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Free Tutorial:

Star Flower Pendant

The Materials:

1. Wire
a. 18 gauge wire; 30 cm, eight
b. 26 gauge wire for weaving.
2. 10 mm (1 cm) bead.
3. Cutter and plier.

10 mm bead

18 gauge wire

26 gauge wire
Picture 1:

Prepare four 18 gauge wires, each wire must

have length about 30 cm.

Picture Description:

30 cm

Picture 2:

Make frame by weaving the four wires. Start

weaving by binding the bottom layer two time.
Start bind at length 13 cm.

Picture Description:

12 cm Start bind here

Picture 3:

Pull up string wire and bind the second layer

one time.

Picture Description:

Picture 4:

Pull up string wire and bind the third layer one


Picture Description:
Picture 5:

Pull up again string wire and bind the top layer

one time.

Picture Description:

Picture 6:

Pull Down string wire and insert it between top

and third layer.

Picture Description:

Picture 7:

Continue weaving by bind the third layer one


Picture Description:

Picture 8:

Pull down string wire and bind each layer until

reached the bottom layer.

Picture Description:
Picture 9:

Pull up string wire and insert it between bottom

and second layer.

Picture Description:

Picture 10:

Bind the second layer one time.

Picture Description:

Picture 11:

Pull up string wire and bind each layer until

reached the top layer.

Picture Description:

Picture 12:

Pull Down string wire and insert it between top

and third layer.

Picture Description:
Picture 13:

Pull down string wire and bind each layer until

reached the bottom layer. You just created two
weaving rows.

Picture Description:

Picture 14:
1 cm
Repeat the weaving steps and create one
more weaving row or make frame with length
about 1 cm.

Picture 15:

Split four wires into two part (two wires each


Picture 16:

Use plier and curve up the wire.

Picture 17:

Curve the wire in position 90 degree like it shown

on the picture.

Picture 18:

Repeat the same step and curve wire on the


Picture 19:

Do the same and curve two wires on the left


Picture 20:

Prepare two new 18 gauge wires, each wire

must have length about 30 cm.

They will be used as additional wires to form and

Picture 21:

Put two wire that just prepared on the below of


Picture Description:

Additional wire

Additional wire
30 cm

Picture 22:

Weaving together additional wires with the

wires on the frame by using same weaving

Picture 23:

Continue weaving and create short frame with

length about 1 cm.

1 cm

Picture 24:

Use plier and curve the additional wire on the

Picture 25:

Repeat the same step and curve the other

additional wire.

Picture 26:

Prepare another two 18 gauge wires. Same like

before each wire must have length 30 cm.

Picture 27:

Put two additional wires in same position like it

shown on the picture.

Picture 28:

Weaving together additional wires with the

wires on the frame by using same weaving
pattern and create frame with length about 1

1 cm
Picture 29:

Curve two additional wires to the left side.

Picture 30:

Weaving together additional wires with the

1 cm wires on the frame by using same weaving
pattern and create frame with length about 1

You just created a cross frame and there are

four wires on each side of the frame.

Picture 31:

Next step, split four wires into two parts.

Picture 32:

Weaving two wires on the right by using simple

weaving steps. Start weaving by bind wire on
the left two times.

Picture Description:
Picture 33:

Continue weaving by bind two wires two times.

Picture Description:

Picture 34:

Repeat the weaving steps, bind the left wire two

times and then bind two wires two times.

Picture Description:

Picture 35:

Repeat the weaving step until get same result

like on the picture. Make sure the weaving
pattern is tight and neatly.

Picture 36:

Continue weaving until you get frame with

length about 5 cm.

5 cm
Picture 37:

Curve the frame that just created.

Picture 38:

Curve the frame slowly and carefully

Picture 39:

Curve and create small circle. Make sure the

circle you create has the same shape and
position like it showed on the picture.

Picture 40:

Continue by make slightly curve to opposite


After curved make sure the frame has length

about 2 cm.

2 cm
Picture 41:

Continue by coil wire on the middle. Make coil

about 5 cm.

coil 5 cm

Picture 42:

Shift the coiled string wire, put it close with the

small circle frame.

Picture 43:

Curve slowly the coiled wire close and around

with the circle frame.

Picture 44:

Continue curve the coiled wire by follow the

shape of the circle frame. Put it on the same
position like it shown on the picture.
Picture 45:

Now it time to take care the next remaining wire,

curve it around the circle frame.

Picture 46:

Curve the wire by follow the shape of the circle

frame and put it on the same position like it
shown on the picture

Picture 47:

Now time to take care four wires on the left.

Picture 48:

Weaving two wires on the below by using simple

weaving pattern like before. Make frame with
length about 5 cm.

5 cm
Picture 49:

Curve the frame that just created.

Picture 50:

Curve and create small circle. Make sure the

circle you create has the same shape and
position like it showed on the picture.

Picture 51:

Continue by make slightly curve to opposite


After curved make sure the frame has length

about 2 cm.

2 cm

5 cm Picture 52:

Coil wire on the middle. Make coil about 5 cm

and shit it close to the circle frame.
Picture 53:

Curve the coiled wire.

Picture 54:

Continue curve the coiled wire by follow the

shape of the circle frame. Put it on the same
position like it shown on the picture.

Picture 55:

Continue the steps by curve next remaining wire.

Picture 56:

Curve the wire by follow the shape of the circle

frame and put it on the same position like it
shown on the picture
Picture 57:

Now repeat the same steps to the four wires on

the below.

Picture 58:

Weaving two wires on the left by using same

simple weaving pattern and make frame with
length about 5 cm.

Picture 59:

Curve the frame until has the same form like it

shown on the picture.

After curved make sure the frame has length

about 2 cm.
2 cm

Picture 60:

Coil wire on the middle and then curve the

coiled wire and the next remaining wire by
following shape of the frame.
Picture 61:

Repeat the steps and take the last four wires on

the left. Make sure all frames have same size
and symmetrical.

Picture 62:

Next step, now time to form the pointed part


Picture 63:

Start by curve wire on the right position. Try to

curve the wire into the backside.

Picture 64:

Continue the step by curve the next wire to the

Picture 65:

Curve the coiled wire. The next curved wire

must have a bit pointed length from before.

Picture 66:

Continue by curve last wire into the backside.

Before continue into the next step, make sure
the form of the same like on the picture.

Picture 67:

Flip back the frame, now you must weavings the

four curved wires at the backside position.

Picture Description:

Picture 68:

Start weaving by bind each layer one time.

Picture Description:
Picture 69:

Continue weaving until reached the top layer.

Picture Description:

Picture 70:

Pull down string wire string wire and insert it

between top and third layer.

Picture Description:

Picture 71:

Bidn each layer until reached the bottom layer.

Picture Description:

Picture 72:

Pull ups string wire and insert it between botton

and top layer.

Picture Description:
Picture 73:

Bind each layer until reached the top layer.

Picture Description:

Picture 74:

Pull down string wire and insert it between top

and layer wire.

Picture Description:

Picture 75:

Bind each layer until reached the bottom layer.

Picture Description:

Picture 76:

Repeat the weaving steps.

Picture 77:

Continue weaving until get same result like on

the picture. Make sure the pattern is tight and

Picture 78:

Continue weaving and make weaving pattern

with length about 6 cm.

6 cm

Picture 79:

Curve the frame that just created. Curve at

length 2.5 cm.

2.5 cm

Picture 80:

When you curving the frame, try to flip it until it

looks same like on the picture.

Curve and flip

the frame
Picture 81:

Flip back the frame into the frontside.

Picture 82:

Continue curve frame on the backside until it

covered the circle frame.

Picture 83:

Insert top layer wire into the space of the

pointed frame.

Picture 84:

Repeat the same step and insert the third layer

Picture 85:

Curve two curved wire to the first position.

Picture 86:

Insert again two curved wires into the space of

the pointed frame.

As you can see now two above wires are bind

on the side of the pointed frame.

Picture 87:

Flip back the pendant to the backside.

Picture 88:

Cut the remaining wires

Picture 89:

After cut, press wires with plier.

Picture 90:

Here is the result.

Picture 91:

You just finished first pointed part for the star.

Now continue into the next step.

Picture 92:

Now time to take care wires on the right side.

Picture 93:

Same like before, curve all wires into the


Picture 94:

Flip back the pendant.

Picture 95:

Weaving four wires at the backside like you did


Picture 96:

Continue weaving and create frame with

length about 6 cm.

6 cm
Picture 97:

Curve flip the frame. Curve it at length 2.5 cm.

2.5 cm

Picture 98:

Curve flip the frame slowly and carefully.

Picture 99:

Flip back the frame into the frontside.

Picture 100

Continue curve frame on the backside until it

covered the circle frame.
Picture 101:

Insert two wires on the right side into the space

of the pointed frame.

Picture 102:

Curve two curved wire to the first position.

Picture 103:

Insert again two curved wires into the space of

the pointed frame to bind them.

Picture 104

Flip back the pendant to the backside.

Picture 105:

Cut the remaining wires

Picture 106:

After cut, press wires with plier.

Picture 107:

Here is the result.

Picture 108:

You just finished the second pointed part for the

Picture 109:

Repeat the step and take care wires on the


Picture 110:

Curve all wires into the backside

Picture 111:

weaving four wires at the backside.

Picture 112:

Use the same weaving pattern like before.

Picture 113;

Continue weaving and create frame with

length about 6 cm.

6 cm

Picture 114:

Curve flip the frame. Curve it at length 2.5 cm.

2.5 cm

Picture 115:

Curve again the frame to the frontside.

Picture 116:

Back into the frontside.

Picture 117:

Insert two wires at the below into the pointed


Picture 118:

Pull wires after inserted to make them close tight

with the frame.

Picture 119:

Curve the curved wire into the first position.

Picture 120;

Insert again two curved wires into the space of

the pointed frame.
Picture 121:

Flip the pendant into the backside.

Picture 122:

Cut the remaining wires

Picture 123:

After cut, press wires with plier.

Picture 124:

Here is the result.

Picture 125:

You just finished the third part of the pointed


Picture 126:

Now time to take care the last frame.

Picture 127:

Repeat the step like before until you get result

like on the picture.

Now all pointed frames are finished. Time to

continue to the next step.

As it shown on picture, there are two remaining

wires on each pointed frame. Now time to take
care all of them.

Picture 128:

Separate two wires first.

Picture 129:

Coil wire on the above.

Picture 130:

Make coil with length about 6 cm.

6 cm

Picture 131:

Curve the coiled wire.

Picture 132:

Continue curve until formed small circle like on

the picture.
Picture 133:

Now time to take care the next remaining wire

(marked with red circle).

Picture 134:

Curve the remaining wire around the circle.

Picture 135:

Continue curve the remaining wire by follow the

shape on the shape of the coiled wire.

Picture 136:

Put the coiled and remaining wire into the

Picture 137;

Insert and bind two wires into the curved frame

at the backside.

Picture 138:

Insert and pull the wire slowly.

Picture 139:

Curve down two wires after inserted, make

them bind tighter of the frame.

Picture 140:

Insert one remaining wire into the center of the

pendant and pull it into the frontside.

Insert wire
Picture 141:

Pull the wire that inserted (at picture 140) to the


Picture 142:

Back at the backside of pendant. Cut the other

remaining wire.

Picture 143:

Press the cut wire with plier and try to bind it on

the frame.

Picture 144:

Here is the result.

Picture 145:

Now time to take care two remaining wire on

the right.

Picture 146:

Coil the above wire, make coil with length

about 6 cm.

Picture 147:

Curve the coiled wire.

Picture 148:

Continue curve until formed small circle like on

the picture.
Picture 149:

Now time to take care the next remaining wire

(marked with red circle).

Picture 150:

Curve the remaining wire around the circle and

following the shape of the coiled wire.

Picture 153:

Put the coiled and remaining wire into the


Picture 154:

Flip the pendant into the backside.

Picture 155:

Insert and bind two wires into the curved frame

at the backside.

Picture 156:

Insert and pull the wire slowly.

Picture 157:

Curve down two wires after inserted, make

them bind tighter of the frame.

Picture 158:

Insert one remaining wire into the center of the

pendant and pull it into the frontside.

Insert wire
Picture 159:

Cut the other remaining wire.

Picture 160:

Press the cut wire with plier and try to bind it on

the frame.

Picture 161:

Here is the result.

Picture 162:

As it shown on the picture, two remaining wires

on the backside now in frontside position.
Picture 163:

Continue to take care two remaining wires on

the below.

Picture 164:

Make coil like before.

Picture 165:

Curve the coiled wire and form a small circle.

Picture 166:

Continue by curve the remaining wire by

following the shape of the coiled wire.
Picture 167:

Put two wires to the backside.

Picture 168:

Pull one of the remaining wires to the frontside

through the center of pendant.

Bind the other remaining wire on the frame at

the backside like you did before.

Pull the wire into

the frontside.

Picture 169:

Here is the result, now time to take care the last

remaining wires.

Picture 170:

All sub part on each pointed frame is finished.

Now time to continue take care fours remaining
wire at the center of pendant.
Picture 171:

There are four remaining wires on the center of

the pendant. The wires will be used to attach
the bead.

Picture 172:

Before attach the bead you must bind all the

Try bind base of wires, so they will not shift anymore.
the wire

Picture 173:

Bind the base of one wire two times, and then

continue bind the other base of remaining wire.

Picture 174:

Continue binding each base of remaining wire.

Picture 175:

After bind one of the base wires continue to the

next one.

Picture 176:

Repeat the steps.

Picture 177:

Do it slowly and carefully.

Picture 178:

Make sure all base of remaining wires binding

Picture 179:

Stop binding after you sure all wire are tight.

Picture 180:

Insert 10 mm bead on string wire

Picture 181:

Put the bead right on the center.

Picture 182:

And bind again string wire at the base of the

remaining wire.
Insert sting Picture 183:
wire into the
bead hole. Insert again string wire into the bead hole.

Picture 184:

Pull string wire after inserted.

Picture 185:

Continue binding string wire into the remaining

main wire.

Picture 186:

Pull and bind string wire on each main wire.

Picture 187:

Continue bind until you sure the bead is

attached tight at the center of pendant.

Picture 188:

Cut the remaining string wire.

Picture 189:

Now bead is attached of the center of pendant.

Time to take care the remaining four wires.

Picture 190:

Curve the remaining wire.

Picture 191:

Curve and formed a small circle.

Picture 192:

Cut the remaining wire and leave the small


Picture 193:

Here is the result.

Picture 194:

Curve and form a small circle by using other

remaining wire and then cut it.
Picture 193:

Repeat the same step and make the third small


Picture 194;

Make the last circle.

Picture 195:

Here is the result.

Picture 196:

Congratulation, you just finished the Star flower

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