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Tell me about yourself.

Why are you interested in working for this company?

Tell me about your education.

Why have you chosen this particular field?

for logistics, I find that this field fascinates me, it is not a routine, boring field

and for the pharmaceutical field, I chose it because it is the most important for research and
development and it is too organized and regulated.

Describe your best/worst boss.

In a job, what interests you most/least?

la plus importante chose qui m'interesse dans le milieux de travail est le respect dans le et la moidre des
choses la démotivation

the most important thing that interests me in the workplace is respect, and the least of things is

What is your major weakness?

I am too serious a person; and too hardworking, and this can affect my health

i began my career as much as

I present to you some questions that arise during the job interview:

1-Introduce yourself!

My name is '......' I am (age) I am from (origin/city) I have a diploma in .... and in parallel I am continuing
my studies in ... at .. ...

I have already had internships and I would like to join your team as (position).

2-Why did you choose this job?

On the one hand (the subjective side), I find that this job fascinates me and it corresponds to my
personality and my qualities, because I like to do a job that requires the spirit of analysis, concentration
and communication. On the other hand (the objective side) I find that (position) is a function and an
indesponsible tool for the management and growth of (company by Ex).

3-Why did you choose our company?

-Because your company has a good reputation in the sector (commercial tourist banking...) Thus the
profile you are looking for in your ad corresponds to mine. So I find that it is in your company where I can
invest my skills.

4-Have you ever had internships?

Yes, I did internships in the company (name of companies)

5-What did you learn during these internships?

On the technical level, I saw how to record the VAT...(just ex) I was also responsible for ....

On the relational level, I acquired a lot of skills such as group work, punctuality and behavior with
superiors. Thanks to this internship, I was able to acquire both knowledge (knowledge) and know-how
(the practical skills) and life skills (personality and behavior).

6-What are your qualities and your faults?

-Concerning my qualities, I find that I am motivated and I have the sense of analysis and communication.
For my faults I believe that I am too organized, a little stubborn, perfectionist.

7-Do you prefer to work alone or in a group?

In a group because the company is an organization so each element completes the other. But I also
prefer alone especially to do the tasks that require analysis and concentration...

8-In case of misunderstanding with your superior, how will you react?

I will listen to him explain my point of view to him in a friendly way and in any case I must respect his
vision because it is liu who makes the decisions. And if by Ex I made a mistake I will of course excuse.

9-In the event of a disagreement with a client, how will you react?

I will listen to him, explain the situation to him in a friendly way and I will try to find an arrangement.
And if a client exceeds the limits, I will keep my silence and contact my superior.

10-Are you ready to move?

if yes: yes, I am ready to move and I find that this move will enrich my experience and this for the
interest of the company.

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