2 Weeks Scheme of Work

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Name of the school: Napipine Primary School

Class 7
Subject: English Language

General objectives

By the end of this unit, students will be able to:

✓ Know about the professions;
✓ Compare and contrast the professions;
✓ Discuss the difference between professions;
✓ Talk about the importance of the professions;

✓ Explain the importance of professions;
✓ Express their profession dream;
✓ State the most important profession;
✓ State the role of each profession in the community.

Weeks Study unit 6 CONTENTS Teaching aids Methodology Bibliography Hours

Week I Number of lessons Board, chalk, English 3
additional texts Classroom language hours
1. What do they do?
and class book 7. discussions; Class 7
2. What do you want to Individual student’s
01/03/2021 THE and Group book.
to COMMUNITY works.
03/03/2021 3. Let’s all work

Week II 4. Meet famous people Board, chalk, Classroom English 3

discussions; language hours
5. January, February, additional texts
10/03/2021 and class book 7. Individual Class 7
to March and Group student’s
12/03/2021 works. book.
6. Shapes

CABINDA, M. et all. Learning English. English language 7th class. 1st ed. Longman Moçambique, Maputo – 2005.

Name of the school: Napipine Primary School
Class: 7
Subject: English
Lesson 04:
Topic: Meet famous people
Date: March 15, 2021
Time: 45’
Teaching aids: board/textbook
Teacher: Group 5
General objective: by the end of the lesson, student will:
Compare and contrast the famous people in Mozambique
Specific objectives:
Use the verb to be correctly to talk about famous people.
Talk about famous people in their community.

StagesSkills Language content Activities

S, L, Grammar Function Vocabulary Teacher Students Time
W, R
(Warm S, L, ▪ Greets students and ▪ Reply the 5’
up) checks the hygiene; greetings;
▪ Calls out the roll; ▪ Answer the roll;
▪ Calls one pupil to ▪ One speaks about
remind the class the last lesson.
about last lesson.
Test L, W, Verb to be (am, Used to describe state, People, Olympic, ▪ Writes the topic on ▪ Copy the topic in 10’
S is, are) person, or thing. E.g. he gold, metre, athlete, the board; their note books;
is an athlete. championship. ▪ Asks Ss to pay ▪ Pay attention to the
My mother is a nurse. attention; topic;
▪ Raises questions ▪ Answer the
about the topic; questions raised by
▪ Pays attention to the the teacher;
answers given
L, S Verb to be (am, Used to describe state, People, Olympic, ▪ Asks Ss to pay ▪ Attentively listen 15’
is, are) person, or thing. E.g. he gold, metre, athlete, attention again; to the teacher’s
is an athlete. championship. ▪ Explains clearly the explanation;
Teach My mother is a nurse. topic; ▪ Take notes about
▪ The use of the verb the use of the verb
to be, to describe the to be;
famous people; and ▪ Raise their
the vocabulary questions;
items; ▪ Write down notes
▪ Gives Ss on the answers
opportunity to raise given by the
questions; teacher.
▪ Answers the
questions clearly the
questions raised.
W, L ▪ Asks Ss to sit in ▪ Sit in groups as
groups; asked by the 15’
▪ Asks them write teacher;
Used to describe state, People, Olympic, down who are the ▪ Write down their
Test Verb to be (am, person, or thing. E.g. he gold, metre, athlete, famous people in answers;
is, are) is an athlete. championship. their community; ▪ One pupil stands
My mother is a sister. ▪ Who is Chissano; and reads aloud
▪ Walks around the what they have
classroom to control done.
what is being done
by the students.
▪ Asks one student
from the groups to
read what they did.

Group 5
Date: March 10th

The purpose of this evaluation form is to give a feedback to the teacher. Circle the most appropriate answer according
to your opinion.
1. Did the introduction catch your attention?
2. Did you understand the purpose, objectives and argument for the lesson?
3. Did the teacher demonstrate enthusiasm or energy for the lesson?
4. Did the teacher speak clearly, with inflection and loud enough to be heard and understood?
5. Did the teacher use effective classroom management techniques?
6. What was the teacher’s overall?
Comment ______________________________________________________________________________________.

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