Paul's Shipwreck Activity Book

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Kids ages 6-12

Activity Book
Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book
Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book

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Bible Pathway Adventures® is a trademark of BPA Publishing Ltd.

ISBN: 978-1-98-858502-4

Author: Pip Reid

Creative Director: Curtis Reid

For free Bible resources including coloring pages,

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Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 2
Prepared exclusively for Jessica Wight. Not for resale or distribution.
Enjoy teaching your children about the Bible with our Paul’s Shipwreck Activity
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Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 3
Prepared exclusively for Jessica Wight. Not for resale or distribution.
Table of Contents


Lesson One: Paul appeals to Caesar................................................................................................................................................6

Coloring page: Paul appeals to Caesar.............................................................................................................................................8
Bible quiz: Paul appeals to Caesar......................................................................................................................................................9
Map activity: The plot to kill Paul..................................................................................................................................................... 10
Question ’n color: Paul appeals to Caesar.................................................................................................................................... 11
Bible word search puzzle: Paul in Caesarea................................................................................................................................. 12
Newspaper worksheet: Paul appeals to Caesar!......................................................................................................................... 13
Bible activity: Paul in prison.............................................................................................................................................................. 14
Bible activity: Create your own passport...................................................................................................................................... 15
Comprehension worksheet: Caesarea........................................................................................................................................... 16
Creative writing: The kind centurion.............................................................................................................................................. 17
Worksheet: Label a Roman soldier.................................................................................................................................................. 18
Bible verse match.................................................................................................................................................................................. 19
Lesson Two: Paul’s warning..........................................................................................................................................20
Coloring page: Paul’s warning.......................................................................................................................................................... 22
Question ’n color: Paul’s warning.................................................................................................................................................... 23
Comprehension worksheet: Alexandrian grain ship................................................................................................................ 24
Worksheet: Roman merchant ships................................................................................................................................................ 26
Map activity: Paul’s journey to Fair Havens.................................................................................................................................. 27
Worksheet: Yom Kippur....................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Comprehension worksheet: Yom Kippur...................................................................................................................................... 29
Bible craft: Make a paper boat.......................................................................................................................................................... 30
Bible crossword: Paul sails to Rome................................................................................................................................................ 31
Let’s learn Hebrew: Sha’ul.................................................................................................................................................................. 32
Lesson Three: A violent storm......................................................................................................................................34
Coloring page: The Roman emperor.............................................................................................................................................. 36
Coloring worksheet: Caesar............................................................................................................................................................... 37
Bible craft: Make a rain cloud............................................................................................................................................................ 38
Worksheet: What’s the Word?........................................................................................................................................................... 41
Worksheet: Paul the Apostle............................................................................................................................................................. 42 © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 4
Prepared exclusively for Jessica Wight. Not for resale or distribution.
Map activity: Island of Crete.............................................................................................................................................................. 43
Comprehension worksheet: Roman citizenship........................................................................................................................ 44
Bible word scramble: How did the men try to save the ship?............................................................................................... 45
Coloring page: God will save everyone......................................................................................................................................... 46
Worksheet: The Mediterranean sea................................................................................................................................................ 47
Worksheet: Design a meal for Paul................................................................................................................................................. 48
Lesson Four: Shipwrecked!...........................................................................................................................................49
Coloring page: Shipwreck.................................................................................................................................................................. 51
Bible quiz: Shipwrecked!..................................................................................................................................................................... 52
Worksheet: My travel diary................................................................................................................................................................ 53
Crack the code: How many people on the ship?....................................................................................................................... 54
Bible word search puzzle: Shipwrecked!....................................................................................................................................... 55
Question ’n color: Hungry sailors..................................................................................................................................................... 56
Creative writing: Shipwrecked!........................................................................................................................................................ 57
Labyrinth: Help Paul and Julius swim to Malta........................................................................................................................... 58
Newspaper worksheet: Shipwrecked at sea............................................................................................................................... 59
Comprehension worksheet: Navigation in ancient Rome...................................................................................................... 60
Worksheet: A Hebrew day.................................................................................................................................................................. 61
Connect the dots: A Roman anchor............................................................................................................................................... 62
Bible craft: Make a hanging mobile................................................................................................................................................ 63
Lesson Five: Bitten by a snake......................................................................................................................................65
Coloring page: Bitten by a snake..................................................................................................................................................... 67
Coloring worksheet: Bitten by a snake.......................................................................................................................................... 68
Bible activity: All about Paul…......................................................................................................................................................... 69
Question ’n color: Paul heals Publius’ father................................................................................................................................ 70
Bible craft: Bitten by a snake............................................................................................................................................................. 71
Comprehension worksheet: Interesting discovery!.................................................................................................................. 73
Worksheet: The number three.......................................................................................................................................................... 75
Worksheet: The story of Paul’s shipwreck..................................................................................................................................... 76
Worksheet: Write a letter.................................................................................................................................................................... 77
Map activity: Paul’s journey to Rome............................................................................................................................................. 78
Bible verse match.................................................................................................................................................................................. 79
Answer Key ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 80
Discover more Activity Books! ......................................................................................................................................................... 83 © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 5
Prepared exclusively for Jessica Wight. Not for resale or distribution.
Lesson Plan
1 Paul appeals to Caesar

Teacher: ______________________________
Today’s Bible passages: Acts 23:12-34, 25:1-12, and 27:1-3

Welcome prayer:
Pray a simple prayer with the children before you begin the lesson.

Lesson objectives: Bible lesson overview:

In this lesson, children will learn: Many years ago there lived a religious leader
1. Where Paul was kept in prison named Paul. He preached that Yeshua (Jesus)
2. Why Paul asked to stand trial was the Messiah. The religious leaders were
before the Roman Emperor angry. “This is blasphemy. We must get rid of
Paul!” they said. They made a plan to kill him.
When the Romans heard about the plan, they
rescued Paul and kept him in prison in Caesarea.
There he stayed for two years. After some time,
he was brought before Festus, the procurator
Did You Know? of Judea. “I have done nothing wrong. I want to
Paul was a Roman citizen stand trial in Rome before Caesar, the Roman
(Acts 22:25). emperor,” said Paul. Festus agreed. “To Caesar
you have appealed; to Caesar you shall go.” And
so, Paul and a Roman centurion named Julius
boarded a ship to Rome. © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 6
Prepared exclusively for Jessica Wight. Not for resale or distribution.
Let’s Review:
Questions to ask your students:
1. Why did a group of religious leaders want to stop Paul?
2. Why did the Romans put Paul in prison?
3. Which two men did Paul appear before in Caesarea?
4. Who gave Paul permission to go to Rome?
5. Who was told to take Paul to Rome?

A memory verse to help children remember God’s Word:

“To Caesar you have appealed; to Caesar you shall go.” (Acts 25:12)

Coloring page: Paul appeals to Caesar
Bible quiz: Paul appeals to Caesar
Map activity: The plot to kill Paul
Question ’n color: Paul appeals to Caesar
Bible word search puzzle: Paul in Caesarea
Newspaper worksheet: Paul appeals to Caesar!
Bible activity: Paul in prison
Bible activity: Create your own passport
Comprehension worksheet: Caesarea
Creative writing: The kind centurion
Worksheet: Label a Roman soldier
Bible verse match

Closing prayer:
End the lesson with a small prayer. © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 7
Prepared exclusively for Jessica Wight. Not for resale or distribution.
“ To Caesar you have
appealed; to Caesar “
you shall go.
(Acts 25:12) © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 8
Prepared exclusively for Jessica Wight. Not for resale or distribution.
Paul appeals to Caesar
Read Acts 25:1- 26:32 and Philippians 3:5.
Answer the questions below.

1. In which city was Paul kept prisoner? ..............................................................

2. Who did Paul say he met on the road to Damascus? ..............................................................

3. Who accused Paul of being crazy? ..............................................................

4. What was the name of King Agrippa’s wife? ..............................................................

5. Who gave Paul permission to persecute followers of Yeshua? ..............................................................

6. Paul was what type of religious leader? ..............................................................

7. Who was Paul given permission to meet and plead his case? ..............................................................

8. Who was the Roman governor of Judea? ..............................................................

9. When Paul stood in front of King Agrippa, what was he bound with? ..............................................................

10. Why did Paul say the Judeans tried to kill him? .............................................................. © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 9
Prepared exclusively for Jessica Wight. Not for resale or distribution.
A plot to kill Paul
Read Acts 23:12-35. Mark the four places from the list below on the map.
Then trace Paul’s journey from Jerusalem to Caesarea.
You may need to use the Internet or an historical atlas to find the answers!

Sea of Galilee



Mediterranean Sea


Dead Sea


Paul’s journey from Jerusalem to Caesarea


Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 10
Prepared exclusively for Jessica Wight. Not for resale or distribution.
Paul appeals to Caesar
Open your Bibles and read Acts 25.
Answer the questions. Color the picture.

1. Who falsely accused Paul?

(verses 5 & 7)

2. Who did Paul say he had

not committed an offence
against? (verse 8)

3. Who gave Paul permission

to appeal to Caesar?
(verse 12)
........................................................... © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 11
Paul in Caesarea
Read Acts 25:1-27:2.
Find and circle each of the words from the list below.



Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 12
City of Caesarea


Caesarea Times

Agrippa meets Paul Paul appeals to Caesar

...................................................... ......................................................................................................

...................................................... ......................................................................................................

...................................................... ......................................................................................................

...................................................... ......................................................................................................



Seats available! © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 13
Paul in prison
Color and cut out Paul and the objects. Paste them inside the prison.

Paul torah cup © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020
Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 14
Create your own passport!
Paul was a Roman citizen. This allowed him to travel to Rome and stand before Caesar.
Where have you traveled to? Fill out the passport pages below.

Name: ............................................

Address: ............................................

Date of Birth: ............................................

Place of Birth: ............................................

I have traveled to:

......................................................................... © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 15

Between 22 and 9 BC, King Herod built the city of Caesarea Maritima on the Mediterranean
coast, which is now located within the modern state of Israel. This was the city where Paul
was imprisoned for two years before he went to Rome to stand before Caesar, the Roman
Emperor. At the time it was a Gentile city, with a small Jewish quarter at its northern end.
Herod loved Roman culture, and built a theatre, an amphitheater, and a temple to Caesar
Augustus, who the city was named after.

Recently, archaeologists have discovered the ruins of these ancient buildings. Beneath
the streets of Caesarea, they uncovered an elaborate system of sewers and drains, just as
the historian Josephus described. They further excavated the Herodian theater and the
amphitheater on the coast, where Herod sponsored chariot races. On the temple platform
above the harbor on its eastern side, they identified Herod’s temple of
Augustus, which featured huge statues of the goddess Roma and of
Caesar Augustus. To the south they discovered the promontory palace
where Paul lay in prison and defended himself before King Agrippa.
Today, you can visit the ruins and see for yourself where Paul was

Color the
Roman helmet!

What did Herod build?


What have archaeologists discovered in Caesarea?

........................................................................................................................................................................................... © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 16
The kind centurion
Open your Bible and read Acts 27:1-3. Imagine you are Julius, the Roman centurion.
Why do you think he was kind to Paul? Write a short paragraph from Julius’ point of view.
Color the illustration at the bottom of the page.







........................................................................................................................................................... © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 17
Label a Roman soldier
At the time of Paul the Apostle, the Romans ruled the province of Judea.
Roman soldiers wore and carried heavy armor. Using the Internet or an
encyclopedia, research the type of clothing worn by Roman soldiers.
Label the pieces of armor on the soldier. Color the picture.

(a) helmet
(b) woolen tunic
(c) arm protection
(d) sandals
(e) body armor
(f ) shoulder plate
(g) cloak © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 18
Bible verse match
Read Acts 24:1-26:32. Cut out each Bible character.
Match the Bible verse with the character.

“When Lysias the “To Caesar you

tribune comes have appealed;
1. down, I will decide
to Caesar you
your case.” shall go.”
-Acts 24:22 –Acts 25:12

“To this day I

“I would like to have had the help
3. hear Paul myself.” 4. that comes
-Acts 25:22 from God…”
-(Acts 26:22)

Felix Agrippa Festus Paul © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 19
Lesson Plan
2 Paul’s warning

Teacher: ______________________________
Today’s Bible passage: Acts 27:1-14

Welcome prayer:
Pray a simple prayer with the children before you begin the lesson.

Lesson objectives:
In this lesson, children will learn: Bible lesson overview:
1. The Appointed Time of Yom When Paul and Julius arrived at Myra, they found
Kippur a ship sailing to Italy. Soon, a strong wind began
2. Why the captain set sail for to blow and they sailed slowly for many days.
Phoenix Finally, the ship arrived at Fair Havens, on the
island of Crete. Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)
had passed, and winter was approaching. It
was dangerous to sail a ship during the winter
months. Paul tried to warn the captain, “Men, I
can see that there will be a lot of trouble on this
Did You Know?
trip. The ship, everything in it, and even our lives
Yom Kippur is also known as the
may be lost!” The captain did not agree. He set
Day of Atonement. This was the
sail to Phoenix where there was a safe harbor
only time of the year the High
they could stay for the winter. But as the captain
Priest could enter the Holy of Holies
sailed across the sea, the wind blew harder and
in the temple.
harder and took the ship away. © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 20
Prepared exclusively for Jessica Wight. Not for resale or distribution.
Let’s Review:
Questions to ask your students:
1. At which port did Paul and Julius change ships?
2. Which Appointed Time was already over?
3. What did Paul tell the captain?
4. Why did the captain want to sail to Phoenix?
5. The harbors of Fair Havens and Phoenix were on which island?

A memory verse to help children remember God’s Word:

“Julius found an Alexandrian ship sailing to Italy, and he put us on board.” (Acts 27:6)

Coloring page: Paul’s warning
Question ’n color: Paul’s warning
Comprehension worksheet: Alexandrian grain ship
Worksheet: Roman merchant ships
Map activity: Paul’s journey to Fair Havens
Worksheet: Yom Kippur
Comprehension worksheet: Yom Kippur
Bible craft: Make a paper boat
Bible crossword: Paul sails to Rome
Let’s learn Hebrew: Sha’ul

Closing prayer:
End the lesson with a small prayer. © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 21
Prepared exclusively for Jessica Wight. Not for resale or distribution.
Paul’s warning
Paul tried to warn the captain, “Men, I can see that there will be a lot
of trouble on this trip. The ship, everything in it, and even our lives may be lost!”
Draw Paul and the captain to complete the picture. © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 22
Prepared exclusively for Jessica Wight. Not for resale or distribution.
Paul’s warning
Open your Bibles and read Acts 27.
Answer the questions. Color the picture.

1. Why was it dangerous to

sail the ship? (verse 9)

2. Who did Julius believe?

(verse 11)

3. Why did the captain decide

to sail to Phoenix? (verse 12)
........................................................... © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 23
Prepared exclusively for Jessica Wight. Not for resale or distribution.
Roman grain ships
This article explains the importance of Roman grain ships.
Read the text and answer the questions on the next page.

Grain freighters

“There the centurion found a ship of Alexandria sailing for Italy and put us on board.” (Acts 27:6)

Paul mostly likely traveled on an Alexandrian grain ship to Rome. The Alexandrian ships given the
task of feeding Rome had to be the biggest, safest, and fastest ships of their day. A typical grain
freighter was 140 feet long and 36 feet wide. They had between one and three masts, and big
square sails. Instead of what we think of as a rudder, they steered with paddles on the back part
of the ship. Because of this bulky design, they couldn’t sail into the wind very easily. These Roman
cargo ships regularly sailed between Alexandria in Egypt and the Italian ports, laden with grain
from the Nile Delta to feed the people of Rome. A normal crossing from Alexandria to Rome
usually took 13 days.

Because Egypt was the main source of Rome’s grain supply, Egypt did
not share in the general economic freedom of the Roman Empire.
This grain supply was important for Rome’s survival, especially due
to a policy of distributing subsidized or free grain to many of Rome’s
citizens, under the slogan Panem ET Circenses (bread and circuses).
Regular shipments from Egypt were critical to the Roman Emperors’
hold on power, and this policy of free grain remained until the end of
the Roman Empire. © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 24
Prepared exclusively for Jessica Wight. Not for resale or distribution.

Mission objective: To understand the importance of grain to the Romans.

Read each question and write your answer on the lines below.

How big was a typical freighter?



Why was Egypt important to Rome?



Why do you think the Roman rulers gave the people free grain?


Draw a picture of a Roman grain ship. © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 25
Prepared exclusively for Jessica Wight. Not for resale or distribution.
Roman merchant ships
The large number of shipwrecks found in the Mediterranean show not only the
amount of shipping that took place during the Roman Empire, but the danger
of traveling by sea. These merchant ships carried grain such as barley and
wheat, and raw materials such as silk, spices, and olive oil. Using the Internet
or an encyclopedia, research the type of cargo carried by Roman merchant
ships at the time of Paul the Apostle. Write your answers in the boxes below. © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 26
Paul’s journey to Fair Havens
Open your Bibles and read Acts 27.
From the list below, find Jerusalem, Caesarea, Sidon,
Myra, and Fair Havens. Trace Paul’s journey on the map.

Cities visited by Paul:

1. Jerusalem 4. Myra
2. Caesarea 5. Fair Havens
3. Sidon © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 27
Yom Kippur
Draw the High Priest in the Holy If the Day of Atonement was a book,
of Holies on Yom Kippur. the cover would look like this...

I honor Yom Kippur by...

The Day of Atonement
teaches me... © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 28
Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur is also known as the Day of Atonement, and is part of God’s prophetic Appointed
Times (Feasts). It is the fifth of the seven set-apart annual Sabbaths and occurs ten days after
the Day of Trumpets. On this day, God’s people rest and gather together with like-minded
believers. It is a time to repent and turn back to God and follow His instructions.

“…The tenth day of this seventh month is the Day of Atonement. Hold a sacred assembly and
deny yourselves, and present a food offering to the Lord. Do not do any work on that day…
This is to be a lasting ordinance for the generations to come…” (Leviticus 23:27-31)

God was so serious about this Appointed Time that He asked His people to afflict themselves
for one day. Some people honor this Day by not eating (fasting). The Bible indicates that Paul
kept the Appointed Times, including the Sabbath, Yom Kippur, and Feast of Unleavened Bread.
Do you honor Yom Kippur?

Color the

What do God’s people do on the Day of Atonement?


Find three scriptures in the New Testament that show Paul kept the Feasts

........................................................................................................................................................................................... © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 29
Make a paper boat
You will need:
1. Paper plates 4. Scissors (adult only)
2. Paint, felt pens, or crayons 5. Extra-strength glue sticks or
3. Construction or thick paper tape


1. From the construction or thick paper, cut out a square or rectangle in the shape of a boat hull
for the hull, a long thin rectangle for the mast, and a triangle for the sail.
2. Have your child draw waves or water onto the bottom of the paper plate. This is the sea the
boat will sail on.
3. Glue the boat pieces (boat hull, mast, and sail) together to form a boat.
4. Fold the paper plate in half and glue the boat onto the paper plate’s fold.

1. 2. 3. 4.

ta-da! © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020
Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 30
Prepared exclusively for Jessica Wight. Not for resale or distribution.
Paul sails to Rome
Read Acts 27:1-20 (ESV).
Complete the crossword below.

3) “Julius treated Paul _____ and gave him leave 1) The Day of _____ was already over. (Acts 27:9)
to go to his friends and be cared for.” (Acts 27:3) 2) Name of the Roman centurion. (Acts 27:1)
5) “Sirs, I perceive that the _____ will be with 4) “…we sailed under the lee of _____ because the
injury and much loss…” (Acts 27:10) winds were against us.” (Acts 27:4)
6) Julius paid more attention to the captain and 7) The place where Julius found a ship of Alexandria.
the owner of the _____. (Acts 27:11) (Acts 27:5-6)
8) Fair Havens was near this city. (Acts 27:8) © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 31
Paul the Apostle was a Hebrew from the tribe of Benjamin (Philippians 3:5).
His Hebrew name was Sha’ul and his Greek name was Paul. Although Paul was from the
Roman city of Tarsus, he was educated in Jerusalem under the famous Jewish teacher Gamliel.

S h a’ul

Paul © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 32
Let’s write!
Practice writing Paul’s Hebrew name on the lines below.

Try this on your own.

Remember that Hebrew is read from RIGHT to LEFT. © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 33
Lesson Plan
3 A violent storm

Teacher: ______________________________
Today’s Bible passage: Acts 27:14-26

Welcome prayer:
Pray a simple prayer with the children before you begin the lesson.

Lesson objectives:
In this lesson, children will learn:
Bible lesson overview:
1. How the men tried to save the
The wind blew very hard and the waves grew
higher and higher. The men tried to save the
2. The message an angel of God
ship by throwing the cargo into the sea. But the
gave Paul
storm did not stop and the men were scared
they would die. For many days they did not see
the sun or stars. Since they had been without
food for a long time, Paul stood up and said to
the men, “You should have listened to me and
Did You Know? not sailed from Crete. But don’t worry - an angel
Grain was as important as oil of God told me that I must stand before Caesar.
is today. Rome imported over None of you will die. But we will crash into an
500,000 tonnes of grain each year. island.” © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 34
Let’s Review:
Questions to ask your students:
1. What have you learned about Paul in this story so far?
2. What did the sailors do to lighten the ship?
3. What message did the angel of God give Paul?
4. How did Paul encourage the men when they had given up hope of being saved?
5. Do you think Paul was scared of the storm? Why/why not?

A memory verse to help children remember God’s Word:

“For I trust God and believe that what I have been told will come true.” (Acts 27:25)

Coloring page: The Roman emperor
Coloring worksheet: Caesar
Bible craft: Make a rain cloud
Worksheet: What’s the Word?
Worksheet: Paul the Apostle
Map activity: Island of Crete
Comprehension worksheet: Roman citizenship
Bible word scramble: How did the men try to save the ship?
Coloring page: God will save everyone
Worksheet: The Mediterranean sea
Worksheet: Design a meal for Paul

Closing prayer:
End the lesson with a small prayer. © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 35
“Paul, don’t be afraid!
You must stand “
before Caesar.
(Acts 27:24) © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 36
Read Acts 27:24 and write the Bible verse below.




1. Who was Caesar? Draw your favorite scene from this story.

2. Who gave Paul permission to meet

Caesar? (Acts 25:12)

3. Where did Caesar live?


What could the life God used

of Paul teach me? Paul to…

................................................................................................ ................................................................................................

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Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 37
Make a rain cloud
You will need:
1. White and blue cardstock 5. School glue, glue stick, and
2. Cotton balls clear tape
3. Paper plate 6. Scissors (adults only)
4. Yellow paint or crayons 7. String or yarn


1. Copy or print the templates onto white and blue cardstock. Cut out the cloud and raindrops.
2. Glue or tape four pieces of string onto the back of the cloud. Tape three blue raindrops onto
each piece of string (space evenly).
3. Color the paper plate yellow. When the plate is dry, cut out the sun rays. Then cut the bottom
sun rays from the sun to make it easier to glue the sun to the cloud.
4. Glue the sun to the cloud. Cover the cloud in glue and add cotton balls to make your cloud

1. 2. 3. 4.

ta-da! © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 38 © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020
Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 39 © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020
Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 40
Prepared exclusively for Jessica Wight. Not for resale or distribution.
What’s the Word?
Read Acts 27:21-26 (ESV). Fill in the blanks below.

“ Since they had been without ................................... for a long time, Paul stood up among

them and said, “Men, you should have listened to me and not have set sail from

................................... and incurred this injury and loss. Yet now I urge you to take heart,

for there will be no loss of ................................... among you, but only of the ship. For this

very night there stood before me an ................................... of the ................................... to

whom I belong and whom I worship, and he said, ‘Do not be afraid, Paul; you

must stand before Caesar. And behold, God has granted you all those who

................................... with you.’ So take heart, men, for I have ................................... in God

that it will be exactly as I have been told. But we must run ................................... on some


GOD AGROUND © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 41
Prepared exclusively for Jessica Wight. Not for resale or distribution.
Paul the Apostle
If this storm was a book, the cover
Draw a map of Crete.
would look like this…

Do some research. List the cargo a

Paul’s faith teaches me… Roman ship carried in the 1st century AD. © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 42
Prepared exclusively for Jessica Wight. Not for resale or distribution.
Island of Crete
Paul and the men set sail from Fair Havens, on the
island of Crete (Acts 27:12). Using the Internet or an atlas,
find and mark these places on the map of Crete.




Island of Crete


Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 43
Prepared exclusively for Jessica Wight. Not for resale or distribution.
Roman Citizenship

For the first few centuries A.D., Roman citizenship was a highly coveted prize. It was a
privileged political and legal status given to freeborn individuals (not slaves). Although Paul
was a Hebrew, he was born in the city of Tarsus, which was part of the vast Roman Empire. His
birth in Tarsus granted him Roman citizenship.

Roman citizens were granted a variety of rights that the rest of the population of the Roman
Empire was denied. It came with the right to a fair legal trial and the right to request Caesar to
hear a case. Citizens who were condemned to death were spared from some of the
methods of execution. For example, they were generally safe from crucifixion.
In Jerusalem, many people hated Paul, especially the religious leaders.
Paul knew if he stood trial in Jerusalem, he would be found guilty even
though he was innocent.

Color the Roman


Why did Paul have Roman citizenship?


What were the benefits of Roman citizenship?

........................................................................................................................................................................................... © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 44
Prepared exclusively for Jessica Wight. Not for resale or distribution.
How did the men try
to save the ship?
Unscramble the words to find the answer. Hint: Read Acts 27:18 (ESV).

cieSn we wree letylionv

rsmot-doesst, etyh

abgne eht xent dya to

estiotnj eht gcrao. © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 45
Prepared exclusively for Jessica Wight. Not for resale or distribution.
“God will save
everyone “
on this ship...
(Acts 27:24) © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 46
The Mediterranean Sea

How many words can you create from the letters in MEDITERRANEAN SEA?

1. ............................................................ 6. ............................................................

2. ............................................................ 7. ............................................................

3. ............................................................ 8. ............................................................

4. ............................................................ 9. ............................................................

5. ............................................................ 10. ............................................................ © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 47
Design a meal for Paul
In first century Rome, there were no passenger ships. People had to find
a ship, obtain the captain’s approval, and negotiate a price. Passengers brought
their own food, blankets, mattresses, and even tents so they could sleep
on deck! There were no restaurants, but they were allowed to use the ship’s
facilities to cook meals. Ship stewards kept kegs of salted beef and dried
legumes to feed their own sailors. Since Roman ships often stopped
at port, food wasn’t preserved to last a long time.

Design a meal for Paul and the sailors. Use your imagination! © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 48
Lesson Plan
4 Shipwrecked!

Teacher: ______________________________
Today’s Bible passage: Acts 27:27-44

Welcome prayer:
Pray a simple prayer with the children before you begin the lesson.

Lesson objectives: Bible lesson overview:

In this lesson, children will learn:
On the fourteenth night, the sailors thought they
1. How the sailors stopped the boat
were close to an island. They threw four anchors
from hitting rocks
into the sea to stop the ship hitting rocks. Some
2. How God kept His promise to
men tried to escape, but Paul stopped them.
save Paul and the men
“Unless these men stay in the ship, you cannot
be saved.” As the day was about to dawn, Paul
said to thee sailors, “Today is the fourteenth day
that you have not eaten. I urge you to take some
food. It will give you strength, for not a hair is
to perish from the head of anyone.” Later that
Did You Know?
morning, Paul and the men saw an island they
A Hebrew day officially starts and
did not recognize. It was the island of Malta.
ends at sundown.
They jumped into the sea and swam to the shore
as quickly as possible. Everyone on the ship was
saved, but the big waves broke the ship into
pieces. © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 49
Let’s Review:
Questions to ask your students:
1. What did the sailors do to stop the ship hitting rocks?
2. Who planned to escape the ship?
3. What did Paul tell everyone on the ship to do? Why?
4. How did the men reach the island?
5. What happened to the ship?

A memory verse to help children remember God’s Word:

“None of you will lose even one hair off your heads” (Acts 27:34)

Coloring page: Shipwreck
Bible quiz: Shipwrecked!
Worksheet: My travel diary
Crack the code: How many people on the ship?
Bible word search puzzle: Shipwrecked!
Question ’n color: Hungry sailors
Creative writing: Shipwrecked!
Labyrinth: Help Paul and Julius swim to Malta
Newspaper worksheet: Shipwrecked at sea
Comprehension worksheet: Navigation in ancient Rome
Worksheet: A Hebrew day
Connect the dots: A Roman anchor
Bible craft: Make a hanging mobile

Closing prayer:
End the lesson with a small prayer. © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 50
Prepared exclusively for Jessica Wight. Not for resale or distribution.
“ But striking a reef,
they ran the

vessel aground .
(Acts 27:41) © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 51
Read Acts 27:27-44.
Answer the questions below.

1. On which sea was the ship still being blown around? ..............................................................

2. What did the sailors toss into the sea to measure the water? ..............................................................

3. What did the sailors throw into the sea to stop the ship hitting rocks? ..............................................................

4. What did the escaping men lower to the water? ..............................................................

5. Why did the soldiers cut the ropes to the lifeboat? ..............................................................

6. What did Paul promise the men? ..............................................................

7. How many people were on the ship? ..............................................................

8. What did the men throw into the sea to make the ship lighter? ..............................................................

9. What did the ship hit? ..............................................................

10. How did Paul and the men get to the island? .............................................................. © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 52
My travel diary
While the storm raged, Paul and the men stayed on the ship for many days.
It was a long and difficult journey. Imagine you are a sailor on the ship.
Keep a record of your journey below.

I learned... I Heard...

God showed me...

I found...
The strangest thing I saw was... © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 53
How many men on the ship?
This Bible verse is written in code. Use the chart at the bottom
of the page to fill in the missing letters and crack the code!
Hint: Read Acts 27:36-37 (ESV)

_ _ _ _ _ _L _L _W _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4 20 13 22 3 2 2 26 13 9 13 13 16 11 14 24 9 3 23 13 15

___ ___ ____ ____

3 16 15 3 4 13 6 14 21 13 10 14 14 15

_ _ _ _ _ _ _L _ _ _ . W_ _ W
_ _ _ _ _I _ _ _L _L
4 20 13 21 6 13 2 17 13 6 26 13 26 13 9 13 19 16 3 2 2

276 _P _ _ _ _ _ _ _I _ _ _ _ _ _ _I _.
1 13 9 6 14 16 6 19 16 4 20 13 6 20 19 1

19 2

1 26 © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 54
Read Acts 27:27-44.
Find and circle each of the words from the list below.


GRAIN ROPE SEA PAUL © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 55
Hungry sailors
Open your Bibles and read Acts 27.
Answer the questions. Color the picture.

1. Why did Paul tell the men

to eat something? (verse 34)

2. What type of food did Paul

eat? (verse 35)




3. How many men were on

the ship? (verse 37)



........................................................... © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 56
Open your Bible and read Acts 27:27-44. Imagine you are Paul the Apostle.
Write a short paragraph to describe what it was like to survive the storm and
reach the island alive. Color the ship’s anchor at the bottom of the page.







........................................................................................................................................................... © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 57
Help Paul and Julius swim to the island of Malta. © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 58

Mediterranean Times

276 survive Shipwrecked at sea!

...................................................... ......................................................................................................

...................................................... ......................................................................................................

...................................................... ......................................................................................................

...................................................... ......................................................................................................



Anchors for sale © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 59
Navigation in ancient Rome

During the 1st century AD, Roman merchant ships frequently sailed across the Mediterranean
Sea. They sailed directly from one place to another, or from port to port along the coast,
picking up new cargo and passengers as they went. Most ships were powered by rowing
or by sailing. Sailing ships were rigged with a square sail (usually a single large sail), or two
square sails on two masts. Square sails allowed vessels to sail continuously at a steady speed.

Sailing these merchant ships was not easy. Without a compass or modern GPS, mariners had
to have an advanced knowledge of navigation. They relied on environmental observation
(the sun and stars), and a good understanding of wind patterns and direction in a variety of
weather conditions. A common piece of equipment was a lead sounding weight, used by the
men in Acts 27:28. “They took a sounding and found twenty fathoms. A little farther on they
took a sounding again and found fifteen fathoms.” Using this weight, seamen could estimate
water depth and take samples of the seabed. This information was used to help maintain a
course or to know when land was nearby, even if it was out of sight.

Color the

Read Acts 27:27-32. Why do you think the seamen used a sounding weight?


........................................................................................................................................................................................... © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 60
Prepared exclusively for Jessica Wight. Not for resale or distribution.
A Hebrew day
Paul was a Hebrew from the tribe of Benjamin.
Did you know a Hebrew day starts and ended at nightfall? When God created the earth,
He first created night and then day: “God called the light day, and the darkness He called
night, and it was evening and it was morning, one day.” (Genesis 1:5) A day in the
Gregorian calendar (the calendar we use today) begins and ends at midnight.
A Hebrew day goes from nightfall to nightfall.

Hebrew day Gregorian day

A Hebrew day starts at nightfall (approx 6pm) Day and night on the Gregorian calendar
is from midnight to midnight © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 61
Prepared exclusively for Jessica Wight. Not for resale or distribution.
A Roman anchor
“Fearing that we might run on the rocks, they let down four anchors
from the stern and prayed for day to come.” (Acts 27:29)
Connect the dots to see the anchor. Color the anchor. © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 62
Prepared exclusively for Jessica Wight. Not for resale or distribution.
Make a
shipwrecked mobile
You will need:
1. Card stock 4. Scissors (adult only)
2. Paint, felt pens, or crayons 5. Glue stick or tape
3. String 6. Wooden sticks


1. Ask your child to color the picture inside each circle.

2. When your child has finished drawing, cut out the mobile pieces and glue onto heavy card
3. Make a hole at the top of each mobile piece, string the pieces together, and attach to a
piece of wood.

ta-da! © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020
Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 63
Prepared exclusively for Jessica Wight. Not for resale or distribution.
Julius Paul anchor

ship Rome captain © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 64
Prepared exclusively for Jessica Wight. Not for resale or distribution.
Lesson Plan
5 Bitten by a snake

Teacher: ______________________________
Today’s Bible passage: Acts 28:1-11

Welcome prayer:
Pray a simple prayer with the children before you begin the lesson.

Lesson objectives:
In this lesson, children will learn: Bible lesson overview:
1. What happened to Paul after he When Paul and the men reached the island of
was bitten by a snake Malta, the locals made a fire on the beach so
2. How Paul helped others during everyone could get warm. While Paul stood by
his stay on Malta the fire, he was bitten by a snake (viper). But he
shook the snake off into the fire and was not
hurt. The locals waited for Paul to swell up or fall
down dead. But when they saw that he was fine
they said, “No doubt this man is a god!” Because
the ship had been destroyed, Paul could not
Did You Know?
continue his journey to Italy. He stayed on the
Nero was the Roman Emperor at
island, visiting and healing people including the
the time of Paul’s visit to Rome. He
governor’s father. Three months later, the captain
reigned from 54-68 A.D. and was
found another ship and prepared to set sail for
famous for persecuting the early
Rome. It was time for Paul to meet Caesar, the
mighty Roman Emperor! © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 65
Prepared exclusively for Jessica Wight. Not for resale or distribution.
Let’s Review:
Questions to ask your students:
1. What was the name of the island?
2. How did the local people take care of Paul and the men?
3. What happened to Paul as he stood by the fire?
4. What did Paul do to help people during his time on Malta?
5. How long did Paul stay on Malta?

A memory verse to help children remember God’s Word:

“Paul shook off the snake into the fire and suffered no harm.” (Acts 28:5)

Coloring page: Bitten by a snake
Coloring worksheet: Bitten by a snake
Bible activity: All about Paul…
Question ’n color: Paul heals Publius’ father
Bible craft: Bitten by a snake
Comprehension worksheet: Interesting discovery!
Worksheet: The number three
Worksheet: The story of Paul’s shipwreck
Worksheet: Write a letter
Map activity: Paul’s journey to Rome
Bible verse match

Closing prayer:
End the lesson with a small prayer. © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 66
“ Paul shook off the
viper into the fire “
and suffered no harm.
(Acts 28:5) © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 67
Bitten by a snake
Read Acts 28:3 and write the Bible verse below.




1. What came out of the fire and bit Paul?

Draw your favorite scene from this story.
(Acts 28:3)

2. What did Paul do? (Acts 28:5)


3. What did the local people think of

Paul? (Acts 28:6)

During Paul’s stay God used

on Malta, he… Paul to…

................................................................................................ ................................................................................................

................................................................................................ ................................................................................................ © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020
Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 68
All about Paul...
Write down five questions you would ask Paul.

1. ..................................................................................................................................

2. ..................................................................................................................................

3. ..................................................................................................................................

4. ..................................................................................................................................

5. ..................................................................................................................................

Imagine you are Paul. Write down your five answers.

1. ..................................................................................................................................

2. ..................................................................................................................................

3. ..................................................................................................................................

4. ..................................................................................................................................

5. .................................................................................................................................. © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 69
Paul heals Publius’ father
Open your Bibles and read Acts 28:1-10.
Answer the questions. Color the picture.

1. Who was the governor of

Malta? (verse 7)

2. What type of illness did

Publius’ father have? (verse 8)

3. Who did Paul heal on

Malta? (verses 8-9)
........................................................... © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 70
Prepared exclusively for Jessica Wight. Not for resale or distribution.
Bitten by a snake!
Color the pictures and cut out. Paste them onto the island. © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 71
Prepared exclusively for Jessica Wight. Not for resale or distribution. © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020
Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 72
Prepared exclusively for Jessica Wight. Not for resale or distribution.
Interesting Discovery!
This article discusses the discovery of four Roman anchors alongside Munxar reef.
Read the text and answer the questions on the next page.

Shipwreck on Malta

According to some archaeologists, all four anchors from Paul’s shipwreck were recently discovered
outside St. Thomas Bay, on the southeast shore of Malta. They were found within forty yards of
each other, and at exactly the correct 90-foot depth as recorded by the sailors’ measurements.
Local divers and archeologists found these Roman-style anchors alongside Munxar reef, an
offshore reef jutting out from St. Thomas Bay.

One of the anchors was dated to the first-century era of Roman shipping when Paul’s shipwreck
occurred. The noise the sailors heard on the fourteenth night was the sound of waves breaking
over Munxar reef. This coastline would have been entirely unfamiliar to the professional sailors on
Paul’s ship. Because of the bad weather, the ship had been blown off-course, away from normal
ancient shipping lanes.

St. Thomas Bay, rather than St. Paul’s Bay as some have claimed, is where the shipwreck is thought
to have occurred. Paul’s ship would have drifted in from the east/southeast, the direction a
Euroclydon (typhoon) would have blown. Approaching from this angle, the ship’s path to the
beach would have been blocked by a long shallow reef, identified as Munxar reef. This rocky reef
juts out from St. Thomas Bay, and waves smash over these rocks even in calm weather. Maritime
charts of this area show a sloping approach to the bay that
matches the sailors’ measurements as recorded in the book of
Acts. And unlike St. Paul’s Bay, St. Thomas Bay has a sandy beach,
the perfect landing place for all the men aboard Paul’s ship to
swim or float toward. © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 73
Prepared exclusively for Jessica Wight. Not for resale or distribution.

Mission objective: To understand the work of archaeologists on the island of Malta.

Read each question and write your answer on the lines below.

What was discovered outside St. Thomas Bay?



Why do some archaeologists believe Paul’s shipwreck occurred in

St. Thomas Bay?



What do you think? Did Paul and the men swim ashore at St. Paul’s Bay,
or St. Thomas Bay?


........................................................................................................................................................................................... © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 74
Prepared exclusively for Jessica Wight. Not for resale or distribution.
Paul stayed on the island of Malta for three months. Trace the number 3.

3333333 Write multiples of three in the boxes below.

3 6
How many fingers are there?

What did Paul do on the island of Malta?

........................................................................................................................................................................... © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 75
Prepared exclusively for Jessica Wight. Not for resale or distribution.
The story of Paul’s shipwreck
Discuss how the pictures below relate to the story of Paul’s shipwreck.
Match the words with the correct pictures.

Julius anchor Caesar

ship viper storm © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 76
Write a letter!
Imagine you are Paul the Apostle. You have been shipwrecked on the island of
Malta. Write a letter to your friends telling them about island life, the new friends you
have made, and how you are preparing to meet Caesar. Include the words below.













HEAL STORM © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 77
Paul’s Journey to Rome
Read Acts 27-28.
From the list below, find the places visited by Paul
and then trace his journey on the map.

Cities visited by Paul:

1. Jerusalem 5. Crete
2. Caesarea 6. Malta
3. Sidon 7. Syracuse
4. Myra 8. Rome © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 78
Bible verse match
Read Acts 27:39-28:10. Color and cut out each Bible character.
Match the Bible verse with the character.

“He ordered
“…a viper came out those who could
because of the swim to jump
1. heat and fastened
on his hand.” overboard and
-Acts 28:3 make for land.”
–Acts 27:43

“In the
neighborhood of “No doubt
that place were
this man is a
3. lands belonging to 4.
the chief man of
Malta.” –Acts 28:4
-Acts 28:7

Paul Julius Publius Local man © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 79
Lesson One: Paul appeals to Caesar Comprehension worksheet: Caesarea
Let’s Review: 1. Herod loved Roman culture and built a theatre, an
1. The religious leaders did not like Paul preaching the gospel amphitheater, and a temple to Caesar Augustus, whom the
2. The Romans put Paul in prison to protect him (he was a city was named after
Roman citizen), and to know the charges against him 2. Beneath the streets of Caesarea, archaeologists uncovered
3. Festus and Agrippa an elaborate system of sewers and drains, just as the
4. Festus historian Josephus described. They further excavated the
5. Julius, a Roman centurion Herodian theater and the amphitheater on the coast, where
Herod sponsored chariot races. On the temple platform
Bible quiz: Paul appeals to Caesar above the harbor on its eastern side, they identified Herod’s
1. Caesarea temple of Augustus, which featured huge statues of the
2. Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus) goddess Roma and of Caesar Augustus. To the south they
3. Festus discovered the promontory palace where Paul defended
4. Bernice himself before King Agrippa
5. Chief priests in Jerusalem
6. Pharisee Bible verse match
7. Caesar 1= Felix, 2 = Festus 3 = Agrippa, 4 = Paul
8. Felix
9. Chains Lesson Two: Paul’s warning
10. He told them to repent and turn back to God’s ways Let’s Review:
1. Myra
Question ‘n color: Paul appeals to Caesar 2. Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)
1. Jews (men of authority) 3. “Men, I perceive that this voyage will end with disaster and
2. Caesar much loss, not only of the cargo and ship, but also our lives.”
3. Festus 4. There was a safe harbor in Phoenix
5. The island of Crete
Bible word search puzzle: Paul in Caesarea
Question ‘n color: Paul’s warning
1. Yom Kippur was already over and it was nearly wintertime
(it was dangerous to sail in winter)
2. The captain and owner of the ship
3. There was a safer harbor in Phoenix (it faced southwest and

Comprehension worksheet: Roman grain ships

1. A typical grain freighter was 140 feet long and 36 feet wide
2. Egypt was the main source of Rome’s grain supply
3. The grain supply ensured the control over the population

Comprehension worksheet: Yom Kippur

1. God’s people rest and gather together with like-minded
2. Acts 12:3-4, Acts 18:20-21 (NKJV), Acts 20:6, 1 Corinthians
5:8, and 1 Corinthians 16:7-8 © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 80
Bible crossword: Paul sails to Rome Bible word scramble: How did the men try to save the ship?
Across Since we were violently storm-tossed, they began the next
3) kindly day to jettison the cargo.
5) voyage
6) ship Lesson Four: Shipwrecked!
8) Lasea Let’s Review:
1. The sailors threw four anchors into the sea
Down 2. A group of men
1) Atonement 3. Eat so they would stay alive
2) Julius 4. The men either swam to the island or floated there on
4) Cyprus planks or pieces of the ship
7) Myra 5. The ship hit a sandbank and the storm destroyed it

Lesson Three: A violent storm Bible quiz: Shipwrecked!

Let’s Review: 1. Adriatic Sea
1. Ask children to answer this question 2. A measuring rope
2. Threw cargo overboard into the sea 3. Four anchors
3. Do not be afraid – you must stand before Caesar. Everyone 4. A lifeboat
on the ship will be saved 5. To stop the men escaping
4. Paul told the men that everyone on the ship will be saved 6. No one will die
5. Ask children to answer this question 7. 276 men
8. Grain
Coloring worksheet: Caesar 9. A sandbank
1. The Roman Emperor 10. They swam to the beach
2. Festus
3. Rome Crack the code: How many people were on the ship?
They all were encouraged and ate some food themselves. We
What’s the Word? were in all 276 persons in the ship.
“Since they had been without food for a long time, Paul stood
up among them and said, “Men, you should have listened to Bible word search puzzle: Shipwrecked!
me and not have set sail from Crete and incurred this injury
and loss. Yet now I urge you to take heart, for there will be
no loss of life among you, but only of the ship. For this very
night there stood before me an angel of the God to whom I
belong and whom I worship, and he said, ‘Do not be afraid,
Paul; you must stand before Caesar. And behold, God has
granted you all those who sail with you.’ So take heart, men, for
I have faith in God that it will be exactly as I have been told. But
we must run aground on some island.”

Comprehension worksheet: Roman citizenship

1. Paul was born in the city of Tarsus, which was part of the
vast Roman Empire. His birth in Tarsus granted him Roman
2. Roman citizens had the right to a fair legal trial and the
right to request Caesar to hear a case. Citizens who were
condemned to death were spared from some of the
methods of execution. For example, they were generally
safe from crucifixion © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 81
Question ’n color: Hungry sailors Question ‘n color: Paul heals Publius’ father
1. So they could stay alive 1. Publius
2. Bread 2. He had fever and dysentery
3. 276 3. Publius’ father and the rest of the islanders who were sick

Comprehension worksheet: Navigation in ancient Rome Comprehension worksheet: Interesting discovery!

1. The seamen used a sounding weight to estimate the water 1. Four Roman anchors
depth and calculate if land was nearby 2. St. Thomas Bay, rather than St. Paul’s Bay as some have
claimed, is where the shipwreck is thought to have
Lesson Five: Bitten by a snake occurred. Paul’s ship would have drifted in from the east/
Let’s Review: southeast, the direction a Euroclydon (typhoon) would
1. Malta have blown. Approaching from this angle, the ship’s path
2. The local people made Paul and the men a fire so they could to the beach would have been blocked by a long shallow
keep warm reef, identified as Munxar reef. This rocky reef juts out from
3. Paul was bitten by a snake but shook it off into the fire St. Thomas Bay, and waves smash over these rocks even in
4. Paul healed many people calm weather. Maritime charts of this area show a sloping
5. Three months approach to the bay that matches the sailors’ measurements
as recorded in the book of Acts. And unlike St. Paul’s Bay, St.
Coloring worksheet: Bitten by a snake Thomas Bay has a sandy beach, the perfect landing place for
1. A snake (viper) all the men aboard Paul’s ship to swim or float toward
2. Shook the snake off into the fire
3. The local people thought Paul was a god Bible verse match
1 = Paul 2 = Julius 3 = Publius 4 = Local man © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 82
Discover more Activity Books!

Available for purchase at

Paul’s Shipwreck Favorite Bible Stories
The Fall Feasts Paul’s Journeys
Moses and the 10 Plagues Moses and the 10 Plagues (Beginners)
The Spring Feasts Paul’s Shipwreck © BPA Publishing Ltd 2020

Paul’s Shipwreck Activity Book 83

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