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What is a Co-ordinating Conjunction?

A co-ordinating conjunction is a conjunction that is placed between words, phrases
or clauses of equal grammatical value. You can use co-ordinating conjunctions
when you want to give the same amount of emphasis to two parts of a sentence or
if you want to compare two related ideas in one sentence.

How is a Co-ordinating Conjunction Used?

Here are some explanations for each co-ordinating conjunction:

For - Used to explain the reason or purpose for something.

 He went to the store for he needed some groceries.

And - Used to add or connect similar ideas or elements.

 I like coffee, and she prefers tea.

Nor - Used to connect negative alternatives.

 She neither likes chocolate nor ice cream.

But - Used to introduce a contrast or exception.

 I wanted to go to the party, but I had to work.

Or - Used to present alternatives or choices.

 Do you want pizza or pasta for dinner?

Yet - Used to express a contrast or unexpected result.

 She studied hard, yet she didn't perform well on the test.

So - Used to indicate a consequence or result.

 It was raining, so I stayed indoors.

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