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(English File pag. 121)

A Review.

A student magazine has asked for a review of recent books and films. Write a review of
between 220 and 260 words.

Use the following structure:

• Paragraph 1: Include the title of the book or film, the genre, the author or director, and
where/when it is set.

• Paragraph 2: Describe the plot, including information about the main characters.

• Paragraph 3: Talk about what you liked and any criticisms you may have.

• Paragraph 4: Give a summary of your opinion and a recommendation.

Erin Brockovich is a dramatic and biographical film about a true story of one woman’s
courageous fight against the whole society. The film’s director is Steven Soderbergh, which is
set in a small California town in 2000.

The main characters of the film are Julia Roberts, who takes the role of Erin Brockovich, a single
mother of three children, and Albert Finney, who takes the role of Ed Masry, her sympathetic
lawyer, who later becomes her boss. The story begins when, after a car accident leaves her
with no money and no job, Erin begs Ed to let her work at his law firm, suddenly when she
begins to work there, she accidently comes across some medical files, so she senses that
something is not right and convinces Ed to let her look into the matter, soon Erin discovers that
a power company pollutes the city’s water supply, as a result it cause many of its residents to
develop serious illnesses.

The film is filled with emotional and touching moments as Erin gains the trust of the suspicious
but frightened local citizens. The main characters give gripping performances, and the plot is
absolutely moving. My only criticism would be that sometimes Ed sounds a bit selfish in her
personality or thoughts.

Not only is this a well worth seeing film, but it also will touch your heart and make you cheer
for ordinary people like Erin. Do not miss the oportunity or the chance to watch it. Believe me
or not, it is not a waste of time!

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