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2-Minute Speech Outline (250 – 300 words)


Thesis Statement:


- Welcoming speech and self-introduction.

Hello, everyone! Now that everyone is here, shall we begin? Good morning, ladies and
gentlemen. Thank you for coming today. My name is ___Ahmed hassan
mohamed_____ and I am from ____somalia but born and raised in kenya______.
Today, I would like to give a speech/ present about _the impact of social media on
society____. If you have any questions, I’ll be happy to answer them as we go along/
after my speech ends during the Q&A session.
Attention getter/ Hook:
In today's digitally connected world, we carry our lives in our pockets, scrolling, sharing,
and engaging on social media platforms. But have you ever stopped to consider how
this digital revolution is transforming our society?
Define/ State general ideas:
Social media has become an integral part of our lives, influencing communication,
shaping opinions, and impacting mental well-being.___


Point 1: __Communication and Connectivity____

Reason: _: Social media has revolutionized the way we communicate, fostering global
Example: e: During the COVID-19 pandemic, it enabled us to maintain social
connections when physical distancing was necessary.__
Restate Point: _ Social media enhances our ability to connect with friends, family, and
familiarity worldwide__

Point 2: _Influence on Opinion and Behavior___

Reason: __: Social media has the power to sway political views, consumer choices, and
societal rules.
Example: _Influencers on platforms like Instagram shape consumer behavior and
Restate Point: _ Social media's influence extends beyond the digital realm, impacting
our real-world choices and beliefs.__

Restate Points: _In conclusion, social media has transformed the way we communicate,
think, and behave. It connects us globally, shapes our opinions, and influences our

Recommendation/ Opinion/ Thoughts:

_"Social media is like a two-sided coin. It helps us talk to friends and learn cool things,
but it can also make us feel sad or trick us with wrong information. We should be careful
and use it nicely, so it's more fun and less bad for everyone."

Thank you for you’r attention.

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