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“Maybe we belong among the stars.”


CATEGORY: 10th grade, large team

“Saint Sava” National College

Bucharest, Romania
Team members:

Ioana Balint

Ioana Barbu

Flaviu Cosma

Adela Dănescu

Andreea Negrilă

Robert Rădulescu

Coordinating teacher: Mihaela Chiriță



1.Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 5
2. Location requirements ....................................................................................................................... 6
3. Settlement structure ........................................................................................................................... 8
3.1 External structural design ............................................................................................................... 8
3.1.1. Shielding system ........................................................................................................................ 8 MMOD shielding ................................................................................................................... 8 Radiation shielding ............................................................................................................. 9 Thermal control..................................................................................................................... 9
3.1.2. Artificial Gravity ....................................................................................................................... 10 Effects of artificial gravity on the human body .............................................................. 10 Rotation system................................................................................................................. 11
3.1.3. Movement in space.................................................................................................................. 11
3.1.4. Structural overview .................................................................................................................. 12 Construction phases .......................................................................................................... 13 structure ................................................................................................................. 14 The cylinder ............................................................................................................... 14 The spheres ............................................................................................................... 15 The tori ........................................................................................................................ 16 Interior design and activities .................................................................................... 17
 Activities inside the cylinder ............................................................................................................ 17
 Activities inside the spheres ........................................................................................................... 18
 Activities inside the tori .................................................................................................................... 19
4.Life support .......................................................................................................................................... 23
4.1. Energy ............................................................................................................................................ 23
4.1.1. Power system ........................................................................................................................... 23
4.2. Water .............................................................................................................................................. 24
4.2.1. Water collecting ........................................................................................................................ 24
4.2.2. Water management ................................................................................................................. 25 Water management recovery systems (WMRS) ............................................................ 27
4.2.3. Storage ...................................................................................................................................... 28
4.2.4. Importance of oxygen and water in reactions ...................................................................... 28

Serendipity Space Settlement 3


4.3. Atmosphere ................................................................................................................................... 29

4.3.1. Composition of the atmosphere ............................................................................................. 29
4.3.2. Pressure, volume and mass ................................................................................................... 30 Oxygen generation............................................................................................................. 30 Air revitalization system (CDRA System) ....................................................................... 31 Temperature, ventilation and humidity control .............................................................. 32 Fire detection system ........................................................................................................ 32
4.4. Electricity........................................................................................................................................ 32
4.5. Lightning......................................................................................................................................... 33
4.6 Food and agriculture ..................................................................................................................... 33
4.6.1 Agriculture .................................................................................................................................. 33
4.6.2 Aquaculture ................................................................................................................................ 36
4.6.3. Animal growth ........................................................................................................................... 37
4.6.4. Consumables ............................................................................................................................ 38
4.7. Waste management ..................................................................................................................... 39
4.8. Transport inside the settlement .................................................................................................. 40
5. Population analysis........................................................................................................................... 40
5.1. Requirements ................................................................................................................................ 40
5.2. Demography .................................................................................................................................. 43
5.3. Work system.................................................................................................................................. 44
6. Institutions........................................................................................................................................... 45
6.1. Education ....................................................................................................................................... 45
6.2. Healthcare ..................................................................................................................................... 45
6.3. Police .............................................................................................................................................. 46
6.4. Parliment ........................................................................................................................................ 46
6.5. Banks.............................................................................................................................................. 46
7. Economy .............................................................................................................................................. 47
7.1. Currency......................................................................................................................................... 47
7.2. Commerce ..................................................................................................................................... 47
7.3. Salaries .......................................................................................................................................... 47
8. Industry ................................................................................................................................................ 47
8.1. Food processing industry ............................................................................................................ 47
8.2. Textile industry .............................................................................................................................. 48

Serendipity Space Settlement 4


8.3. Chemical/ Pharmaceutical industry ........................................................................................... 48

8.4. Material processing and manufacture industry ........................................................................ 48
8.5. Metallurgy industry ....................................................................................................................... 49
9. Entertainment ..................................................................................................................................... 49
10. Technology ....................................................................................................................................... 50
11. Research on Serendipity ............................................................................................................... 51
12. Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................ 52


The world we live in is trapped in a vicious circle of self-destruction. Global warm-

ing, excessive exploitation, pollution and species extinction are just a few of the problems
Earth is facing. So how can we escape from an ambiguous space, that has no boundaries,
no edges? From this world that seems to have no loopholes? Through revival. Just like a
caterpillar that manages to become a butterfly, a glittering, unique and flourishing crea-
ture, so can humanity evolve and revive.

So long, we have been looking up at the stars, craving to know what’s out there,
and sometimes, that is just enough for us to realize how small we actually are and how
much more there is to discover, how many mysteries the Universe holds within itself.

Space expansion is our way out, the key to create a new era, a better future for
the upcoming generations.

We chose the name Serendipity because it comes from a fairy tale in which the
heroes “were always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things they were
not in quest of’’. More exactly, it means “the occurrence and development of events by
chance in an ecstatic or favorable way”, which is exactly what we aspire to: the betterment
and evolution of our world, both intentionally, as well as through everyone’s experiences.

Because we are aiming to create world that will flourish, our spaceship will have
the following emblems:bravery, kindness, love, erudition, freedom, and integrity.

Serendipity Space Settlement 5


2. Location requirements
Case study
In finding the perfect place for our space settlement, we had to analyze more im-
portant factors, including radiation, space debris, communications efficiency; attractive-
ness of views for tourists and so on.

Possible lo- Disadvantages: Advantages:

Lagrangian  unpleasant effects of radiation  they all allow natural cooling
Points:  according to NASA’s WISE
telescope, Trojan asteroids
can be found near to Libration
L1  permanent perspective over the  situated in the proximity of
sun, becomes unpleasant for Earth, at a short distance from
the tourists; reduces attractive- it: short trips, that can be
ness by showing the same made in a short period of time,
landscape all over again insignificant time lag
 unstable point, that means in  can always procure solar en-
case the spacecraft loses equi- ergy (light), important and pri-
librium, it will not return to its in- mal resource of life
itial position
 necessity of using rocket firings
L2  unstable point, like L1  offers a perspective over the
space, delightful scenery for
the tourists came from Earth
 not far away from the Moon,
possible source of materials
needed to maintain life on the
space settlement or to build it
L3  unstable point  hidden behind the Sun
 way too far from Earth, Moon or  major problems with commu-
other potential resources nications

Serendipity Space Settlement 6


 no benefit for the ship, no real

reason to position the space
settlement there
 no utilization found for this
place yet, except observing
the Sun
L4  high level of radiation: requires  stable point, assures stability
a very thick shield, but also very in any condition
expensive and difficult to obtain  asteroids can be found in that
place: useful resource for a
functional space settlement
L5  radiation: necessity of having a  stable point
radiation shield  symmetrically positioned to
L4, same advantages
 Earth’s orbits:
LEO  atmospheric drag, orbital decay  does not require much energy
 limited view, decreases attrac-  very developed and efficient
tiveness for tourists communications with Earth:
 concerning consequences of the spacecraft can always be
space debris monitored from Earth
ELEO  the less amount of fuel spent,
caused by the low delta v re-
 every 90 minutes, it appears
the possibility to rendezvous
with an object already existing
in the ELEO orbit
MEO  shorter days (12 hours) – the  many artificial satellites situ-
period of an entire orbit – dis- ated in MEO, used for posi-
comfort for the inhabitants tioning and navigation
 radiation  permanent control and sur-
veillance from Earth

Serendipity Space Settlement 7


GEO  time lag of a quarter of a second  same rotation period and orbit
 needs to be situated above the as Earth
Equator in order to avoid radio-
frequency interference – limited
number of places like this avail-

According to the information, Lagrangian Points L1, L2 and L3 are unstable and it
would be very difficult and expensive to make ships orbit around them and to maintain
themselves stable. Above and beyond, it would be a great realization to position the space
settlement near L4 or L5, except the fact that radiation would affect people’s health and
would have unpleasant and dangerous effects in time.
Placing our space settlement in GEO, LEO or MEO would not be the best decision,
because of the presented disadvantages.
That reduces the research to ELEO, the orbit with the best features for a spacecraft
to be positioned in: the less amount of fuel spent for launching a ship from all the orbits
due to the fact that it has a very low delta v requirement.

3. Settlement structure
3.1 External structural design
3.1.1. Shielding system MMOD shielding
Outer space is filled with dangers for our
settlement. One of these dangers are repre-
sented by MMOD (micrometeorites and orbital
debris). Although they have different sources,
the effect of a direct impact is similar. If one
small piece of material were to hit our space-
craft with several kilometers per hour, the re-
sults would be devastating. In order to avoid
such damage, we have to install a precise RA-
DAR to calculate the force and trajectory of any
incoming debris.
Smaller particles will be harder to de-
tect, but they pose less of a threat and can be
easily avoided using a Whipple Shield. This
shield will be placed further from the actual walls of the spacecraft. The bumper will not

Serendipity Space Settlement 8


reduce the kinetic energy of the incoming particles, but instead it will break them and
disperse them into multiple fragments. These fragments will hit the wall of the settlement
over a larger surface area, making it easier to absorb the energy of the impact. Any dam-
age dealt to the Whipple Shield can be repaired using micro-robots.
Larger particles, however, will not be as easy to break down as the smaller ones.
Active protection systems have to be applied in order to avoid being hit. There are multiple
ways to achieve this, one of the most effective being moving the settlement in its entirety
when facing the risk of hitting a larger object. This is possibly the best and only way to
defend our spacecraft against a larger threat with high velocity, such as a meteorite or
giant masses of debris.
The best material for making the settlement light and solid is aluminum. Aluminum
is a very sturdy and light material, which is great for mechanical stability and thermal
management. It has a low density (2.7 g/cm 3) and it is very durable, which means it can
withstand the high pressures upon leaving the atmosphere. Radiation shielding

The space environment has collected radiations from our sun or from outside our
solar system. These radiations have a number of negative effects over the human body,
including different types of cancer, risk of degenerative tissue, and possibly even death.
There are more approaches for shielding humans, but the one we will be using is the
magnetic shielding. This approach relies on the protection of a large magnetic field, much
like the Earth.
This magnetic field will be created using superconducting solenoids. The main
problem with such a design consists in the psychological effects on the population inside
the settlement. The habitants will have to live in an area with little to no magnetic field
strengths. The magnetic shielding will deflect most charged particles, avoiding any real
damage. Thermal control

To ensure the settlement's safety, protection against the heat and cold of space
must be thoroughly considered. Therefore, Serendipity contains thermal control systems
(TCS) that manage the temperature of the settlement, using heat exchangers and coolers
The items of the TCS are of both passive and active nature and function differently: some
protect from overheating and some from temperatures that are too cold to properly func-
1. Passive Thermal Control System(PTCS)

Serendipity Space Settlement 9


In order to prevent heat losses and excessive heating, the spaceship is covered in
a MLI (Multilayer insulation), the most common passive thermal control element used,
blanket that maintains the ideal temperature for operating the spacecraft. Coating was
also used, one of the simplest and least expensive techniques, to lower or increase heat
transfer on the settlement.
2. Active Thermal Control System(ATCS)
Heat pipes are used for thermal management in the spacecraft, heat-transfer de-
vices that use the principles of thermal conductivity and phase transition. They have the
advantage of being able to transport heat over long distances because heat pipes don't
need power to work and operate isothermally instead. They function by taking advantage
of the propriety of liquids to vaporize: at the hot end the liquid is in gas form and attempts
to fill the tube, going through the cold end where it goes back to liquid state. Essentially
the system is a fluid loop. The heat pipes are made from aluminum, as this metal has high
strength and low density. Louvers have also been used, for heat rejection and transfer,
with no power needed to operate. They are mostly seen over external radiators, but can
be used in a settlement for the purpose of thermal control.

3.1.2. Artificial Gravity Effects of artificial gravity on the human body

Humans are dependent of gravity, as it affects every aspect of our life. The lack of
gravity could cause most functions in the human body to relax, as they stop fighting
against the gravitational pull. It can also cause people to become disoriented for a short
amount of time, not being able to differentiate between up or down, and not feeling their
legs and arms.
Astronauts in who spent a longer period of time in space have come across some
more health problems. Their calcium levels decreased, being more vulnerable to breaking
bones if they fell.
The fact is, we can hardly live in a weightless scenario and we need artificial gravity
to exist. While we are unsure of what the safest and most efficient method to create arti-
ficial gravity is, the best one is by rotation of the settlement.
Artificial gravity, as its properties are similar to actual gravity, should not have any
different effect on to the human body. Implementing artificial gravity using a centripetal
force will allow the inhabitants to live without experiencing weightlessness and the nega-
tive side effects.

Serendipity Space Settlement 10


We can simply calculate the required rotational speed the formula of the centripe-
tal force:
F = mac = mω2r Where:

ac = ω2r —> ω =
√𝑎𝑐 ac = centripetal acceleration
𝜔 ω = angular velocity in radians
ω = 2πT —> T = 2𝜋
r = the average radius of each tori
√ 𝑟𝑐 T = orbital period
Each torus of our settlement will have a radius of 172 meters. In order for the residents
to feel comfortable with the artificial gravity, we have decided to have an angular velocity
of 2.24 rotations/minute. This rotation speed will be enough to create an artificial gravity
of just below 10 m/s2.
We believe 2.24 rotations/minute is an acceptable value, as most occupants will
not be bothered and won't feel the difference between actual gravity and pseudo-gravity.
A rotation rate of around 2 rpm shouldn’t require any adaptation for residents nor visitors.
If this value is increased, both groups will have to train daily and prepare beforehand.
Values up to 8 rpm will cause habitants to suffer from nausea and have a great deal of
Residents will be exposed for much longer on the ship. While the rotation speed is
constant, gravity will vary throughout the settlement, different effects taking place. This
means residents will have to adapt from area to area.
Visitors, on the other hand, will have to train in advance, possibly in a non-rotating
settlement, until they can finally enter the actual spaceship. They will have to be placed
somewhere in the torus, as the gravity is constant. This way, visitors are less vulnerable
to any negative health effects on their body.

3.1.3. Movement in space

Propulsion is space is an active field of research. although there are a number of methods
move a settlement in space, one of the best is the Hall-effect thruster. The Hall-effect
thruster is an ion thruster which traps electrons inside a magnetic field. These electrons
are then used to ionize an inserted propellant and accelerate ions to create thrust.

Serendipity Space Settlement 11


This type of propulsion is very effective

because it can use a variety of propellants, in-
cluding xenon, helium, argon or magnesium.
This is important, because our settlement will
be constantly rotating and we need the thrust-
ers to always work. The best and most com- tent.cgi?referer=
monly used propellant is xenon, but is not eas- dir=1&article=3705&context=honors_theses
ily accessible.
The second-best option has to be he-
lium, considering it is very abundant in the uni-
The Hall-effect thruster traps electrons
using a powerful magnetic field. The electrons,
circulating in the Hall current, ionize with the
given propellant, creating ionized plasma. The plasma is then accelerated and shot out
at a very high velocity, producing thrust.
The thrusters will be placed on the sides of the tori, a pair on each of one. In order
to achieve the rotation, we desire, they will need to position each pair in direct opposition
of each other. This way, we can move the settlement whenever we need and we can
adjust the exact rotation rate.

3.1.4. Structural overview

We designed the
ship in such a manner that
everything will connect with
the main cylinder, the most
frequented part of the set-
tlement. As presented in
the image below, the ship
has 3 tori, one cylinder and
one dumbbell.
We came to the con-
clusion that this form would
be an advantage for the
ship’s purposes and activi-
ties, because it provides a large living area, the spheres can be used as a way to easily
access the zero-gravity zone, the tori make full use of the normal gravity areas and the
cylinder offers access to all parts of the settlement.

Serendipity Space Settlement 12

SERENDIPITY PROJECT Construction phases

Construction phases Representation
1. The first phase is represented by the
construction of the main cylinder,
which will provide access to every part
of the ship. Inside the cylinder will be
the command center, the parliament,
the docking stations and many offices
for different activity fields, that will
benefit the ship’s economy. This
phase is expected to have a 4 years
construction duration.

2. The second phase will consist of build-

ing the dumbbell, which goes inside
the main cylinder. The spheres will
have many purposes: recreation (zero
gravity zone), agriculture (green-
houses) and research laboratories.
The construction is expected to take
2.5 years.

3. The construction process ends with

the 3 tori, placed around the cylinder.
They are connected with the cylinder
through 2 cylinder-shaped tunnels
with a 10 m diameter, that would inter-
sect each other in the middle, where
the cylinder is placed. The animals will
be kept inside the tori. They also pro-
vide a large living area, parks, restau-
rants and institutions, just like a small-
scale city. This is expected to take 5

The total duration to build the settlement is 11.5 years.

Serendipity Space Settlement 13

SERENDIPITY PROJECT Internal structure

In the following chapter we will go into details about every part of the settlement. The cylinder

The exact dimensions of the cylinder are presented below:

Radius 20 m
Diameter 40 m
Height 200 m
Circle area (base) 𝐴 = 𝜋𝑟 2 = 400𝜋 = 1256,64 𝑚²
Circle length 𝐿 = 2𝜋𝑟 = 40𝜋 = 125,6 𝑚
Cylinder area 27.646 m2
Cylinder volume 251.327 m3
Lateral surface area 25.132,7 m2

Serendipity Space Settlement 14


The dimensions of the sphere and the small cylinder are presented below:
Sphere radius 15 m
Sphere diameter 30 m
Sphere area 2827,43 m2
Sphere volume 14137,2 m3
Circumference 94,2478 m
Cylinder radius 10 m
Cylinder diameter 20 m
Cylinder height 15 m
Cylinder area 1570.8 m2
Cylinder base area 314.159 m2
Cylinder volume 4712.39 m3
Cylinder lateral area 942.478 m2

Serendipity Space Settlement 15


The three tori will have the same dimensions and structure, and their interior will be
arranged and designed in the same way.
The dimensions of the tori are represented in the table below:
Circle’s radius(the interior) 25m
The diameter of the circle 50m
The torus’s radius 172,4m
The torus’s diameter 344,8m
The torus’s surface 170.000 m2

Each torus has a capacity of 5.000 people, the total capacity of the ship being of 15.000
people. Initially, only 11.500 people will board the ship, but there is extra space for tourists
and for the possible population increase.

Serendipity Space Settlement 16

SERENDIPITY PROJECT Interior design and activities

Activities inside the cylinder

Floor Height

Docking station 15 m

Factories 15 m

Hallway 10 m

Aquarium 5m

Parliament 10 m

Command center and 20 m

police department
Research labs 15 m

Total 90 m

The first part of the cylinder

Floor Height

Entertainment 50 m

Robotic center 10 m

Hallway 5m

Vineyards and cereal 10 m

Aquarium 5m

Factories 15 m

Docking station 15 m

Total 110 m

The second part of the cylinder

Serendipity Space Settlement 17


- Docking stations, for external - The command center, to ensure

trade and missions. (15m) proper ship management in space.

- Factories, for fulfilling the needs - Research laboratories, for

of the inhabitants. (15 m) medicine, astronomy and other sciences.
(3 floors-15 m)

- Aquariums, for sustaining the

- Orchards and cereal fields, for
aquaculture, as a main source of food.
providing food.

- Hallways, for granting the

- Entertainment area (adventure
access to the tori. (5 m)
parks, cinemas, sport complexes) for en-
suring a pleasant environment for our in-
- The parliament and the habitants. (5 floors- 50m)
courthouse, for the administration of the
population and for solving any political
problems. (2 floors-10 m)
- Robotic center, communications
and offices. (10 m)

Activities inside the spheres

The spheres are connected to the main cylinder through a smaller cylinder, forming a
dumbbell. This small cylinder represents the transport method inside the main cylinder
and the spheres. It passes through the middle of every floor, allowing access everywhere.
The symbols placed on the construction stand for the dumbbell’s purposes, as presented

- Agriculture-greenhouses, an
essential food source. - An important source of enter-

- Space research institutions

and experimental fields, placed in the - Space observatory.
zero gravity zone.

Serendipity Space Settlement 18


- Elevator for inhabitants. - Maintenance elevator for staff


Activities inside the tori

The city area

Our city areas will be structured like a usual city
on Earth.The houses will be placed along the tori
at a distance of 2 m between them, along with
cafes, restaurants, institutions and parks and
For the inhabitants to feel as free as possible, we
will display a holographic sky on the ceiling of the
ship. There will be more forms of the sky (clear,
sunny, cloudy, etc.)

Serendipity Space Settlement 19


The seasons
We wanted our citizens to feel as much as possible like on Earth so we decided to
create seasons on our settlement. We will place soil in parks and in the gardens of people
where we will plant trees and other plants that will be gardened and watered regularly
with the help of automatic machines. Depending on the season we will change the
temperature that we are going to give in the city, and in this way the plants and trees will
follow their natural cycle like on Earth. In the winter we will have artificial snow, made in
one of our factories as we can not produce real snow.

The design of the houses

Our houses are designed in a modern, inovative style. They are spacious and
furnished after the latest trends, while also bringing the necessary comfort. Every house
can be designed according the preferences of the inhabitants, no restrictions, but the
models we designed have neutrals, light and pastel colours.
Here are the types of houses we have chosen:

-Four room villa: the house includes 3 bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, two bathrooms
and a garden. Capacity:4-6 persons.

Serendipity Space Settlement 20


-Four-room duplexes, for large families: each half includes 3 bedrooms, a living-

room,2 bathrooms, a kitchen, a balcony and a garden. Capacity:8-10 persons.

Serendipity Space Settlement 21


-Three-room villas:2 bedrooms, a living room, a bathroom, a kitchen, a garden and a

balcony. Capacity:3-4 persons.

-2 rooms duplexes: each half has one bedroom, one living room, one bathroom, one
kitchen and one garden. Capacity: 4 persons.

Serendipity Space Settlement 22


4.Life support
4.1. Energy
4.1.1. Power system
In space, energy is the mechanism of all the systems of a spacecraft. Due to the
positioning of the ship in ELEO, the main source of energy is solar energy. Solar energy
will be made using a system of photo voltaic panels that will be integrated into the protec-
tive shield in the outside of the settlement. The solar panels will work through solar cells
of the type of a double junction GaIn / GaAs that will contain in the structure a AlGaAs
tunnel junction which will increase the collecting efficiency of light up to 32.8%. The solar
cells will be placed on the surface of the solar panels with the capability to capture around
175 𝑤/𝑚2. This system has a very high capacity to capture the sunlight that it later turns
into electricity, but that happens only when the settlement is completely exposed to the
sun's rays. But the important question is: What happens with the system when the sun is
continuing the eternal cycle and goes after the Earth and/or Moon? The question
has two reliable answers based on the possibilities of Serendipity. The first is based on
collecting the energy in lithium-ion batteries so it can then be used during the “eclipses”
and the second one is to create a nuclear- fusion system based on a deuterium-helium 3
reaction. Without any doubt, the choice has to go to the nuclear-fusion system in which
deuterium and helium, one of the hydrogen’s isotopes and one of the helium’s isotopes
are connecting together under a force of 20N according to the Coulomb’s law. The effi-
ciency of this is reaction is 61%, being needed of 28 × 10−9 kg of the burned mixture to
obtain 10𝑚𝑤/𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑.
The reaction is:

Serendipity Space Settlement 23


4.2. Water

4.2.1. Water collecting

Water is indispensable for surviving in any circumstances, including living in space.

Transporting one liter from Earth to space costs approximately 10.000 USD, therefore we
will try to practice different methods to obtain and intake water. First of all, due to the
positioning of the ship in the ELEO orbit, we will increase the access area on several
planets, in order to search for water resources.

The planets to which we will focus our search and our influence areas will be:
 The Moon

The water resources found on the bark of the Moon are in the form of ice, that
would have been formed over time from the collisions between the comets that con-
tain water and the Moon's surface. Another hypothesis that reinforces the existence
of the glaciers in the area of the Moon's poles is constituted by the mixture of hydro-
gen ions spread through the solar wind and oxygen atoms in the minerals on the
bark of the Moon. To collect the ice fragments in the craters located in the two poles
we will use the help of the robots, which will be transported with special ships that
will be positioned at the Moon's bark level.

 Mars

Like on the Moon, the water available on Mars is in the same state of aggregation,
in the form of glaciers, located in the two poles of the planet. The only visible ice-
covered area is the head of the Nordic pole which has a layer of dry carbon dioxide,
which evaporates into the atmosphere during the summer, forming small molecules
of gas. The arrival of the summer represents for us an excellent opportunity to cap-
ture the water from the atmosphere by means of a generator that extracts the water
molecules from the humidified air (Mars's seasons are similar to Earth's seasons
due to Earth-like rotation axis, 25.19 ° for Mars and 23.44 ° for Terra respectively).
Instead, throughout the year, except in the summer, we will use the same water
capture method presented in the case of the Moon.

Serendipity Space Settlement 24


4.2.2. Water management

Water in per- Liters/ Amount con- Reason

sonal use person sumed/week

DRINKING 2 − 2,5 14 − 17,5 The optimal quantity a person

needs to stay hydrated.

Hygiene is important for the

well-being of the inhabitants.
Taking in consideration the
BRUSHING fact that a regular person
TEETH, FAUCETS washes approximately 3
WASHING AND 35 − 40 245 − 280 times/week and uses the sink
SHAVING 10 times/day, we will set this
as a standard routine to avoid
waste. For further details,
check the sub capitol dedi-
cated to filtration systems and
water distillation.

Considering daily human

needs, the system is set to
TOILETS FLUSH- 20 − 24 140 − 168 meet a maximum of four wa-
ING ter traps per day, considering
the fact that a water trap con-
tains a volume of 5 dm3.
Cooking in their own house is
COOKING AND a more viable alternative and
DISHWASHER 5 - 10 35-70 more economic than eating at
a restaurant, so we will en-
courage any initiative of the
people to prepare their own
food with water support.
TOTAL 62-76,5 434-535,5

Serendipity Space Settlement 25


Water in settle- Quantity/ month(li- Reason

ment use ters)

Aquaculture constitutes an indispensable pro-

tein and mineral source required for the human
organism, representing 50% of the sources
AQUACULTURE 2 × 106 producing proteins on the ship. Considering
the volume of a 1.200.000 liters basin and cal-
culating the optimal distance between the wa-
ter level and the extremity of the basin, the wa-
ter volume reaches the value of 1000 m3. Thus
the volume initially used for 2 basins is 2000
Considering the flow rate of the vitaminized
plant solution 0,5 liters/hour, 8 times/ day, for
HYDROPONICS 4 30 minutes, we will reach the value of 2 liters
of daily reutilized solution for 2 weeks.

The irrigation system and the hydroponic sys-

tem are very important for the hydration of the
IRRIGATION SYS- 280 plants. For avoiding the liquid abundance that
TEM can make the leaves rot, the irrigation system
will be on twice a day, for 10 minutes.
RECREATIVE AR- The water located in the recreational area will
EAS 2 × 106 be found in the form of a lake, with a 2000 m3

For avoiding the waste of water and energy,

LAUNDRY SYSTEM each torus will have big laundries where peo-
8 × 105 ple will take their clothes.

Water repartition for animals:

 cows:35-40 liters
 pigs:5-10 liters
 chickens:0,5-0,7 liters
WATER FOR ANI- 2000  goats:2-2,5 liters
MALS  sheeps:2,5-3 liters
 rabbits:1-1,5 liters
The rest of the water will be used to wash the

Serendipity Space Settlement 26


In some places or activities, the exact indication of the amount of water remains ques-
tionable as this number may vary depending on different factors. Water management recovery systems (WMRS)

If water waste is quite common on Earth, this will not happen in space because the
production and harvesting of water are difficult processes. The water obtained by melting
the glaciers from the craters of the planets may contain traces of residues that are not
beneficial to the human body. Methods for obtaining the drinking water will be performed
by means of specific systems that will be presented in the following paragraphs.
1. Distillation
Urine is made up of 95% of the water, representing one of the most reliable sources of
water recovery. The explanation of the distillation process will be disclosed with the de-
scription of the following subsystems:
This subsystem encompasses a compressor that warms the urine until the water
almost evaporates, and the resulting vapors are going to be introduced through a puri-
fier to obtain drinking water from condensation.


The subsystem has an advanced distillation machine that works with a pump through
which the heat is transported to a vaporizer, (which is coming from the condenser).


This one last is based on a chemical process that involves the elimination of impuri-
ties from oxidation, the resulting vapors will turn into pure water after condensation.
In a classification made up of the three subsystems, VAPCAR is a leading leader
because it is not necessary to treat a certain substance before use and the drinking water
rate has the highest percentage compared to the other ones. (94%)

2. Filtration
Filtration means purifying the liquid, eliminating its bacteria. Filtration systems play
a particular role in the context of the economy, as they regularly maintain the quality of
water captured from regular use in domestic use, hydroponic systems and in aquaculture.
Another use of these systems is the capture of water vapors from the atmosphere which

Serendipity Space Settlement 27


are then going to be condensed. These processes are to going be explained through the
systems below.


This subsystem integrates a semipermeable membrane that has the role of trap-
ping microorganisms and residues, but requires a high pressure value to combat osmotic
pressure, which is almost impossible to do in a ship. Another argument that demonstrates
that this subsystem is impracticable is the fact that during the separation of pure waste
water there is also the demineralization of water.


The water purification through this subsystem is carried out using a power source
introduced into the water to deionize it. The disadvantage of this system is that it consti-
tutes a high level of difficulty at the stage of use.


Having the same structure as the RO, it is more effective compared to it, because
it uses a number of 3 layers of membranes that offer a more advanced level of purification.
The ranking will be based on the ease of access, but also on the level of efficiency
of each subsystem, so the MF will be the first one due to its ease of use compared with
ED and the level of efficiency of purification compared with RO.

4.2.3. Storage

All potable water resulting from distillation, filtration and purification processes will
be stored inside the tori under the buildings and recreation areas in order to create an
irrigation system made up of pipes that will provide the required amount of water for the
green spaces present inside the tori, as well as to assign to each person the quantity of
water necessary for a proper living.

4.2.4. Importance of oxygen and water in reactions

Oxygen and water are the most important elements of life on Earth. At the spatial
level, in the case of manufacturing production through specific systems and generators
of each element, oxygen cannot exist without water and water cannot exist without oxy-

Serendipity Space Settlement 28


The reaction is a mixture of 2 hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom resulting in 2
water atoms and electricity.

 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O + electricity


How to obtain oxygen is the reversible process of water and electricity creation.
 2H2O + electricity→ 2H2 + O2
Because it is a flammable gas and because there is a possibility of shipwrecking,
the hydrogen resulting from the reversible reaction will be discharged to the outside of
the ship.
But for the future, hydrogen is not an element of neglect, because combined with
the carbon dioxide exhaled by the human body, it forms the Sabatier Reaction that pro-
duces water and methane. The resultant methane can be thrown out of the ship, but we
believe that its chemical properties can make it an excellent fuel in the future.
 4H2 + CO2→ 2H2O + CH4

4.3. Atmosphere
4.3.1. Composition of the atmosphere
0.04 0.01



Nitrogen Oxygen Carbon Dioxide Water vapors Others

Nitrogen can be easily stored in the spacecraft, because it is an inert gas which
has a great attribution to maintain the pressure constant inside the settlement.

Serendipity Space Settlement 29


4.3.2. Pressure, volume and mass

We have decided that the pressure value will be the same as the pressure on Earth
(14.7 psi=101.352 kPa), the value of the density being 1,2 ⁄𝑚3 , in order to avoid any
negative effects on the inhabitant’s health. Considering the volume of the settlement
equal to 6,28 × 106 𝑚3 we will calculate the mass of the atmosphere thus:

𝜌= => m = 𝜌 × 𝑉 =1,2 × 6,28 × 106 = 7,53 × 106 Kg
𝑉 Oxygen generation

According to a study by ISS, the mass of oxygen required by a daily human is 840
grams. Using the rule of 3, we will calculate both the required mass of the entire popula-
tion and the estimated cost of launching pure oxygen from the Earth, given the initial
population of 11,500 and the cost of one kilogram of pure oxygen equal to $ 95,000.

840 grams …………… $79,800…………..1 person

X grams …………….. $ Y ……………..11,500 people

=> X = 11,500 × 840 = 9,660,000 ⁄𝑑𝑎𝑦

=> Y = 79,800 × 11,500 = 917,700,000 $⁄𝑑𝑎𝑦

Because the final costs are too high compared to our budget, we will focus on
creating bio-regenerative systems through which we will produce oxygen and eliminate
carbon dioxide.

First of all, the main mechanism in which oxygen generation will consist originates
in nature and is called photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants
capture carbon dioxide released by humans and generate oxygen in their turn. Inside
Serendipity we have two methods to obtain oxygen from nature:
1.From algae tanks
The algae represent a very nutrient source of food, but it has, besides this, a very
good advantage: it has the capability to remove the CO 2 from atmosphere. To make this

Serendipity Space Settlement 30


possible we will use the tank where the algae is growing to put carbon dioxide in and with
the help of photosynthesis will result molecules of Oxygen and Nitrogen.
2. From green-spaces
The natural reaction of producing oxygen has to be in the air. In order to do this,
we must create green-spaces in the interior of the tori composed from grass, little plants
and trees which will grow under the LED illumination system and with a nutrient-based
artificial soil to help them grow much faster.
Photosynthesis reaction: 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + light —> C6H12O6 + 6 O2

Another advantage of growing plants inside the tori is that the water that comes
out of the plants can be recycled using the filtration systems mentioned in the chapter

CARBON DIOXIDE 40-300 g/m2/day OXYGEN 30-220

WATER 5-10 kg/m2/day TRANSPIRATION WA- 5-10 kg/m2/day
Source: Peter Eckart, Spaceflight Life Support and Biospherics

Besides these methods, one of the most important chemical reactions to produce
oxygen is using the electrolysis. This method uses 2 molecules of water combined with
electricity as reactants to obtain 2 molecules of hydrogen and 1 molecule of oxygen (2H 2O
+ electricity → 2H2 + O2). Air revitalization system (CDRA System)

Using this system, the carbon dioxide will be collected from the atmosphere fol-
lowed by 2 possibilities of manage it. The first one is the simplest and represents the
method through it is vented away from the spacecraft. The second one is to introducing
it as a reactant into the Sabatier Process to produce water and methane (4H 2 + CO2 →
2H2O + CH4) or into the Bosch Reaction to produce water and Carbon (CO2+ 2 H2 → C+
2 H2O).
In order to maintain a proper quantity of oxygen in the atmosphere we will use an
atmosphere control system (ACS) that will manage the quantity of the oxygen and carbon
dioxide existing in the atmosphere in order not to affect the human organism and implicitly
the respiratory system.

Serendipity Space Settlement 31

SERENDIPITY PROJECT Temperature, ventilation and humidity control

In order for the human body to carry out its activities at its maximum capacity, we
must take care of these parameters. So, we will introduce some systems that will perma-
nently monitor each of these 3 factors of living.

1. Thermal Control System (TCS)

This system has two major components: Active Thermal Control System (ATCS)
which provides a normal temperature inside settlement (around 23-24° Celsius) and the
Passive Thermal Control System (PTCS) which collecting out all the internal heat and

2. Ventilation System (VS)

The VS works through the zeolites to provide purity of the air, because of the fact
that carbon dioxide is sticking to the molecular sieve.

3. Humidity Control System (HCS)

A normal humidity is varying between 45 to 60 %. It can be controlled passively
using the PTCS by removing the excess heat. Fire detection system

In order to protect the life of the people, in case of a fire, we shall use a LED-based
system with a red spectrum light that will announce the entire safety crew to move at the
destination point in the shortest time.

4.4. Electricity
There are two ways of obtaining a powerful source of electricity that can keep all
the technology alive and these are going to be explained in the next paragraphs.
1. Using fuel cells
The fuel cells come by the combination of hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (02) who
participate as reactants in the reaction in which is forming water and most important in
this case, electricity.
The reaction is: 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O + electricity
2. Using energy
We shall use the nuclear system, because it is about 20% more efficient than the
solar panels and it can be always used.

Serendipity Space Settlement 32


4.5. Lightning
The illumination is very important in a spacecraft, because it maintains all the ac-
tivities that take place in the settlement. On Serendipity we shall use a LED based system,
due to the facts that LEDS have some great advantages such as: long durations of usage
(a single bulb is capable to last for about 3 years and 4 months), reduced amount of
energy consumed, doesn’t produce heat (doesn’t dry the plants).
As an aspect, but also as a cost-effective one, we will focus on a LED system
composed by high-voltage bars with a power consumption of 175 watts. The illumination
system will have a white spectrum inside all the settlement, out of areas which are dedi-
cated to agriculture and parks who need a multi-color spectrum that helps them grow
faster, inside the houses will be chosen according to the owner's preferences.

4.6 Food and agriculture

4.6.1 Agriculture

On our spaceship, agriculture is the main vegetal and animal food, thus relying on
the systematic cultivation of multiple levels of vegetables, as well as breeding different
species of animals to sustain the population’s energy, required for our settlement's func-
The role of breeding animals is to sustain a continuous cycle for the human ali-
mentation, while growing plants will help contribute to the regeneration of air, which is
captured inside the capsule by releasing oxygen for the population.
The photosynthesis reaction: 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + solar light —> C6H12O6 + 6 O2
The sectors dedicated to the development of plants will be located inside the two
spheres, chosen because of the ideal environment with very little gravitational accelera-
tion (g<1 m/s2). This will be useful for accelerating the growth of the plants.
In order to have an organized vegetal layout, we will use a hydroponic system. In
comparison to an earth-based system, this one is 30% more efficient, as it keeps the
plants fresh.
 Why have we chosen the hydroponic system?
1. With the help of the pumping system of the nutrients, plants will grow up to 25%
more than in other conditions.
2. Because the system is a closed one, no water will be wasted at all.

Serendipity Space Settlement 33


In order to speed up the growing process we shall use a natural solution based on
nettle juice, rich in vitamins A, C, K and B2. We chose to develop a nettle harvest because
it is very versatile. It can be used as treatment for some diseases and can be a source of
energy for the people consuming it.
This growing enhancer, obtained through drying nettle leaves, followed by their
introduction in a bowl with boiling water (we will initially use 40 grams of nettle leaves in
half a liter of water), will then be diluted with a quantity ten times larger of water.
The obtained solution will then be introduced by farmers into a pond for a periodic
checking of the temperature that should vary between 25-30° 𝐶𝑒𝑙𝑠𝑖𝑢𝑠, but also the pH
value which is situated in the range of 5,5 and 6,5, because these data may vary due to
the solution reuse system. This will be distributed through hydroponic system pumps that
will be located longitudinally at ground level for the solution to reach the root, and in the
case of water pumps, they will be centrally distributed on the ceiling, watering the plants
in equal amounts, avoiding the possibility of rotten leaves.
The irrigation system will be operated by means of a remote control which will have
4 buttons (2 for starting and stopping the system and the other 2 for activating the pumps
containing the nettle solution, respectively the irrigation system that will scatter water ob-
tained by filtration from household use.
With the help of the timer, both pumps will be activated alternatively in order to
avoid the abundance of unwanted liquid, which could damage the plants.
Due to the fact that the greenhouses will each occupy half of the spheres, their
total volume will be the volume of the sphere itself.
Considering the diameter Dsphere=30 m, we will calculate the volume as following:

V 4𝜋𝑟 3 2𝜋𝑟 3 2×3,14×153 6,28×3375 21195

greenhouse= ÷2= = = = =7065 𝑚3
3 3 3 3 3

Serendipity Space Settlement 34


The following table will present the useful information for running the hydroponic
system in normal and efficient conditions.
WATER Green spin(irri- 1m 25 liters/ 30 cm
gation system hour
with total cover-

SOLUTION Drip system 10 cm 0,5 liters/ 30 cm


As for lighting, we shall use an LED -based system, because these type of light-
bulbs have many great advantages over halogen-based types. LED lights resist over
longer durations, use a reduced amount of energy and release small amounts of heat,
which is helpful as it keeps the plants safe from drying.

Serendipity Space Settlement 35


4.6.2 Aquaculture
Fish meat is an indispensable source of omega acids (omega-3 and omega-6),
which help regulate the nervous system and can prevent cancer, while sea food and sea
weed strengthen heart functions and stimulate the immune system.
In order to avoid overcrowding the fish, consuming each other and wasting water,
we shall place them in two separate tanks, each with a height of 3 meters. Each tank will
be separated in two halves by a net placed inside and will be decorated with corals and
sea weed, resembling an ocean for the fish.
The two tanks will be located at both ends of the cylinder, thus making the trans-
portation easier.
Taking into account the observations of some fish containing small amounts of
mercury, we will avoid serving species such as mackerel and hake.
In the following tables, we will present the different types of fish, sea food and sea
weed which will be consumed in the settlement, as well as their nutritional and energetical

FISH 1 portion Monthly Kcal/ Proteins Lipids Carbohydrates Vita-

TYPE quantity Portion (g) (g) (g) mins

Salmon 150 GRAMS 0,6 KILO- 206 31,2 15,7 0,0 B3,B12,

Cod 200 GRAMS 0,8 KILO- 214 29,8 11,6 0,0


Tuna 100 GRAMS 0,4 KILO- 110 23,0 1,0 0,0 B3,B12,

Trout 150 GRAMS 0,6 KILO- 140 22,3 2,7 0,0 B12,D

Shrimps 100 GRAMS 0,4 KILO- 106 20,3 1,7 0,9 B12,D,E

Mussels 100 GRAMS 0,4 KILO- 86 11,9 2,2 3,7 A,B12


Squid 100 GRAMS 0,4 KILO- 92 15,6 1,4 3,1 B2,B3,B


Lobster 100 GRAMS 0,2 KILO- 89 19 0,9 1,3 A,B8,B9


Serendipity Space Settlement 36


Scallops 100 GRAMS 0,2 KILO- 75 15 0,5 4 A,B3,B1


TOTAL 1,1 Kilograms 4 Kilograms 1118 188 38,7 15,2 GRAMS

Kcal grams

4.6.3. Animal growth

Animal growth has been, since the beginning of humankind, one of the main
sources of food, as well as crafting clothing and accessories, which determined us to build
a zootechnical environment. This will sustain the population from a nutritional point of
Each torus will have a special stable, formed from two sections where different
types of animals will be bred. In the first compartment, we will have an artificial soil, ob-
tained through recycling, which will help grass grow at a faster rate, serving as food for
animals. Second section will have natural soil on which shelters will be placed.
In the first compartment there will be cows, for stem cells and a large variety of
meat; sheep and goats for dairy products, meat and wool and rabbits because they have
a fast reproduction and the meat has a low cholesterol level.
In the second compartment we will have pigs and chickens, for meat, respectively
for eggs and feathers that can be used in the textile industry.
We chose to have a smaller amount of cows, due to their considerable size and
the fact they will mostly be useful for stem cells. Scientists will harvest tens of thousands
of cell stems which will be multiplied by a billion with the help of a test tube inside the
It has been scientifically proven at the Oxford University in the United Kingdom
that this breeding system, “invitro”, uses 35% less energy, as well as 98% less space
compared to regular breeding.
Firstly, we shall develop this method by creating a burger. Then we will expand
this area with more types of meat from more animals.
For vegetarians, the chefs on the spaceship offer an alternative method, a vegetal
version of a meat burger, where the bun is made out of vegetables, chosen by the con-

Serendipity Space Settlement 37


Vegetarians, or people with a diet, will be guided by a nutritionist who will help them with
a regulated meal schedule.

4.6.4. Consumables
Aside from proteins, which are accumulated through the consumption of different
meats, the human body also requires a large dose of vitamins, obtained by consuming
fruits and vegetables.
Daily requirement for the human body:

CALORIES 2500 Kcal


Along with greenhouses, orchards and cereal crops are some very important
sources of food. These will be positioned inside the cylinder, because of the microgravity
inside of it. This will help the crops grow harmonious and fast.
Acultivation = Acircle = πr2 = 3.14 x 202 = 3.14 x 400 = 1256 m2
Atotal = 2 x Acircle = 2512 m2
Orchards will provide a large variety of vegetables, such as: tomatoes, cucumbers,
potatoes, zucchini, asparagus, salads, carrots, pepper, spinach, peas and nettles. The
fruits available on the settlement are: strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, apples,
pears and raspberries.

Serendipity Space Settlement 38


Cereal fields will be our source of rice, corn and wheat.

4.7. Waste management

When we consider setting a settlement in space for a long time, we cannot neglect
one of the most important processes that sustain a continuous cycle of regeneration,
namely recycling. In order to be easier to process, the garbage will be allocated according
to the category as follows:

The provenance of organic matter residues originates in all living organisms that have
sustained a biological process or that have Carbon-based composition. First of all, or-
ganic matter is biodegradable and can be used as a fertilizer in agriculture with very good
results. In our opinion, the Super Critical Water Oxidation system (SCWO) represents the
most efficient processing method for those types of residues, because the garbage oxi-
dase in a supercritical water that serves as a solvent when it reaches the critical point
characterized by extremely high values of pressure (218 ATM) and temperature (374°
In conclusion, there are some type of factors that determine us to choose this
 High efficiency due to complete oxidized
 Rapid reaction
 Very versatile in organic matter
 Being a closed system don’t cause pollution
 Separates water from the inorganic salts

The inorganic waste is the opposite of the organic waste which means that the res-
idues has no biological origin. The SCWO system can be used without any problems
here, but the method that we will use to recycle and reusing the inorganic matter is based
on starved air combustion (SAC). This process is a “thermal gasification” that uses a very
high temperature (≅ 800° Celsius) under an oxygen supply (lower than at incineration) to
decompose the matter. Due to the large amount of heat released during the process, it
can be used to recover energy, the process being called waste to energy (WtE).


We came to the conclusion that the best idea would be this method, made by

Serendipity Space Settlement 39


The whole body is sealed into a bag that will be attached in a room with a very low
temperature (<0° Celsius) to freeze. After the bag has frozen, it will be shaken so the
body will turn into a dust which after dehydration will be stored in an urn located outside
the settlement for the remains to “return” to Earth.

4.8. Transport inside the settlement

On Serendipity, the transport represents one of the most important factors be-
cause with the help of it, the connection between the main areas will be much more effi-
cient in case of transporting humans or materials to speed up the activities of the space-
craft and many other things like water or food. The width of streets between the houses
and the walls of the torus allows us to introduce a special magnetic wagon train which will
operate via the power transmitted through the metallic system that will connect the train
both from the point of view of the trajectory and of the running transmission with the con-
stant speed of 20 km per hour. In the settlement, inside the main cylinder, spheres, there
will be 2 wagons which will be travelling on opposite directions, one for transporting per-
sons and one for transporting goods. The stations where each wagon stops are the fol-
1. For human transporting: 2 stations situated on diametrically opposed points in-
side the tori to help people get to the desired destination and 1 station situated in every
point where people work (agriculture, space observatory, research institutions, etc.)
2. For goods transporting: 1 station in every point which must be supplied, like
green-houses, aquaculture tanks, restaurants and many more.

5. Population analysis
The ship will have a capacity of 15.000 people, but initially there will only be 11.500
permanent residents, from which 1.500 are staff members, who will have to make sure
everything is going as planned.

5.1. Requirements
For selecting the people who will board the ship, we will perform a psycho-
logical test that will determine their mental state. For example, we would not allow
people who are suffering from any mental disease to leave Earth or people who
are showing any sign, no matter how small, that they won’t be able to resist on the
ship because of its living conditions, because they might put themselves or others
in danger. The tests will be done by psychologists who will be responsible for the
well-being of everyone. After boarding the ship, although the test is supposed to
select the most adequate inhabitants, if there are any suspected changes of be-
havior that might indicate any kind of illness, the person in cause will be supposed

Serendipity Space Settlement 40


to another test, for updating his/her condition. If needed, the person will be pro-
vided with therapy services, but if his/her state is aggravating, the person will be
sent back to Earth with a small evacuation ship.
For taking the test, each person will be talking to a psychologist, privately.
The test shall have questions which can be responded to with yes or no, absten-
tions are not permitted. The specialists will be measuring the reaction time and the
specific behavior each person has towards the questions, determining whether
they’re honest or not. Example of a psychological test:

Question Response Regarded psychologi-

Yes No
1.Do you believe  Self-aware
you will be able to
resist in artificial
living conditions for
a long time?

2. I am aware of the  Self-aware

immanent risks of
living in space.

3. I feel the urge to X Aggressive

harm the ones who
wronged me.

4. Sometimes, I am X Depressive
overwhelmed with
feelings of sadness
for no apparent rea-

5. I tend to use X Choleric

force as my primal
defense mecha-
6. I find it hard to X Shy
express myself/ my
opinions to a large
group of people.

Serendipity Space Settlement 41


7. I tend to act in a  Impulsive

reckless way.

8. I am aware of  Wise
both my failures
and my succeeds.

9. Do you cope eas-  Self-controlled

ily with stress?

10. I am ready to  Selfless

make some sacri-
fices in order to
complete the mis-

These are just a few examples of some traits that need to be evaluated in
order to ensure the population’s mental stability. Depending on the chosen option
(Yes/No) we would determine if the person is suitable for becoming a permanent
resident of the ship, by evaluating his/her psychological traits (usually if the answer
is yes, that means the person in cause has the regarded psychological trait).

Settlement’s legislation

Once people have settled on the ship, they must commit to complying with
the ship's laws, by signing a contract. If they violate one or more laws they will be
judged by the authorities.

The set of laws

1) The establishment on the ship is permanent.

2) The organs representing the nation of the ship (a parliament elected by
democratic vote) exercise sovereignty over the settlement.
3) Human rights are respected, but no person is allowed to manifest self-
4) Citizens are not allowed to harm their fellows or be violent in any form.
5) Entry through burglary, theft or disclosure of confidential information is
6) All adults must perform work and pay their annual fee to live on the ship.
7) Studies are mandatory.
8) All residents must attend obligatory health checks once a year with the
purpose of tracking safety on the ship.

Serendipity Space Settlement 42


9) If there is a problem on the ship, the inhabitants have the duty to report
the matter to the authorities.
10) In case of an emergency, all residents must evacuate their homes and
head towards the center of the ship in order to not create more complica-
11) The ship's interior can only be left with authorization.

Additional Notes:
The parliament is composed of 55 politically-minded people, who can make
the right decisions about the ship. Prior to taking office in parliament, they must
pass a set of exams to proof their intelligence, knowledge in the field and the ability
to make effective decisions. For a legislative decision to be taken, it must be ap-
proved by all the parliament members. Above and beyond, the elections of parlia-
mentarians will take place every five years, and everyone over twenty years will
be able to vote.

5.2. Demography
After the residents have been selected based on the psychological test, they will
be registered and classified following these criteria:




Single men Single women Couples with children Couples without children Children

From the total of 11.500 people, we chose 1.050 single men, 1.050 single women, 1500
couples with children (3.000 persons), 2.000 couples without children (4.000 persons)
and 2400 children (1.500 under 15 years and 900 above). The first generation will be
mainly composed of young adults and students, that may marry/have kids after spending
some time on the ship.
We are fully aware that these values may change over time, depending on the
following generations. For example, the population may increase/decrease based on the

Serendipity Space Settlement 43


birth rate/mortality, which shall remain approximately equal to ensure the finest develop-
ment of the population.
Every birth/death will be marked and the numerical value of the inhabitants will be
updated. In case of an abnormal increase/decrease of the population, there will be laws
enforced to maintain order and to return to the initial situation.

The age groups



Children Students Young Adults Mature Adults Elder

5.3. Work system

To ensure a safe environment, we will have specialized people in certain domains,
such as: medicine, science, mental health, police, education, nutrition, IT and mainte-
Domain Number of peo-
Medicine Doctors 500
Nurses 500
Mental health Psychiatrists 150
Psychologists 350
Law force Police officers 400
Lawyers and judges 100
Education Professors 300
Nutrition Chefs 300
Waiters 180
Nutritionists 250
IT Programmers/IT engineers 650
Maintenance Mechanic engineers 750
Constructors 750
Science Researchers 800

Serendipity Space Settlement 44


The rest of the labor force (1200 people) will probably be:
entrepreneurs (have their own business)
working in different domains (Agriculture, Entertainment, Mining, etc.)
The students may also work part-time in research institutions, restaurants, shops, etc.

6. Institutions
In order to create a healthy and functional society, we need stable institutions.

6.1. Education
Education will represent one of the fundamental values from the spaceship.
There will be three schools, situated each one in a torus, that will have as main
subjects: Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Astronomy, Aerospace, Computer
and Mechanical Engineering and Avionics Tehnology. Arts will also be appreciated and
the children will be encouraged to express themselves in all sorts of artistic ways: drawing,
singing, acting and playing instruments: from two to five hours per weekend will be
allocated to hobbies.
They will start going to school at the age of seven and will attend eight years of
maintained courses, with periodical breaks.
After taking a competency exam, they will be assigned to the university for which
they have the best abilities and interest in. The faculty’s duration will depend on its profile
and on the knowledge needed for the specific job. By the age of 18, every person will
start working under permanent surveillance and guidance a part-time job.
At the age of 20 years, the person will have a full-time job, that will require seriosity
and mastered skills.
The ones whose wishes won’t necessarily include going to faculty and whose
inclinations will indicate another category of jobs, can specialise in divertisment activites
or they can be artists, cause we are aware everything gets better when Art is included.
Note! If the student encounters difficulties, she/he’ll receive special conciliation, in
order to accomplish the given task.
The learning process is supposed to be fun and to mould the children`s
We must also indicate that the grading will be mainly based on the kid’s skills and
the marks won’t aim discouraging the child, but making him want to improve his abilities.

6.2. Healthcare

Serendipity Space Settlement 45


We have also considered the necessity of healthcare and have implemented a set
of rules for a healthy lifestyle. The inhabitants of the ship must exercise (play sports/ go
to the gym) at least twice a week in order to keep themselves fit and in a good condition.
Also, their diet will be based on nutrients and essential substances, that will allow them a
to have a healthy life. Foods that are believed to contain carcinogens will not be available
on the ship.
Each person will be under permanent medical surveillance, will have blood tests
made regularly and will report immediately if suspects being sick. He will be isolated from
the rest if there is any suspicion of suffering from a contagious illness.
There will be three hospitals situated in the tori with permanent activity and well
instructed doctors with different specializations.
The emergency service can be dialed at a specific phone number, that will instantly
send a medical crew at the person in need, using one of the hospital’s ambulances.

6.3. Police
The police departement will be situated in the cylinder, under the command center,
and will have more police stations all over the spaceship, one or two per torus. The police
will have unremitting surveillance over the whole spacecraft and will be responisble of
preventing crimes and catching and punishing the eventual infractors. They will also
ensure the people’s safety and security and from time to time, they will come into schools
aiming to educate children to respect law, and to present them the consequences of
breaking it.

6.4. Parliment
The congressmen will propose and discuss laws for the greater good and will take
into consideration everyone’s opinion. If a congressman is suspected of any illegalities,
he will be dismissed until the opossite is proven.
Our main purpose is to create a functional society, based on defined laws and
responsibilities, where anyone is encouraged to express his point of view and to
contribute to the common good.
No society has ever been built without the existence of a judicature, an institution
with no aim of inspiring fear, but of making justice. It will be inspired from the American’s
court strucure and procedure.
Note! Death penalty will not be used on our spaceship, because it will mean an
outrageous violation of human rights. We do no promote violence nor any veiled
manifestation of it.

6.5. Banks

Serendipity Space Settlement 46


People will receive their payment on cards and there will be no cash money
existing on the spacecraft. However, there will be banks in the tori, willing to create bank
accounts for the persons who will decide to deposit large amounts of money. Banks might
also offer credits to the ones that will need more money for personal needs or for
satisfying a wish that will include purchasing something that person may not afford at the
Every payment (including salaries, pensions) will be made at the beginning of each
month. As for kids, they will not own a bank account until they reach the age of 14.

7. Economy
7.1. Currency
As mentioned before, Serendipity uses credits and electronic currency. Credits are
given out in exchange for work and can be used in trading for goods and services on
board of the settlement. Credits will be accessed via credit cards.

7.2. Commerce
Every person will get certain amounts of food, water, and electricity cost-free, every
month, but for other items and services there will be prices set. The settlement is creating
and using its own resources by manufacturing all the necessary elements so as life would
go normally. After producing all those necessary goods, they are sold on the local market.
A specialized system is present in all houses, allowing each of the inhabitants to view in
detail and order anything they wish.

7.3. Salaries
Every person has an assigned amount of money per month, enough to cover the
main needs, but it can be exceeded if the job has a big impact on the ship’s development
or if the person is productive and encounters succeeds at work.
The final amount depends on the progress and on the activity level.

8. Industry
The whole settlement is auto sustainable, with its own industry and capability of
production. The industrial area will be situated in the tori and cylinder.
Industry branches on the settlement are presented below.

8.1. Food processing industry

◦ The products conceived from the settlement's large area of plantation and
number of animals, provide the necessary energy for a person to carry on with
their daily activities. Fruits and vegetables are brought from the spheres to the

Serendipity Space Settlement 47


factories where the food is processed and sent to the inhabitants, providing them
with nutrients and vitamins.
◦ We have some corners for fish processing, for preserving food in an airtight con-
tainer, so it can last for a long time period and for converting waste animal tissue
usable materials.

8.2. Textile industry

The production of clothes is computer-driven in the factories, which are lo-
cated in the cylinder. Chemical substances are not used, opting for a natural sys-
tem instead. The main material used is cotton, which can grow continuously on the

8.3. Chemical/ Pharmaceutical industry

◦The medicine available on Serendipity consists of
a wide variety of pharmaceutical products such as antibiotics, vaccines, probiotics
and sedatives, that are fabricated from medicinal plants grown on the spaceship,
such as chamomile, mint and red pepper, and by synthesis of various chemical
compounds. The medicine produced is then transported to the hospitals.

◦ We want to ensure a safe travel, by finding effective ways to launch space

vehicles out of the Earth’s orbit, with the help of our chemists and researchers. We
want to use nontoxic, advanced and environmentally friendly fuels, such as green
propellants. We also wish to improve our inhabitant’s health, by expanding their
tolerance to pressure, radiations and temperature alterations.

◦ Chemistry also helps us explore space, by studying the compositions of

the soil and rocks from different celestial bodies. Producing nanotechnology, like
nanoparticles and polymers is also an important aspect that will be developed on
the ship.

8.4. Material processing and manufacture industry

a) Materials
Possible materials would come from mining on asteroids or other planets and
other synthetic objects in space. Bulk materials will be provided from the Moon and
Near Earth Objects (NEO’s), both containing essential elements (Moon-oxygen, silicon
and metals; NEO’s-metals, oxygen, hydrogen and carbon).
b) We will use as extraction techniques: surface mining, using the main tools, such as
augers and scoops, shaft mining, which requires high knowledge and certainty to dug
a mine in the asteroid and to extract the materials through a shaft, magnetic rakes- a
magnet collects the grains covering an asteroid, heating can also release water and
other volatiles, if the temperature is high enough. It can also melt and evaporate the ma-
trix in extinct comets.

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c) Manufacture products
We will produce all sorts of objects such as furniture for the houses, gadgets and uten-

8.5. Metallurgy industry

◦ The metal industries process non-ferrous metals such as aluminum, copper,
and zinc; and ferrous materials such as steel.

9. Entertainment
Although having a functional ship that fulfils all the basic human needs, such as
water, food, air and weight sensation is important for our inhabitants, we also have to
make sure they are emotionally satisfied, by providing them a wide set of relaxing and fun
activities that would require a generous amount of space. Therefore, our spaceship pre-
sents itself with several activities for entertainment, from enjoying virtual reality games to
indoor aquariums, cinemas and restaurants; to watching films, shows, reading books and
articles all available in Serendipity's digital library. There are Recreational Centers in
each torus that have restaurants, cinemas, theatres, gaming parlors and coffee houses
for all to enjoy.
The settlement's “Film and Book Shelf”, part of the Recreational Centre, includes
most of Earth's movies, TV shows and popular writings. They are also available for down-
loading on personal devices.

"Near others from far away" Centre is located in the cylinder. Here we provide a
“Holographic Earth” room, full of views of our home planet and the animal life of it, housing
holographic natural life, using three dimensional projection and tactile feedback to create
the illusion of touch.

Space observatory - even if the essential purpose is related to the observation of

the potential dangers, the observatory is also used for relaxation. People can come to
take a look at the outer space. We keep our minds open, so we can dream and experience
remote spaces.

Green Places: people show a strong attachment, even if sometimes unaware, to-
wards the natural world. They also provide a way to maintain an active lifestyle and they
make the settlement more similar to the Earth. Nature on the station also includes areas
that are for food sources. They become relaxation spaces by their very nature. Any plant,
tree means for people an area of freedom and proximity to themselves.
We have study classes in the virtual room, located in the sphere, both for children as
for adults. It was designed to train and evaluate children/adults as future commanders
of our space settlement and battleships. competitive games designed specifically to
develop the unique characteristics required of its students. Like in the Ender's

Serendipity Space Settlement 49


Game movie, the courses are designed to harness the limitless creativity of children
or adults and channel that creativity to mold them into Serendipity's greatest soldiers,
tacticians, and leaders in order to fight or defend ourselves from any enemies. To
accomplish this, the simulations in "Train for competitiveness" center are arranged
into individual and collective modalities. Using virtual training environments, the chil-
dren go head-to-head on an individual level against computers that simulate battle
tactics to gain the knowledge and abilities required to defeat the enemy. The children
can then compete against one another in the virtual environments to further develop
their strategies. The next phase involves live collective training.
Divided into armies, the "soldiers" should learn to perform as one unit to accomplish
a mission objective within the battle room. With enough talent, soldiers can become
commanders of their armies and must learn to lead them effectively.

10. Technology
Our ship is a symbol of the evolution of human civilization and therefore we will
work with the latest generation of technology as a useful tool to make the lives of the
inhabitants and the employees easier. Scientists working on the ship will deal both with
the ship's functionality and the reasearch in different areas to help the technology
advance on our settlement after the ship's take-off.
- The ship will have robots that will maintain cleanliness throughout the entire
interior of the ship. There will also be robots that will work in factories, schools, hospitals,
- 3D printers (industrial robots that allow the formation of a solid three-dimensional
object of any shape through an additive process under the control of a computer.)

Serendipity Space Settlement 50


- Books, notebooks, textbooks, will be in digital form only: smartphones, tablets,

ebooks, because they are more practical.
- Residents will have access to smart glasses. The glasses will incorporate mi-
crophones that records the user’s vocal orders and send them to the person's phone. The
phone picks up the information and sends it back to the glasses, which will display on the
lenses the required information as a text, through a microscopic projector. In this way,
people will be able to read manuals, guides, plans while engaging in another activity that
requires using their hands.
There will also be VR (virtual reality) headsets with eye-tracking sensors and
gaming controllers for the gaming enthusiasts who want to have a unique experience of
the game.
- Clothes take the posture of doctors. T-shirts, blouses with ECG (electrocardiog-
raphy) sensors and a type of hat with EEG (electroencephalography) sensors that have
the ability to measure heart rate and monitor brain activity. Sensor shirts will be able to
predict heart failures or seizures.
Vital signs of a person, such as activity levels and sleep patterns, can be monitored
through wristbands.
- Each home will have a portable oxygen concentrator, for eventual health
- People will be able to generate their own energy just by going down the street.
The sidewalks and the streets that people walk on will be paved with floor tiles that will
convert the kinetic energy from pedestrians’ steps into electricity. With every step a man
does, power is generated, and the energy is stored within batteries. We will use the en-
ergy to power lighting, so when people wake up and start walking on the street, the bulbs
on the ship’s ceiling will light up and it will seem like the sun appeared on the sky and it
is daytime.
The tiles are made of Menzolit SMC(a composite material) through compression
molding. The weight of the people that walk on the pavement causes electromagnetic
induction generators to vertically displace, which results in a rotatory motion that gener-
ates off-grid electricity.
The houses will be provided with energy charging flooring, manufactured out of
wood pulp, which contains cellulose nanofibers. The fibers are treated chemically, with
the purpose of producing electric charge at the touch with untreated nanofibers. The floor
is composed of thin layers that come into contact when someone steps on the floor. The
energy is created by the external circuit of electrons moving through the materials of the
floor. The resulted energy will be used to light bulbs and other household appliances.

11. Research on Serendipity

Serendipity Space Settlement 51


Our biggest wish is for humanity to evolve, therefore Serendipity will invest many
resources into science and research.
The most important project that will take place inside Serendipity’s research labs
will be the attempt to improve people’s learning ability, so they could absorb a bigger
quantity of information and have a better memory.
This process is described in Isaac Asimov’s book, “Pebble in the sky”.
Nerve impulses are an electronic imbalance that spreads along the nerves up to
the brain and back from the brain, through nerves. They are responsible for understand-
ing / receiving certain information. Inside the nerve cells, the impulse spreads rapidly be-
cause the neuro proteins inside are in direct contact, whereas the cells are divided
through a thin pellicle, that causes the impulse to lose its speed. Now we want to think of
a way to shrink the dielectric constant (the capacity to isolate the cells) so the impulse
would travel faster, helping us think and learn faster.
If our scientists will find a way to do this without any side effects, it would be a huge
step for the betterment of our world.

12. Conclusion

Outer space is full of mysteries and wonders. Our initial journey is merely the be-
ginning of something much more significant, something we may not truly understand at
the moment. Our journey is a step towards evolution of humankind, a step towards a
better future.
If we succeed in sending people into space while avoiding all of its dangers and
creating a comfortable environment, we will have proven something. We will have proven
that we can overcome any obstacle while looking forward with hope. We shall be able to
unravel the mysteries of the Universe.
We don’t yet know what lies ahead of us, but one thing is for certain. Serendipity
is the ideal settlement where people will be able to push the boundaries of space explo-
ration. We can achieve anything if we believe in bravery, kindness, love, erudition, free-
dom and integrity.

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Serendipity Space Settlement 54

Peter Eckart, Spaceflight Life Support and Biospherics, Space Technology Library,
Isaac Asimov- Pebble in the sky
Welcome to the Universe by Neil deGrasse Tyson, Michael A. Strauss, J. Richard

Serendipity Space Settlement 55

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