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Children, what is this? (Bible) What is in the bible?

(The word of God)

Yes, today we are going to listen to a very special bible story.

Children, do you know what day is tomorrow? (Christmas)

Yes, tomorrow is a Christmas Day! But what is Christmas Day?

(When the Jesus is born/The day we celebrate Jesus’s birth)

Today, our God loves us so much that he has sent his one and only son.
His name was Jesus.

In today’s bible story, we are going to learn about the good news that the angels
brought onto this world.

But, before we listen to the bible story for today, let us pray together.
Faith, hope, and love.

Long time ago, there was a very beautiful woman. Her name was Mary.

Mary also had a really handsome boyfriend, named Joesph.

Mary was a woman who loved God so much.

She gave thanks to the Lord in all circumstances

and everyday she kneeled down and prayed to the Lord sincerely.

When God saw Mary’s heart, He was very happy(pleased).

As Mary loved God so much, God also loved Mary so so much.

One day, God called His angel, Gabriel.

God commanded him ‘you should go to the town of Nazareth and tell the good
news to Mary.’ God sent the angel to Mary to fulfil His great plan for the
people living in this world.
When Mary was in her house, Suddenly, the angel appeared to her.

When Mary saw the angel, she was surprised and trembled in fear.
‘Who.. Who are you?(in fear, anxiously)’

However the angel said in gentle voice.

Mary, do not be scared. God has loved you so much that He has sent me to
tell you the good news - now you will conceive and give birth to a son and
you will name Him Jesus. - He is the son of the most high and He is the king
of kings that everyone was waiting for’

When Mary heard this message, she could not understand

because she was not married yet.

She was just proposed for a marriage by her boyfriend Joseph.

Mary was confused and replied to the angel

‘I am not married yet, but how will I have a baby..?(curiously and cautiously)’

the angel said to Mary

‘There is nothing that our God cannot do. - Even Elizabeth your relative was
too old to have a baby, but God has promised her for a baby and It really
came true - Mary, do not be worried. The power of God will embrace you, and
the baby you will conceive will be called the son of the living God.’

Mary answered.
‘Yes, I am the LORD’s servant, May your word to me be fulfilled.’

After few days, Mary was really conceived a baby just like the angel told her.

But, Mary was worried about something.

'If I tell my boyfriend Joseph that I have a baby, He is not going to marry me..
How can I explain this to him?..’

At that time, Mary prayed to the LORD.

‘Heavenly Father, I am going to meet my beloved boyfriend Joseph, may you
grant him wisdom so that he can understand my situation, may you touch his
heart so that he does not get hurt.’

Even though Mary was worried and scared,

she told Joseph every single event that has happened to her.

‘Joseph, this baby is a blessing of God. He loved me so much that he granted

me a son. Joseph, please trust me!’
When Joseph heard this message, he was greatly troubled.

Even though he is a kind and generous man, what Mary was saying made no sense.

Therefore he thought to himself.

‘Mary seems to be lying to me so that she does not get in trouble. However, I
do not want her to be ashamed in front of many people. When I go back
home, I should probably divorce her quietly.’

Joseph went to his bed while he was in great despair.

Suddenly, the angel appeared to Joseph in his dream.

The angel said to Joseph.

’Joseph, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife because the baby inside
her womb is from the holy spirit. You are to call him Jesus and he will save
people from their sins.’

After Joseph heard the message from the angel,

he woke up from his dream and he changed his mindset.

‘Oh, the baby that Mary has conceived is really a son of God. How foolish I
was suspecting Mary, I was very foolish. Now I should quickly get married to
her so that I can take care of both her and the baby!’

Eventually, Mary and Joseph got married and they deeply gave thanks to the Lord.

’LORD! Thank you for loving us and sending your one and only son to us!’

1 month, 2 months, as the time flies, the time of Jesus’s birth drew near.

It is tomorrow. December 25th, Christmas Day.

Just like God loved Mary and Joseph so much,

He also loved us so much that he gave us his one and only son Jesus.

Then what should we do?

We should give thanks to the LORD for sending us Jesus to save us.

Also, today we heard a good news that God has sent Jesus for us.

Should we just keep it to ourselves as secret?

No!!! If there are families, friends, or neighbours who do no know about Jesus,

you should go and tell them ‘Jesus is born, Our saviour is born’

we should go and share the good news we heard today.

And Tomorrow, we have special Christmas service.

Let us all come to church and celebrate the birth of Jesus together.

And also give thanks to the Lord for sending us Jesus.

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