can be treated within a session of 30-45 mins.

Ques No “Will I be fine after using Energy Healing modalities?”

Ans No I don’t know the answer of this question. I have shared my experience
because I was benefitted by it. I don’t know what is your state, your spiritual growth, your
nature of problem. Nobody can predict the future. But there is no harm in giving it a try.
You never know it might be the solution you are seeking for.

Ques “Bhai agar yeah itni effective hai toh logon ko pata kyun nahi hai?”

Ans 1 Please don’t label your ignorance on everyone else. Do you know that ‘One
plus’ is a sub brand of ‘Oppo’ and both are Chinese companies? Pata toh shayad apko
yeah bhi nahi hoga, but this is a truth. There are thousands of things happening in this
cosmos whether you know it or not. Your acceptance, your approval for that matter not
even you don’t matter to it (Now, some people will definitely Google it and check its
authenticity. Maine pehle check karke hi dala hai sirji. Courtesy my first CO, out of many
things which he taught me was this, to check the information before uttering it. Whenever
I used to share adh kacha gyan he used to say this – “TP…p..p…ppp……(this is the
elongated sound of my name, which used to alarm me that maine phir kuch gadbad ki
hai) before uttering any information, check it first!!!!” {Thank you, sir, for correcting me
always, now I understand it’s worth}. There are thousands of Energy Healers in the
environment. Whenever there is a retreat, thousands of Energy Healers meet & greet.
Thousands of people have undergone / are undergoing / will undergo the treatment. If
you are ignorant, it doesn’t mean everyone else is! Yes, these modalities are not focused
on unnecessary propaganda & generation of money due to various karmic issues.

Ques “I don’t belive it. Yeah, sab bakwas hai. Subah sham running kar, daba ke
khana kha, kapal bhati kar…. Sab theek ho jata hai @#$$##$”

Ans Kash yeah sab karne se hi sab theek hojata. If physical fitness would have
solved all issues, then the actors / actresses who are embodiments of physical fitness
would never be under depression. Adolescents, who are lively by the virtue of nature,
would never commit suicide. Sir / madam you are lucky, I would say blessed, that you
haven’t undergone any psychological issues or you can battle them with these things.
You are strong enough. But everyone else isn’t. Sometimes people need external help.
Self-help might not be the ability, or I should say capability of every person. I myself have
undergone psychological issues and I know how it feels. As a sufferer you desperately
want to come out of it, but even strong will isn’t enough at some point of time. You need
external help.

Ques “TP tune faltu main hi itna sab kiya, aankhen toh gajar khane se, ghas par
chalne se & triphala khane se theek ho jatin!” (One of my course mates said it bluntly on
my face).

Ans My parents are Ayurvedic doctors, with an experience of more than 40

years. My father gave me all possible medicines for my eyes, which definitely worked.
But this modality just augmented it. Medication is for sure needed, it’s not an alteration it;
but it’s an augmentation to the medication.

Ques “You spoke of scanning & all that in your article. Can you do mine? Meri
scanning karke mujhe bata! Let me check how accurate you are?”

Ans Scanning is a procedure for the Energy Healers & not for the patient. Yes, I
can do, but doing diagnosis is strictly prohibited for healers. Waise bhi whenever I check
back after scanning, mostly people don’t accept it due to inner inhibitions. I told in my one
of the articles also – “Acceptance is the first step for cure”. In addition to that I don’t scan
for free, I charge for it. Your acceptance is my fee. I don’t need your approval for the
efficacy of my scanning; I have an internationally accepted certificate for being an Energy
Healer. Thank you for your concern.

Ques “Yeah toh ghanta nahi possible hai!!! All this is bull shit! Tell me how does
it work? I want to know the mechanism of it!”

Ans Since your childhood you have been using tube light to light up your home.
But do you know, how does it work? How does it give fluorescent white light & nothing
else? What is the mechanism of functioning of tube light? Why CFL is twisted & tube light
is straight? What is the full form of CFL? Why tube light gives more light in comparison to
a bulb, but still power consumption is less? What is the mechanism of your mobile? What
is the mechanism of your refrigerator? Itne saal inn sab gadgets ka bina mechanism jaane
istemal kar rahe ho na app!! Toh iss modality ka mechanism jaanke kya kadu main teer
maar lenge aap? Untill & unless you want to be a technician (in case of gadgets) or an
Energy Healer, there is no need of understanding its mechanism. If you are a sufferer,
take healings and become healthy. Don’t trouble yourself unnecessarily in learning THE
MECHANISM. (Bro……… just chillllll……...!!!!!!!!)

Ques “If this is a spiritual thing, then why do healers charge for it? They should
not charge for healings. They should do it for free!”

Ans First of all, it’s not a spiritual thing. The basic mechanism doesn’t work on
faith or belief which gives placebo effect. It works on the ancient science which is looked
with an eye of disbelief. Whenever any healer is healing someone, he/she is investing
his/her time & energy. Well! These are the two most precious things in this world. {If you
get the correct energy at the required time, you can create miracles. Isn’t it? Think
over it}. One should value this & pay for it. Waise bhi muft ka chandan, nandan hi gheesta
hai. Aur koi toh haath bhi nahi lagata!! Correctly said by one of my juniors, who has
worked with foreign firms in the past – “Sir, the biggest difference between foreigners &
Indians is that; foreigners value your time. I worked with some foreign firms as a freelancer
but still they used to pay me heavily mentioning that it’s for your precious time”. I would
also request you to please search for such healing sessions outside India, I swear you
will get this feeling “Sahi Desh main janam liya bosss!!!!”

Ques “Main nahi kar sakta yeah sab! BABA BUBAON ke yahan jao, matha teko,
unke bhakt bano. I don’t believe in Godmen. Tu kar sakta hoga in sab andhwishon main
wishwas main nahinkar sakta!!!”
Ans First things first, please read my article part 1, wherein I have shared how
badly I hate Godmen and their disciples. Secondly, whenever you visit a Dermat or a
Surgeon, do you do all this? Kya aap matha tekne lagten hain unki clinic main guste hi?
Ya disprin / medicine khate hi MAULA MERE MAULA …... karte hue unke bhakti geet
HERE? I told you, they are healing modalities based on ancient science. Take healings,
cure yourself & live happily. That’s it! Most of the time people don’t even come in physical
contact of their healers. It’s all done via distant healings.
Ques “Is it an alternate to medication?”
Ans No, a big NO!! Energy Healing is not intended to replace any medication,
but rather to complement it. Energy Healers are not medical doctors, but medical doctors
can be Energy Healers. Energy Healers neither make medical diagnosis nor prescribe
medication / medical treatment. They also do not interfere with prescribed medication or
Ques “Can I also learn? Please teach me!”
Ans If you have the willingness & correct aptitude, you can definitely learn it. But
learning isn’t enough, practicing matters.
Ques “If someone can heal with this modality, so definitely one can use it for wrong also!
Isn’t it?”
Ans Yes, you are absolutely correct. A knife can cut vegetables and murder someone
as well. Actually, there is nothing right or wrong, good or bad. You take out good, bad
remains; take out bad, good remains. The same nuclear explosion can give you electricity
or explosion.
Ques “I understand everything but I can’t make out the science. Please give me
at least a glance of it!”
Ans Is there a cure for virus till date? The answer is NO. But still whenever you are
attacked by viral fever, your body fights it back & you are back to normal after 5-7 days.
Even though medical science doesn’t have medication for fighting virus, but still your body
recovers after a certain period of time. How is it possible? As Sadguru says I quote “This
human body is the most sophisticated & magnificent tool. It has enormous capabilities
with no limitations” unquote. Contemporary science is still researching to fight virus, but
your body does it every time you are infected by it. Basically, our bodies have the
capability to recover itself, the Principle of Self Recovery. As we all know whenever we
are sick, we feel lethargic & weak because our body utilizes all energy to fight back the
ailment. So, if we can provide external energy facilitating the process of self-recovery,

your body will recover faster. With medication you facilitate the chemical process,
however with Energy Healing you facilitate with “Prana” the energy itself. Basically, it acts
as a catalyst. So actually, Energy Healer is just a facilitator, the actual healing is done by
your body itself. (Ab yeah mat boliyega, jab main khud hi heal ho raha hun to phir kyun
paise dun healer ko. He / she is still facilitating your energy deficit, with the external
energy. Foreingners wala example fir dun kya?).



The self-implementing programs from Sanidhya have been designed in

such a manner that anyone & everyone can attend them from the comfort

at their homes & as per their own time schedule. The complex and really

intricate concepts have been eased down for better understanding and

easy retention. The most amazing part is that no course needs any follow

up, they are complete and thorough in themselves. The content has been

meticulously structured for beginners but their effects in life will be very

powerful. Because the effect of energies does not depend on the

experience of the user. It only depends on the Intention of the user. If you

really want to bring CHANGE in your LIFE, you are at the correct place.












The self-implementing program is an amalgamation of all four

aspects of life with the binding ingredient as Spirituality. Life is
pretty easy if we apply the simple rules which govern it. The rules
as well as well tested techniques are shared in detail within this
course. The biggest beauty of this self-implementing program is
that spiritual as well as practical aspects are covered
simultaneously. Each part is explained in depth with life changing
tools, techniques, visualizations, meditations & many more such
activities. It shares practical as well as spiritual aspects – all at one
place. In crystal section crystals for each area of life will be shared
– no need to undergo crystal therapy. Therapeutic Bathing Salt
Formula will also be shared in the course which itself is a stress
reliever as well as an energy enhancer. It’s a well experimented &
well formulated structured plan for bringing change in all areas of
life. Identify your own blockages & clear them with the techniques.
Learn about our 12-chakra system from energy anatomy. Learn a
very powerful 5-dimensional 12 chakra meditation and raise your
energy levels to 5 dimensions. Such an amalgamation is not
available anywhere. One year access to videos. Watch them in
your own time from the comfort of your home. Become a Part of
SANIDHYA & can avail further off on our services. Life time
guidance from our team. 03 Days money back guarantee






Dragons are energy beings from angelic realm. They are

on different wavelengths from the angels but they work
together for the highest good of mankind. In layman’s
language or from a practical point of view; they are passive
energy source which when connected to can materialize in
physical world. The best part about them is that there are
different Dragons for different tasks – something like that
they are specialized in tasks. Like all beings of the angelic
realms, they will help you for your highest good only when
asked for! Dragons can reach places where even Angels’
cant ! In this self-implementing program, we are going to
educate you about different types of the Dragons –
elemental, mixed element & special. Visualization for
Energizing upcoming day with Dragons. Powerful healing
4 body system visualization. Healing relationships with
Special Dragons. Oracle Card Reading for guidance. A
very powerful and effective 5D meditation with
Dragons. 03 Days money back guarantee






Reiki is popularly known as a very powerful hands-on energy

healing modality but it’s much more than that which can only be
understood when you practice it and learn it from a learned
master. Rei - means Universe & Ki – means energy, basically it’s
a modality wherein with the help of Reiki we can bring changes in
our life. We came across many Reiki healers who either stopped
using it or didn’t trust it completely because of poor knowledge of
the system. Here in Sanidhya we have designed the curriculum in
such a manner that any person can have deep knowledge about it
and can create their own life the way they want it. In this workshop
we give you all the required knowledge of the Reiki Level 1 as well
as Reiki Level 2 which is enough to create miracles. Also, we teach
you a method wherein you can take Oracle Guidance from Reiki
guidance cards. A very powerful Child processing ritual is also
being taught which itself can eradicate most of the issues from
any one's life. In addition to that you get Online Distance
attunement to Reiki Level 1 & 2 simultaneously within first 7 days
after you apply for it, which means that you become a Reiki
channel who gets the ability to heal any person, animal or situation
in past, present and future from distance. Such an amalgamation
is not available anywhere. Also, you get Life time access to videos.
You can attend the course in your own time from the comfort of
your home, no need to go anywhere without time limitations. Also,
you become a part of Sanidhya & can avail further off on our
services. Life time guidance from our team and 03 Days money
back guarantee.






NOTE: - All services are available with
“Distant - No Touch” therapy which means
that neither there is any need of physical
contact nor meeting in person. Also, there
are no side effects of energy healings. They
will always work for your highest good.


Physical body is surrounded by an energy body, generally called as an Aura. If our

energies are balanced & working harmoniously, our physical body will be healthy.

However, any increase or deficit in energy body results in physical ailments. These

energy disturbances once corrected results in eradication of physical ailments. There is

a holistic point of view also involved with our ailments or illness. Actually, our body is

perfect machinery. Any problem in the machinery is shown immediately. Frequent

pains, being unwell regularly, constant unreasonable unhappiness, depression etc are

some of the signs. So, when we are looking at illnesses there could be underlying

causative issues linked. The best part about energy healings is that it works holistically.

All the holistic issues also get resolved when someone takes such healings.

WhatsApp us on +91 9002794420



Stress, anxiety, trauma, suicidal tendencies, irritability, grief, hysteria, phobias,

obsession, addiction, paranoid behavior etc are all different kinds of psychic energies,

which once enter energy body, are difficult to be taken out without external support.

However, by using various methods available in energy modalities these can be easily

taken out resulting in healthy energy body subsequently healthy physical body.

WhatsApp us on +91 9002794420



Like humans animals also have energy
bodies. Discomfort in their energy bodies
results in illness. Same way like humans if
the disturbance in their energy bodies is
cleared it can result in their wellbeing.
Whether it’s a bird, reptile, fish, insect or a
mammal, healing can be done for everyone
WhatsApp us on +91 9002794420

Due to various reasons / circumstances certain thought patterns & beliefs get stuck in

the minds of people. Such stagnant thoughts result in disharmonious relations &

discomfort in our lives. But with the process of Psychic Surgery such stagnant thoughts

can easily & safely be transmuted to good thoughts resulting in harmonious relations &

better life.

WhatsApp us on +91 9002794420



Angels are loving energy beings which are
available to humans for helping them for the
highest good. But everyone might not be
able to connect with them. Hence there are
various rituals which can be done on behalf
of other person in order to get desired
results in their lives.
WhatsApp us on +91 9002794420


Sometimes due to various reasons energy at house/office/property gets infected. You

might notice at certain places you will feel lethargic or burdened without any reason.

This is because of presence of negative energy in that area. With a procedure of 21

days cleansing of any area the energy can be transmuted & raised to higher vibrations

for better results. Feng Sui, Vaastu, aroma therapy etc work on the same principle ie

making area conducive for higher frequency of energy.

WhatsApp us on +91 9002794420



Whatever you do for others, comes back to you multiple fold

Whether you call it Karma or reaction of your actions

With this simple intention I hereby lend my hand


WhatsApp number - +91 9002794420

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