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dalined to be a

sinal olos
tke input
phyeal deviees
operation of o/e sigool
foacti excitation (n+) 8(6),g(4)
Black Responce

Diserete tim sstom
(4) Continuous omd

outpt asponse. a
ten cchose epninuou
it in a tYpe ofoout
esponse io Thin
Continu0 us ohen input Continyous Tme systerme
Syotem io Knocon a
n (n)
( Diserete) diaerete
LDis(reh) ohose o/p is
i ti YPe of diserete. Thínsste
Oken input response Diserete Time systen.
Know n epntnuot
an ofo
na mie szstan
stotie and Da
sten in hose output narple
) stahie ty pe of input
dipend om present outpct
althe time
sampla.*.Stathe ystem i als6 KnoOn r
Ornd future
input pample not dopend
.pre seut input ample . called dynamic syctom.
Yn) = (n-2) + (n) Qynamie Pon -2)
(n) 2n(n) it peat gomple n-k)
L. Sahie nonple

T(5) 2lnt 2) +(h) dy noauit for A

it fotum sauple.
(3) ausal amd NOn-eaus al Syrtem
yetem ohose of put somple
’ Tt io a teype o sornple va
pre seut
only depend on past on
causal sotm
not future gample value
ssten whose oP ommple
# in a type off post ond mes
somple gnot
dapend on PutuneNon- Ca esal. Cystum
^ample tul
YCn) = (n) 2(n)
Ly For squre' tt caugal
post value=eaus
(n-2) -2
Y(h) =
Linear Stum
Linear omd
(4) Linear
eviteria alays follocos
system ohoSe amd supeposition.
y the homaginity
the prineple of
calle d ineg the
critea not foll o
whose ion
the systen ond super pot
priniple of kowoginity
non- binear:

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