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In moving toward the pinnacle of the Cone from direct, purposeful experiences to verbal symbols, the

degree of abstraction gradually increases. As a result, learners become spectators rather than

Abstraction - is the process of taking away or removing characteristics from something in order to
reduce it to a set of essential characteristics.

Symbolic Experience:

1. Verbal symbols - refer to texts or words, like terminologies, rules, formulas, and other similar
concepts. It’s located at the peak of the cone, which means that this is the most abstract
learning experience as they don’t give any visual representation of a subject.
2. Visual symbols - are graphic representations of concepts, which include charts, diagrams,
infographics, graphs, flowcharts, and the like.

Iconic Experience:

3 Recordings, radio, and still pictures - This level simply refers to photographs and audio
recordings like podcasts. While this level is less abstract, learners are still merely observers.
4. Motion pictures and educational television - These levels are all about learning videos and
animations where both visual and auditory senses are being used.
5. Exhibits - are meaningful displays with limited handling. This means that sometimes exhibits can
be restricted to observation only. This makes it the first level in the Cone of Experience that
moves away from abstractness, unlike the previous levels.
6. Study trips - are where learners have the opportunity to observe different objects, situations,
activities, and other related information in a real-world setting.
7. Demonstrations - are visual explanations of how something works. It also works as a visual guide
on how to do something

Direct Purposeful Experience:

8. Dramatized experiences - are recreated situations where learners can directly participate, such
as role-plays, that are based on real-life happenings.
9. Contrived experiences - are edited or imitated versions of reality, like mock-ups, simulations,
gamification, and models. As some concepts are too complex, this kind of learning experience
makes it easier to visualize and understand a subject.
10. Direct purposeful experiences - simply refer to hands-on learning or practice of a real thing. It’s
located at the base of the Cone of Experience, which means that it gives the most concrete,
tangible learning experience.

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