English VI

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Annual Exam 2022-23

Class VI
Time: 3 Hours M.M: 80
Subject: English

1. Read the passage given below and answer the question that follows:
Mohan was farmer. He had an only Son one day he was coming from his
fields. He saw a snake on the way. He brought it home. He gave it some milk
to drink. His son was playing near the snake. It tried to bite him. Mohan saw it
and killed the snake with a stick.
1. Who was farmer?
A. Sohan B. Mohan C. Snake D. Rajesh
2. Where was Mohan Coming from?
A. Market B. Village C. Fields D. School
3. What did he give the snake to drink?
A. Water B. Poison C. Milk D. Soup
4. Who killed the Snake?
A. Rajesh B. Radha C. Shyam D. Mohan
5. What did mohan see on the way?
A. Snake B. Book C. Pen D. Mobile
6. Write opposite word from passage?
A. Daughter …………. B. Saved …………
7. Write plural from passage
A. Field……….. B. Milk ……………
8. Write one word from passage
A person who plough farm . F………….
2. Read the paragraph and answer the question Given Below
Sandarya silently went to his neighbours. He told them that there was a
thief. Many people gathered there. They thought that they would catch the
thief and take him to police station. They dicided to open the door.
1. Who went to the neighbours?
A. Shourya B. Radhika C. Sandarya D. Rakesh
2. Whom Would they Catch?
A. Carpentor B. Shop Keeper C.Driver D. Thief
3. Write opposite word from passage?
A. Close……….. B. Give ……….. C. Loudly……….
4. Where would they take the thief?
A. Home B.Police Station C. School D. Market
5. Write plural of neighbour?...............
6. Complete the word.
A. P…lice Sta….ion B. D…..or C.Thi……F
Section B Writing and Grammer
3. Underline the “Subjects” in the following sentences.
i. Mehu combs her hair.
ii. I am singing a song
iii. He sweeps the floor.
iv. Raj has written a poem
v. They are watching T.V.
4. Fill in the blanks with missing letters:
A. E………ch B.M……….ny C. Wo……k
5. Match the opposite gender
A. King A. Mare
B. Man B. Queen
C. Horse C. Woman
6. Match the same sound word
A. Jeep Day
B. Say Keep
7. Write plural of the following words
A. Big B.Hot C. In D. Shut
8. Write any three names of any game.
…………… ……………… …………….
9. Write any application to your principal for two days leave for urgent work.
Write an application to your principal to issue you your transfer certifecate.
10. Write an paragraph an “My School”? (100 words)
Write a paragraph an “My best teacher”? (100 words)

Section C (Literature Reading)

11. Read the passage given below from text and answer the questions that
follows (1x5)
Annual Exam 2022-23
Class VI
Time: 3 Hours M.M: 80
Subject: English

“Patrick never did homework.”Too boaring” he said. He played hockey and

basketball and basketball and nintendo instead. His teachers told him, Patric I
do your homework or you wan’t learn a thing/” and it’s true sometimes he did
feet like an ignramus. But what could he do? Hated homework.
1. Who never did homework?
A. A Boy B. Patrick C. Mohan D. Radha
2. What games are played by patrick?
A. Hockey B. Cricket C.Football D.Kho Kho
3. Patrick teacher told him?
A. ‘Do your homework’
B. ‘Too boaring’
C. Where are you going?
D. Sit down
4. Opposite of false is
A. True B. Wrong C. Never D. Play
5. One word ‘A person who teachers student is called.’
A. Carpenter B. Merchant C. Teacher D. Doctor
12. Read the pass. Extract from the poem and answer these question.
What is a house?
It’s bricks and stone
And wood that’s hard
Some window glass
And perheps a yard
It’s eaves and chimneys
And tile floors
And stucco and roof
And lots of doors.
Fill in the blanks
A. Some………………….Glass
B. It’s bricks and ………….
C. Opposite og floors b
a. Roof b.Yard c.Sky d. Sea
D. Complete missing letters
a. Do…..rs
b. Ho….e
E. Brick and stone are used to made?
a. House b. road c. factory d. gate
13. Write ansewer of following question (30 Words) any three (3x3)
a. What happened to the crow in the end?
b. How does the hump of the camel help them to survive when there is no
c. Why was rasheed upset?
d. “God lives in the heart of the Panck” the aunt said. What did she mean?
14. Write true or false againest each of the following statements
a. Peter is only child b. Nasir lives in the city
b. c.Radha’s mother enjoys doing things with her
15. Where was Kalpana Chawala born?
16. Why did the emperor Reward taro?
17. Why did the dog feel the need for a master?
18. Match the sentence under 1 with those under II
a. Jumman and algu were the best of friends
b. Jumman’s aunt transferred her property to him.
c. The aunt decided to appeal to the panchayat
d. Algu was unwilling to support the aunt
e. Humman was very happy to hear algu’s name as head panch.
a. He believed that his friend would never go againest him.
b. She wanted justice.
c. In the absence of one, the other took care of his family.
d. The condition was that he would be responsible for her welfare.
e. The bond of friendship between him and humman was very strong.

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