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Crafting a thesis on the topic of the China threat is no small feat.

It involves navigating complex

geopolitical landscapes, analyzing vast amounts of data, and synthesizing diverse perspectives into a
cohesive argument. As one delves deeper into the subject matter, the challenges become more
apparent. From deciphering the intricacies of China's foreign policy to understanding its economic
ambitions, every aspect demands meticulous research and critical thinking.

The difficulty of writing a thesis on the China threat cannot be overstated. It requires staying abreast
of the latest developments, often in a rapidly evolving environment. Moreover, interpreting
conflicting sources and reconciling contradictory viewpoints adds another layer of complexity to the
task. For many students and researchers, grappling with these challenges can be overwhelming.

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First, it develops the research context by outlining the five most typical sectors that provide Internet
services. Advertisement Although the center claims it found no evidence its research was
compromised, the details of the relationships between its employees and the Chinese government are
unknown. For China, the state plays an important role in development and market issues. In Syria, he
has used private military contractors wherever possible. John Cassidy has been a staff writer at The
New Yorker since 1995. All articles on OC were above 401 words hence there is no display in the
short column for that event. The reporters selected and organized those themes in a way that will
encourage support by their audience for OC. In the coverage of APEC, given the fact that the event
was an economic gathering to enhance free trade and economic relationships held in Beijing, the
dominant frames used were China threat and environmental degradation. You should be worrying
about criminal groups looking for low hanging fruit, not a targeted and persistent attack by President
Xi himself. From its vast purchases of Treasury bonds to its central role in lowering the cost of many
consumer goods, China is an invaluable trade partner of the United States, and should be treated as
such rather than as a potential enemy. The e-aviation business offers a variety of electronic services.
Warwick Blood (2002) “the choice of frames is not a matter of accuracy or objectivity, choice
involves selecting the news angle of frame that are deemed most newsworthy” (p.13). Regarding
tone, during the analysis of OC news reports a concerned, compassionate, and sympathetic tone was
evident. Off course, reporters and journalists views and opinions on their selection of news frames
would have been ideal to complement the literature above, but this limitation can be seen as an
opportunity to encourage further research. Given the fact that this thesis focuses on news framing,
this chapter also features a section on the possible characteristics which constitutes framing aligned
with the research questions of this thesis. Cybersecurity Enterprises Policies: A Comparative Study.
Sensors. 2022; 22(2):538. Black smoke from an explosion is seen on the horizon. With this economic
backdrop, many points of friction still exist militarily, politically, and even economically. By
employing the research method, qualitative content analysis outlined in chapter four of this research
study in order to systematically and critically analyze BBC News reporting of (1) APEC CEO
Summit 2014 and (2) Occupy Central protest 2014, the researcher will now demonstrate how BBC
frames CNI and the main frames used. From a theoretical point of view, culture and journalistic
practices play a critical role in the choice of frames used in news media in their news reporting, BBC
News is no exception. McDonalds and Starbucks have flocked to China in the past but today smaller
American food retailers are testing their luck, trying to capitalize on China’s growing interest in
Western food. Foreign Policy, 655 15th St NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC, 20005. The differences
in the news coverage arouse research interest and motivated curiosity. Currently, as nation-states start
to develop their own national cyber espionage and operations divisions, APTs have grown in
popularity. This statute also forbids modifications to corporate data that are retained, ensuring data
integrity. A historical perspective on American sources of bias could be valuable in understanding
threat perceptions today. Many Americans believed that it was up to the US to help the world’s
largest country lift itself up and become a Western, Christian, democratic beacon in Asia. Even with
the prevalence of this negative view of China, however, a religious, self-righteous narrative based on
helping China also emerged. Millions of people died as a result of the chemical weapons developed
and used by the US, such as those during the Vietnam War. Instead, our system considers things like
how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. It will be of great interest to
think tanks, public policy professionals, and the interested general reader.
Finance: On their websites and through financial web applications, most financial firms offer online
services. Furthermore, as the DPRK develops survivable capabilities to manage escalation against
nuclear-power adversaries, Kim may become more confident that he could threaten nuclear weapon
use and execute it in a limited but very deliberate manner. Furthermore, the findings revealed the
importance of email security in all of the previously mentioned industries. In today’s Financial Times,
John Gapper has an insightful column on the Chinese economic model, and how many of its state-
owned companies are appropriating other countries’ intellectual capital. This connection motivated
direct support for the movement and levels of bias against China were quite evident. By Eli Hager A
Reporter at Large Trial by Twitter By Ariel Levy American Chronicles Britney Spears’s
Conservatorship Nightmare How the pop star’s father and a team of lawyers seized control of her
life—and have held on to it for thirteen years. All employee responsibilities to safeguard physical
and private information, as well as computer devices, were recommended by the authors. He said:
“The creation of a Five Eyes-plus could set those standards, bypassing the United Nations, the WTO
and other organisations. Xinhua News Agency. Retrieved January 8, 2015 from. A Western example
would be Hell, a forum from the past that was thought to house some serious Western actors. Using
ID as an electronic identity and signature service over the Internet. The nation-state backed groups
from China carry a particular threat, inherent in their nationalistic pride and size of their military
cyber divisions. Anonymous saw its prime years ago, as I posted a blog on my old medium, linked
here, about the inevitable fall of Anonymous. Multiple requests from the same IP address are counted
as one view. Additionally, this policy allows for frequent archiving to allow personnel within the
organization to readily access and delete any files that are no longer needed, as well as the
encryption key that encrypts the data. Following my stay as a student in Beijing, it became apparent
that China-related news as represented by Western media do not reflect the reality of China, but
rather reflect a reconstruction of the truth. Rather, China’s National Image did, but in an unfavorable
way. The security of electronic health information is ensured via a secure connection between
patients and hospitals. To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we
don’t use a simple average. Having analyzed the news reports by BBC News regarding APEC
Summit 2014 and OC protest in Hong Kong, the following patterns and connections emerged.
Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology (JFMK). Therefore, the basis of this research is
to analyze the portrayal of two events in BBC News, to find the way in which they were framed to
represent CNI. This policy complies with human rights to privacy and the protection of sensitive
data. Table 6 summarizes the role of physical security policy among the five enterprises. Locals have
even been stopped from lighting outdoor barbeques or burning funeral incense. With inferior
conventional military forces, Kim would almost certainly be forced to confront the PRC with nuclear
weapons to deter or defeat PRC intervention. Asia has grown to be the world’s largest online
market. Cybersecurity Enterprises Policies: A Comparative Study. All articles published by MDPI are
made immediately available worldwide under an open access license. No special. Since it was a
largely reactionary and decentralized movement, it generally disappeared when political tensions
calmed down.
Before I came to China, the image I had of China was mainly shaped by western media news
networks, predominantly BBC. This is not to say that some citizens were not affected by some of the
changes but to give readers the impression that schools shut their doors, love was on hold, and that
during Apec it was not a good time to get sick because hospitals are not taking new appointment, is
utter exaggeration on the path of the journalists. Automated attackers include worms with exploits
that scan the local subnets and the internet as a whole for low hanging fruit in the form of vulnerable
systems. This widespread worm spreads like wildfire, and can create botnets that can be used for
password cracking or massive DDoS attacks. Either would be terrible, but its destructive capacity
would pale in comparison with full-blown conflict between the West and Russia or China, even if
that did not escalate to a nuclear exchange. What spurred the altering of narratives around China and
Chinese immigrants were American views, cultural events in the US, and American policy. While
Japan had been the recipient of President Teddy Roosevelt’s “Japanese Monroe Doctrine” allowing
for Japanese expansion in Asia, Americans had started to shift towards their new friend of China.
Education: To prevent security risks such as cross-site scripting, secure web applications and
resources are necessary on the local website. Foreign Policy, 655 15th St NW, Suite 300,
Washington, DC, 20005. Content analysis was conducted on fifty-three (53) articles.The results are
reported using a combination of two forms of qualitative research reports: (1) descriptions which
make little reference to theoretical perspectives and (2) analytical discussions based on concepts
which emerged from the news reports (Jensen, 1991, p.69). Conflicts of Interest The authors declare
no conflict of interest. Off course, reporters and journalists views and opinions on their selection of
news frames would have been ideal to complement the literature above, but this limitation can be
seen as an opportunity to encourage further research. Logically, it is impossible to prove that
something doesn't exist, even if it really doesn't, and if all accusations are based on rumors and lack
basic facts. Ministers have privately acknowledged that current plans to toughen up takeovers of
British firms will need re-examining. Opening almost any newspaper on a given day, you might just
see this very phenomenon of competing threat narration play out on a single page. A second-term
Trump administration, shorn of generals committed to NATO and with a more populist Republican
party in Congress, might well tempt him, especially if low energy prices and a weak economy were
creating mounting problems at home. Network security policy among different enterprises. On the
notion of framing, article 7 carried a somewhat subtle headline but deeper analysis revealed anything
but. While the signals of danger by China in the previous century centered on the American ability to
trade in China or from hardworking immigrants taking American jobs, the Era of Mao introduced a
new type of perceived China threat. This group targeted multiple, diverse industries including
healthcare and defense, and was very successful at infiltrating all parts of target networks and
siphoning off data without being discovered. Furthermore, the Federal Information Security
Management Act is key legislation that addresses security concerns in commercial Cloud computing.
First, it develops the research context by outlining the five most typical sectors that provide Internet
services. Second, data transferred over the university Cloud must be encrypted, and IDs and
prevention technologies must be used to monitor network traffic in the Cloud. China suffered
economic hardship and a serious loss of sovereignty. Some of these recommendations are to use
emails solely for business purposes, protect data and attachments sent via email, as well as any
business information included in them, to not send disruptive or offensive communications by email,
and to not send personal messages using the company’s title. This theoretical framework would
suggest a conflict between America and China unless the disequilibrium is addressed to correct the
underlying notions of inequality. China’s unprecedented economic growth and global presence has
sparked international recognition and scrutiny of its national image. Underestimating the need for
cybersecurity knowledge exposes all of the company’s assets to a significant danger. After
downplaying the China’s willingness to do its path in the reduction of emissions, the reporter quoted
energy specialist Lin Boqiang who used the word “realistic” to describe China’s commitment. The
dark blue ocean surrounds it, with a few clouds drifting into frame in the upper right corner. Special
thanks to the Government of Grenada and to The People’s Republic of China for awarding this
valuable scholarship to me.
The early 1900s saw China beginning to embrace Christianity, Western dress, and even some
democratic principles. This statute also forbids modifications to corporate data that are retained,
ensuring data integrity. Given the fact that this research aims to understand how CNI is framed by
BBC News reporting, the framing mechanisms used and the meaning behind the use of those
frames, manual coding, analysis and interpretation is preferred rather than computer coding.
Commissioner of Canton, Lin Zexu did something that was considered out of character for anyone;
he wrote a letter to Queen Victoria. This research identified 10 common CS aspects, as shown in
Figure 1, from the literature: privacy, website, Cloud, email, physical, network, information, access
control, data retention, and data protection. We have also looked at common customer service
policies from various businesses’ viewpoints; each of these companies has a unique approach to
customer service. Helping to counter this bias, sources of transparency—the notions of cultural
exchange and the rallying around a common cause—help to extinguish perceptions of threat.
Information security is achievable through secure applications of technology and other information
systems for e-commerce against hostile Internet activities, and this is one effective factor toward the
online business’s success. Beijing’s growth requirements force it to impose predatory trade practices
on others; its need for energy and natural resources leads it to threaten its neighbors as well as
regions further afield, such as Africa. This flickering of the Chinese threat that would take us through
the next seven decades was much more focused on a threat to American national interests in the
Pacific. Cybersecurity Enterprises Policies: A Comparative Study. War games carried out by the
RAND Corporation, a think-tank, in 2015 concluded that in the face of a Russian attack “as
currently postured, NATO cannot successfully defend the territory of its most exposed members”.
Hacktivists, as discussed below, are politically motivated, and are described by their political
motives. China’s One Belt, One Road program to expand its global influence will undoubtedly push
against American spheres of influence. And as pointed out by Davie and Maher (2010), this theory
has resulted in more than 400 published studies (p.358). Data-protection policy among different
enterprises. It delineates the two major causes of the friction in Sino-American relations—change in
the balance of power in China’s favor and the conf licting ideologies of the two states—and
emphasizes why it is imperative for the U.S. to hold on to its ideological principles. This includes
carders, malware authors and distributors, botnet operators, and bulletproof hosting vendors. To
understand BBC News’ framing of CNI, agenda setting theory provides the theoretical framework
to understand why. Immigration Integration Policy Path Dependence and the Role of History
Politics and Immigration: Strange Bedfellows Ambivalence about Immigrants Unintended
Consequences. The nation-state backed groups from China carry a particular threat, inherent in their
nationalistic pride and size of their military cyber divisions. Would the efforts be sufficient to give
members of the international community a different side of China than what is portrayed by the
West. She has authored a doctoral thesis on Chinese propaganda targeted at foreign audiences, and
was a co-author of the landmark report Authoritarian Advance: Responding to China’s. The faculty
committee that supervised and approved the dissertation consisted of Bruce Bennett (Chair), Daniel
Norton, and Cortez Cooper. The student information that is kept on file should be accurate and up to
date. What hardware, software, information, or people, will be used to implement this policy. This
research applied the directed approach to content analysis. Every day brings the potential of a new
threat appearing and old threats changing behavior, but very rarely do old threats disappear. Journal
of Otorhinolaryngology, Hearing and Balance Medicine (JOHBM). Ideology of the media may not
be the identical however one commonality is that it represents a distinctive line between “social
structure and social cognition” (van Dijk, 1998, as cited in Le, 2010).
So it is not surprising to see China being accused again of something-only the accusation this time is
sinister and bizarre. Scholars Xie and Page (2013) conclude that “national image presumably results
from a combination of objective facts about a country, image projection by that country, and
interpretations and even constructions of facts about that country by the mass media and other actors
in foreign countries” (2013, p.855). Many have attributed this lack of knowledge as contributing to
the “Red China” threat in the Cold War. This research has practical and academic relevance because
it contributes a refreshing outlook to the discussion of CNI phenomenon. Hacktivists should be
viewed on a case-by-case basis. China remained a frail country throughout this period while its
immigrants garnered a reputation for industrious values. Then we need a national strategy for
managing international scientific collaboration in a way that preserves the openness that characterizes
our system while also protecting our national security. Surfacing potential sources of domestic bias
that impinge upon a more objective view of this threat—as well as recognizing those sources of
transparency as strengths—is a powerful place to start. In a dramatic change in views of Chinese
immigrants, the positive narratives around the Chinese in the US in the 1850s and 1860s as a
resourceful and helpful people quickly transitioned to ones of stealing American jobs and even of a
people incompatible with American values. As China’s export industry took off in the early 2000s,
China needed a place to invest to prevent the yuan from rising. Similarly, electronic checklists,
inexpensive aircraft charts and plates, simple parking services, and aviation weather services are all
made possible by Internet technology. Where necessary, we should also challenge them, but through
established channels such as the World Trade Organization—much as we challenge the European
Community for protecting French farmers, and they challenge us for protecting southern cotton
growers. The torch of his Nationalist Party was then passed to Chiang Kai-shek who also was a
Christian and even dressed as a Westerner. Criminal groups are here to stay as well, grossing
millions of dollars in revenue last year. My point was to be wary of misleading historical analogies.
That being said, the more well-known threat actors have pretty hard evidence of nation-state
backing. Some major motion pictures that are flops in the United States go on to become wild
successes in China. If there were a new crisis over Taiwan, America would no longer send an aircraft-
carrier battle group through the Taiwan Strait to show its resolve, as it did in 1996. Simply put, the
US and China need each other immensely and for this reason of practicality, the threat level on China
should be interpreted as low. This is a common way to attribute a threat group to a nation-state actor,
sort of following the “if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck” philosophy. Internet of Things
(IoT) cybersecurity: Literature review and IoT cyber risk management. A country’s image can be
equated to a company’s flagship brand; it is the finest or most vital element which defines the
company. To safeguard an organization’s cyberenvironments, information, and communication
technologies, many enterprises are investing substantially in cybersecurity these days. The length of
the articles (word count) is depicted in table 1 and displayed in figure 2. The Lobby was composed
of missionaries, business interests, and those Americans with ties to friends and family who had lived
and worked in China at the height of the opium trade. These opposing forces make the designation
of China as a friend or enemy of the United States extremely difficult with the cliched frenemy term
often used by politicians and pundits. Moreover, Presidents Obama and Trump have employed an
inconsistent policy towards China with harsh words for President Xi one day and then hosting State
Dinners and acting as if Sino-American relations were at their apogee the next day. Identifying the
users Creating a security policy across sites. It would be naive to think that China could grow its
outward focused military at its current rate and not pose any semblance of a military threat at the
very least from a capabilities perspective. That is particularly true when an ascending power, such as
China, advances diplomatic, political, and economic values antithetical to those that have informed
the status quo global architecture.

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