Non-profi making organization格式

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Easton Sports Club

Restaurant Account for the year ended 31 December 2013

£ £

Sales 18,200
Less : Cost of good sold
Opening stock 560
Add : Purchases (10400-1240+800) 9,960
Less : Closing stock 1,080 9,440
Less : Restaurant staff wages 8,000
Restaurant profit 760

Easton Sports Club

Income & Expenditure Account for the year ended 31 December 2013
£ £
Restaurant profit 760
Subscriptions 116,760
Less : Expenditure
Wages and salaries (72200-8000) 64,200
Insurance 7,300
Lighting and heating 2,860
General expenses 16,200
Bad debts 280
Provision for depreciation :
Office equipment 16,680 107,520
Surplus of income over expenditure 10,000

Subscriptions account
£ £
Bal.b/d 4,420 Bal.b/d 500
Income & expenditure a/c 116,760 Bank 117,380
Bal.c/d 600 Bad debts 280
Bal.c/d 3,620
121,780 121,780
Hessle Social Club
Restaurant Account for the year ended 31 August 2013
Cost NBV
Fixed Assets £ £ £
Office equipment 61,500 33,150 28,350
Fixtures and fittings 170,000 142,500 27,500
231,500 175,650 55,850
Current Assets
Stock 26,000
Subscriptions in arrears 3,000
Prepaid expenses - telephone 2,000
Bank 79,990
Cash 250
Less : Current Liabilities
Subscriptions in advance 2,400
Rent and rates accrued 1,860 4,260 106,980

Financed by
Accumulated fund 96,620
Add : Surplus of income over expenditure 66,210

Receipts and Payments

£ £
Bal.b/d 8,420 Purchases of refreshments 10,400
Sales of refreshments 18,200 Wages and salaries 72,200
Subscriptions(4140+112640+600) 117,380 Insurance 7,300
Donations 2,000 Light and heat 2,860
General expenses 16,200
New equipment 36,200
Bal.c/d 840
146,000 146,000

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