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OT Evaluation and Assessment: Allen’s Cognitive Level Screen

❖ WHO Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS - Evidence-based, standardized screening

2.0) assessment of functional cognition developed
❖ Mini Mental Status Examination (MMSE) within the framework of the cognitive disabilities
❖ Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) model.
❖ Beck’s Depression Inventory - Provides quick estimate of an individual’s learning
❖ Allen’s Cognitive Level Screen and problem solving abilities during performance
of 3 visual motor tasks of increasing complexity.
- Generic assessment instrument for health and THE LPM
disability. - Tool for successful professional and personal
- Short simple and easy to administer (5-20mins) development
- Applicable in both clinical and general population
settings The Lifestyle Performance Model
- Tool to produce standardized disability levels and - Developed by Fidler and Velde
profiles - Used clinically and to measure outcomes by
- Applicable across cultures, in all adult populations Wittman and Velde
- Directly linked at the level of the concepts to the Basic Constructs:
International Classification of Functioning, • The LPM describes and examines the interacting,
Disability and Health multiple dimensions of doing and living from an
organized, holistic framework
6 Domains of Functioning: (Candy Mommy Sugar Get • Based on a philosophy of social construction (a
Lucky Please) person’s perceptions of his/her occupational
- Cognitive – understanding and communicating performance and satisfaction)
- Memory – moving and getting alone • Related to Object Relations and Wellness theories
- Self-care – hygiene, dressing, eating and staying • Performance and quality of life are essential
alone constructs
- Getting along – interacting with other people • Useful for Occupational Science and Occupational
- Life activities – domestic responsibilities, leisure Therapy
and work, school • A Top-Down Approach
- Participation – joining in community activities • Meets the four criteria for successful practice
(client-centered, occupation-based, evidence-
Mini Mental Status Examination incorporated, and outcomes-oriented)
- Offers a quick and simple way to quantify
cognitive function and screen for cognitive loss Lifestyle
- Tests the individual’s orientation, attention, - A configuration of activity patterns
calculation, recall, language and motor skills - Patterns of doing, of being engaged, emerge
- Each section of test involves a related series of through the interplay of a person’s intrinsic needs,
questions and command desires, and capacities and unique expectation of
- To give the examination, seat the individual in a the environmental contest of the person’s living
quiet, well-lit room. Ask him/her listen carefully
and to answer each question as accurately as Quality of Life
he/she can. - Integrally relate to LPM as a phenomenological
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index - Can be evaluated within each domain and overall
- Assesses sleep quality over a 1-month time
interval The Assessment Process
- Measure consists of individual items, creating 7 • The Lifestyle Performance Inventory (LPI) is used
components that produce one global score, and to gather data from the client or significant
takes 5-10 minutes to complete other(s)
- Intended to be standardized sleep questionnaire • A semi-structured interview (questions with
for clinician and researches to use with ease and is probes)
used for multiple populations.
• Combined with other information (from chart,
other evaluations: ROM, Sensory Profile, Burns,
Beck’s Depression Inventory
Depression Scale, etc.) to form a Lifestyle
- Created by Aaron Beck
• Performance Profile (LPP)
- 21-question multiple choice self report inventory
- One of the most widely used psychometric tests
Importance of the Environment
for measuring severity of depression
• Physical – personal space, natural and man-made
- Depression described in psychodynamic term as
• Societal – legal, political, economic
“inverted hostility against self”
- By contrast, the BDI was developed in a novel way • Interpersonal – self and significant others,
for its time; by collating px’s verbatim descriptions objects, home
of their symptoms and then using these to • Temporal – personal or inner time, mechanical
structure a scale which could reflect the intensity time, natural and social time
or severity of a given symptom. • Virtual – digitally created world (space and time)
Four Domains:

Intrinsic Gratification
- Personally referenced pleasure, engagement for
the joy of it, activity repertoire regarding fun,
personal interests

Reciprocal Interpersonal Relatedness

- Developing reciprocal relationships, sustaining
reciprocal relationships, mutually satisfying, all
aspects of living, friendships, intimacy, peer
affiliations, family

Societal Contribution
- Contributing to the fulfillment and welfare of
others, productive member of society, filling
societal roles, reciprocity is not expected

Self-care/Self Maintenance
- Expression of self, self-reliance, dressing,
grooming, maintenance of living spaces, eating,
cooking, etc. (ADLs and IADLs)

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