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Ground penetrating radar and microwave tomography 3D applications for the

deck evaluation of the Musmeci bridge in Potenza, Italy

Article in Journal of Geophysics and Engineering · August 2011

DOI: 10.1088/1742-2132/8/3/S04


21 2,203

7 authors, including:

Massimo Bavusi F. Soldovieri

Italian National Research Council Italian National Research Council


Antonio Loperte Antonio Di Cesare

Italian National Research Council Università degli Studi della Basilicata


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Ground penetrating radar and microwave tomography 3D applications for the deck evaluation

of the Musmeci bridge in Potenza, Italy

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2011 J. Geophys. Eng. 8 S33


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J. Geophys. Eng. 8 (2011) S33–S46 doi:10.1088/1742-2132/8/3/S04

Ground penetrating radar and microwave

tomography 3D applications for the deck
evaluation of the Musmeci bridge in
Potenza, Italy
Massimo Bavusi1 , Francesco Soldovieri2 , Rosario Di Napoli2 ,
Antonio Loperte1 , Antonio Di Cesare3 , Felice Carlo Ponzo3 and
Vincenzo Lapenna1
IMAA-CNR, C. da S. Loja, 85100 Zona Industriale, Potenza, Italy
IREA-CNR, Via Diocleziano, 198, Napoli, Italy
DiSG-Università degli Studi della Basilicata, Potenza, Italy
E-mail:,,,,, and

Received 14 January 2011

Accepted for publication 18 May 2011
Published 23 August 2011
Online at

An extensive experimental and numerical investigation has been carried out to assess the status
of the ‘Ponte sul Basento’ (1967–1976), in the town of Potenza (Basilicata region, southern
Italy), better known as the Musmeci bridge. Architecturally, the bridge is a considerable
reinforced 20th century concrete structure that was designed and built by the Italian architect
Sergio Musmeci (1926–1981). Moreover, the bridge represents an important element of the
infrastructural network, linking the city centre to the Potenza-Sicignano highway, crossing the
Basento river and the railway close to the main train station of the city. Recently, due to ageing
and continuous and significant traffic, the bridge started to be affected by several problems
such as water infiltration. Within the presented study, a widespread ground penetrating radar
(GPR) survey has been designed to investigate the geometrical characteristics of the bridge
deck (Gerber saddles, internal stiffening walls, pillar supports) and detect the presence of
defects or damage due to water infiltration and traffic fatigue. Concerning this, a 900 MHz 3D
GPR survey has been performed along a zone of one of the lanes on the road surface.
Moreover, a second 1500 MHz 3D survey has been carried out at the bottom of the bridge deck
in order to gain detailed information about an important structural element of the bridge, the
Gerber saddle. Both results have been processed following two approaches: the first a
classical time-domain processing session based on commercial software and the use of
migration; the second in microwave tomography, an advanced frequency domain automatic
PC-based inversion algorithm. In this paper, we present a comparative interpretation of both
kinds of processed results, and provide considerations about the investigated structures.

Keywords: ground penetrating radar, processing, microwave tomography, bridge deck,

reinforced concrete
(Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version)

1742-2132/11/030033+14$33.00 © 2011 Nanjing Geophysical Research Institute Printed in the UK S33

M Bavusi et al

1. Introduction is aimed at evaluating its deterioration/conservation status,

particularly concerning its connections (Gerber saddle
Most of the civil structures and infrastructures (bridges, dams, system), where water infiltration can occur more easily, and
viaducts, tunnels, etc) of the last century have been built using detecting some structural elements such as stiffening walls
reinforced concrete. This is a relatively young material which, and pillar supports. The first 3D dataset was gathered in
in the last 20 years, has shown ageing problems related to February 2010 and consisted of 26 parallel profiles 30 m long
environmental factors such as water infiltration, reinforcement and spaced at 10 cm, covering an entire external lane and
corrosion with delamination and carbonation of the concrete carried out using a 900 MHz antenna. The second 3D dataset,
cover. These problems have become more worrying for composed of 29 radargrams 2 m long and spaced at 10 cm, was
important structures such as bridges, where the heavy traffic gathered in May 2010 using a 1500 MHz antenna on the lower
conditions can determine a more rapid deterioration compared surface of the bridge deck, in order to adequately characterize
to other structural typologies. A series of non-destructive the joint connection (Gerber saddle) between two consecutive
testing (NDT) techniques have been planned in order to structural elements of the deck. The in situ measurements
investigate such problems (McCann and Forde 2001, Dérobert have been planned in order to avoid interruption of the traffic
et al 2002, Scott el al 2003). conditions as much as possible.
Ground penetrating radar (GPR), when used at suitably The achievement of interpretable radargrams and 3D GPR
high frequencies (from 900 to 2500 MHz), can be considered data requires good survey design, good operator’s field skill
an NDT technique, providing precious information about the as well as a reliable processing procedure. The most common
presence of ‘embedded’ objects such as reinforced rebars way to process the radargram consists of a series of numerical
(Shaw et al 2005, Che et al 2009), and embedded ‘defects’ procedures (geometrical correction, filtering, gain correction,
such as fractures and voids, by using special antennas (Huston migration, etc) acting as filtering and focusing of the raw
et al 2000, Forest and Utsi 2004, Utsi et al 2008). Moreover, data. On the basis of his or her skill, the operator acts
the GPR technique can help determine the concrete moisture sequentially on the data in order to geometrically correct the
content (Shaari et al 2004, Hugenschmidt and Loser 2008, Lai radargram, enhance the amplitudes, suppress the noise, focus
et al 2009, 2010). the reflectors and convert time in depth. This processing
Bridge inspection work can benefit from the GPR approach can achieve good results, but is constrained by
the skill of the operator. In other words, the final result
technique (Scott et al 2003, Hugenschmidt and Mastrangelo
depends on the number, kind, order and features of the
2006, Belli and Wadia-Fascetti 2008, Hugenschmidt et al
applied filters and, most important of all, on the operator
2010), and in the absence of all original project documentation
choices. A number of commercial processing software
and particularity of the considered structure (inner rebars,
packages can be deployed, providing satisfactory results for
tendons, boundary conditions, anchors and other internal
most applications. However, an accurate processing system
element), the bridge inspection can also benefit from the
that avoids subjectiveness problems and exploits all spatial
application of the GPR technique for the 3D survey design
resolution is needed, especially in GPR concrete scanning
and processing (Hugenschmidt et al 2010).
where the small dimensions of the embedded objects and the
This work concerns GPR measurements carried out at dielectric features of the concrete pose a challenge in terms of
‘Ponte sul Basento’ (1967–1976) in the town of Potenza processing and interpretation.
(southern Italy), better known as the ‘Musmeci bridge’, Then, a valid processing alternative can be relied on an
derived from the name of its designer Sergio Musmeci (1926– automatic PC-based procedure, ensuring objectiveness and
1981). Such measurements have been performed in the speed, and microwave tomography (MT) can be this suitable
framework of an extensive experimental and numerical study processing approach (Soldovieri and Solimene 2010). The
within the ‘Integrated System for Transport Infrastructures application of MT has provided good results in cultural
surveillance and Monitoring by Electromagnetic Sensing heritage problems (Leucci et al 2007, Bavusi et al 2010),
(ISTIMES)’ and ‘Ponte Musmeci Potenza: Analisi del archaeology (Soldovieri and Orlando 2009) and other realistic
degrado dei materiali e progettazione interventi, Parte 1 e applications (Soldovieri et al 2007). This novel approach is
2’ projects. The bridge is a considerable structure for the based on more accurate formulation of the electromagnetic
city due to its relevant architectural aspects and its operative scattering phenomenon model and robust reconstruction
function. This study was requested by the bridge’s owners procedures, when compared to the ones usually adopted
following the growth in traffic volume in recent years, in order in the classic GPR processing approach (Soldovieri et al
to assess the structural safety levels. Due to the particular 2007, Bavusi et al 2010). Following this strategy, after the
shape of the structure and the incomplete original project classical processing session, both datasets have been inverted
documentations, several destructive testing (DT) and non- using MT. In particular, MT has been applied on each 2D
destructive testing (NDT) techniques, based on traditional radargram of every dataset. Then inverted radargrams have
technologies (extraction of carrots, pacometer test, combined been interpolated in order to build a data volume after being
SonReb method, sclerometer-ultrasonic waves, termocamera, visualized through the ore significant constant depth slices.
etc) and innovative ones (GPR, optical fibres, laser-scanner The results have been compared with the respective classical
3D survey, etc), have been combined. processed data.
A GPR survey composed of two 3D datasets has been This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides
carried out on a part of the Musmeci bridge; this investigation an overview of the description of the Musmeci bridge and

Ground penetrating radar and microwave tomography 3D applications

(a) (b)

Figure 1. (a) Location of the Musmeci bridge. (b) Detail of a span.



Figure 2. The Musmeci bridge: (a) longitudinal cross section of a span with the main elements of the span and deck; (b) front figure of the
entire bridge formed by four spans.

is devoted to the description of the survey design for both concrete vault equivalent to four arches with wheelbases of
datasets. In section 3, both processing strategies are described 69.20 m and a free span amongst the supports of 58.80 m
and applied to the data. Section 4 is devoted to the evaluation (figure 2(a)); the entire bridge has an overall length of
and comparison of the processing performances. 69.20 m × 4 = 277 m (figure 2(b)).
The box section of the deck has longitudinal and
2. The bridge and survey design transversal stiffening walls (internal sects), each 3.46 m long
(figure 3(a)). Its transversal cross section shows an ellipsoidal
The ‘Ponte sul Basento’ or ‘Musmeci bridge’ represents an shape in the lower side with a maximum thickness of 1.5 m
important flyover linking the city to the Potenza-Sicignano and width of 16 m (figure 3(b)). The continuity of the deck is
road, which crosses the Basento river and the Napoli–Potenza– interrupted by a Gerber saddles system (figures 3(c) and (d)),
Taranto railway (figure 1(a)). which realizes simply laid beams (each 10.38 m) and other
The bridge was designed by Sergio Musmeci in the 1960s beams (each 24.22 m long) lying on supports (17.30 m distant,
and represents a true work of art in reinforced concrete which see figure 2(a)) and cantilevers of 3.46 m. The road pavement
influenced the architectonic culture of the 20th century. In fact, is formed by 4 cm of binder and 3 cm of asphalt.
the complex shape of the inferior vault (figure 1(b)), based on Since its construction (1971–1975), the ‘Ponte sul
the concept of uniform stress on all surfaces, makes it a unique Basento’ has remained substantially unchanged until the
architectonic piece, designed when computer assisted design present day. However, the traffic growth that has taken place in
was in its infancy. Potenza since the 1980s represents an important factor of stress
From a structural point of view, the deck of the for the structure, together with ageing problems affecting the
Musmeci bridge constitutes a box section made of reinforced reinforced concrete and the rain water infiltration phenomena,
concrete held every 17.30 m by a continuous reinforced especially in the Gerber saddles (figure 4).

M Bavusi et al

(a) (d )



Figure 3. Deck structure of the Musmeci bridge: (a) inner view showing the square grid of reinforced longitudinal and transversal stiffening
walls located every 3.46 m; (b) transversal cross section of the deck with its reinforced sects every 3.46 m; (c) longitudinal cross section of
the deck with the internal rebars and Gerber system saddle (in the circle); (d) Gerber saddle detail with internal rebars.

(a) (b)

(c) (d )

Figure 4. Details of the Musmeci bridge: (a) central span; (b) Gerber saddle; (c) detail of the Gerber saddle with concretions; (d) detail of
the Gerber saddle with rebar corrosion and cover breaking.

Ground penetrating radar and microwave tomography 3D applications



Figure 5. First GPR survey area: (a) the location with respect to the structure of the bridge; (b) detail of the surveyed lane; (c) survey design
with all traces of the 26 radargrams.

In order to investigate the bridge deck, a GPR survey Table 1. Three-layer model used in classical migration and MT
was performed along a zone of the lane on the second span inversion.
in the highway direction (figures 5(a) and (b)). Figure 5(c) Thick Velocity
depicts the detail of the lane survey design. In particular, Layer (m) Material (m ns−1) ε
30 parallel, 26 m long radargrams, spaced at 0.1 m were Shallow 0.15 Asphalt and 0.15 4
gathered along the trait of the lane using a GSSI SIR 3000 reinforced concrete
acquisition unit on a 900 MHz antenna mounted on a cart Medium 0.40 Mainly void 0.30 1
provided by the survey wheel set providing a trace increment Deep 0.10 Reinforced concrete 0.1 9
of 0.015 m. In order to keep the antenna path as rectilinear
as possible, the survey was run very slowly by checking the 3.1. Classical processing approach
position of the antenna with respect to a metric tape that
was opportunely tightened. Moreover, the starting and final Classical processing involved the following operation:
positions of the centre antenna were referred to references • standard 2D processing and migration carried out on each
preventively drawn on the asphalt. The remaining positioning radargram of the dataset;
errors were corrected in the processing phase. • resampling of each radargram and interpolation in order
Moreover, in order to obtain a more detailed investigation to build a 3D dataset;
of the Gerber saddle, a second 3D survey was performed on • extraction of significant time/depth slices at proper
the lower surface of the bridge deck corresponding to the time/depth;
Gerber saddle (figure 6(a)). In particular, 29 parallel, 2 m • the time/depth-slice misalignment corrected by using a
long, with 0.1 m spacing radargrams have been gathered specific algorithm.
using the GSSI SIR 3000 acquisition unit equipped with a In particular, for the first dataset on the road surface:
1500 MHz antenna mounted on the survey cart with an encoder
• the standard 2D processing included zero-time correction,
set to provide a trace increment of 0.006 m (figures 6(b) and removed header gains, AGC gain and time cut;
(c)). The lower margin of the Gerber saddle falls at 1.0 m • the migration has been based on a three-layer velocity
along each radargram. model suggested by the velocity analysis together with
some considerations about the box structure of the bridge
deck (table 1);
3. Data processing and results • the resampling has been performed with a trace increment
of 0.03 m in order to reduce the data number and
The processing has been carried out following two strategies: consequently the computational time required during the
the classical processing routine and the MT approach. 3D interpolation.

M Bavusi et al



Figure 6. Second GPR survey area: (a) the location with respect to the structure of the bridge; (b) detail of the surveyed area; (c) survey
design with all traces of the 29 radargrams.



Figure 7. Processed radargram (#19) of the first GPR survey (a), with the interpretation of its main reflectors on the basis of the original
deck cross section (b).

As an example of the radargrams, figure 7(a) shows radargram permits the main structural elements such as the
the processed radargram #19 with the interpretation of the upper horizontal flat reflector (0–2.0 ns) to be referable to
elements of the deck plan in cross section (figure 7(b)). The the asphalt. This layer contains evidence of the Gerber

Ground penetrating radar and microwave tomography 3D applications

(a) (b) (c) (d )

Figure 8. Constant time slices in arbitrary units obtained by interpolating all 26 radargrams: (a) time slice at 0.8 ns (0.06 m); (b) time slice
at 2.5 ns (0.20 m); (c) time slice at 3.6 ns (0.40 m); (d) time slice at 4.8 ns (50 cm). ab: absorption zone, Gs: Gerber saddle, ps: pillar
support, sw: stiffening wall, ls: longitudinal stiffening wall.

saddles appearing as absorptive zones, probably due to the rain as a ‘staggering’ in the linear features in the time slices. At
water infiltration as denoted by the presence of concretions 0.8 ns, it is possible to see the Gerber as absorptive regions
and corrosion of rebar (see figure 4). Then, a next layer, (figure 8(a)). Moreover, other concentrated absorptive zones
visible between 2.0 and 3.2 ns, producing several steep dipping can be related to water infiltration in the asphalt layer. Then,
reflectors can be referred to a reinforced concrete layer with its at 2.5 ns the stiffening walls also appear (figure 8(b)), and
rebars. Moreover, a layer formed mainly by ‘void’ is located at 3.6 ns a new linear feature parallel to the survey direction
between 3.2 and 5.8 ns. This layer shows vertical reflections appears (figure 8(c)). It can be interpreted as a longitudinal
probably due to the stiffening walls and the larger pillar reinforcement sect (see figure 4(a)). Finally, in depth, no
supports forming the box structure depicted in figure 4(a). important features can be seen (figure 8(d)). In fact, the visible
Then, the layer visibly close to 6.0 ns can be related to a structures are just the ‘shadows’ produced by the overlooking
concrete plate. structures.
Deeper, a similar box structure, formed by a continuous The second dataset (on the bottom of the deck) has been
signal with reverse polarity with respect to the upper one, processed as follows.
seems to occur. On the basis of the civil engineering
• Zero-time correction, remove header gains, AGC gain,
information about the structure, this lowest continuous signal
time cut, FK filtering, migration. Hyperbolae adaptation
may be due to the presence of multiple reflections, although
velocity analysis provided a velocity average value of
the complexity of the investigated structure does not allow us
0.08 m ns−1 (ε = 14), which is consistent with a wet
to foresee its polarity at this stage.
concrete. In fact, the second dataset was gathered after
The processed radargrams have been interpolated in order
a rainy period, and the Gerber saddles are a preferential
to obtain a data volume of the investigated area. Then, four
route for water infiltration.
time/depth slices in arbitrary units have been built with the
aim of pointing out the main structural elements of the bridge This dataset required an FK filtering with respect to the
(figure 8). A specific algorithm has been applied to the processing of the first one in order to mitigate the diffraction
data to correct misalignments in the radargrams appearing and dipping reflectors produced by the rebars.

M Bavusi et al




Figure 9. (a) Processed radargram (#10) of the second GPR survey compared with the real-section view and (b) the original plan in the
cross section (c).

Figure 9(a) shows processed and interpreted radargram 0.006 m during the acquisition, the data quality was not
#10 compared with the real geometry of the Gerber saddle good, probably because of the less than perfect contact
visible on the southern side of the bridge (figure 9(b)) and the between the survey wheel and the surface to be scanned.
original cross section (figure 9(c)). A series of point shallow In fact, the overturned position of the antenna together with
reflectors is related to the transversal rebars. Moreover, it is the harshness of concrete produced a mispositioning error
possible to detect several strong reflectors related to the inner of scans and consequently a possible local undersampling.
longitudinal rebars and a central absorptive zone referable The mispositioning correction restored the alignment between
to the neoprene rubber layer (figure 9(a)). Furthermore, at several radargrams, but does not compensate for the
0.3 m depth, the signal shows multiple reflections of the same undersampling, although with due caution an interpretation
structures. can be made.
No other relevant absorptive zone liable to water At 0.05 m depth (figure 10(a)), several strong horizontal
infiltration is detected. This evidence, apparently in linear reflectors appear below the trace of the Gerber
disagreement with the previous 3D dataset collected on the saddle. They can be related to the rebars of the lower
road surface and that shows strong absorptive zones close to part of the Gerber saddle (A in figure 9(b)), while they
the Gerber saddle, can be explained if we consider that the two disappear above. Another feature is a middle-reflective zone
datasets were collected at different times, with the second one between 1.3 and 1.5 m along the x-axis, referable to other
carried out in a spring month, such as May. rebars parallel to the survey direction. These features are
These features slightly change by moving from one confirmed in the constant time-slices of figure 10 showing
radargram to another. A good way to visualize the the reflection intensities in arbitrary units, in particular at
reflector changes in cross direction is to build constant time 0.08 m (figure 10(b)) where they appear more defined. At
slices. In figure 10 four time slices extracted respectively 0.14 m depth (figure 10(c)), the time slice cuts only the
at 0.05 m (a), 0.08 m (b), 0.14 m (c) and 0.20 m (d) are neoprene rubber layer zone. The saddle zone does not provide
shown. They represent a subset of the gathered data of size reflections, while the central linear reflector is visible only
2.9 × 1.4 m. In spite of the selected trace increment set to in the central-lower portion of the diagram. At a depth of

Ground penetrating radar and microwave tomography 3D applications

(a) (b)

(c) (d )

Figure 10. Time slices in arbitrary units built starting from the second dataset: (a) time slices at 1.6 ns (0.05 m); (b) time slices at 2 ns
(0.08 m); (c) time slices at 5 ns (0.14 m); and (d) time slices at 5.8 ns (0.20 m).

0.20 m (figure 10(d)), any structure is well delineated even if inverse scattering approach works differently with the only
some stronger reflectors can be seen. They can be due to the field backscattered by the targets in the frequency domain.
diagonal reinforcements of figure 9. Therefore, pre-processing is necessary to turn the GPR
measurements into data suitable for the inversion algorithm.
3.2. Microwave tomography The first step is to ‘gate’ the first part of all the time
domain traces, which corresponds to erasing the direct, surface
The microwave tomographic approach has already been and first layers, wave contributions; this step roughly provides
presented in many papers (Leucci et al 2007, Persico et al an estimation of the scattered field. The gating consists of
2010). Here we recall the details of the approach (see step constraining the initial part of all the traces of the radargram
1, below) in order to make the technical content of the paper equal to zero. Finally, after choosing the time-zero gate, we
consistent. Fourier transformed the gated data to the frequency domain.
Due to the 3D nature of the problem, we applied a strategy
based on a 2D slice based inversion approach (Solimene et al Step 1. Tomographic reconstruction of the 2D profiles. In
2007). This strategy consists of the following steps. this step, the MT approach is applied to the vertical profiles
• Step 0: pre-processing of the data. (radargrams) with the aim of giving focalized 2D images of
the targets (rebars, etc).
• Step 1: tomographic reconstruction of the 2D datasets.
The geometry of the problem consists of two half-spaces
• Following steps 0 and 1, data were transferred from 2D to
(air and concrete) separated by a planar interface at z = 0
(figure 11). The upper half-space is made up of free space
• Step 2: superimposition and interpolation of the 2D
with (dielectric permittivity and magnetic permeability ε0 and
reconstructions to obtain a 3D representation.
μ0, respectively). The lower half-space (representative of the
structure to be investigated) is assumed to be homogeneous and
Step 0. The pre-processing of the data. As said above, the with relative dielectric permittivity εb , electrical conductivity
measurements have been collected by a commercial GPR in σ b and no magnetic properties.
the time domain. In particular, the recorded data account for The incident field source is a time-harmonic (time
the total field (given as the contribution of the direct wave, the dependence exp(j2π ft)) filamentary y-directed electric current
field reflected by the interface and the field backscattered by (TM-polarization) of infinite extent and invariant along the
the targets) in the time domain. As mentioned previously, the y-axis. The targets are invariant along the y-axis and their

M Bavusi et al
where εeq (x  , z ) = ε0 εD (x  , z ) − j σD2πf
(x ,z )
, while εeqb =
ε0 εb − jσb /2πf denotes the equivalent dielectric permittivity
in the investigated medium.
Under the Born approximation (Slaney et al 1984, Chew,
1995, Hugenschmidt et al 2010, Persico et al 2010) the
unknown-data relationship is provided by the integral equation

Es (xs , ω) = ks 2
Ge (xs , ω, r )Einc (xs , ω, r )χ (r  ) dr  (2)
where Es (datum of the problem) denotes the scattered electric
field probed at the air–concrete interface at the point xs , and ks
is the wave number in the lower half-space. The scattered field
Figure 11. Geometry of the problem. is collected within an observation domain at the air–concrete
interface for xs ranging from−xM to xM .
The external Green’s function Ge and the incident field
cross section is contained in the rectangular investigation Einc (the incident (unperturbed) electric field in the lower half-
rectangular domain D = [−a, a] X [zmin , zmin + 2b]. Thus space, i.e. the electric field in the absence of the scattering
a two-dimensional geometry is considered (Liseno et al 2004). objects) are the key ingredients in defining the relevant linear
A multi-monostatic observation configuration is assumed, to be inverted in equation (2). Their expressions for the
where the locations of the transmitting and receiving antennas considered half-space geometry are given under the spectral
are assumed to be coincident. The radiation is multi-frequency form in Persico et al (2010).
in the band [f min, f max]. The unknowns of the problem The problem of reconstructing the targets inside D
are the relative dielectric permittivity profile εD (x, z) and the amounts to solving the integral relationship (2) where the
conductivity profile σD (x, z) inside the investigation domain unknown is the contrast function, while the ‘datum’ is
D. The problem is then recast in terms of the so-called unknown the scattered field. The inversion of the linear integral
equation is performed thanks to the truncated singular value
contrast function, defined as
decomposition (TSVD) that allows us to obtain a stable
εeq (x  , z ) − εeqb solution to the problem (Slaney et al 1984, Chew 1995, Persico
χ (x  , z ) = (1) et al 2010).



Figure 12. MT inversion results of the first GPR survey in terms of contrast function normalized with respect to the absolute maximum (a),
with the interpretation of its main reflectors on the basis of the original deck cross section (b).

Ground penetrating radar and microwave tomography 3D applications

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 13. Depth slices built starting from inverted radargrams of the first dataset. (a) Depth slices at 0.06 m; (b) depth slices at 0.20 m; and
(c) depth slices at 0.40 m. Data are shown in terms of contrast function normalized with respect to the absolute maximum.

Step 2. 3D representation. The third step aims at achieving In order to simplify the readability of the dataset, several
a pseudo 3D representation of the investigated structure via depth slices can be extracted at proper depths. The depth
the approach presented in Solimene et al (2007), where the slices can suffer from ‘staggering’ due to the misalignment of
volumetric cube is obtained by superposing and interpolating the radargrams during the acquisition due to several factors.
the 2D tomographic reconstruction of the vertical profiles. The entire procedure has been applied at both datasets to
In the surveys, the GPR system exploits antennas radiating produce inverted depth slices. In particular, for the first
a linearly polarized field; this entails that the reconstruction dataset, the procedure has been applied to three sub-datasets.
results will not be of comparable quality along the two axes in In fact, each radargram has been divided into three layers
the plane of movement of the antennas. due to the high contrast in the dielectric permittivities of

M Bavusi et al

(a) (b)

(c ) (d )

Figure 14. Depth slices built starting from the inverted radargrams of the second dataset at 0.05 m depth. (a) Depth slice at 0.05 m; (b)
depth slice at 0.08 m; (c) depth slice at 0.14 m; and (d) depth slice at 0.20 m. Data are shown in terms of contrast function normalized with
respect to the absolute maximum.

several materials constituting the bridge deck. The model of The second dataset has also been inverted by using MT
dielectric permittivities is the same, used in order to migrate and, as well as for the classic processing, a relative dielectric
the radargrams in the classical processing approach (table 1). permittivity of 14 has been used. Then, some depth slices were
Figure 12(a) shows the results achieved by applying the built and were subjected to the same mispositioning correction.
inversion approach to radargram #19 of the first dataset in terms Figure 14 shows the depth slices with normalized contrast
of the contrast function normalized with respect to the absolute function at 0.05 m (a), 0.08 m (b), 0.14 m (c) and 0.20 (d) m.
maximum. Actually, the radargram is formed by a puzzle of At 0.05 m depth (figure 14(a)), several strong horizontal linear
three layers inverted separately using three different dielectric reflectors appear both below and above the trace of the Gerber
permittivities, as given in table 1. The layered radargram saddle, especially in the left portion of the diagram. Between
allows us to detect the main structural features such as the 1.3 and 1.5 m along the x-axis, a strong reflector referable to
upper and lower concrete plates, the stiffening walls, the pillar other rebars parallel to the survey direction appears. As well
supports and, finally, the Gerber saddles (figure 12(b)). as figure 10(b), these features are confirmed in the depth slice
In figure 13, three depth slices built by interpolating at 0.08 m (figure 14(b)), where they appear better defined. At
all inverted radargrams show the horizontal distribution of 0.14 m depth (figure 14(c)), all the described features appear
the normalized contrast function at three specified depths. to be still well delineated. Finally, at 0.20 m (figure 14(d)),
Moreover, a specific algorithm has been designed and it is possible to see some horizontal linear reflectors and a
applied to cancel the mispositioning error. From top to well-defined vertical reflective zone.
bottom it is possible to observe several features: with
reference to figure 13(a), the Gerber saddles appear absorptive, 4. Discussion and conclusion
in agreement with the previous classical processed data.
Moreover, an important reflective feature appears at about In this work, GPR surveys have been carried out in order to
6 m along the y-axis. It can be related to the presence of investigate the deck structure of the Musmeci bridge in Potenza
the pillar support. A less defined reflection referable to the town (Basilicata region, southern Italy). In particular, two 3D
other pillar support appears at about 22 m along the y-axis. GPR datasets have been achieved above and below the bridge
Figure 13(b) shows a deeper layer (0.20 m) where reflectors deck, respectively. The first one, gathered in February 2010,
referable to the stiffening walls appear very defined. Actually, was carried out using a 900 MHz central frequency antenna
the first one appears thicker than expected for the pillar support. with the aim of providing information about the main structural
Finally, in depth (0.40 m), a new longitudinal feature appears, elements of a part of the bridge.
in agreement with the one observed in the classical processed The second one, carried out in May 2010, made use of a
data (figure 13(c)). 1500 MHz central frequency antenna with the aim of achieving

Ground penetrating radar and microwave tomography 3D applications

detailed and high-resolution information/images of the Gerber defined the constructive details better as internal stiffening
saddle, which is one of the main structural elements of the walls and rebars. Moreover, MT was more robust in the case
bridge. of poor data quality, such as the second dataset. However, an
Both datasets have been processed following two different improvement of the MT routine could be of interest in the case
strategies: (1) a classical GPR 2D processing routine followed of layered structures such as bridges.
by an interpolation to build a 3D dataset and significant
time slices; (2) a 2D MT inversion procedure applied on
each 2D profile, followed by 3D interpolation and pseudo- Acknowledgments
visualization, and constant depth-slice extraction.
Due to the structural complexity and inhomogeneity of the The research leading to these results has received funding from
bridge deck, the first dataset required the use of a three-layer the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme
velocity model for both processing approaches to achieve the (FP7/2007-2013) under Grant Agreement no 225663 Joint
reconstructions. Call FP7-ICT-SEC-2007-1, and from Soprintendenza per
A processed radargram allowed us to observe the internal i Beni Architettonici e Paesaggistici della Basilicata and
deck box structure composed of reinforced concrete plates Direzione Regionale per i beni Culturali e Paesaggistici della
and stiffening walls. Moreover, the pillar supports and Gerber Basilicata within the project ‘Ponte Musmeci Potenza: Analisi
saddles that appear absorptive due to water infiltration have del degrado dei materiali e progettazione interventi—Parte 1
been identified. The first dataset radargrams appear affected e 2’. Moreover, the authors would like to thank the owners
by multiple reflections on the walls and bottom of the deck of the Musmeci bridge, ASI Consortium, for their interest in
box structure. Nevertheless, radargrams provided significant these research activities, and the Municipality of Potenza for
information in agreement with the bridge plan both in section granting authorization to access and work on the structure.
and time-slice views. In the latter, important absorptive zones,
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