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HAND OUT number 2.




By Kathleen Carroll
An OBSERVATION is what you know. Because your senses tell you so. I see. I feel. I smell. I
Words make OBSERVATION clear. An INFERENCE is a good guess.
It’s nothing more and nothing less. I think it might and probably
Shows it’s an INFERENCE you see
Remember what I am telling you. An OBSERVATION you know it’s true.
The steps in the scientific method are as follows. As you go through this part of the
lesson you will be able to understand the processes involve in scientific investigations.


1. Observation It is something that is perceived by the senses.

Observations may also be done through the use of
laboratory instruments.

2. Defining the Problem It is a question about the observation. It is what you

want to find out or discover.

3. Formulating Hypothesis It is an educated or intelligent guess. It is a tentative

solution to the problem or an answer to the question.
It is usually stated using the”if and then” statement.
Example: If plants will be exposed to sunlight, then it
will not wilt
- If bacteria will be placed in a cooler temperature,
then it will multiply faster

4.Conducting Experimentations An experiment is conducted to test whether the

hypothesis is accepted or not. It includes the
manipulation of Variables.

5. Collecting and Analyzing Data Further observations and measurements are gathered
from the experiment.

6. Formulating Conclusions It is a statement that either accepts or rejects the


7. Communicating the Results Results of experiments must be shared to the public

so it will become useful to everyone.

It is important to correctly identify and manipulate the variables in an experiment. A FAIR

SCIENTIFIC TEST depends upon how the variables are treated.
Click the link or visit the site to learn about variables in an experiment

8. Formulation of Theory – explains the way something behaves; a concept that has
been tried or tested; can still be modified when new findings are made; tells us why
things happen.
Ex. Materials lose heat in air spaces.
Theory of evolution by natural selection
9. Formulation of Scientific Law - a statement that describes how something behaves;
does not explain why something happens but it will explain what will happen;
not contestable and is often expressed in mathematical equations.
Ex. Water stores heat better than gravel.
Law of Conservation of Energy

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