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1. Name the gas in each of the following:
(i) The gas evolved on reaction of Aluminium with boiling concentrated caustic alkali
(ii) A gas which turns acidified potassium dichromate clear green.
(iii) The gas produced on reaction of dilute sulphuric acid with a metallic sulphide.
(iv) A zinc granule is added to copper sulphate solution.
(iv) Zinc nitrate crystals are strongly heated.
(v) Zinc sulphide and Dilute sulphuric acid.
2. State one chemical test between each of the following pairs:
(i) Sodium carbonate and Sodium sulphite
(ii) Ferrous nitrate and Lead nitrate
(iii) Manganese dioxide and Copper(II) oxide.
3.Identify the anion present in the following compounds:
(i) Compound X on heating with copper turnings and concentrated sulphuric acid
liberates a reddish-brown gas.
(ii) When a solution of compound Y is treated with silver nitrate solution a white
precipitate is obtained which is soluble in excess of ammonium hydroxide
(iii) Compound Z which on reacting with dilute sulphuric acid liberates a gas
which turns lime water milky, but the gas has no effect on acidified potassium
dichromate solution.
(iv) Compound L on reacting with Barium chloride solution gives a white
precipitate insoluble in dilute hydrochloric acid or dilute nitric acid.
4. State one appropriate observation for each of the following:
(i) Concentrated sulphuric acid is added drop wise to a crystal of hydrated copper
(ii) Copper sulphide is treated with dilute hydrochloric acid.
(iii) A few drops of dilute hydrochloric acid are added to silver nitrate solution, followed
by addition of ammonium hydroxide solution.
5. Give a chemical test to distinguish between the following pairs of compounds:
(i) Sodium chloride solution and sodium nitrate solution.
(ii) Hydrogen chloride gas and hydrogen sulphide gas.
(iii) calcium chloride and potassium chloride.
6. Name a salt which is green in colour and insoluble in water and on thermal
decomposition evolves a colourless, odourless gas which when passed through lime water
turns it milky but has no effect on acidified K2Cr2O7 solution.
7. Name a salt which on thermal decomposition gives a yellow residue when hot and white
when cold along with evolution of a gas which has an odour of burning sulphur. The gas
decolourises alkaline KMnO4 solution when passed through it.
8. Name a salt which when heated with an alkali liberates a pungent smelling gas. Write the
test for the gas evolved.
9. Distinguish between CO2 and SO2 gas.
10. Distinguish between Cl2 and NO2 gas.

(General applicatory questions)
1) Derive the chemical formulae for the following compounds:
a) Magnesium nitride
b) Ammonium phosphate.
2) Element A and B have atomic number 18 and 16 respectively. Which of these two would
be more reactive and why?
3) Two atoms X and Y have following composition:

element proton neutron

X 17 18
Y 17 20

a) What are the mass numbers of X and Y?

b) What is the relation between the two species? Give reason for your answer.
4) Write the important conclusions of Rutherford’s gold foil scattering experiment.
5) The average atomic mass of copper is 63.5u. It exists as two isotopes which are 6329Cu
and 6529Cu. calculate the percentage of each isotope present in it.
Answer the following:
6) Isotopes have similar chemical properties. Why?
7) Which radio isotope is used for the treatment of cancer and goitre?
8) An element X has 16 neutrons and mass number is 32. Find its atomic number and its
9) A solution contains 30g of glucose and 20g of sugar in 500ml of water. Calculate the
mass percent of glucose and sugar in the solution.
10) Solubility of potassium nitrate at 313K is 62g. What mas of potassium nitrate would
be needed to produce a saturated solution of potassium nitrate in 50g of water at
11) The temperature doesn’t rise at the melting point of ice even though heat energy is
supplied. Why?
12) Why does water become cold when ice cubes are added to it?
13) Why do we spread out wet clothes while drying?
14) Liquids generally have lower density as compared to solids. But ice floats on water,
15) What is the physical state of water at: 250oC and 100oC?
16) Which causes severe burns – steam at 100oC or water at 100oC. Give reason.
17) Why does our palm feel cold, when acetone is placed on the palm?
18) We prefer cotton clothes during summer. Why?
19) Calculate the formula unit mass of the following:
a) Quick lime
b) Slaked lime/lime water
c) Limestone
d) Caustic soda
e) Baking powder
f) Washing soda.
20) The atomic number of three elements A, B, & C are 9, 10 and 13 respectively. Which
of them will form a cation?
21) An element A has valency +3, while another element B has a valency -2. Give the
formula of their compound formed when A reacts with B?
22) Write the cations and anions present, if any, in the following compounds:
23) CH3COONa b) NaCl c) H2 d) NH4NO3
24) An element X has a valency of +3, write its phosphide and carbonate formula.
25) Which of the following will have similar chemical properties:
26) A (Z=9) b) B(Z=12) c) C (Z=20) d) D (Z=17) e) E (Z=19) f) F (Z=3)
27) The average atomic mass of a sample of an element X is 16.2u. What is the
percentage of isotopes168X and 188X in the sample?
28) In the atom of an element Z, 5 electrons are present in the outermost shell. Write the
formula of the compound when Z reacts with sodium atom.
29) An element X has 8 protons and 10 neutrons :
(i) Write its atomic number.
(ii) Write its atomic mass.
(iii) How many valence electrons it has?
(iv) What is its valency?
(v) Is X a metal or non-metal, why?
30) Give reason:
(i) Both helium and magnesium have two electrons in their valence shell but
magnesium has a valency of two whereas helium does not.
(ii) Isotopes have similar chemical properties.
31) An ion M3- contains 18 electrons and 16 neutrons:
(i) What is the atomic number and mass number of the element?
(ii) Name the element and write its valency.
(iii) Predict the nature of the element with reason.
(iv) Write the formula of the compound formed when M reacts with calcium.
(v) What type of bonding is involved in the above compound? Give reason.
32) Why water is able to dissolve almost everything in it?
33) Methane and water both are covalent compound, but water is polar whereas methane
is not. Why?
34) Why water has exceptionally high boiling point?
35) Why does distilled water not conduct electricity, whereas rainwater does?
36) A metal compound X which is a black oxide, when reacts with HCl turns to bluish
green compound Y. Identify X and Y and write the chemical equation.
37) Compare the atomic radius of O and O2- . Justify your answer.
38) Answer the following:
39) X3+ has four times the electrons in its 2nd shell as there are in its 1st shell. It has 14
(i) What is the atomic number and mass number of element X?
(ii) Locate the position of element X in modern periodic table.
(iii) Write the formula of its oxide and predict its nature. What are they known as?
40) An element X( atomic number=17) reacts with an element Y( atomic number=4) to
form trivalent halide:
(i) Locate the positon of element X and Y in modern periodic table.
(ii) Predict the nature of X and Y with reason.
(iii) State the number of valence electrons and valency of both elements X and Y.
(iv) Draw the electron dot structure of the trivalent halide.

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