Ex1mech 2020

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15% of the final grade

Winter 2020 Name: ___________________________

Each multiple-choice question is worth 3 marks.

1. Two soccer balls are hit with the same angle from the ground. However, the speed of
ball 2 is twice the speed of ball 1. This means that ball 2…

___ % a) will go 2 times higher and 2 times farther.

___ % b) will go 2 times higher and 4 times farther.
___ % c) will go 4 times higher and 2 times farther.
___ % d) will go 4 times higher and 4 times farther.

2. Here are three identical blocks on inclines. On which block is the gravitational force
the greatest?

___ % A
___ % B
___ % C
___ % It is the same for all
three blocks.

3. In the situation shown in the diagram, the bucket of water

moves up at a constant speed. Which object has the
greatest mass if there is no friction?

___ % a) The bucket.

___ % b) The block.
___ % c) The mass is the same for both.
Exam 1 - Mechanics

4. Here is the position as a function of time of 5 objects. Which of these objects always
have a negative acceleration?

Answer(s): ________________________________

5. In the situation shown in the diagram, the bullet reaches the ground in 1 second.

How does this time change if the speed of the ball is increased?

___ % a) It increases.
___ % b) It stays the same.
___ % c) It decreases.
___ % d) It increases or decreases; it depends on how much the speed is
Exam 1 - Mechanics

6. A puck slides up a tilted air-cushion table after someone has thrown it in that direction.
What is the direction of the net force acting on the puck when it reaches its highest
point on the table (at that time, the speed of the puck is zero)?

___ % a) It is in the direction of the vector A.

___ % b) It is in the direction of the vector B.
___ % c) It is in the direction of the vector C.
___ % d) There is no direction since the net force is zero.

7. Which of these 2 blocks of mass m will have the greatest acceleration?

___ % a) The block in the system to the left.

___ % b) The block in the system to the right.
___ % c) The acceleration will be the same for both blocks.
___ % d) It depends on the value of m.

8. An object is initially at rest. It then begins to move with a constant acceleration. At a

distance x from its starting point, the speed of the object is 5 m/s. What will be its
speed when it will be at a distance 2x from its starting point?

Answer: _______________
Exam 1 - Mechanics

9. In the situation shown in the diagram, the water bucket accelerates upwards. In this
case, the tension of the rope is…

___ % a) smaller than 𝑚1 𝑔.

___ % b) equal to 𝑚1 𝑔.
___ % c) has a value between 𝑚1 𝑔 and 𝑚2 𝑔.
___ % d) equal to 𝑚2 𝑔.
___ % e) larger than 𝑚2 𝑔.

10. The following graph shows the position

of an object as a function of time.
Between which instants (among the
following) is the average speed of the
object the greatest?

___ % a) Between 0 and A

___ % b) Between 0 and B
___ % c) Between 0 and C
___ % d) Between 0 and D

Answers: 1d 2d 3c 4d 5b 6b 7b 8:7.07 m/s 9c 10a

Exam 1 - Mechanics

11. (20 marks)

Sarah, who has a 60 kg mass, has built a rocket herself. Her 340 kg
rocket (mass that does not include Sarah’s mass) has an engine that
can provide a thrust of 22,000 N. She embarks on her rocket and takes
off vertically. After 5 seconds, there is no more fuel, and the rocket
returns to Earth’s surface under the effect of gravitation.

a) What is the acceleration of the rocket during the first 5 seconds?

b) What is the maximum height reached by the rocket?
c) What is the total flight time of the rocket?

Answers: a) 45.2 m/s² b) 3170.9 m c) 53.5 s

12. (15 marks)

Anaïs hits a ball with the speed of v = 15 m/s and an angle of 50°. The starting point
of the ball is 1 m above the ground. Jade then receives the ball as shown in the

a) What is the flight time of the ball?

b) What is the distance between Anaïs and Jade?
c) What was the maximum height reached by the ball (measured from the
d) What is the speed of the ball just before Jade catches it?

Answers: a) 2.145 s b) 20.68 m c) 7.737 m d) 13.56 m/s

Exam 1 - Mechanics

13. (20 marks)


a) the acceleration of this system.

b) the tension of each string.

Answers: a) 2.914 m/s² (towards the right for the 5 and 20 kg blocks)
b) 127.1 N et 185.4 N

14. (15 marks)

A car moves on a circular track with a circumference of 400 m. The initial speed of
the car is 20 m/s, and it makes a complete turn around the track in 25 seconds.

a) What is the tangential acceleration? (Assuming it is constant)

b) What is the centripetal acceleration when the car returns to its starting point
after completing a lap?
c) What is the magnitude of the total acceleration when the car returns to its
starting point after completing a lap?

Answers: a) -0.32 m/s² b) 2.262 m/s² c) 2.284 m/s²

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