Danville Audition Pack 2024

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Thank you so much for enquiring about our summer camp project in Danville Kentucky, USA.

This project will take place in the summer of 2024 and if you are selected you must be free
from the 1st July to 8th August 2024.

As part of the training, if you are accepted, you will be practicing your teaching skills at our
flagship summer camp ‘Summer Stage’ the first full week of July (1st - 6th July in Holy Trinity
Woodburn Carrickfergus). We will then travel to Danville around the 11 th of July (give or
take) to begin teaching summer camps in West T. Hill Community Theatre in Danville on the
15th July. There will be 3 weeks of camps, 2 weeks working with kids and one with adults.
Camps are the weeks commencing the 15th, 22nd, and 29th of July. There will be a mega show
at the end of the 3 weeks where we bring all three weeks of the camp kids and adults
together for one big show in the Boyle County Community Arts Centre. We will then return
to Northern Ireland around the 8th of August.

Camp will be from 10am – 3pm every day and then in the evenings you may have
performances or dinners to attend, but other times you will have free evenings, weekends
to go shopping, or visit a waterpark. It is hard work, but a lot of fun!

We are looking for energetic, reliable, motivated, and enthusiastic performers to be a part
of this cast. It will be a full-on, fast-paced, but fun-filled summer. We want people who love
to teach, work with kids, and perform. So, if you think you’ve got what it takes, we’d love to
hear from you!

The project will cost £500 per person. This is a subsidized cost which helps to covers flights,
accommodation, insurance, and some of the meals. You will however be responsible for
paying for any extras on the trip, such as outings, and some food. Most will be covered for
you, but not all. Once the cast has been decided, we will set up a payment plan so it doesn’t
all need to be paid it one lump sum.

Our directors are limited in terms of the number of students they can take, and the decision
as to who goes will be a joint one between our directors here and the managing director
from the West T. Hill Community Theatre in Danville, Kentucky.

To be eligible for an audition you:

^ Must be a current Uplift member who attends classes throughout the year or an Uplift
Alumni who has left in the past few years.
^ Must be 16 or over by the time we go
^ Must be available from the dates provided above.
^ Must have a positive, passionate, and determined mindset to learn, and grow as a
performer and coach.
^ Confident in teaching young children, teenagers and adults.

If this all sounds good and you’d like to audition, please see the following info below:
The Audition

Auditions will be taking place on the 17th January @ The Wing 26 North Street
from 6-9pm

^ Once we receive your confirmation that you would like to audition, you will be given an
audition time to attend
^ You will have 15 minutes in your audition to answer questions and perform a song, a
dance, and a monologue
^ You will be recorded on video, as you are not only auditioning for us, but for the director
in Danville who will have an equal say in the final cast selection
^ You must fill in the audition form and questionnaire before the audition and bring it with
you to your audition.

What to Prepare

Each person will be asked to sing a song. This can be any style to suit your voice. If you wish,
you can sing a cappella or you may bring a backing track on device that can plug into a
speaker (we will have an aux cable, if you require any other adapter please bring it yourself).
Please have a backup song in case the directors wish to hear it.

You will be required to dance a routine that is no shorter than 45 seconds; this can be any
style and can be made up by yourself, or can be a routine you have learnt elsewhere / at
classes. You must provide the music to be played at the audition. (Again, we will have an aux
cable, if you require any other adapter please bring it yourself).

We ask that each person attending perform a short monologue (45 seconds to 90 seconds)
or a scene from a script. If you wish to perform as different characters within the scene, this
will be acceptable.

Each person will be given a few minutes to showcase any other talents they may wish to
display and also answer a few questions from the directors. If you play an instrument that is
too big to transport, then please send us a video or a link via email.

If you have any questions or queries please feel free to contact one of our team.
We look forward to seeing you at auditions!


Email: info@weareuplift.com
Mobile: 07840453723

Name: _______Emma Kelly________________________________ Age:22

Email: _________________________________________________________________
Phone: esakell20@gmail.com_________________________________ Do you have
WhatsApp? YES / NO

Q1: What experience do you have in performing and teaching the arts?

Q2: Why do you want to go on this trip to Danville?


Q3: Tell us a little about yourself. What are your hobbies and passions?

Q4: You find out that you’re accepted to go to Danville, and due to the high demand at the
auditions, how do you treat other students that weren’t able to make the cast?

Q5: You have an argument with another cast member during our trip. How do you cope being
with them 24/7 for the next few weeks? How do you resolve the conflict?

Q6: When you are teaching the kids, you are expected to be on your best behavior, how are
you expected to behave outside workshop?

Q7: Who has been the biggest inspiration and role model in your life and why?

Q8: The cast are invited to another person’s house or we are taken on a trip with
representatives from Danville. Describe how you would be an ambassador for Carrickfergus
and Uplift:

Q9: Our dorm room accommodation falls through and we have to split up and stay at the
houses of families whose children are participating in the Summer Scheme. How do you act
while you’re there?

Q10: What do you hope to gain from this project?

Q11. What do you think makes a good teacher?

Q12. What do you think we are looking for in a cast member?


Anything else you would like our directors to know:


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