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Academic Achiever

Being an academic achiever means being proficient in your classes and

demonstrating academic competence. This also means the ability to demonstrate hard

work. This can be shown in the classroom through participation, good grades, and/or

being able to access, interpret, and apply information gained through various avenues

such as media, including technology. Academic achievers are able to demonstrate hard

work through their academics. I have shown that I am an academic achiever by having

good grades throughout high school.

My transcript is an excellent example of how I have shown that I am an academic

achiever. I have studied countless nights to earn a good grade on a test, essay, exam,

final, etc. This artifact is relevant as it demonstrates my competence beyond high

school. My transcript shows my grades for the past four years. It shows my dedication

to my academic career and how it shows I am a dedicated student.

This assignment shows I have mastered this SLO because it shows how I have

done my best throughout high school. Additionally, I have taken two advanced classes

to further challenge myself. Even though at times it got hard, I did not give up but

instead I studied countless nights to get the grades I wanted. I asked my teachers for

assistance and I asked questions when I didn’t understand an assignment. I even got

awards for going beyond the work required in multiple courses throughout the years.

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