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Eyes of Greed

Wondrous item, Very Rare (requires attunement)

These two small gemstones shimmer with a deep blue

hue, their surfaces intricately faceted, making them
appear incredibly valuable. Despite their alluring
beauty, they harbor a sinister secret.
Attunement. To attune to the Eyes of Greed, a
creature must hold both gemstones and spend a short
rest focusing on their allure. While you are attuned
to the eyes and they are on your person, you can
use an action to cast the True Seeing spell on
yourself, without expending a spell slot or
material components. You can’t use this
property again until the next dawn. In
addition, your Charisma score is 21,
unless your Charisma is already 21 or
Curse. The Eyes of Greed are cursed,
a fact that is revealed only upon taking a
long rest after attuning to the eyes. Any time
the attuned creature takes a long rest, they
are visited in their dreams by a paragormon, a
malevolent fiend with a penchant for the eyes of the
The paragormon will attempt to gouge out the eyes of
the attuned creature and replace them with the Eyes of
Greed. If the fiend succeeds, the creature permanently
loses their natural eyes and the gemstones become their
new eyes, leaving the creature blind. Only then will the
paragormon leave the attuned creature alone. The eyes
can only be removed by a Remove Curse spell or similar
magic, but doing so does not restore the creature’s
original eyes.
Small Fiend, Neutral Evil

Armor Class 14 (natural armor)

Hit Points 71(11d6+33)
Speed 40ft.


11 (+0) 20 (+5) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 21 (+5)

Skills Perception +3, Stealth +7

Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Abyssal, Infernal, Sylvan
Challenge 4 (1100 XP)

Eyes of Greed. When a creature attuned to the Eyes of Greed

begin a long rest, they roll 1d4. The number rolled determines
how many hours pass before they are affected by the
paragormon’s Feign Dream feature.

Feign Dream. The creature affected by this feature believes they

have woken up in the same place they fell asleep (e.g., a local
inn’s bed), but they are actually in a dream world created by the
paragormon. This world is a perfect replica of the creature’s last
known surroundings, with the unsettling exception that there
are no other living beings present, except for the creature and
the paragormon. A creature who realizes that they are dreaming
can attempt to wake up. As an action, the creature can make a
DC17 Charisma saving throw, waking up on a success.

Paralyzing Presence. When a creature starts its turn within 30

feet of the paragormon, the paragormon can force it to make a
DC 13 Constitution saving throw if the paragormon isn’t
incapacitated. If the saving throw fails, the target is paralyzed
for 1 minute. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end
of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Multiattack. The paragormon makes two gouge attacks.

Gouge. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5ft., one target.

Hit 14 (2d8 + 5) piercing damage. The target must succeed on a
DC 15 Strength saving throw or be blinded until the end of their
next turn. If the target is reduced to 0 hit points by this damage,
it wakes up with the Eyes of Greed implanted in their eye

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