A Diffuser Lveat-1

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Journée sous le thème

Water Stories: connecting people and places

through water conservation education

Animée par

Jessica Stephenson Reaves, PhD

Assistant Professor of Science Education
Department of Elementary and Early Childhood Education


Mercredi 22 Novembre 2023

Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines Ben M’sik
Salle de conférence Abdelouahed Khairi
A 10H

Public cible : Doctorants - LVEAT / Enseignants chercheurs - LVEAT

Hay El Baraka Av. Errahmouni Boualam, Casablanca 20670

Tél. : +212 5 22 70 50 96 Fax. : +212 5 22 70 51 00
site: www.flbenmsik.ma

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