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8 Grammar

have to will and going to

1 Choose the correct option to complete 3 Tick () the sentences that are plans.
the sentences.
1 We’re going to Austria on Sunday. 
1 I have to/has to read one chapter 2 My dad’s taking us to the cinema
every day. this Friday.
2 Rui have to/has to get up early on 3 I’ll help you with those bags.
Saturdays as he has a weekend job.
4 Juan is spending two weeks with
3 We don’t have to/doesn’t have to leave his grandparents in July.
for school until 8:15 am.
5 I’m going to finish my book today. 
4 My parents have to/has to go shopping
6 Mum will be back at 6:00 pm.
for my grandma every weekend.
5 My brother don’t have to/doesn’t have 4 Complete the sentences with going to and
to clean the bathroom because he’s the verbs in brackets.
only five. 1 We’re going to move (move) house in
2 Complete the dialogue with the words in the autumn.
the box. 2 My cousin (get) married
next year.
do (x2) does doesn’t
3 What Tim (do)
don’t have what for his birthday?
4 I (go) for a walk because it’s
A: D
 o you 1 have to do jobs in
a beautiful day.
the house?
5 You (not go out) in those
B: Y
 es, I 2 . shorts. It’s freezing!
A: 3 do you have to do?
5 Match sentences 1–5 with replies a–e.
B: I have to make my bed and lay the table.
1 The bus is late and I need to get
A: 4 you have to do the
to athletics training. c
2 My sister’s failed her exams.
B: N
 o, I 5 . That’s my sister’s job!
3 I don’t have enough money for
A: 6 your sister have to take out the bus.
the rubbish, too?
4 It’s started raining.
B: N
 o, she 7 . My dad does that. 5 Ivan’s lost his keys.
a Don’t worry, I’ll lend you some.
b I’ll bring the washing in.
c I’ll take you.
d Your parents won’t be happy!
e We’ll look for them together.

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