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Sheet mid CH.


Chapter 4

Boring depth for shallow foundation :

Subsurface condition m Ft
Poor 0.7
6S +D 0.7
20 S + D
Avg 5 S0.7 + D 15 S0.7 + D
Good 3 S0.7 + D 10 S0.7 + D

Minimum boring depth due to American socity of civil engineering :

D = D1 at Δσ = 0.1q

D = D2 at Δσ/σ.= 0.05

If width of building equal to 30 m the minimum boring depth :

No of story Boring depth ( m ) 1 ton/ ft 2= 107.251 kpa

1 3.5
2 6 1ft = 3.28 m
3 10
I ft = 12 in
4 16
5 24 1 ton = 907.2 kg

γ w = 62.4 lb/ft3 = 1 g/cm3 = 9.81 KN/m 3

To determine boring depth for hospitals and office :

Db = 3 S0.7 ( for light steel or narrow concrete building )

Db = 6 S0.7 ( for heavy steel or wide concrete building ) in meters

Db = 20 S0.7 ( for heavy steel or wide concrete building ) in feet

Boring spacing :

Type of project Spacing ( m)

Multistory 10 - 30
One story industrial 20 – 60
highways 250 - 500
Residential 250 – 500
Dams and dikes 40 – 80

Σ Length of intact pieces of core

Recovery ratio =
Length of core
Sheet mid CH. (2,4,5,6)

RQD = Σ Length of intact ≥ 10.16 cm∨¿ ¿

RQD Rock mass quality

<25 Very poor
25 – 50 Poor
50 – 75 Fair
75- 90 Good
99 -100 Excellent

Volume of soil displaced :

2 2
V d = ( π D . – π Di )
4 4

Area ratio :

Volume of soil displaced D.2 −Di2

Ar = =
Volume of collected soil Di

Recovery ratio ( Lr ¿:

actual length
Lr = Lr = 1 ; side friction equal to zero

> 1 ; expansion

< 1 ; side friction and compressing

< 0.5 ; NOT good sample

SPT corrections :

Correction of Test Data : Correction for overburden pressure :

N 60=
Em C
¿= N 60 .
√ 2000 ib /ft 3
σz √
= N 60 .
100 kpa
≤ 2 N 60

Correction with Relative Density :

Dr = √ ¿ ¿ ¿ .100% C p= 60 + 25 log ( D50 ¿ D50 : where grain size 50% finer (mm)

C A= 1.2 + 0.05 log ( t / 100) C A : aging correction factor

C OCR= (OCR ¿ ¿ 0.18

Sheet mid CH. (2,4,5,6)

SPT information :

country Hammer type Release mechansim Em

Argentine Donut cathead 0.45
Brazil Pin wt Hand dropped 0.72
China Auto Trip 0.6
Donut Hand dropped 0.55
Donut Cat-head 0.5
Colombia donut Cat-head 0.5
Japan Donut Tombi trigger 0.78-0.85
Donut Cat-head +sp.release 0.65-0.67
UK auto trip 0.73
US Safty 2-turns on cat-head 0.55-0.6
donut 2-turns on cat-head 0.45
Venezuela donut Cat-head 0.43
SPT factors :

Correction factor Equipment variables Value

CB 65-115mm(2.5-4.5in) 1
150mm(6in) 1.05
200mm(8in) 1.15
CS Standard sampler 1
Sampler without liner 1.2
Not recommended
CR 3-4m(10-13ft) 0.75
4-6m(13-20ft) 0.85
6-10m(20-30ft) 0.95
>10m(>30ft) 1

Relative Density for granular soil :

Sheet mid CH. (2,4,5,6)

N 60 . (0.23+ )
Dr = D50 98 X100%
( .( ))
9 σZ

SPT N 60 Consistancy Unconfined compression

KN/m 2 Ib/ ft 2
0 very soft 0 0
2 25 500
4 50 1000
8 stiff 100 2000
16 200 4000
Very stiff
32 400 8000
>32 >400 >8000
Correction with shear strength :

1. Schmertmann:
−1 N 60
tan ( )
Ø= σ pa : =14.7 ib/¿2 = 2115ib/ ft 2= 1 ton/ ft 2
12.2+ 20.3 z ΄

2. Hatanaka and Uchide :

Ø =√ 20( N 1)60+ 20

Friction ratio :

Rf= * 100%

Corrected CPT Parameters:

q t = q c+ u2 (1 – a) where : q t : corrected cone resistance

a : net area ratio ( 0.7 – 0.85 )

Normalized CPT Parameters:

qt −σ z . pa n fs u2−u. Δu
Qtn= ( ) (σ ΄ ¿¿ F r=( ¿100% Bq = =
pa z. qt −σ z.
qt −σ z . qt −σ z.
Sheet mid CH. (2,4,5,6)

Lb/2000tsf σ ΄ z . =¿ σ z . Q= (qt-σ z . )/ σ ΄ z .
Where : : Q tn: normalized cone resistance

F r : normalized friction ratio

Bq : Pore pressure ratio

σ z •: vertical total stress before cone penetration

σ ΄ z • :vertical effective stress before cone penetration

u• . : equilibrium water pressure

∆u: excess penetration pore pressure

Pa = atmospheric pressure (100 kPa or 1 tsf)

n = stress exponent

Correlation with Soil Behavior Type:

2 2 0.5
σ ΄z .
Ic = [(3.47−log Qtn ) +(log F r +1.22) ] n = 0.381 I c+ 0.05 ( ¿ - 0.15 ≤ 1.0

Correction should be applied to the sleeve friction :

f t= f s- (u2 A sb - u3 A st )/ A s where : f s: measured sleeve friction A s : surface area u2: water pressure at sleeve
u3: water pressure at top of sleeve A sb: area sleeve of base A st: top sleeve area

Correction between q cand ø

Kulhaway and mayne :
° 0.121
ø (deg) =29.5 Bq [ 0.256 + 0.336 Bq + log Q tn]

1 qc
tan ø ΄= [ log ( ) +0.29 ]
2.68 σ ΄z •

ø = tan−1[ 0.1 + 0.38 log ( )]
σ ΄z •

ø =17.6 + 11 log (Qtn)

Sheet mid CH. (2,4,5,6)

Pressuremeter test :

Coefficient of lateral earth pressure k °:

k °=
σ ΄z •

Stress – strain elastic modulus E s:

E s= 2 ( 1+ v )V °

Some correlations :

pc =0.45 p1 ( preconsolidation pressure )

p 1− p°
su= ( undrained shear strength )

N p = 1 + ln ( ) ( empirical value ( 5 -12 avg = 8.5 ))
3 su

Dilatometer Test:

p•= 1.05(A - Z M + ∆ A) - 0.05(B - Z M - ∆B) p1= B - Z M - ΔB u• = p2 = C - Z M - Δ B

Where :

p•= calibration readings to obtain the corrected first reading

∆A and ∆B = corrections obtained from membrane calibration

Z M : gage zero offset

corrected readings to compute the intermediate DMT parameter:

p 1− p• p •−u •.
I D =( ) K D= E D=34.7 ( p1− p•)
p •−u •. σ ΄z •

where : the material index ID, horizontal stress index KD, and the dilatometer modulus ED

Clays: 0.1< ID < 0.6

Silts: 0.6 <ID <1.8

Sheet mid CH. (2,4,5,6)

Sands: 1.8< ID <10

Overconsolidation Ratio
Correlation with SPT Data

σ ΄c
OCR = = 0.47 pa ¿ ¿ where pa = atmospheric pressure (100 kPa or 1 tsf)
σ ΄z .

m = 0.6 for clean quartzitic sands or 0.8 for silty sands to sandy silts

σ ΄ c 0.15 p a N
OCR = = 60

σ ΄z . σ ΄z .

Correlation with CPT Data:

qt −σ z •
OCR = K Q t 1 = K ( ) where: k = 0.2 to 0.5 (use an average of 0.3)
σ ΄z .

It is valid for Qt1 6 20, and higher values of k should be used for aged, heavily overconsolidated clays.

Correlation with DMT Data:

OCR= (0.5 K D )

Coefficient of Lateral Earth Pressure at Rest:

Correlation with CPT Data:

qt −σ z •
K .= 0.1 Qn=( )
σ ΄z .

Correlation with DMT Data:

K .=( ) - 0.6 K .= 0.376 + 0.095 K D - K ( )
1.5 σ ΄z .
where : K = 0.005 for “seasoned” sands and 0.002 for “freshly deposited” sands

Relative Density of Cohesionless Soils

Correlation with CPT Data:
Sheet mid CH. (2,4,5,6)

Dr = (
√ qc
315 Qc OCR
√ 100 KPa
σ ΄z .
where :: qc = cone resistance (ton/ft2 or kg/cm2)

Qc = compressibility factor = 0.91 for highly compressible sands

= 1.00 for moderately compressible sands

= 1.09 for slightly compressible sands

Undrained Shear Strength of Cohesive Soils:

Correlation with CPT Data:

qt −σ
Su = z.
Nkt varies from 10 to 20, with an average of 15
N kt

S u Qt 1
= where Qt1 = Qtn with n = 1.0 ( clay- like soils) Nkt = 10 to 20 with an average of 15
σ ΄ z . N kt

Correlation with DMT Data:

Su= 0.22 σ ΄ z . (0.5 K D )1.25

Correlation with vane shear test :

6 λTf
Su = 3 where : T f : torque at failure d : dia of vane λ : empirical correction factor ( 0.6 – 1.2 )
7π d

Drained Strength of Cohesionless Soils:

Correlation with DMT Data:
° 2
∅ ΄=28° + 14.6° log K D- 2.1 log K D

Undrained elastic modulus of cohesive soils:

E = βsu

Correlation with SPT Data:

Sheet mid CH. (2,4,5,6)

E = β . √ OCR + β 1N60 where:

b0, b1 = correlation factors from Table 4.7 OCR = overconsolidation ratio N60 = SPT N- value corrected for field procedures

Drained modulus of cohesive and cohesionless soils:

Correlation with DMT Data

ED = 2
(1−ν )

M = RM ED where : M :presents the drained constrained modulus

RM is a coefficient related to the material index

ID, and the horizontal stress index

KD, measured during DMT testing.

For I D ≤ 0.6 :

R M = 0.14 + 2.36 log K D

For I D ≥ 3:

R M = 0.5 + 2 log K D

For 0.6 < I D <3:

R M = R M .0+ (2.5 - R M .0) log K D where :: R M .0= 0.14 + 0.15 ( I D - 0.6)

For KD>10:

R M = 0.32 + 2.18 log K D

For RM < 0.85:

R M = 0.85

Correlation with CPT Data:

M =α M (q t - σ z .) where α M = constrained modulus coefficient

When I C >2.2 ( fine- grained soils) use:

α M = Qt 1 when Qt 1 < 14

αM= 14 whenQ t 1 > 14

Sheet mid CH. (2,4,5,6)

When I C <2.2 ( coarse- grained soils) use:

αM= 0.018[ 10(0.55 I c +1.68 )]

Soil Type β. β1
Kpa Ib/ ft2 Kpa Ib/ ft 2
Clean sands (SW and SP) 5000 100000 1200 24000
Silty sands and clayey sands (SM and SC) 2500 50000 600 12000

Plate load test :

p Bf Bf
q =q
Sf= Sp V = A.q + P.S Where : V : total load on bearing area
Bp Bp

A : contact area P : perimeter of footing q : bearing pressure S perimeter shear

Chapter 2 :
Allowable stress ASD Method(ASCE) :

pdes = D

pdes = D+L+F+H+T+( Lr or S or R)

pdes =0.75(D + L + ( Lr or S or R)+( W or E))

pdes =0.75( D+( W or E))

Allowable stress LRFD Method(ACI) :

pdes =1.4 D +1.7 L

pdes = 0.75(1.4 D +1.7 L +1.4 T)

pdes = 0.9 D +1.4 F

pdes =1.4 D +1.7 L +1.4 F

Sheet mid CH. (2,4,5,6)

pdes =1.4 D +1.7 L +1.7 H

pdes =0.9 D+1.3 W

pdes = 0.9 D+1.43 E

pdes =0.75 (1.4 D +1.7 L +1.7 W)

pdes =0.75 (1.4 D +1.7 L +1.87 E)

pdes =0.9 D +1.7 H

pdes = 1.4 (D + T)

Allowable stress LRFD Method(ASCE) :

pdes =1.4 D pdes = 0.9 D +(1.3 Wor 1.0 E )

pdes =1.2 ( D+ F+ T) + 1.6 (L +H) + 0.5 ( Lr or S or R)

pdes =1.2 D+ 1.6 ( Lr or S or R)+ (0.5 L or 0.8 W)

pdes =1.2 D+1.3 W+0.5L +0.5( Lr or S or R)

pdes =1.2 D+ 1.0 E+0.5 L +0.2 S

Type of structure Typical allowable total settlement δ a

in mm
Office building 1 25
Heavy industrial 1-3 25- 75
Bridges 2 50
δ ≤δ a

Allowable Angular Distortion θ a

Type of structure θa
Steel tank 1/25
Bridge simply supported 1/125
Bridge continuous ,, building with siding no 1/250
Typical commercial ,, residential ,, over head 1/500
Sensitive 1/1000
Machinery,, masonary load bearing wall 1/1500
Sheet mid CH. (2,4,5,6)

Length / height ≤3 1/2500

Length / height ≥ 5 1/1250
δ D ≤δ Da ,,, δ Da =θ as ,,,,,, s: col spacing

nominal capacity
Design load <
factor of safty

Chapter 5 :
Bearing pressure :

p+ W f
q= - uD where : q = bearing pressure P = vertical column load
Wf = weight of foundation, including the weight of soil above the foundation

A = base area of foundation (B2 for square foundations or BL for rectangular foundations

u D= pore water pressure at bottom of foundation (i.e., at a depth D below the ground surface).

Note : γ c = 23.6 kN/m3 (150 lb/ ft 3).

Foundations with Eccentric or Moment Loads:

p . el
e= where : e = eccentricity of bearing pressure distribution P = applied vertical load
p+ W f

eL = eccentricity of applied vertical load

W f = weight of footing (or the same per unit length for continuous footings)

e= where : M: applied moment load
p+ W f

One-Way Eccentric or Moment Loading:

If e≤B/6:

p+ W f 6e p+ W f 6e
q min=( - u D )(1- ) q max=( - u D )(1+ )

Where : B: width of footing

If e = B/6 q min = 0

if e>B/6, the resultant of the bearing pressure acts outside the third-point
Sheet mid CH. (2,4,5,6)

Two- Way Eccentric or Moment Loading:

6 eB 6 eL
If + ≤1 where : e B : eccentricity in the B direction

e L: eccentricity in the L direction

p+ W f 6e 6e
q= ( - u D )(1 B  L )

chapter 6 :

bearing capacity theory

q ult = N c S u + N q σ ZD where : N c : bearing capacity cohesion factor = 2 π = 6.28

N q : bearing capacity surcharge factor

Terzaghi΄s Bearing Capacity :

q ult = shear strength + surchage + wt of soil

q ult = q c + q q + q γ

For strip or continuous footing :

q ult = c΄ N c + σ ΄ ZD N q + 0.5 γ΄ B N γ where : γ΄:effective unit wt D: depth of footing B : width

c΄: effective cohesion N c , N q , N γ : Terzaghi bearing capacity factors

For square footing :

q ult =1.3 c΄ N c + σ ΄ ZD N q + 0.4 γ΄ B N γ

For circular footing :

q ult =1.3 c΄ N c + σ ΄ ZD N q + 0.3 γ΄ D N γ

Factors :
N q= ¿ ¿ ,, a θ= e π (0.75− 360 )tan Ф
Sheet mid CH. (2,4,5,6)

N q−1 2(N q +1)tan Ф
N c= ΄ ,, N γ = ΄
tanФ 1+ 0.4 sin(4 Ф )

For rectangular footing :

q ult = 1.3 c΄ N c + σ ΄ ZD N q + 0.5 [ 1- 0.2( ) ] γ΄ B N γ

Vesic Bearing Capacity :

q ult = c΄ N c Sc d c i c b c gc + σ ΄ ZD N q Sq d q i q b q gq + 0.5 γ΄ B N γ Sγ d γ i γ b γ gγ

Where : S : shape factor d : depth factor i : load incline factor b : base incline factor g : ground incline factor

Ф πtanФ
N q = tan2(45 + )e ,,,, N c = ( N q - 1 )cotФ for ( Ф΄>0) ,,, N c = 5.14 for ( Ф΄=0)

N γ = 2 ( N q +1 )tanФ

Shape factor :

Sc = 1+( )( q ) Sq = 1+( )tanФ΄ Sγ = 1- 0.4 ( )
L Nc L L

Depth factor :

d c = 1+0.4k d q = 1+ 2k tanФ΄ (1 – sin Ф΄ ¿ ¿ 2 dγ= 1

Where :

K= for ( ≤ 1) ,,,, k= tan−1( ) for ( >1 ) in radians

Load incline factor :

V m V m+1
mV 1− ¿¿ 1− ¿¿
i c = 1- ≥0 ,,, i q= ( A c΄ ≥0 ,,, i γ = ( A c΄ ≥0
A c ΄ Nc P+ ΄
P+ ΄
tan Ф tan Ф
Sheet mid CH. (2,4,5,6)

Where : // for load inclined in B- direction :; m =

for load inclined in L- direction:: m=

base incline factor :

α α 2
b c= 1- ,,, b q=b γ = ( 1− ¿¿
147 57

Ground incline factor :

gc =1- ,,,,, gq = gγ = (1−tanβ ¿ ¿ 2

Effect of ground water table:

Case I: ( Dw ≤ D ) γ΄= γ b= γ - γ w

Dw −D
Case II : ( D < Dw < D +B ) γ΄= γ - γ w (1-( ))

Case III : ( Dw ≥ D +B ) γ΄= γ

Adjusment :

Terzaghi : Vesic :

C ΄ adj= 0.67 C ΄ Ф adj= tan−1[(0.67+ Dr – 0.75 Dr2 ) tanФ΄]

Ф adj= tan−1( 0.67 tanФ΄)

Wt avg value :

C ΄1 h1 +C ΄2 h2 +C ΄3 h3 +… … γ 1 h 1+ γ 2 h2
C ΄ av= γ av =
h 1+ h2+ h3 +… . h1 +h2 +… .
Sheet mid CH. (2,4,5,6)

h1 tan Ф ΄1 +h2 tan Ф ΄2 +… .

Ф ΄av = tan−1[ ]
h1 +h2 +… .
SI (m) Eng( ft)
Bearing capacity from SPT : F1 0.05 2.5
F2 0.08 4
q a= k ,,, for ( B≤ F 4 F3 0.3 1
F1 d
F4 1.2 4
N B+ F 3 2
q a= ( ¿ ¿ ,,,, for ( B> F 4
F2 B

k d=1+ 0.33 ≤1.33 N : SPT N value

q afor any other tolerable settlement :

S tot
q a(tot)= q ,,,, S25= 25m
S25 a

Peryy when ( Df ≤B ):

q ult = 30 N

Bearing capacity from CPT :

Schmertmann: Meyerhof:

qc ( kpa) qc ( kpa)
Nγ= q a= ,,,,, for (B≤ F 4 )
80 30

qc ( kpa)
q a= ¿,,,, for ( B> F 4) note :: for mat foundation use this

Bearing capacity from Plate load test :

q ult =(q ult−PLT )( ) ,, where : B: width of footing ,,, b: width of test plate

Footing with one-way eccentric :

Sheet mid CH. (2,4,5,6)

q ΄ u= c N c F cs F cd F ci + q N q F qs F qd F qi + γ B΄ N γ F γs F γd F γi

Qu=q ΄ u B΄ L΄

Footing with two-way eccentric :

q ΄ u= c N c F cs F cd F ci + q N q F qs F qd F qi + γ B΄ N γ F γs F γd F γi

where :

F qs= 1+ tanФ

F qd=1+2tanФ(1−sin ∅ ¿ ¿2

F γs=1-0.4( )

Pressure distribution at foundation :

My Mx
e B= ,,,,,,,, e L =
Qult Qult

eL 1 eB 1
Case I:( ≥ )AND( ≥ )
L 6 B 6

1 3e 3e A΄
A΄ = B1 L1 ,,,, B1= B (1.5- B ) ,,,,, L1= L (1.5- L ) ,,,,, B΄=
2 B L L΄

eL eB 1
Case II: ( <0.5 ) and ( < ):
L B 6

1 A΄
A΄= ( L1 + L2 )B ,,, B΄= ,,,, L΄ large of L1 OR L2
2 L1∨L2 (which is large)

Effective area method Meyrhoff :

B΄= B -2e

L΄= L
Sheet mid CH. (2,4,5,6)

Modification for general bearing capacity :

B΄= B - 2e y ,,,, L΄= L - 2e x

Alternative method by Meyerhoff:

q ult *=q ult . Re ,,,, Re = ReL . ReB

eB e
Cohesive::: ReB =1-2 ,,,, ReL=1-2 L

Cohesionless::: ReB =1- B
B √ √ e
,,,,, ReL= 1- L
Sheet mid CH. (2,4,5,6)
Sheet mid CH. (2,4,5,6)

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