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When I was linked to your School’s website, I discovered that this is an

opportunity for me to discover nature and express the latent skills and talents
in me, considering the conducive environment in which I am to study.
Raised up in a religious home and matured with words of God from
childhood, this made me to believe that regardless the race or tribe, we must
work together as a team to promote unity and harmony which I believe is
what I will experience during my program at the school.
I started my career in medicine right from our home, even since my
childhood, being the only male child of my parent, I was taught of how to take
good care and keep my parents’ medical needs at reach.
At age twelve, staying in my father’s house in Osogbo, I played a
Chemist, I like helping my mother in her medicine and provision shop, even
then I felt it was my duty to take care of her customers and attend to them to
achieve their satisfactions, this gave me the opportunity to develop both a
great sensitivity towards people and everlasting interest in medicine.
When I got admitted to study Nursing at the Nigerian Premier
University - The University of Ibadan, I was so happy knowing fully well that
the sky is the limit in my chosen career.,
My joy was short-lived because two years later, when my dad who was
responsible for my school expenses died, barely eleven months after, my mum
passed on too, and there is nobody to continue from where they stopped, I
found that I would be unable to continue my study if something is not done
quickly. I had no choice but to enter the work force on part-time basis. I was
able to find a job in a private hospital as a nursing assistant where I gained
more experience in my chosen career.
I believe this MD program will give me necessary experience and
exposure in my chosen career, I intend to use such experience gained to
improve the lives of the masses on getting home. It is necessary that I complete
a period of training at the St, Matthew’s University to have a world class
medical experience and exposure.
It would also give me opportunity to have practical knowledge and
experience on how best to do things in the medical industry and give me
insights into how to contribute positively to the growth of the industry in my
During the study program, I hope to accomplish the following as splited
(a) During the initial introduction to the school, I hope to learn the
relationship that exists between the students and lecturers, how these
human relations contribute positively to the growth of the school
compare to my country’s, and I will like to be interacting with both
academics and non-academics staffs of the school, ask questions and
becoming friendly with them.
(b) During the academic period, I hope to use this period to conduct research
pertaining to the Medicine. The day-to-day activities of the school will be
used to form hypothesis in conjunction with the available data. The
experience I had back home will enable me to compare the performances
with what we have in my country. This time tagged “observation period”
will serve as a veritable vehicle for improvement of my knowledge of the
medical field.
(c) This training will also give me opportunity to have first hand experience
and learn new skills from others. I hope to be versatile and learn all I
could in every capacity that beckoned on me.
(d) And finally during training seminars, attendance at conferences and/or
research work (if any), I hope to use this period as an avenue to rub
minds with intellectuals and exchange views on what the industry is all
about and propound ways of making improvement in the Medicine.

I am sure, I will be a great asset to the St. Matthew University during

my study period; hope to meet some intellectuals among the students as well.

Signed; Adesoye Edmund Oladejo

30 th January , 20 19.

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