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Assignment no 2

Group members Shujaat Habib Sp24-BBA-159

Talha yaseen SP24-BBA-177
Uzair SP24-BBA-189
Sufiyan keyani SP24-BBA-162
Submitted to Dr Shehla zaman
Course Introduction to business
Date 3/12/2024
Andrew tate the nightmare for the
decision makers sitting behind close doors is former kickboxing champion, theTop G, famous
entrepreneur, a businessman, a billionaire and a motivation for millions.

Early life:
Andrew Tate was born on December 1, 1986, in Washington, D.C., United States. He grew up in
Luton, Bedfordshire, England. His father, Emory Andrew Tate II, was an International Master
(IM) of chess. He first learned to play chess when he was five years old. He learned martial arts
when he was kid.He never went to college.

Kickboxing journey:
Andrew tate made his kickboxing journey in 2007.His kickboxing journey is symbol of resilience
for younger generations. He is four time world kickboxing champion. His natural athletic talent
helped him shine throughout his kickboxing career. His career in kickboxing came to an end
after becoming four times world champion.

Entrepreneurial journey:
Andrew Tate was not satisfied with being just another fighter. He wanted
to be the best in his field. He trained hard, competed in multiple tournaments, and won four
world titles. He also developed a unique style and personality that made him stand out from
the crowd. He applied the same principle to his online business. He found a niche that he was
passionate about and that had a high demand. He created products and services that solved the
problems and needs of his target audience. He also established himself as an authority and a
leader in his niche by sharing valuable content and engaging with his fans. Andrew Tate did not
rely on one source of income. He diversified his portfolio by creating multiple products and
services that catered to different segments of his niche. He also leveraged his personal brand to
generate passive income from affiliate marketing, sponsorships, and endorsements. He also
invested his money wisely in various assets and ventures that gave him a steady cash flow.
Andrew Tate faced many challenges and setbacks in his career. He suffered injuries, losses, and
criticism. He also had to deal with changing market conditions and customer preferences. He
did not let these obstacles stop him from pursuing his goals. He learned from his mistakes,
improved his skills, and adapted his strategies. He also developed a resilient mindset that
helped him overcome any adversity. He always believed in himself and his vision, and he never
gave up.He was always against schools because schools produce slaves.They don’t teach you to
make money online . Because of his contribution in making men masculine and showing them
real world e was sent to jail two times, his assets were seized but these hardships were nothing
infront of his strong mentality and he defeated them

”Life as a man is exceptionally difficult. I say the most beautiful and the most

terrifying thing about being a man is you’re born without values. Society doesn’t

care about you; you’re only going to be cared about based on how useful you

are.” (Andrew tate )

Hustler Universty (The Real world)

. The Real World is a global community by Andrew Tate where like-minded individuals are
striving to acquire an abundance of wealth .The real world is online platform that teaches you
to make money onlineIt was created by andrew tate in 2021.Since then this platform has
produced thousand of millionaires. Andrew tate proved that for becoming rich age ,degree and
ethnicity doesn’t matter at all .All you need is strong mentality,Desire,Faith and determination.
On these basis the real world was created It has teachers that are millionaires, students that are
millionaires.Real world teaches you to become physically fit intellectually sound and obviously
how to become rich.It has more than 200,000 students that make money daily.The best thing
about real world is the community that pushes you forward that motivates you and helps you
when needed. The real world is ultimately the biggest contribution of Andrew tate towards

“Money will fix all your problems. If money was so bad and did not bring
happiness all the billionaires would be giving it away. Wake up.”
Top G mindset

“The most important thing, obviously, is your mindset. How you

view the world absolutely and utterly shapes how you react to the world, how you
act in the world, and how people view you. It’s all down to how you view things.”
The greatest reason for the success of Andrew tate was his mindset.He taught people to
become strong both mentally and physically. His teachings literally took depressed and broke
men to riches.He saved thousands by taking them out of depression.According to him
depression is a choice .

Depression is an ALERT system. It is the universe warning you that you are living
life incorrectly.”

Andrew tate from rags to riches (Life lessons)

1. Focus on Your Goals: Andrew Tate is a firm believer in setting clear goals and working
toward them relentlessly. He emphasizes the importance of focusing on your goals and
not getting distracted by external factors or opinions. According to him, the key to
success is to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve and then work tirelessly
toward it
2. Embrace Failure: Andrew Tate believes that failure is an essential part of the learning
process. He emphasizes the importance of embracing failure, learning from it, and using
it as a stepping stone toward success. According to him, every failure is an opportunity to
learn and grow, and it’s essential to keep pushing forward despite setbacks.
3. Stay Mentally Tough: Mental toughness is a crucial aspect of Andrew Tate’s winning
mindset. He believes that the ability to stay calm and focused under pressure is what
separates winners from losers. According to him, mental toughness can be developed
through practice and training, and it’s essential to cultivate it regularly.
4. Take Risks: Andrew Tate is a risk-taker by nature and believes that taking calculated risks
is an important part of achieving success. He emphasizes the importance of stepping out
of your comfort zone and taking risks, even if it means facing failure. According to him,
the fear of failure should never hold you back from pursuing your goals.

“Success is not about having the best circumstances; it's about making the best out of
any circumstances.”

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