Faith Is Blessing Bestowed by Allah

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Faith is a blessing bestowed by Allah.

I. Fill in the blanks.

1. Who said the following statement “Which one of you is ibn (the
grandson of) Abdul Muttalib? ___________________
2. __________________ narrates: “We have never heard of a deputation of
a tribe who was better than Dimam bin Thalabah”.

3. ________________ is belief whose place is the heart.

4. “Indeed, Allah does not forgive _____________________ with him, but

He forgives what is less than that for whom He wills”.

5. The believers are:

a. _______________________________________
b. _______________________________________
c. _______________________________________

II. Choose the answers from the options.

ُ ُ َ
1. What is the literal meaning of "‫ "ل ْمْتؤ ِمنوا‬in the context of the Ayah?
a) You believed
b) You did not believe
c) You submitted
d) You doubted

َّ ُ َ َ َّ َ ُ ُ ْ َ َّ
2. Who are described as "the believers" in the context of the Ayah (ْ‫اّلل‬
ِْ ‫آمنوْاْ ِب‬ ْ‫ين‬
ْ ‫ونْال ِذ‬
ْ ‫ِإنمْاْالمؤ ِمن‬
‫ول ِْه‬ ُ َ َ
ِ ‫ورس‬...)?
a) Those who claim to believe
b) Those who believe and have unwavering faith
c) Those who doubt but still believe
d) Those who believe without any action

ُ َّ ‫َّ ُ َ ی‬
َْ ‫لْٱل ِذ‬
3. What does "Waliyy" mean in the phrase "‫ينْ َء َامنوا‬ ْ ِ ‫ٱّللْو‬
ْ "?
a) Warrior
b) Supporter or Protecting Friend
c) Follower
d) Prophet
ً َ َ ُ َ َّ َ ْ َ
4. What is the meaning of "‫نْل ْهْ َم ِعيشةْْضنكا‬ْ ‫ضْ َعنْْ ِذك ِريْف ِإ‬
َْ ‫?" َو َمنْْأع َر‬
a) Whoever turns away from My remembrance will have a happy life.
b) Whoever turns away from My remembrance will have a depressed life.
c) Turning away from remembrance has no impact on one's life.
d) Turning away from remembrance leads to prosperity.

َّ ْ ُ ‫ئْ ُق ُل‬ َ ُ َ َ َّ
ِْ ْ‫وب ُهمْْ ِب ِذك ِْر‬
5. According to the Ayah "‫اّلل‬ ْ‫آمنوْاْ َوتط َم ِ ِی‬ ْ‫ين‬
ْ ‫( "ال ِذ‬Those who believe, and whose
hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah...), what brings satisfaction to
a) Material possessions
b) social status
c) Remembrance of Allah
d) Achieving worldly goals
‫َ َ َ َ‬ ‫َ‬
‫الْذ َّرةْْخ ْ ًيْاْ َي َرُْه" ‪6. What does the Ayah‬‬
‫نْ َيع َملْْ ِمثق ْ‬
‫?‪" convey‬ف َم ْ‬
‫‪a) Every good deed, no matter how small, is significant.‬‬
‫‪b) Only major good deeds matter.‬‬
‫‪c) Small good deeds have no impact.‬‬
‫‪d) Good deeds are not visible.‬‬

‫‪III.‬‬ ‫‪Fill in the blanks.‬‬

‫اب آ َمنَّا ۖ قُل لَّ أم تُؤأ ِمنُوا َو َٰلَ ِكن قُولُوا أ َ أسلَ أمنَا َولَ َّما يَ أد ُخ ِل‬
‫ت أاْلَع َأر ُ‬
‫۞ قَالَ ِ‬

‫سولَهُ ََل يَ ِلتأ ُكم ِم أن أ َ أع َما ِل ُك أم َ‬

‫ش أيئًا ۚ ِإ َّن‬ ‫ان فِي قُلُو ِب ُك أم ۖ َو ِإن ت ُ ِطيعُوا َّ َ‬
‫َّللا َو َر ُ‬ ‫أِ‬
‫اْلي َم ُ‬

‫َّللا _______________﴿‪ِ ﴾١٤‬إنَّ َما أال ُمؤأ ِمنُونَ الَّذِينَ آ َمنُوا ِب َّ‬
‫اَّللِ‬ ‫َّ َ‬

‫َّللا ۚ أُو َٰلَ ِئ َك‬ ‫سو ِل ِه ث ُ َّم لَ أم يَ أرت َابُوا َو َجا َهدُوا بِأ َ أم َوا ِل ِه أم َوأَنفُ ِس ِه أم فِي َ‬
‫سبِي ِل َّ ِ‬ ‫َو َر ُ‬

‫َّللاُ َي أعلَ ُم َما فِي‬ ‫_________________﴿‪ ﴾١٥‬قُ أل أَت ُ َع ِل ُمونَ َّ َ‬

‫َّللا ِبدِينِ ُك أم َو َّ‬

‫َّللاُ‬ ‫ت َو َما ِفي أاْل َ أر ِ‬

‫ض ۚ َو َّ‬ ‫اوا ِ‬
‫س َم َ‬
‫ال َّ‬

‫علَي َأك أ َ أن أ َ أسلَ ُموا ۖ قُل ََّل‬

‫_____________________﴿‪ ﴾١٦‬يَ ُمنُّونَ َ‬

‫ان‬ ‫علَ أي ُك أم أ َ أن َه َدا ُك أم ِل أ ِ‬

‫ْلي َم ِ‬ ‫َّللاُ َي ُم ُّن َ‬ ‫علَ َّ‬
‫ي ِإس َأَل َم ُكم ۖ َب ِل َّ‬ ‫ت َ ُمنُّوا َ‬

‫اوا ِ‬
‫س َم َ‬
‫أب ال َّ‬ ‫َّللا يَ أعلَ ُم َ‬
‫غي َ‬ ‫___________________﴿‪ ﴾١٧‬إِ َّن َّ َ‬

‫ير _____________________﴿‪﴾١٨‬‬
‫ص ٌ‬‫َّللاُ بَ ِ‬ ‫َو أاْل َ أر ِ‬
‫ض ۚ َو َّ‬

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