Answer Key

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Answer Key

Lesson 1
ex. 1)
Fish and seafood
1 crab 7 lobster 5 mussels 6 prawns 2
salmon 3 squid 4 tuna
11 beef 12 chicken 9 duck 10 lamb 8
Fruit and vegetables
20 aubergine 14 avocado 25 beetroot
13 cabbage 24 cherries 22 courgette 18
cucumber 23 grapes 27 green beans 26
lemon 19 mango 15 melon 21 peach 16
pear 28 raspberries 17 red pepper

ex. 2)
6 baked 5 boiled 1 fried 2 grilled 4 roast
3 steamed
ex. 3)
2 spicy prawns, hot food 3 fresh tuna 4 low-
fat yogurts 5 tinned red peppers 6 frozen

ex. 4)
2- frozen, 3- raw, 4- low-fat, 5-fresh, 6- spicy
Lesson 2
ex. 1)
2- don't..... get up
3- Are ...... watching
4- cycles
5- are/ 're having
6- is/ 's...... doing
7- does ..... give
8- am/'m not eating
9- doesn't ..... do
10- is/'s trying

ex. 2)
3- That cake looks
5- Do you think
8- I love

2- believe
3- aren't using
4- doesn't belong
5- is/'s playing
6- am/'m not sleeping
7- don't recognize
8- sounds
ex. 4)
2- Where do you usually do your
3- Why are you studying English?
4- Do you think English is easy?
5- Are you enjoying the classes at the
6- What do you usually do after the class?

Lesson 3
ex. 1)
2- I'll pay
3- Shall I make
4- you'll get/ you're going to get
5- We're going
6- I'll have
7- I'll be
8- Shall we invite
9-won't be
10- it's going to break
ex. 2)
1- are/ 're staying, are/'re having
2- Shall...order, will/'ll call, will/'ll have
3- are....leaving /are ....going to leave, am/'m
getting, am/ 'm going to get, will/ 'll give
4- are... doing / are ... going to do, am /'m
going, are... seeing /are ... going to see, will /
'll love
5-, will /'ll wash, won't break

ex. 3)
Students' own answers

ex. 4)
2- not ... flights yet
3- look online
4- Who ....meeting tonight
5- meeting... friends
6- not meeting... girlfriend
7- helping .... mum
8- When .... get .... exam results
9- won't get... this week
10- get.... Monday
Lesson 4
ex. 1)
1 Selfish people think about themselves and
not about other people.
2 Spoilt children are rude and behave badly
because they are given everything they want.
3 Mature people behave like adults.
4 Honest people always tell the truth and
never steal or cheat.
5 Charming people have an attractive
personality, and people like them.
6 Sensible people have common sense and
are practical.
7 Sociable people are friendly and enjoy
being with other people.
8 Anxious people are often worried or
9 Imaginative people have a good
10 Independent people like doing things on
their own, without help.
11 Bossy people like telling other people what
to do.
12 Insecure people are not confident about
13 Sensitive people can be easily hurt or
14 Stubborn people never change their
opinion or attitude about something.
15 Patient people can wait for a long time or
accept difficulties without getting angry.
16 Ambitious people want to be successful in
17 Reliable people are ones who you can
trust or depend on.
18 Self-confident people are sure of
themselves and their abilities.
19 Rebellious people don’t like obeying rules.
20 Moody people have moods that change
quickly and often.
21 Competitive people always want to win.
22 Affectionate people show that they love or
like other people very much.

ex. 2)
un- / dis-: unambitious, unfriendly, dishonest,
unimaginative, unkind, disorganized,
unreliable, unselfish, unsociable, untidy
in- / im- / ir-: immature, impatient,
irresponsible, insensitive

2- great-grandfather
3-only child
5- adopted child
6- immediate
7- stepmother
8- brother-in-law
9- half-sister
10- siblings
11- extended
12- nephew
13- stepsister

ex. 4)
2- anxious
3- selfish
4- sensible
5- self-confident
6- ambitious
7- stubborn
8- independent
9- rebellious
10- patient
11- honest
12- insecure

Lesson 5
ex. 1)
Students' own answers

ex. 2)
ex. 3)
Heather lost over £2,000. Carl lost about
£200. Paul lost £20,000.
Never give your bank account or credit card
details to anybody, either in an email or on
the phone.

ex. 4)
1 email 2 wallet 3 credit card 4 money 5
believed 6 bank account 7 phone call 8 bank
9 account 10 new account

ex. 5)
2- contactless payment
3- loan
4- mortgage
5- budget
6- salary
7- tax

ex. 6)
2- hasn't saved
3- charged
4- didn't inherit
5- haven't been
6- 've never used
7- did your TV cost
8- didn't have
9- have you lived
10- earned
ex. 7)
1- passed
2- did.. borrow, have/'ve...spent
3- Have...found, has... agreed
4- Have..lent, needed
5- Has...made, called

ex. 8)
2 a- Have you ever found any money on the
b- How much did you find?

3 a- Have you ever used contactless

b- Where did you use it?

4 a-Have you ever paid for a meal for a lot of

b- Why did you pay for it?

5 a- Have you ever stayed in an expensive

b- Who did you stay there with?

6 a- Have you ever raised money for charity?

b- How much did you raise?

ex. 9)
Students' own answers
Lesson 6
ex. 1)
for: a long time, six months, two weeks, three
days, years
since: Christmas, I was very young,
lunchtime, Tuesday

ex. 2)
2- has /' s been ... for
3- have/ 've known ...since
4- has / 's worked .... for
5- have lived ....since
6- have loved ....since
7- have / 've wanted .... for
8- hasn't spoken ..... since
9- haven't seen ... for
10- has / 's liked ..... since

ex. 3)
2- We've been travelling
3- has he been working
4- She's been looking for
5- He hasn't been doing
6- Have you been waiting
7- I've been looking after
8- I haven't been playing

ex. 4)
Students' own answers
Lesson 7
ex. 1)
2a - 3j - 4f - 5e - 6i - 7c - 8b - 9l - 10h - 11n -
12k - 13m - 14g

ex. 2)
2- filthy
3- huge
4- starving
5- tiny
6- freezing

ex. 3)
2- amazed
3- furious
4- terrified
5- exhausted
6- hilarious
7- fascinating
8- positive

ex. 4)
Students' own answers
Lesson 8
ex. 1)
2 coach 8 ferry 3 lorry 9 motorbike 6
motorway 4 scooter 5 tram 7 the
Underground 1 van

ex. 2)
1 car crash 2 cycle lane 3 parking fine 4
pedestrian zone 5 petrol station 6 roadworks
7 rush hour 8 seat belt 9 speed camera 10
speed limit 11 taxi rank 12 traffic lights 13
traffic jam 14 zebra crossing

ex. 3)
Students' own answers

ex. 4)
a) 2- Bangkok is the most crowded of the
three destinations.
3- Vienna is easier to get to than Bangkok.
4- Bangkok is more exciting than Dubai.
5- Dubai is hotter than Vienna.
6- Vienna is the most relaxing of the three

b) 2- than, 3- the, 4- more, 5- worst, 6- less,

7- quicker/ faster, 8- most, 9- as, 10- least
Lesson 9
ex. 1)
2 last weekend
3- girls, languages, boys
4- the door, the house
5- a German, an engineer
6- fish, the salmon
7- the cinema, a week
8- the end, the world
9- women, men
10- a beautiful day, lunch

ex. 2)
2 x, next weekend
3 x, Money
6 x, the jacket
8 x, a noisy child
9 x, a doctor
12 x, leaves work
ex. 3)
3 the
4 the
7 the
8 the
10 -

Lesson 10
ex. 1)
2- put sb on hold
3- call back
4- go off
5- leave a message
6- voicemail
7- cut sb off
8- dial
9- ringtone
10- swipe
11- engaged/ busy
12- hang up
ex. 2)
3- don't have to
5- mustn't
7- don't have to

ex. 3)
2- should
3- mustn't
4- mustn't/ shouldn't
5- must
6- should
7- shouldn't
8- mustn't

ex. 4)
3- I had to
5- You mustn't
6- he often has to
8- I didn't have to

ex. 5)
Students' own answers

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