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5 Complete the text with the correct form of some

ofthe words and phrases from Ex 3.
I §EIilE8§§H§§ Answer the questions.
1 What are the different stages of tife (e.g. childhood)? What do we
often do at different stages in our lives (e.g. get married)?
2 What do you think the title'time flies' means? lvv' sister and I

in Paris on '14 July 2005
2 Read the btog. Why does the writer fee[ ctose to his uncte? and we spent the early part of our
in the French capital
However, when we were seven, our family moved
to London. Because ofthat. we've
speaking French at
ramitvman66 5

Tl home and with our

English at school and with our friends. Now we're

Family favourite p
we don't know if we're
British or French; we say we're both!
Posted 14 September

6 §UtrE Listen to a conversation between Amy

and Jordan. Are the sentences true (f) or fatse (F)?
1 Jordan is starting a new schoo[.
2 Amy was born in the local area.
3 Amy's famity doesn't come from the locaI area.
4 Jordan has only got one brother.
5 Amy's brother doesn't live at home with h]s
6 Amy wants her friends to meet Jordan.

7 &. Work in pairs. Use some of the words and

phrases from Ex 3 to ask and answer questions
about each other and your families.
Fortunately, I really like all my relatives, but l'm very close to an uncle - A lNlwre did gou grout up7 "

my uncle Jan, my dad's brother. One of the reasons is because B l've spent aLt mg tife h,ere,bol mg famitg is

they're twins and really look like each other. ln fact, Jan has to d me
that during my childhood, I often thought he was my dadl Another I Look at the bold examples of the, o
reason is that my dad got married in his early twenties, but Jan didn't and on in the blog. What kind of nouns do they go
meet Elena, his wife, until they were both in their late thirlies. So, Jan
with: singular countable nouns, pluraI countable
nouns or uncountabte nouns?
was always at our house when I was growing up, and because I was
an only child, he was like a very very big brother! Anyway, iater Jan 9 Read the sentence from the blog below. Then

got married to Elena and they bought a house in the same street. complete the rutes. "

They bought a house in the same street. ln fact,

In fact, the house is exactly the same as ours! The furniture is very
the house is exactly the same as oursl
similar too! They then starled a family. I was a teenager when Alice,
their first child, was born, and I did a lot of babysitting for them. Now
l'm middle-aged and Jan and Elena are elderly. They're in their mid- We use 1 - when we talk about something
seventies, but we still see each other regularly. They've been married for the first tlme. We use 2,. . when we tatk
for 35 years now, and we celebrated their wedding anniversary about something again.
together last week, How time fliesl

10 ff.,ffiffiffi write a btog postthat

3ffiReadthebtogagainand[ookatthehightighted describes a favourite relative or someone you
words. Find... are close to. Exptain your retationship with this
. seven words or phrases that talk about age or periods of time. person and why you are close to them. Use
. five verbs and phrases lhat describe dilferent events in Iife.
vocabutary from this lesson. Work in pairs.
Share and ask questions about your btogs.
. three words or phrases lhat taLk about positions in a famity.

4 tr'llill Listen and check your answers to Ex 3.

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