Writing Practice Leaving A Message Solorzano Jesus

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Conversation ONE

Jesus: Hi

Rosario: Hi, who is it?

Jesus: Jesus, your friend

Rosario: Oh, jaja hi Jesus, sorry you are not register in my phone, well, can you need

Jesus: I can a news for you brother

Rosario: I can take a message?

Jesus: sure, the soccer practice star 15 minutes early

Rosario: really? Okey I will tell him, well thanks for the information Jesus.

Jesus: Ok, see you later, bye

Rosario: Good bye

Conversation TWO

Nuria: hello, is Jesus there?

Monserrate: hello, I am the mother of Jesus, Jesus went to the store

Nuria: Oh…well.. can you tell him that call me later?, I need talk to him for the
chemistry project.

Monserrate: sure I will tell him

Nuria: Nice, thanks mother of Jesus jajaja bye

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