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UNIQUE NO: 881206

STUDENT NO: 4385 269 6



Seasons Come to Pass. (poem: ‘The loneliness beyond’)





1.1. The poem ‘The loneliness beyond’ is Sepamla’s description of how a person can be alone in a crowd
and the entire working class starts to act as one. Starting with the tittle of the poem ‘The loneliness
beyond’, the word ‘loneliness’ refers to the theme of the poem, that the black people feel alone and
alienated because of apartheid. The word ‘beyond’ indicates something that is outside or removed:
black people were treated as outsiders and could not interact with white people. The speaker uses
the word ‘raindrops’ in line 1 not to refer to a specific person, which ironically gives us an indication
that the word ‘They’ in line 2 refers to the people in the train station who are being compared to
‘raindrops’ in line 1. We can be sure that ‘They’ in line 2 are the train commuters through images
such as ‘platforms’ in line 4 and coaches in line 15. The speaker also uses words like ‘tired’ in line 8,
‘Spirits maimed’ in line 9 and ‘Dragging’ in line 5 to convey how the commuters feel. In this ways,
the speaker alludes to the people having a lack of physical identity, but rather sharing the same
emotional appearance ‘like sheep’ in line 14.

1.2. The word ‘pattering’ in line 1 refers to individuals arriving at train station randomly, this imagery
suggests that the train commuters enter the platforms continuously, monotonously, and without
deviation from routine. This gradual arrival of people culminates in a ‘torrent’ in line 3 which implies
a rush/an overwhelming large number of people.

1.3. ‘A single mask less face’ in line 7 refers to the masses of people that are so emotionally pulverized
by their circumstances that they are too tired to disguise their true feelings. Their raw emotions are
evident. This imagery suggests a lack of individuality because the people experience the same sense
of hopelessness/exhaustion/despair.

1.4. The irony is, ‘I’ve watched the multitudes rub shoulders’ in line 17, although may people are crowed
together, ‘And I’ve wondered what they do’ in line 18 the speaker sees their loneliness, and ‘With
the loneliness beyond’ in line 19 this suggests that being the part of a crowed does not bring
comfort/does not guarantee an escape from loneliness.

1.4.1. This suggests that, even in the midst of a crowed, people will still experience a since of
separation and loneliness since they are surrounded by stranger.

1.5. The mood/theme is oppressive/bleak/lonely/or despairing. The word ‘throngs’ in line 20 implies that
people are retreating into ‘holes’ their homes in line 21 like animals seeking comfort. Their places of
rest are dark and gloomy, hence there is no promise of revival. They only ‘rest’ in their ‘holes’
therefore their homes give only temporary respite from what is the main focus of their lives: work.
Describing their homes as ‘little holes’ in line 21 intensifies the extremeness aspect of the
mood/theme. Their isolation and vulnerability are emphasized. The image reinforces the bleak
mood/theme of the poem.


1. Moffett, H. (ed.). 2013. Seasons Come to Pass: An Anthology for Southern African Students (3rd
edition). Cape Town: Oxford University Press.
2. Kane, G., Byrne, D. & Scheepers, R. 2013. Introduction to English Literary Studies (3rd edition). Cape
Town: Oxford University Press.



Name and student number: …Sabelo Percy Mavimbela 4385 269 6………

Assignment topic: …Seasons Come to Pass and The Road to Mecca………

I declare that this assignment is my own original work. Where secondary material has been used (either
from a printed source or from the Internet), this has been carefully acknowledged and referenced in
accordance with departmental requirements. I understand what plagiarism is and am aware of the
department’s policy in this regard. I have not allowed anyone else to borrow or copy my work.

Signature: …S.P. Mavimbela……………………

Date: …14 August 2018…………………………….


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