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4 Underline the correct options to complete the statements writ¡ng ) A For and Agsin§t §§§ay

about the structure of a for-and-against essay.

a. The for-and-against essay hasthree/four paragraphs.
I Write a for and aga¡nst essay on the
following subject.
b. ln the first paragraph, the writergrves an opinion/introduces
Everyone in the Woild Should Speak the
the topic.
Same Language
c. The writer states the arguments for the topic in the second
paragraph/second and third paragraphs. '{+sr
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d. The writer uses the third paragraph lo develop the ideas of the ) Use four paragraphs in your essay.

second paragraph/state the arguments against the top¡c. > Introduce the top¡c in the first paragraph.
I In the second paragraph, give the arguments for
e. ln the final paragraph, the writer sfafes his or her opinion/states
Use expressionslike ln addition andWhat's more
his or her opinion and gives reasons to support ¡t.
to introduce extra arguments.
) Give the arguments against in the third paragraph
5 Match the expressions the writer uses to the functions.
r Give your personal opinion in the last paragraph.
a. On the other hand.. lntroduce an argument lnclude reasons ro justiiy yorrr opinior.

b. There are good arguments _ lntroduce a counter

for andagainst. argument > Brainstorm arguments for and against
c. ln my opinion... Introduce further , the topic. Make notes and decide on
d. On the one hand. arguments
your personal opinion.
e. ln addition... /What is more... 2 Write a first draft of the essay. Make
_ Express an opinion
sure you follow the structure above.
_ lntroduce the topic
6 Refer to the essay to find and underline examples of the language > Check your draft. Ask yourself the
¡tems. Work in pairs to say why the writer uses each example. following questions.
. An unreal condition in the future a. ls the language correct (gramma[
. A report of someone else's opinion vocabulary and spelling)?
. A recommendation b. ls there a balanced argument?
c. Do you give a clear personal opinion?
7 Read the essay and complete it with the words and
expressions. 3 Write a final draft.
a. On the other e. On the one hand
b. ln my opinion f. are necessary
c. good reasons for and against g. What is more
d. should h. would be

Sfudente Should Be Free to Atterd The Chsses Theg Wont

In some high schools, certain classes are reqUired ond oth¿rs ore optional Some

people think all clqsses should be optional There are Ü

this argument'

e) _, if all closs¿s r,rrere optionol, -

sfudents would studg things that reallg inter¿sted

them. Theg 3) _ mor¿ motvated. In oddition, there would be fewer discipline problems'
+) _, some people argue that certain su§ects 5)
for evergbodg, even if theg
don,t like them. Theg sog these sullects ensure that -evergbodg leorns
certain basic skills

and know,ledge 6) theg sag thot it would be verg dif{lcult to organtze a school r'¿here
oll su!¡ects r,uere optionol.
r) it would not be a good idea to mq[e all su[1ects optionol I think u''e a)

the present sgstem, u.,h¿re there ls a mixture of required ond optionol su[jects'-


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