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Two Cores of A Better Organizational Performance An organization is a deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose that individuals

independently could not accomplish alone (Robbins & Coulter, 2007). It is a place in which people from many different backgrounds gather and conduct things in the same vision to attain collective goals. Attainment of goals is measured and called as the performance of the organization. The organization needs to manage its resources to get to perform well and, in a very simple way, it is called management. Management cannot be solely defined in a sentence. It is because management can be interpreted and executed in various ways depending on the managers personality and the culture of the organization in which the manager work. Therefore, the science of management is one diverse subject and always improving. Despite the varied definition of it, there are two managerial concerns, which are efficiency and effectiveness. Good resource usage management will lead to efficiency and high attainment of goal will lead to effectiveness. Management can be applied to almost every aspects of an organization, but two foremost aspects of an organization to be managed are time and human resources. Why are these two very significant? The answer is simply that time and human resources are two that drive an organization forward. Also, both are the most invaluable and irreplaceable resources an organization could ever have. Without time management, the work timeline and schedule will never exist, thus will easily create chaotic working environment and the job will never be done in such environment. Moreover, if the human resources of an organization are left abandoned, soon the organization will face an end. Members of an organization need to be involved and motivated. Without involvement and motivation, a member will most definitely quit their job. What would an organization do without its member? As opposed to that matter, a decent management of an organization will certainly elevate the organizations performance. To do that, a decent management in time and human resources of the organization should be developed. Let us just narrow it down to these two. Briefly, Time management is a process of consciously controlling the amount of time spent on activities or works to increase efficiency or productivity (Wikipedia). First thing a time
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manager has to do is to evaluate the demands on the organizations time, set or adjust to the organizational goals, and develop the time management strategies that can assist the organization to achieve them. Eventually, personal styles of time managers will always influence the outcome. In a hectic working environment, where peoples schedule are different and even arranging a meeting is difficult, time management is vital. A cunning, creative, and clever time manager is a necessity so that the job can be completed. More importantly, to achieve a decent time management, the organization needs a person who is capable of both self-controlling and communicating to be the person in charge of the area. Capable of just one out of those two will make a disproportion that will make members of the organization unhappy. Having a very controlling person as a manager, while the manager him/herself cannot communicate his/her intentions well to other members will be pretty frustrating. In contrast, having a manager who can communicate his/her intentions well, but cannot control his/her own behavior will not enforce a good time management among other members. Therefore, both must be applied by the time manager of the organization. A decent time management will bring advantages to the organization. Gaining time is one of them. It can also eliminate cramming of several job tasks, making things easier for every element in the organization. Meanwhile, human resource management is very instrumental to the organizations performance as well. It is proven in The Hawthorne Studies, conducted by Elton Mayo (1927-1933). The study was intended to identify how a variety of conditions affected organization member's level of production. The experiment Mayo conducted was to change several working conditions, e.g. lighting, etc. It was to determine whether there would be differences in productivity if the working conditions changed. The conclusion of the studies was that any adjustment in conditions that reflects increased attention toward employees/members would result in higher productivity. In an organization, with many people with different personalities, having a manager who has great leading skill is very crucial, a leader to be the figurehead, motivator, liaison to the upper
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management level and so forth. Moreover, he/she has to be able to manage conflicts between his/her co-workers, staffs, etc., and value diversity. In short, the manager should be able to work with and through people. The human resource management is also responsible for job/task distribution. The distribution must be done rigorously so that the right job/task is assigned to the right person. In assigning jobs/tasks, the human resource manager should consider skills of the members, time schedule, and equality of the number of task given. If the job/task distribution is done in a random fashion, the productivity of the organization will certainly decrease. This is caused by many factors such as, demotivated members, unskilled person handling difficult tasks, and so forth. That is exactly why job/task distribution needs a person with good observation and ability to plan ahead. In an utterly different scenario, if the job/task had been assigned to the right person, the job/task would have been completed with better outcomes and the person would have also got some sense of achievement which will give him/her a better motivation to stay in the organization. Eventually, An-innovation-encouraging-manager would give added-value to any organization in these times of technology-advancement and globalization. His/her staffs would get more motivation to be creative and not afraid of finding ways to improve their works. This will lead to a better and improved performance of any organization in the entire world. At the end of the day, efficiency and effectiveness are goals of any kinds of management in an organization. Combination of both will be to use as low resource as possible to attain more goals. Time management is a vital tool, as time is one of the resources an organization cannot buy. Whilst, Human resource management is the defining tool of efficiency and effectiveness, as the organization depends on humans to carry out its operational tasks. Hence, both are the two cores of operating more efficiently and more effectively, which is measured as a better performance.


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Madura, Jeff. Introduction To Business. 2007. Thomas South-Western. Dartmouth University Freshmen Handbook Robbins, Stephen & Coulter, Mary. Management. 2007. Prentice Hall.

Corporate Sponsorship as An Effective Way of Fundraising in A Non-Profit Organization

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Fundraising is the process of soliciting and gathering contributions in forms of money or other resources, by requesting donations from individuals, businesses, charitable foundations, or governmental agencies. Fundraising is one of the tasks of a financial division in a nonprofit organization. The other tasks of this division are planning, budgeting, controlling funds, and auditing. The fundraising manager: 1. Has the ability to make a good and attractive proposals; 2. Has a developed interpersonal skill; 3. Possesses determination in his/her works 4. Helps identify potential benefactors; 5. Conveys to those individuals the depth of his feeling/passion for the organization and its mission; 6. Exhibits the satisfaction that she gets from seeing how people are helped by what the organization does; 7. Helps to make all that possible with his/her contributions; It is to be noted that all fundraising starts with a proposal of a certain program. Sponsorship for a program of a non-profit organization, especially corporate sponsorship, is a relatively convenient strategy compared to other fundraising means. Corporations now, are actually encouraged to sponsor non-profit organizationss programs since these sponsorships permit them to boost the corporation names which will support publicity and recognition. The idea is to give greater credit and visibility to a sponsor in exchange for a fund contribution. A corporation will look to a sponsorship with a non-profit organization as the means for the corporation to:

Enhance its corporate image Promote internal good will among its employees

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Foster the association between its customers and the sponsored organization Create general public awareness. (Tony Poderis 2011)

The beauty of funding something in this way is that you can ask for more money for a sponsorship than the individual donor was contributing to your fundraising campaign. Seeking a corporate sponsor is not that easy of a job though. The corporations will be more interested to fund programs that will likely involve its customers and target market. A private bank, for example, will most likely fund programs which involve people who potentially will save their money in the bank. Yet, it is not absolute that corporations will only fund programs which involve its already/potential cutomers. Corporations will give funds if they can relate to the programs as well or if they find the proposal interesting enough to attract many people, since it can increase general public awareness. The corporation certainly have its own way to determine whether a program will give them advantages like this. Therefore, to get a corporation to fund a non-profit organizations program, the fundraising manager needs to be able to build a beneficial proposal for both sides. Here are some working strategies for successful proposal writing, written in no particular order: 1. Examine, analyze and investigate at all times all that you do in your organization to know what will appeal to prospective sponsors (Tony Poderis 2011).
2. Identify prospects and the corporations products and services which could have a

mutually beneficial connection to your organization (Tony Poderis 2011). 3. It is important that the requested budget is within the limits of the funding corporation's limits. (Hari Srinivas, 2010) 4. Make sure you have clearly outlined exactly what is intended - Use simple language with the substantial details of the exact impact that is intended, or benefits for the target groups of the programs. (Hari Srinivas, 2010)
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5. Make sure you have fully studied and understood the priorities of the funding corporation, and the reasons they are providing funds. (Tony Poderis 2011) 6. Many times, key wordings and well-articulated proposals help convince the funders of its viability and impact. Again, link it strongly to the priorities of the funding corporation. (Hari Srinivas, 2010) 7. Most funding corporations have clear guidelines, instructions and guides on their funding procedures. Many times they are targeted at a particular group, for a particular purpose or a region. (Hari Srinivas, 2010) 8. Since many non-profit organizations apply for funding make sure your proposal and application form is correct and follows the procedures properly. (Hari Srinivas, 2010) 9. It is important to remember that all donations, including sponsorships, are basically philanthropic in nature. What we do to recognize a sponsors contribution is just that recognition. Be careful how you tout market value of sponsorship benefits. Dont work so hard to convince sponsors of the value they will receive that they cease to see their sponsorship as a philanthropic action. (Tony Poderis 2011) Eventually, a non-profit organization mounts a sponsorship campaign in order to increase its donated income so that the organization can conduct its daily operations and programs. Corporate sponsorships are a convenient way of fundraising in the organization because of the nature of this kind of fundraising. It is, at the same time, beneficial for the funding corporations. Corporate sponsorship provide the credibility when a company or foundation allows its name to be associated with that of the organization. This plainly amounts to an endorsement which for a profit-seeking corporations is highly valuable. Therefore, seeking corporate sponsorships can be very effective if presented in the right way.

References Fundraising Non-Profit Fund-raising Resource Tony Poderis

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