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Action Plan for a Confirmed Positive COVID-19 Case

NOTE: Human Resources will make the final decision on allowing an employee to return to work
based upon this action plan and taking into account all extenuating circumstances as each employee’s
case is unique.

Applicable to the following Conn-Selmer Facilities:

Elkhart Corporate
Elkhart Distribution Center (EDC)
Elkhart North
Elkhart South
Section I - Employees with COVID-19 symptoms

Employees are required to self-monitor for COVID-19 symptoms and should not come to work if they
have any of the following symptoms.

People with these symptoms may have COVID-19:

• Fever or chills
• Cough
• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
• Fatigue
• Muscle or body aches
• Headache
• New loss of taste or smell
• Sore throat
• Congestion or runny nose
• Nausea or vomiting
• Diarrhea

Employees developing any of these systems should stay home and testing is recommended. NOTE: a
diagnostic respiratory specimen test (nasal swab) is best for the COVID-19 test. An employee only needs
to be tested once as additional tests are likely to stay positive for weeks or months well after the
employee is no longer contagious.

Section II – Employees who test positive for COVID-19

If You Test Positive for COVID-19 (Isolate)

Everyone, regardless of vaccination status.

• Stay home for 5 days.

• If you have no symptoms or your symptoms are resolving after 5 days, you can return to work.
• Must be fever free for >24 hours without fever reducing medication.
• When returning to work please continue to wear a well-fitting mask around others for 5 additional

* If you have a fever, continue to stay home until your fever resolves (Fever free for >24 hours without
fever reducing medication).
* Loss of taste and smell may persist for weeks or months after recovery and need not delay the end of

SECTION III - In the event that a facility has a confirmed COVID-19 case, the following actions need to
be followed:
1. Cleaning staff should clean and disinfect all areas such as offices, bathrooms, common, break
area, shared equipment used by the ill persons, focusing especially on frequently touched
2. If the employee has not been in the facility within the last 7 days, additional cleaning and
disinfection is not necessary.
3. Continue routine cleaning and disinfecting of highly touched surfaces within the facility.
4. Determine which employees and visitors may have been exposed to the virus and may need to
take additional precautions.
5. Inform employees and visitors of their possible exposure to COVID-19 in the workplace but
maintain confidentiality of the ill person’s personal information as required by law.

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