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3 Listen again and mark the sentences f (true)

or F (false). ln your notebook, rewrite the

false sentences so that they are true.
Lis tening ) #**E*rs 1&'é
el"**z*Z *** **x* a. Doctors Without Borders started h 1979.

b, The organ zation won the Nobel Peace Prlze

When listen n8, pay attent on to how speaf ers rephrase what t¡ey say
in dlfferent worcls. They often do th js to make tire rneaning cJearer' i2 1999. _
c. Before leavtng, voiunteers have flve days of
work in pairs. Look at the pictures and discuss the questions. traintng n departure preparedness
a. What klnd of organtzation do the doctors worl< for? d. English and Spanish are the most useful -
b. Where do they work? languages for volunteers _
c. ]s tneir work dangerous? why? wny not? e. Vo unteers have to go for a minimum of
six months. _
f. The speaker talks about hts experLence

in Somalra.

4 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

a. ln what way do volunteers with Doctors
Without Borders make a dlfference to
people's ltves?
b. Would you like to work for Doctors Without
Borders? Why or whY nott

Frs*'runeiatio n b zá *U,+ *2'**Z;:z:J* ;**; Qffi

'! Listen §S and write the words in the correct
columns, according to the pronunciation
of ea.

overseas leave head

breakfast deal bread '

?oacq hoalihy

L¡sten 2e to an interview with a doctor from the

organization Doctors Without Borders. Mark (./) the topics
he mentions. Say the words aloud and add them to the
columns in activity 1. Then listen 31 and
a. What the organizatton does
check your answers.
b. When the organizat on started - _
c. Trarning for volunteers _ speak team dead meal
heavy sweater easy instead
d. Living conditions for volunteers
e. How long volunteers commlt for-_
f. The speaker's personal experience

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