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“I keep telling

Class 1
receiving brings a
Shabbat Course person to death…but
until now no one
believes me.”
Rav Ashlag (paraphrased)

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What’s In It For Me? Reviewing the Four Phases

Key Points to Remember!
When we train ourselves to connect to the frequency of • 1. Chochmah – Receiving the Light passively
Shabbat we learn to feel our true selves, our pure souls,
our true voice. In the week following Shabbat, it’s easier to
be Proactive because: • 2. Binah – Desire to Share

1. Our Soul is energized and we are more • 3. Zeir Anpin – Created to share the Light
CERTAIN about the Light
2. We are able to HEAR our inner voice, • 4. Malchut – Created to receive and manifest
the voice of the Light, more easily the Light
3. We receive the power to NOT REACT to
everyday challenges

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What is Binah Consciousness? What is the power of

the Desire to Share…?
• The consciousness of “I want to share.”
… CREATES the Desire to Receive-
(The Desire to Share)
CREATES a vessel
(10 Luminous Emanations)
• The Essence of the Soul
… Entrance to Merciful/Miraculous Reality
• Of the 3 upper levels (Keter, Chochmah,
(Rav Ashlag’s Writings)
Binah) Binah is the first phase when the
vessel is actively involved.
… Access and power to Angels and
Righteous Souls
(Advanced Reincarnation)

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The 7 Days of Creation

This Universe took

“7 Days” to build.

The 7 Days allows the energy of

Binah to funnel through
Zeir Anpin (6 days) and
manifest in Malchut (7th day)

The Days of Creation

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The 7 Days of Creation

“And God called the light Day, and the BINAH → Zeir Anpin → Malchut
darkness He called Night. And there was
evening and there was morning, One Day.” Keter

Genesis 1:5

Binah Three Upper Sefirot

One Day
Day Two
Day Three Seven Lower Sefirot
Day Four Gevurah Chesed

Day Five
Day Six Tiferet

Day Seven
Hod Netzach



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Three Upper Sefirot

Sixth Day:
Seventh Day:

Adam & Eve were Gevurah Chesed

… God finished His work from which he had made; and He
created… rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had made.

Genesis 2:2
And they still exist within Hod Netzach

Zeir Anpin (Yesod)! The Desire to Receive is


created (Malchut) so that

the energy of Binah
can be revealed
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The Cosmology of Shabbat

Three Upper Sefirot

Binah Chochmah

The Cosmology of Shabbat

The Second Tzimtzum Gevura
Seven Lower Sefirot


Hod Netzach



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The Cosmology of Shabbat The Cosmology of Shabbat

An ancient legend tells that in the beginning, universes
were created and then destroyed over and over again
because the universe was established on Judgment only.
Three Upper Sefirot
Malchut Binah Chochmah

• PROBLEM: Malchut just has desire to

receive, which results in Bread of Shame
Seven Lower Sefirot
Malchut Gevurah Chesed

• SOLUTION: 2nd Tzimztum


Zeir Anpin
Malchut Hod Netzach • PROCESS: Malchut ascends to Binah to
acquire the DESIRE TO SHARE



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The Cosmology of Shabbat The Cosmology of Shabbat

Two Universes now exist:

Malchut Binah
The Universe built on Judgment,
1% Reality
From the 1st Tzimtzum of Malchut
This is called :
1. “Malchut sweetened by Binah” or The Universe built on Mercy,
2. “Malchut of the Second Tzimtzum.” 99% Reality
From the 2nd Tzimtzum
Malchut sweetened by Binah

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In the word Shabbat Things to Look Forward to…

World of the Light

Bat (Daughter) -0 +

- Reflects the Three Column System
World of Righteous Souls

World of Angels
The Daugher is Malchut, our soul,
the Vessel that is “God’s child.”
World of Action
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