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Materials and Design 92 (2016) 906–910

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Characterization of Metglas/poly(vinylidene fluoride)/Metglas

magnetoelectric laminates for AC/DC magnetic sensor applications
S. Reis a,b,1, M.P. Silva a,1, N. Castro a,b, V. Correia a,b, P. Martins a,⁎, A. Lasheras c, J. Gutierrez c, J.M. Barandiarán c,d,
J.G. Rocha b, S. Lanceros-Mendez a,e
Centro/Departamento de Física, Universidade do Minho, 4710-057 Braga, Portugal
Centro Algoritmi, Universidade do Minho, 4800-058 Guimarães, Portugal
Departamento de Electricidad y Electrónica, Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología, Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU), P.O. Box 644, 48080 Bilbao, (Spain)
BCMaterials, Ibaizabal Bidea Bdng 500, Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Bizkaia, 48160, Derio, Spain
BCMaterials, Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Bizkaia, 48160-Derio, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Polymer-based magnetoelectric materials show increasing interest for a large number of applications and, in par-
Received 28 October 2015 ticular, for the development of magnetic sensors. Nevertheless, relevant parameters such as sensitivity, accuracy,
Received in revised form 9 December 2015 linearity, hysteresis and resolution have been vaguely or never discussed. This work reports on those parameters
Accepted 14 December 2015
on a Metglas/poly(vinylidene fluoride)/Metglas magnetoelectric laminate.
Available online 17 December 2015
The sensitivity and resolution determined for the DC (30 mV·Oe−1 and 8 μOe) and AC magnetic field sensor
(992 mV·Oe−1 and 0.3 μOe) are favorably comparable with the most sensitive polymer-based ME sensors. Fur-
Magnetoelectric ther, the correlation coefficient, linearity and accuracy values are 0.995, 95.9% and 99.4% for the DC magnetic field
Magnetic sensor sensor and 0.9998, 99.4% and 99.2% for the AC magnetic field sensor. Therefore, the magnetoelectric materials re-
AC/DC ported in the present study can be used for innovative AC/DC magnetic field sensors.
Linearity © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction highest ME response found in ceramic ME composites, their low electri-

cal resistivity, high dielectric losses, fragility and fatigue [6,13,14] are the
The magnetoelectric (ME) effect is defined as the variation of the electric main drawbacks that impair their widespread applicability [6]. Polymer-
polarization in the presence of an applied magnetic field (direct ME effect) based ME materials do not reveal the aforementioned drawbacks of ce-
or as the variation of the magnetization in the presence of an applied electric ramic composites, emerging as an appropriate solution for applications
field (converse ME effect) [1–3]. This effect is present in materials through due to their high ME coupling, easy fabrication, large scale production
different principles: by the coupling of magnetic moments and electric di- ability, low-temperature processing into a variety of forms and, in some
poles in single-phase multiferroic materials [4] or by the elastic coupling be- cases, biocompatibility [6,15]. The ME coefficients found in polymer-
tween piezoelectric and magnetostrictive phases in composites [2,5–9]. based ME laminates as well as the broad range of the magnetic fields at
Nevertheless, single-phase ME materials are not suitable for technological which they respond, allow a large range of applications, in particular in
applications due to their low ME response (≈1–20 mV·cm−1·Oe−1), the fields of magnetic sensors and actuators [6,16–18].
which typically appears at low temperatures (≈10 K) [6]. Due to the limitations found in some of the conventional magnetic
Among composite structures, laminated ME composites, comprising field sensors, including low operational temperatures and high opera-
bonded piezoelectric and magnetostrictive layers, are the ones with the tional power [6,19], self-powered polymer-based ME sensors are of in-
highest ME response, thus being the most suitable materials for techno- creasing interest and applicability [6,20,21]. On the other hand, vital
logical applications [6,10,11]. The piezoelectric element in such com- characteristics of sensors which will determine their applicability,
posite structures can be ceramic or polymeric [6,12]. Despite the such as sensitivity, linearity, hysteresis, accuracy and resolution
[22–25], have never been (or just partially addressed) for ME materials
[26–28]. Once, these parameters are properly reported, ME based mag-
⁎ Corresponding author.
netic field sensors will show application potential in compasses, naviga-
E-mail address: (P. Martins). tion, location, magnetic anomaly detection and in the medical/biological
Equal contribution. field [6,19,29], among others.
0264-1275/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Reis et al. / Materials and Design 92 (2016) 906–910 907

Fig. 1. Right, ME measurement system with coils generating the HDC and HAC magnetic fields. Left, schematic representation of the ME laminated sample (below) and its corresponding
image (above).

Thus, this works focus on the determination of such characteristics Samples were measured in a system composed by two Helmholtz
on an optimized polymer-based ME laminate composed of coils (Fig. 1), one generating the DC magnetic field (HDC) in the range
Fe64Co17Si7B12 (Metglas) and poly(vinylidene fluoride), PVDF. 0 to 20 Oe, and another generating the AC magnetic field (HAC) in the
Such selection is related with the highest sensitivity and lowest range 0 to 0.2 Oe.
noise of Metglas among all magnetostrictive phases [21,30], as well as ME measurements were performed by applying simultaneously a
its high magnetic permeability and piezomagnetic coefficient [31]. HDC magnetic field ranging from 0 to 20 Oe and a superimposed HAC
PVDF is selected as piezoelectric component due to its highest piezo- field up to 0.2 Oe. The ME voltage response of the laminate was mea-
electric coefficient among polymers, stability, flexibility, large electrical sured with a SR830 DSP lock-in amplifier.
resistivity, low dielectric losses and for the possibility of being processed In order to determine the resonance frequency of the composite, HDC
in different shapes at low processing temperatures [15]. Additionally, and HAC values were maintained constant (4.75 Oe and 0.1 Oe, respec-
PVDF/Metglas composites exhibit the highest ME response among tively) and the frequency was changed from 20 kHz to 100 kHz.
polymer-based ME materials, being in this way the best composite for The DC magnetic field sensor characterization was performed by
the present study [6]. keeping constant HAC and frequency at 0.1 Oe and 48 kHz, respectively.
On the other hand, the AC magnetic field sensor characterization was
carried out by keeping constant HDC and frequency at 4.75 Oe and
2. Methods 48 kHz, respectively.
The linearity of the sensor was determined through the correlation
Polymer-based ME laminates were produced by gluing two equal coefficient r2 and by the maximum deviation from the linear fit. The
amorphous magnetostrictive ribbons of Metglas with a Devcon 5 min sensitivity was determined through the ratio between the minimum
epoxy (0.7 GPa Young Modulus) to both sides of a commercial poled voltage variation divided by the DC magnetic field at the minimum volt-
β-PVDF film (Measurement Specialties, USA) in a magnetostrictive–pi- age variation. The resolution of the sensor was obtained by the smallest
ezoelectric–magnetostrictive(MPM) configuration, following the variation of the output signal and the accuracy by calculating the largest
optimized conditions presented in previous studies [32–34]. The deviation of three measurements with increasing magnetic field. Final-
magnetostrictive ribbons (30 mm × 2 mm × 25 μm) were magnetized ly, the hysteresis was measured by calculating the largest deviation of
along the longitudinal direction (magnetostrictive coefficient λ = cyclic measurements with increasing and decreasing magnetic fields.
25 ppm) and the piezoelectric layer (30 mm × 3 mm × 52 μm) was The accuracy was studied by increasing the DC magnetic field from
poled along the thickness direction (piezoelectric coefficient 0.2 Oe–0.7 Oe three times and hysteresis by making three increasing
d33 = −33 pC·N−1). and decreasing cycles between 0.2 Oe and 0.7 Oe.
The voltage induced in the PVDF layer was measured with a lock-in- Linearity, hysteresis and accuracy of a sensor are typically expressed
amplifier (Stanford Research SR844). as a percentage of the Full-Scale Output (FSO), i.e., the ratio of the

Fig. 2. Magnetoelectric voltage response (V) as a function of: (a) frequency and (b) DC magnetic field.
908 S. Reis et al. / Materials and Design 92 (2016) 906–910

Fig. 3. DC magnetic field sensor characterization: (a) linearity, (b) resolution and sensitivity (c) accuracy and (d) hysteresis.

maximum output deviation (Δ) divided by the full-scale output, speci- 3. Results and discussion
fied as a percentage (Eq. (1)) [35–37].
Fig. 2 shows the ME voltage response of the Metglas/PVDF/Metglas
%FSO ¼  100% ð1Þ Fig. 2 shows that the highest ME voltage response is obtained at a
resonance frequency of 48 kHz (Fig. 2(a)). When the laminated
composite operates in the resonance mode, the ME coupling is largely
The full-scale output is 86.7 mV and 200 mV for the DC and AC char- enhanced, generating a ME voltage output nearly two orders of magni-
acterizations at resonance (48 kHz) and 2 mV for the AC characteriza- tude higher than for non-resonant conditions [38]. Further, the ME volt-
tion at non-resonance (95 kHz) frequencies. age increases with increasing applied HDC magnetic field until 4.75 Oe

Fig. 4. AC magnetic field sensor characterization at the resonance frequency (48 kHz): (a) linearity, sensitivity and resolution; (b) accuracy/hysteresis. AC magnetic field sensor charac-
terization at non-resonance frequencies (95 kHz): (c) linearity, sensitivity and resolution; (d) accuracy/hysteresis.
S. Reis et al. / Materials and Design 92 (2016) 906–910 909

Table 1
Metglas/poly(vinylidene fluoride)/Metglas magnetic field sensor parameters.

Parameter DC magnetic field sensor AC magnetic field sensor

This work Literature This work Our work Literature

Resonance Non-resonance

Sensitivitya (mV·Oe−1) 30 ≈10 ref. [26] 992 40 10 ref. [27]

Linearity (r2/FSO%) 0.995/ – 0.9998/ 0.998/ –
95.9 99.43 98.6
Accuracy (% FSO) 99.4 – 99.2 97.7 –
Resolution (μ Oe) 8 70 ref. [28] 0.3 1 10 ref. [27]
Hysteresis (FSO%) 1.22 – – – –
(minimum voltage variation)/(DC magnetic field at the minimum voltage variation)

when a maximum ME voltage of 100 mV is reached (Fig. 2(b)). A max- In this way, the suitability of the developed laminated polymer-
imum ME coefficient (α33 — determined from Eq. (2)) of based ME composite for magnetic field sensor applications is demon-
190 V·cm−1·Oe−1 is obtained for such DC magnetic field; strated [6].

α 33 ¼ ð2Þ 4. Conclusions
t  H AC
A Metglas/poly(vinylidene fluoride)/Metglas ME laminate compos-
where ΔV, t and HAC are the induced ME voltage, the thickness of the pi-
ite has been developed in order to validate its use as AC/DC magnetic
ezoelectric PVDF layer and the AC magnetic field, respectively. This be-
field sensors.
havior is related with the increase of the piezomagnetic coefficient until
Sensitivity and resolution values are 30 mV·Oe−1 and 8 μOe for the
the optimum DC magnetic field is reached. With further increase of the
DC magnetic field sensor and 992 mV·Oe−1 and 0.3 μOe for the AC mag-
DC magnetic field, a decrease of the induced voltage is observed,
netic field sensor. Such values are positively comparable with the ones
resulting from the saturation of the magnetostrictive response [39–41].
reported in the most recent and sensitive polymer-based ME sensors.
Linearity, sensitivity, resolution and accuracy tests were performed
Additionally, the correlation coefficient, linearity and accuracy
by increasing HDC in order to validate the use of the Metglas/PVDF/
values for the DC (0.995, 95.9% and 99.4%) and AC (0.9998, 99.4% and
Metglas as a DC magnetic field sensor (Fig. 3). Tests were performed
99.2%) magnetic field, demonstrating the applicability of polymer-
under a 0.1 Oe AC magnetic field.
based ME materials as innovative AC/DC magnetic field sensors, is
The linearity of the response was obtained in the 0–3 Oe DC magnet-
ic field range (Fig. 3(a)). After a magnetic field of 3 Oe, the ME response
starts to reach saturation, which results in a loss of linearity. Resolution
and sensitivity (Fig. 3(b)), accuracy (Fig. 3(c)) and hysteresis (Fig. 3(d)) Acknowledgments and funding
were determined at low DC magnetic fields (0.2 Oe–0.7 Oe) since for
such small DC magnetic fields, the electromagnetic noise will have The authors thank the FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia –
more influence on the data, thus ensuring that the sensor will be tested for the financial support under project PTDC/EEI-SII/5582/2014. P.M.,
in the worst possible conditions for low field signal detection. V.C., S.R. and M.S. acknowledges support from FCT (SFRH/BPD/96227/
From Fig. 3a a correlation coefficient r2 of 0.995 and a linearity value 2013, SFRH/BPD/97739/2013, SFRH/BDE/406 51542/2011 and SFRH/
of 95.9% FSO are obtained. BD/70303/2010 grants respectively). This work was also supported by
The accuracy, hysteresis, sensitivity and resolution are 99.4% FSO, Avel-electrónica Lda, Trofa, Portugal.
1.2% FSO, 30 mV·Oe−1 and 8 μOe, respectively. The observed ME hyster- A. Lasheras wants to thank the Basque Government for FPI grant. The
esis (Fig. 3(d)) is related with the magnetic hysteresis of the Metglas authors thank the financial support from the Basque Government
alloy, that is more pronounced in the vicinity of the maximum perme- Industry Department under Project Actimat, (ELKARTEK Program).
ability ≈0.55 Oe [42].
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