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Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, TikTok and a lot of virtual platforms are now a big
part of our lives, but what was life like before social media?

A 2020 study says almost two thirds of us have a social media profile with users
accessing multiple sites for their social media. Which begs the question, if most of
us are focused on our socials, what did we do before this arm of the metaverse came
into our lives?

Remember when you knew your best friend’s home phone number off by heart?

Well, now it can be a challenge to remember phone numbers when it’s so easy to
record them in our mobile phone. And with social media, the need to speak to people
on phones seems to decrease even more!

But, back in the golden days of real person conversation, you’d have a whole bundle
of things to tell because you hadn’t lived friends or families’ daily lives through FB,
Insta or any other of the social media platforms.

Waiting for friends, sitting on public transport, enjoying a solo drink – what’s the first
thing you tend to do? Why, we pull out our phones and check social media or cruise
the internet.

Before social media we people watched the wonders of life. Didn’t you love the days
when you used to sit and simply watch the world go by? Wondering where people
had come from, where they were going and what their story was? Now, we opt for
social media instead! We stare at our phones while we wait for someone in the
garden or we wait for an hour to come, we prefer to swipe on facebook instead of
tallk with other people.

So now, you tell me;

What do you think about the social media?

Is it good?

How was your life before social media?

Is it good for the kids to use these platforms freely?

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