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Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery (2013) 15, 189–199



2. The emergency database
and management of common
metabolic abnormalities
Kate Murphy and Angie Hibbert

Aim: Detailed information regarding

The emergency database – what you really
the causes and treatment of acute
need to know in the first 30 mins

An emergency database should comprise a series of laboratory tests,

collapse in the cat can be difficult to

the results of which will influence your immediate stabilisation of the

locate in a single published source.

patient. often, further laboratory testing is subsequently performed.

This two-part review aims to provide

An emergency database could be as limited as a packed cell volume

a logical approach to the clinical

(PCV) and total solids (TS) from a microhaematocrit centrifuge and

assessment and stabilisation of the critically

a refractometer, dependent on the equipment available within the

ill collapsed cat.

practice. A suggested ‘essential’ database is shown below. Assessment

Practical relevance: Laboratory evaluation, in the

of blood gases, lactate, ionised calcium and magnesium is helpful

form of an emergency database, is an important

but often unavailable in first opinion practice.

part of the initial assessment of a collapsed patient
and should be considered in conjunction with
physical abnormalities.
Clinical challenges: Rapid identification
and correction of life-threatening metabolic
Suggested ‘essential’ emergency database abnormalities, including hypoglycaemia,
hypocalcaemia and hyperkalaemia, is essential in
< PCV measured on microhaematocrit tube stabilising this group of patients. Clinicians often
– observe serum/plasma colour: pink = haemo- lack confidence if they are not dealing with these
globinaemia; yellow = hyperbilirubinaemia problems regularly.
– observe size of the buffy coat Audience: The information provided in this article
Total solids measurement on refractometer will be of use to any veterinarian working with
– estimate of plasma proteins feline patients and particularly those dealing with
< Blood smear emergencies on a regular basis.
Buffy – check for platelets, erythrocyte morphology, Evidence base: There is an extensive body of
coat – white blood cells, parasites published literature, both original studies and
< Urea textbook chapters, pertaining to the causes and
blood cells
Glucose treatment of the important metabolic abnormalities
< Sodium, potassium (chloride) covered in this article. The authors draw on
Red blood
< Calcium information from original articles, reviews and their
cells –
packed cell Blood gases (venous sample is suitable for clinical experience to provide simple but detailed
assessment of acid–base status) practical information to guide
– pH, bicarbonate, PCO2, PO2, base excess, interpretation of the emergency
electrolytes database and its application
< Lactate to therapy in the
Microhaematocrit tube emergency setting.
Part 1
Part 1, which reviews a logical approach
Kate Murphy to the challenging presentation of the
collapsed cat, appears on pages 175–188
Bath Veterinary Referrals, Rosemary Lodge,
Wellsway, Bath BA2 5RL, UK of this issue of J Feline Med Surg and
Email: at DOI: 10.1177/1098612X13477538

Angie Hibbert
The Feline Centre, Langford Veterinary Services,
Langford, Bristol BS40 5DU, UK

doi: 10.1177/1098612X13477539
R E V I E W / The flat cat – interpretation of the emergency database

required to determine the underlying cause

of the laboratory abnormality. However,
Abnormalities on the

immediate management of some abnormalities

emergency database

The more common abnormalities identified on including hypoglycaemia, hyperkalaemia,

an emergency database are highlighted, with hypo/hypernatraemia, hypocalcaemia and
differential diagnoses, in the boxes below and anaemia may be necessary to stabilise the cat
on page 191. in all cases, investigations will be and prevent further detrimental effects.

Differential diagnoses for common abnormalities on the emergency database

Hypoglycaemia Hyperglycaemia
< Sepsis < Physiological – ‘stress’
< Hepatic dysfunction (acquired/congenital) < Diabetes mellitus (DM)
< Iatrogenic; eg, insulin overdose, remission < Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)
of diabetes mellitus during insulin therapy < Hyperglycaemic hyperosmolar syndrome
< Neonatal < Iatrogenic; eg, supplemented fluids
< Starvation and severe malnutrition < Pancreatitis (decreased insulin production and
< Insulinoma antagonism)
< Paraneoplasia < Drug or toxin effect – glucocorticoids, progestagens,
< Hypoadrenocorticism ethylene glycol
< Erythrocytosis and leukocytosis < Acromegaly
< Hyperadrenocorticism

< Anorexia
< Post-renal urinary tract obstruction (urethral or
< Vomiting or diarrhoea
< Iatrogenic; eg, post-frusemide,
< Ruptured bladder
post-insulin treatment in DKA
Acute kidney injury – anuric, oliguric
Muscle trauma; eg, post-seizures, trauma
Iatrogenic; eg, excessive supplementation of IV
Kidney disease
fluids, ACE inhibitors, NSAIDs, spironolactone
Hypokalaemic myopathy in Burmese cats
Metabolic alkalosis
Metabolic acidosis
Refeeding syndrome
Chronic liver disease
< Peritoneal or pericardial effusion
< Repeat drainage of chylothorax
< Gastrointestinal (GI) disease; eg, ruptured duodenum
< Spurious; eg, sample contamination with EDTA
< Na+ loss > H2O loss:
– GI disease (vomiting, diarrhoea)
– Renal loss Hypernatraemia
– Third space loss < H2O deficit (Na+ free fluid loss or reduced intake)
– Severe burns – Adipisa, hypodipsia
– Hypoadrenocorticism – Diabetes insipidus
– Diuresis
< H2O excess:
– Renal or GI water loss
< Hypotonic fluid loss
– Congestive heart failure – GI loss – vomiting or diarrhoea
– Nephrotic syndrome – Renal loss; eg, osmotic diuresis in DM,
– Hepatic failure glucose-containing IV fluid therapy
– Excess hypotonic fluid administration; – Third space loss
eg, 0.18% glucose saline < Na+ excess
< Compartmental shifts of Na+ or H2O – Hypertonic saline
– Hyperglycaemia (DM) – Na+ bicarbonate administration
– Mannitol administration – Hyperaldosteronism
– Acute muscle damage – Hyperadrenocorticism continued on
– Uroperitoneum
page 191


R E V I E W / The flat cat – interpretation of the emergency database

glucose. Signs are often vague such as weak-

Hypoglycaemia is most commonly associated ness and lethargy. However, more overt

with sepsis, iatrogenic overdose of insulin or neurological signs may develop including
spontaneous remission of diabetes during ataxia, tremors, seizures and coma. The severi-
insulin treatment. Clinical signs associated ty of signs associated with chronic hypo-
with hypoglycaemia reflect the constant glycaemia is usually milder, due to adaptive
requirement of the central nervous system for mechanisms.

Differential diagnoses for common abnormalities on the emergency database

Hypomagnesaemia Hypocalcaemia Anaemia

< Inadequate nutritional intake, < Hypoparathyroidism; eg, post- < Regenerative – haemorrhage:
anorexia bilateral thyroidectomy External or internal; eg, trauma,
< Administration of Mg2+-depleted < Hypoalbuminaemia (total bleeding disorder (rodenticide
IV fluids or parenteral nutrition hypocalcaemia; ionised calcium intoxication, disseminated
< GI tract losses levels may be within reference intravascular coagulation,
– Inflammatory bowel disease interval) thrombocytopenia), neoplasia
(IBD) < Acute pancreatitis < Regenerative – haemolysis:
– Lymphangiectasia < Sepsis – Immune-mediated – primary
– Cholestatic liver disease < Alkalosis autoimmune, secondary
< Renal losses < Ethylene glycol toxicity to neoplasia, infection
– Glomerular disease < Iatrogenic; eg, excess (eg, Haemoplasma species),
– Tubular disease phosphate administration in drugs, inflammatory process
< DKA IV fluid therapy, bicarbonate – Pyruvate kinase deficiency
< Drug effect; eg, diuretics, administration, – Oxidative damage (Heinz
amphotericin B, digitalis bisphosphonates body formation) – heavy
< Lactation < Spurious; eg, sample metals, onion, garlic,
< Shift from extra→ intracellular: contamination with EDTA paracetamol toxicity
glucose, insulin, amino acid < Eclampsia < Non-regenerative:
administration < Dietary deficiency, vitamin D, – Anaemia of chronic disease
< Chelation excess phosphate (usually mild–moderate;
– Increased catecholamines; < Chronic kidney disease eg, PCV ≥14%)1,2
eg, sepsis/shock, trauma < Intestinal malabsorption, – Chronic kidney disease
– Large volume blood protein-losing enteropathy – Bone marrow neoplasia
transfusion < Hypomagnesaemia – Myelophthisis
< Sequestration in pancreatitis – Feline leukaemia virus infection
< Primary hyperparathyroidism – Pure red cell aplasia
< Hyperthyroidism – Aplastic anaemia

Hyperbilirubinaemia Hypoalbuminaemia
< Prehepatic due to haemolysis < Decreased synthesis; eg, malnutrition,
< Intrahepatic malabsorption, hepatic failure, portosystemic
– Hepatic lipidosis shunt
– Cholangitis (neutrophilic, lymphocytic) < Renal loss – protein-losing nephropathy
– Primary or metastatic neoplasia – Glomerulonephritis
– Toxicity (eg, diazepam) – Amyloidosis
– Feline infectious peritonitis < Gl loss – protein-losing enteropathy (globulins
– Sepsis may be reduced also)
< Posthepatic – IBD
– Choleliths – Neoplasia (eg, lymphoma, mast cell
– Cholangitis tumour)
– Biliary neoplasia – Lymphangiectasia
– Pancreatitis < Chronic effusion
– Pancreatic neoplasia < Negative acute phase inflammatory
– Biliary tract rupture response
– Obstruction of the duodenal papilla < Burns
(inflammation, neoplasia, foreign body) Haemorrhage and external blood loss
from page 190


R E V I E W / The flat cat – interpretation of the emergency database

Treatment < Follow with a 2.5% constant rate infusion

< Administer glucose as a bolus (CRi) (25 ml of 50% dextrose in 475 ml
intravenously (iV) 0.5 g/kg (ie, give 2 ml/kg of isotonic fluid); the rate of infusion
of a 25% dextrose solution slowly iV over can be adjusted to titrate the level of
5–10 mins; make a 25% solution by diluting supplementation in response to serial
50% dextrose in an equal volume of saline for assessment of blood glucose levels, aiming
administration). to maintain normoglycaemia.
< if the dextrose concentration required
is >5% for CRi, then a central route of
administration is advocated to avoid the
development of thrombophlebitis.
< Glucagon infusions are occasionally used
Is there sepsis? for refractory hypoglycaemia, particularly in
patients that have received an overdose of
insulin or have an insulin-secreting tumour.7,8
The clinical picture of sepsis is often more subtle in cats compared with
dogs, and may lack the typical hyperdynamic features of tachycardia, fever
and hyperaemic mucous membranes. Physical abnormalities characteristic

Hyperglycaemia is most commonly associat-

of severe sepsis include lethargy, pallor, diffuse abdominal pain, tachyp-

ed with diabetes mellitus or diabetic keto-

noea, bradycardia, hypothermia and weak peripheral pulses.3

acidosis (dKA), or develops as a physiological

Clinicopathological abnormalities that may be seen on the emergency

‘stress’ response; the last requires no specific

database include hypoglycaemia, hypoproteinaemia, hyperbilirubinaemia,

treatment. Complications of diabetes include

hypocalcaemia, hyponatraemia, hypochloraemia, thrombocytopenia,

dKA and hyperglycaemic hyperosmolar syn-

anaemia and band neutrophilia;3,4 unexpected hypoglycaemia should

drome (HHS) (where glucose is >30 mmol/l

warrant careful examination of the patient for a focus of infection.

but there are no ketones). HHS can cause neu-

Effusions, even of small volume, should be sampled and analysed if

rological signs (eg, circling, altered mentation

sepsis is suspected. Features of septic effusions (exudates) include high

and seizures) and a more gradual reduction

protein levels (>30 g/l) and high cellularity, classically with a predominance

of glucose is required to prevent cerebral

of degenerate neutrophils (‘ragged’ nuclei, hypersegmented nuclei,

oedema.9 in all cases where insulin therapy is

vacuolated cytoplasm) and intracellular bacteria. However, pretreatment

indicated, fluid resuscitation should be per-

with antibiotics may mean intracellular bacteria are not seen and neu-

formed before administering insulin; crystal-

trophils appear non-degenerate (see images below). It is helpful to evaluate

loid administration will reduce glucose levels

effusion fluid and serum glucose and lactate simultaneously and to

to some degree by dilution and increasing the

compare values; high lactate and low glucose in the effusion fluid are

renal excretion of glucose.

highly suggestive of sepsis.5,6

Hyperkalaemia is a commonly encountered

Septic peritoneal
effusion showing Hyperkalaemia

metabolic abnormality, most often associated

a predominance

with acute kidney injury, urethral obstruction

of non-degenerate
neutrophils with

or urinary tract trauma. The most significant

intracellular rods

clinical signs are due to effects on the cardiac

(arrow). Modified
Wright’s stain

conduction system, typically manifesting when

x1000. Courtesy of

potassium levels are >7–8 mmol/l. The follow-

Dr K Papasouliotis,
University of Bristol

ing electrocardiographic changes occur sequen-

tially with increasing levels of potassium:
< Peaked T waves;
< Reduced R wave amplitude, prolonged
PR interval and reduced QT interval;
< Reduced P wave amplitude, followed by
widening; P waves subsequently become
absent (‘atrial standstill’);
< Widening of the QRS complex and
< Ventricular fibrillation, asystole and
cardiac arrest.
Septic peritoneal

it is important to note, however, that the

effusion showing

effect of hyperkalaemia on the heart will be


dependent on other factors, too, such as the

cytoplasm and

presence of hypocalcaemia and acid–base


abnormalities, meaning that there is no set

swollen nuclei.
Modified Wright’s

‘cut-off’ point at which certain changes will be

stain x1000.

seen on the electrocardiogram (ECG).10

Courtesy of Dr K
University of Bristol


R E V I E W / The flat cat – interpretation of the emergency database

Abnormalities in potassium, calcium, sodium and magnesium

will interfere with function of the neuromuscular and cardiovascular systems
by virtue of their effect on cell membrane potentials.

< ideally an ECG is recorded to obtain a
baseline rhythm, which can be monitored
with treatment. if electrocardiography is not
available, the heart and pulse rate should be
closely monitored for the development of
bradycardia and arrhythmias. All drugs that
increase potassium levels should be
discontinued (eg, ACE inhibitors,
spironolactone and NSAids).
< Begin iV fluid therapy using
0.9% NaCl or lactated Ringer’s.
if K+ >6 mmol/l, administer an
initial 5 ml/kg bolus over 10 mins;
‘Blocked cats’: fluid choice

repeat according to response,

and hyperkalaemia Figure 1 Cystocentesis may be necessary to stabilise a cat

monitoring urine output and

There is no evidence that 0.9% sodium with a urethral obstruction before sedation or anaesthesia

for signs of volume overload.

chloride alters the rate of reduction of serum can be safely performed. Use of a needle attached to a T-port,
potassium more quickly when compared three-way tap and syringe is less traumatic and enables

in most cases fluid therapy will

with lactated Ringer’s in cases of urethral drainage of larger volumes of urine compared with a needle

significantly reduce potassium levels

attached to a syringe
obstruction. However, lactated Ringer’s

by addressing hypovolaemia, until potassium levels have reduced and the

has the benefit of reversing

increasing renal perfusion for excretion ECG shows a sinus rhythm again. Careful
metabolic acidosis, which is
invariably present.11

of potassium and by dilution. Fluid therapy cystocentesis may be required initially for
is the primary method of reducing stabilisation of cats with urethral obstruction.
hyperkalaemia. Use of a 23 G needle attached to an extension
< Address the underlying cause where set, three-way tap and syringe is less
possible; for example, establish urine outflow traumatic (Figure 1), and gentle handling
in the case of urethral obstruction. Sedation of the bladder is important to minimise the
or anaesthesia should not be performed risk of inducing a vasovagal event.

Assessment of urine provides useful baseline Ideally, urine should ed that urine is submitted for bacterial culture
information and, ideally, the urine sample should if a source of sepsis/systemic inflammatory
be collected before fluid therapy is initiated. be sampled before response syndrome is being searched for.
Urine specific gravity provides information about Calcium monohydrate oxalate crystals may be
hydration status and renal function, and should
fluid therapy is present following ethylene glycol intoxication
be interpreted along with packed cell volume initiated. and have a ‘picket fence’ appearance (Figure 2).
and total protein for assessment of hydration,
and urea and creatinine for assessment of renal
function. Assessment for proteinuria and quantification via
Figure 2 Calcium
the urine protein:creatinine ratio can provide useful information; monohydrate oxalate
if abnormal, consider investigating whether protein loss is pre- crystals identified in a
cat following ethylene
glomerular (haemoglobinaemia, myeloma), glomerular (and non- glycol toxicity. Both the
glomerular renal) or post-glomerular (infection/inflammation of the monohydrate and
dihydrate form of the
lower urinary or genital tract). crystals may be seen;
The urine sediment should be examined under a microscope however, the former are
considered more
for crystals, cells and microorganisms. Identification of pyuria, specific.12 Crystals may
haematuria, proteinuria and bacteriuria is consistent with a not be identified if
presentation following
urinary tract infection and bacterial culture and sensitivity testing intoxication is delayed.
should be performed. Immunocompromised patients (eg, those Courtesy of Dr K
receiving steroids or chemotherapy) may not develop an active Papasouliotis, University
of Bristol, Erasmus-
sediment despite having a urinary tract infection. It is recommend- Socrates Project


R E V I E W / The flat cat – interpretation of the emergency database

Glucose ± insulin therapy for severe hyperkalaemia

First-choice treatment
Glucose can be administered alone as a 0.5 g/kg bolus (ie, give 2 ml/kg of a 25% dextrose solution slowly IV over 5–10 mins;
make a 25% solution by diluting 50% dextrose in an equal volume of saline for administration). Follow with a 2.5% CRI (25 ml of 50%
dextrose in 475 ml isotonic fluid) until potassium levels reduce. This approach relies on the effect of endogenous insulin secretion following
glucose administration.

Second-choice treatment
Regular (soluble) insulin (0.25–0.5 IU/kg) can be given with glucose. Initially, administer a bolus of 1–2 g glucose per unit of insulin
(the 25% dextrose solution described above contains 0.25 g glucose/ml). Follow with glucose supplemented in lactated Ringer’s or
saline as a 2.5% or 5% CRI, as required, to maintain glucose levels >3.5 mmol/l. Glucose must be given with insulin to prevent
hypoglycaemia. The onset of action is usually 30 mins. Glucose levels need to be monitored for 12–24 h following insulin administration.

< if severe hyperkalaemia (K+ >7–8 mmol/l) hypokalaemia is rarely required, however;
and/or ECG abnormalities persist, potassium chloride can be supplemented in
administer calcium gluconate: 50–100 mg/kg replacement iV fluids following fluid resusci-
(0.5–1 ml/kg of a 10% solution) iV slowly tation, ensuring that the rate of delivery does
over 10–20 mins; the rate of administration not exceed 0.5 mEq/kg/h.
should be reduced if the heart rate slows. Hypokalaemia that is refractory to supple-
Calcium gluconate is cardioprotective by mentation may be due to hypomagnesaemia.14
increasing the myocardial membrane
threshold potential; it does not reduce
potassium levels and is therefore an Hypomagnesaemia can be clinically silent

adjunct treatment only. Effects last for and is often only recognised in cats that have
around 30–60 mins. hypokalaemia that is refractory to treatment.14
< if severe hyperkalaemia and/or ECG if clinical signs are seen, they tend to comprise
abnormalities persist despite aggressive fluid cardiac arrhythmias or non-specific neuro-
therapy and calcium gluconate, glucose ± muscular signs. Patients may also be hypo-
insulin can be given to drive potassium calcaemic.15 Usually total serum magnesium
intracellularly (see box). concentration is measured; however, as the
< Rarely sodium bicarbonate is used when majority of magnesium is intracellular this
there are persistent severe ECG abnormalities result may not reflect total body levels. A
despite aggressive fluid therapy, and there is low total magnesium in a patient at risk of
a significant metabolic acidosis (eg, pH <7.1). deficiency warrants supplementation. ionised
Administer 1–3 mmol/kg iV over 20–30 mins magnesium is believed to more accurately
(1 mmol/ml in an 8.4% sodium bicarbonate reflect the active component, but this meas-
solution), ensuring that a dose of 4 mmol/kg urement is not readily available.
is not exceeded. The effects may last several
hours. Sodium bicarbonate also causes
potassium to move intracellularly; this
Figure 3 Cervical
ventroflexion in a severely

treatment should only be given when

hypokalaemic collapsed

acid–base and calcium levels can be measured.


Sodium bicarbonate is contraindicated if there

is hypocalcaemia or alkalosis. There is an
associated risk of causing paradoxical cerebral
acidosis (if given too fast) and hypocalcaemia.

The most overt sign of hypokalaemia is


muscular weakness. The effects on skeletal

muscles may manifest as cervical ventroflex-
ion (Figure 3) and a stilted gait; smooth mus-
cle effects produce gastric atony and ileus.13
in severe hypokalaemia, respiratory muscle
function may be affected. Hypokalaemia
predisposes to cardiac arrhythmias and may
also impair renal tubular function (causing
polyuria and polydipsia). Rapid correction of


R E V I E W / The flat cat – interpretation of the emergency database

Mild deficiency may resolve with treatment it is important

of the underlying disorder. Supplementation to consider total calcium levels in
should be considered if total magnesium is respect of serum protein levels
<0.6 mmol/l, if clinical signs are apparent or (and acid–base if available).
if there is concurrent hypokalaemia, hypo- Hypoalbuminaemia will
calcaemia or hyponatraemia. Magnesium is reduce the total calcium Iatrogenic hypoparathyroidism is an unfortunate
renally excreted and thus the dose should be level; however, ionised complication of bilateral thyroidectomy. Serum cal-
The nightmare thyroidectomy

halved if the patient is azotaemic. if the ECG is levels may be maintained cium levels can drop precipitously, with clinical signs
abnormal before magnesium supplementation within the reference developing within 4–72 h in the authors’ experience.
then the ECG should be carefully monitored interval.
during supplementation.
Monitoring of ionised calcium levels is ideal,

Magnesium sulphate can be administered at Treatment

although total calcium can be of value, too, if
interpreted with clinical signs. Failure to manage

0.5–1 mEq/kg/day by CRi in normal saline or Treatment is indicated when

hypocalcaemia successfully is commonly due

dextrose in water. The dose can be reduced to ionised calcium is <0.8

to treating solely with intermittent parenter-

0.3–0.5 mEq/kg/day over the following days. mmol/l; or, if ionised calcium
al or oral calcium. Calcium and vitamin

Calcium should be monitored during treat- cannot be measured, when total

D3 therapy is recommended for

ment, since chelation of calcium with sulphate calcium is <1.5 mmol/l, with support-
may occur; magnesium chloride should be ing clinical signs.
used if hypocalcaemia is also present. < Administer calcium gluconate: 50–100
Side-effects of treatment include hypoten- mg/kg (0.5–1 ml/kg of a 10% solution) iV
sion and development of atrioventricular or slowly over 10–20 mins while monitoring
bundle branch blocks; these are more com- the heart rate and rhythm on an ECG or by
mon with bolus administration than with an auscultation; the rate of administration
infusion.15 oversupplementation can be should be reduced if the heart rate slows.
avoided by monitoring serum magnesium Effects are usually seen within 30 mins.
and making dose adjustments in patients with < A common reason for failing to stabilise
renal impairment. hypocalcaemia is administering calcium as
bolus doses only (iV or subcutaneously).
if the underlying condition cannot be
Common causes of hypocalcaemia are iatro- quickly resolved, follow with a CRi of
Hypocalcaemia Treatment is
genic hypoparathyroidism post-thyroidecto- elemental calcium at a rate of 60–90
indicated when
my, sepsis and ethylene glycol intoxication. mg/kg/day (eg, 100 mg/ml [10%] calcium
The pathogenesis in sepsis is poorly under- gluconate solution contains 9 mg/ml
ionised calcium
stood.16 Clinical signs include muscle weak- elemental calcium; 100 mg/ml [10%]
ness, fasciculations or tremors, stiffness or calcium chloride solution contains 27.3
is <0.8 mmol/l;

tetanic seizures, tachypnoea and pyrexia.17 mg/ml elemental calcium). Remember that
or when total
often the first signs may be a change in calcium salts should not be supplemented
behaviour with agitation, vocalisation and into fluids containing lactate, acetate,
calcium is
facial irritation (frequent pawing at the face). bicarbonate or phosphate due to the <1.5 mmol/l,
Cardiovascular signs include tachy- potential for precipitation of calcium
arrhythmia, prolongation of the QT interval (Table 1). Calcium gluconate is preferred,
and hypotension. as calcium chloride is more irritant to the
Biochemistry analysers usually measure the vein. The rate of administration should be
total calcium level, which is the sum of ionised, adjusted to maintain normocalcaemia. clinical signs.
protein- and anion-bound calcium; the most < Spontaneous recovery of calcium
important fraction is the ionised form, which homeostasis may take days to weeks in
is considered to be the physiologically active iatrogenic hypoparathyroidism post-
component. Many hand-held analysers now thyroidectomy.18 Therefore, oral vitamin d3
measure ionised calcium (eg, i-STAT machine, (calcitriol) supplementation should be given

Table 1 Supplement compatibilities for commonly used intravenous fluids

Supplement Compatible crystalloid fluids Incompatible fluids

Potassium chloride 0.45% NaCl, 0.9% NaCl, lactated Ringer’s solution (LRS),
Potassium phosphate 0.45% NaCl, 0.9% NaCl LRS, Ringer’s
Calcium gluconate, chloride 0.45% NaCl, 0.9% NaCl, Ringer’s LRS
Glucose (dextrose) 0.45% NaCl, 0.9% NaCl, LRS, Ringer’s
Magnesium sulphate 0.45% NaCl, 0.9% NaCl, 5% dextrose LRS, Ringer’s


R E V I E W / The flat cat – interpretation of the emergency database

alongside calcium. Start calcitriol at 0.03–0.06 Clinical signs depend on the rate of develop-
μg/kg for 3–4 days, then titrate to effect. ment of hyponatraemia and are primarily
Calcitriol is available in the UK as Rocaltrol referable to the central nervous and neuro-
(Roche) capsules 0.25 and 0.5 μg; for small muscular systems. Cerebral oedema develops
doses the liquid may need to be aspirated from in acute hyponatraemia due to rapid influx
the capsules for dosing. An alternative of water into neurons. Signs include lethargy,
preparation is alfacalcidiol, which requires weakness, incoordination, seizures and
hepatic conversion to vitamin d3 (one-Alpha; coma. There may be few clinical signs if
Leo Laboratories liquid 2 μg/ml). The onset hyponatraemia has developed more slowly
of action of vitamin d3 is 1–4 days, during (eg, >48 h).
which time calcium supplementation can be
transitioned to an oral form (eg, calcium Treatment
carbonate 0.5–1 g/day in divided doses), and < Careful monitoring is required when
then gradually tapered off, aiming to maintain correcting hyponatraemia (or hypernatraemia).
calcium levels at the lower end of the reference Aim to change the plasma sodium
interval using vitamin d3 alone. other forms concentration at a rate of ≤0.5 mmol/l/h;
of synthetic vitamin d (ergocalciferol and more rapid correction may cause cerebral
dihydrotachysterol) have a more prolonged dehydration, haemorrhage and demyelination.
onset of action and duration, which increases < For initial volume expansion a fluid that
the risk of excessive supplementation and has a similar sodium concentration to the
toxicity. patient (± 6 mmol/l) should be chosen.
< For replacement and maintenance fluid
requirements continue with isotonic
Before hyponatraemia can be confirmed, crystalloids (0.9% NaCl or lactated Ringer’s),

pseudohyponatraemia must first be excluded. monitoring sodium levels every 1–2 h initially,
This can be caused by hyperlipidaemia, and adjusting the fluid type to ensure sodium
hyperproteinaemia or raised serum viscosity, is increasing at ≤0.5 mmol/l/h.
which may lead to a spurious sodium result No treatment is indicated in pseudohypo-
by plasma sample dilution. Hyperglycaemia natraemia. Hyponatraemia in the presence of
and mannitol also effectively dilute or reduce hyperglycaemia does not require specific
sodium levels by causing fluid expansion of treatment either, with therapy targeted to
the patient’s circulating volume. management of hyperglycaemia.

Nutrition and the acutely ill cat

Assessment of a cat’s nutritional status should < Naso-oesophageal tubes are the simplest to
be performed once emergency complications have place but are only appropriate for short-term
been stabilised. Evaluate recent food intake and feeding (5–7 days) and are not suitable if the
the degree of recent weight loss, and look for clin- cat has nasopharyngeal or oesophageal
ical signs of malnutrition (eg, muscle atrophy, dull disease, is obtunded or is vomiting.
coat condition, poorly healing wounds, and periph- < Oesophagostomy tubes are often a suitable to nutritional
eral oedema due to severe hypoalbuminaemia). option for short- to medium-term feeding and
Cats are obligate carnivores with a constant can be placed under a very short anaesthetic. requirements
high protein requirement.19 They are unable to < Gastrostomy tubes and jejunostomy tubes
down-regulate protein requirements, even in the can be considered if the oesophagus cannot
should be
face of illness and anorexia, resulting in catabo- be used. considered as
lism of endogenous proteins (muscles) and there- < Parenteral nutrition may be an option for
after hypoproteinaemia. Hepatic lipidosis is a patients unable to tolerate tube feeding or important as
further potential complication of anorexia in both unsuitable for general anaesthesia.
obese and normal/underweight cats.20,21
fluid therapy
The cat should be fed to meet its resting energy
Attending to nutritional requirements should be requirement (RER), building up to the full ration in critically ill
considered as important as fluid therapy in criti- over 48–72 h:22
cally ill cats. cats.
RER (kcal/day) = 70 x Bodyweight (kg)0.75
Nutritional support may include the use of
antiemetic therapy, assisted/tube feeding and If the patient is not gaining or maintaining weight,
appetite stimulants. The type of tube chosen will the caloric intake can be increased by 25%.
be influenced by the disease, anticipated duration Overfeeding can result in gastrointestinal
of assisted feeding and the cat’s suitability for disturbances and metabolic complications
general anaesthesia: (‘refeeding syndrome’), and so should be avoided.23


R E V I E W / The flat cat – interpretation of the emergency database

loid fluids can be given to

Clinical signs of hyper- support perfusion.

natraemia are similar

to those associated with
hyponatraemia, with the rate Hypoproteinaemia, and in

of plasma sodium change particular hypoalbumin-

likewise being significant. aemia, is an important
Hypernatraemia results in a finding on an emergency
shift of water from the cere- database and can guide fur-
bral neurons to the intra- ther investigation and treat-
vascular space, which may ment. Hypoalbuminaemia
lead to vessel rupture, can be a result of increased
cerebral and subarachnoid protein loss through the
haemorrhage and irreversible gastrointestinal or renal
neurological damage. tracts, through exudation
from the skin or external
Treatment blood loss; or a result of
< Use 0.9% NaCl for initial volume decreased production due to hepatic insuffi-
Figure 4 Mildly icteric third

expansion, to prevent an excessively rapid ciency, malnutrition, maldigestion or malab-

eyelid in a cat diagnosed

drop in sodium levels. sorption or through sequestration into body

with neutrophilic cholangitis

< Provide maintenance fluids using 0.45% cavity effusions. Hypoalbuminaemia may also
NaCl or 5% dextrose to correct the patient’s occur in inflammatory disease due to a
free water deficit over 2–3 days. Reassess negative acute phase protein response;
sodium levels every 1–2 h initially, adjusting hypoalbuminaemia is more commonly seen in
the fluid type to ensure sodium levels drop association with sepsis than non-infectious
at ≤0.5 mmol/l/h. SiRS.4
History and physical examination may
give some indication as to likely cause(s)
Hyperbilirubinaemia will be grossly of the hypoalbuminaemia and this must

evident on physical examination once be coupled with assessment of haema-

bilirubin levels are >40 μmol/l. often tology and biochemistry (including
the easiest sites to detect this initial- The list of database abnormalities covered in this bile acids to evaluate hepatic func-
What else?

ly are the conjunctiva, palatine article is not complete; rather, the focus has been on tion) and urinalysis (including
mucous membrane and inside of important abnormalities in the critical patient. Additional urine protein:creatinine ratio to
the pinna (Figure 4). Hyper- include quantify proteinuria). Globulins
bilirubinaemia does not require for example, thrombocytopenia, azotaemia, abnormal can also be decreased in patients
laboratory abnormalities that might need consideration

specific treatment per se, aside liver enzymes, coagulation abnormalities and analysis of with intestinal disease. Changes in
other haematological and biochemical aberrations;

from searching for and managing body cavity effusions. However, discussion of these is plasma proteins due to malnutri-
the underlying cause. However, it is beyond the scope of this article. Blood–gas analysis tion are usually mild. if malnutrition
thought that high levels of bilirubin is suspected as a cause of hypo-
may be toxic to renal tubular cells, proteinaemia then careful attention to
can also be very useful in assessing and monitor-
ing the emergency patient but is not widely

and fluid therapy will increase renal support of the patient’s nutrition should
available in practice and likewise is

excretion. be given (see box on page 196).

beyond the current scope of

Hyperbilirubinaemia is common in critical-


ly ill cats and could be a secondary complica-

tion – for example, due to sepsis-induced
cholestasis or hepatic lipidosis.
The rate of development and degree of < Effective management of the critically ill cat requires clinicians

anaemia will dictate whether a patient

requires immediate oxygen-carrying support
to institute good monitoring and serial reassessment of the

in the form of a blood transfusion or haemo-

patient, to treat specific problems as discussed in this two-part

globin-based oxygen carrier (if available).

article, and to be aware that sepsis and SIRS may be the reason

Cats with chronic anaemia often appear to be

the patient is not responding appropriately to the treatment given.
< Critical patients are, by their nature, unpredictable and the
coping with very low packed cell counts
(often between 7 and 10%). in acute haemor-
best way to be successful is to be watchful, considerate and

rhage or haemolysis, however, there is less

questioning, to ensure excellent teamwork and communication,

time for adjustment to the reduced oxygen-

and to constantly strive for improved patient monitoring.

carrying capacity and a more rapid require-

ment for transfusion. While the transfusion
is collected, supplemental oxygen and crystal-


R E V I E W / The flat cat – interpretation of the emergency database

Case notes
Venus, a 2-year-old male castrated Ringer’s was continued due to the presence of
Russian Snow cat, presented with a a compensated acidosis (mixed disturbance);
48 h history of dysuria, dull demeanour two further 5 ml/kg boluses were administered.
and progressive abdominal distension.
Response After 30 mins, Venus was
Presentation Venus was quiet but significantly more responsive and comfortable,
responsive; he lay in lateral recumbency with a heart rate of 200 bpm and palpable
and was reluctant to ambulate. Initial survey metatarsal pulses. (The prior tachycardia may
examination revealed pale mucous have been a combination of shock and pain
membranes, a capillary refill time (CRT) of 2 s, since it is not unusual for shocked cats to have
Venus in acute collapse. An IV catheter has
and a heart and pulse rate of 240 bpm. been placed, oxygen is being provided by a normal heart rate or bradycardia.) Systolic
Metatarsal pulses were difficult to palpate. The mask and he is laid on a soft bed with a blood pressure was 100 mmHg. Oxygen
second bed covering him to maintain
mucous membranes were tacky. He had a fluid normothermia saturation (without supplementation) was
thrill and pain on abdominal palpation. Rectal 98–99%; thus, further supplemental oxygen
temperature was 37.9°C. The respiratory pattern was normal was not considered necessary. Having reached appropriate
and thoracic auscultation was unremarkable. endpoints for fluid resuscitation, intravenous fluids were continued
at 6 ml/kg/h.
Initial problem list
< Dysuria Further assessment Detailed clinical examination revealed
< Shock – there are several signs of abnormal perfusion: mucous reduced skin elasticity, consistent with dehydration of
membrane pallor, extended CRT, altered quality of peripheral approximately 6–8%, in addition to hypovolaemia. An empty
pulses and tachycardia. At this point, hypovolaemic, obstructive bladder was palpable. Abdominocentesis revealed a pale yellow
and distributive shock were possible causes; cardiogenic shock translucent fluid.
was considered less likely based on thoracic auscultation, and Abdominal fluid analysis revealed:
hypovolaemic shock was considered most likely < Creatinine 2058 µmol/l (serum 505)
< Abdominal pain < Total protein 9.1 g/l (serum 81)
< Abdominal fluid thrill – ascites < Potassium 7.8 mmol/l (serum 4.5)
< Dehydration – based on the tacky mucous membranes. < Glucose 12.1 mmol/l (serum 10.1)
Given all the signs, an acute abdominal disorder was most likely < Smear examination – moderate numbers of erythrocytes and
non-degenerate neutrophils; no evidence of intracellular
Steps taken to start stabilising Venus An IV catheter was bacteria. Low numbers of platelets and macrophages
placed and fluid resuscitation begun using crystalloid fluid. A
10 ml/kg bolus of lactated Ringer’s was administered over 10 mins. Interpretation of abdominal fluid analysis High levels of
Blood was taken for an emergency database and 0.1 mg/kg of creatinine and potassium compared with serum levels confirmed
methadone was given by slow IV injection. Systolic blood pressure a diagnosis of uroabdomen.24
revealed hypotension (85 mmHg, RI 120–150 mmHg).
Repeat auscultation of the thorax was performed following fluid Further
administration to check for signs of unmasking of occult cardiac investigation
disease (eg, heart murmur, arrhythmia, gallop sound) and was Abdominal ultrasound
normal. revealed a thickened,
irregular bladder wall,
Venus’s emergency database results
Interpretation with apposition of the
of emergency mesentery to the
Parameter Result Reference
database This shows interval (RI)
cranial pole and a
a mild hyponatraemia, moderate volume of
Sodium 144 mmol/l 147–162
mild hyperkalaemia, ascitic fluid. Following
Potassium 4.5 mmol/l 2.9–4.2 further stabilisation, an
marked azotaemia
and moderate Ionised calcium 1.26 mmol/l 1.2–1.32 exploratory coeliotomy Intraoperative appearance of the bladder,
showing rupture of the cranial bladder pole,
hyperglycaemia. The Glucose 10.1 mmol/l 3.5–5.5 revealed rupture of marked erythema and contusion of the bladder
azotaemia could be Urea 43.8 mmol/l 6.5–10.5 the cranial pole of the wall. Courtesy of Dr A Gines, University of Bristol
pre-renal, renal or PCV 27% 25–35 bladder. Although
post-renal. However, in Total solids 81 g/l Total protein: there was no known history, trauma was considered the most likely
view of the history of 77–91 cause of the bladder rupture.
dysuria, abdominal
pH 7.32 7.25–7.4
pain and distension, PCO2 37.6 28–34
post-renal or lower A logical approach to the acutely collapsed cat is important. Venus
Base excess –6 –5–+2 responded rapidly to stabilisation with fluids, oxygen and analgesia.
urinary tract disease
was considered highly Bicarbonate 19.6 16–20 Despite the severity of the urinary tract trauma, the laboratory
likely. The degree of changes identified in the emergency database were surprisingly mild.
hyperkalaemia and hyponatraemia did not warrant any specific Extensive investigations were not required in order to understand the
change in stabilisation, beyond further fluid therapy. Lactated cause of Venus’s collapse and successfully stabilise him.


R E V I E W / The flat cat – interpretation of the emergency database

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Further reading
Hosp Assoc 2000; 36: 27–32. < Barfield d and Adamantos S. Feline blood transfusions:
8 de Brito Galvao JF and Chew dJ. Metabolic complications of a pinker shade of pale. J Feline Med Surg 2011; 13: 11–23.
endocrine surgery in companion animals. Vet Clin North Am < Kirby R, Rudloff E and Wilson W. Cats are not dogs in critical
Small Anim Pract 2011; 41: 847–868. care. in: Bonagura J (ed). Kirk’s current veterinary therapy
9 Koenig A, drobatz K, Beale AB and King L. Hyperglycaemic, Xiii. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 2000, pp 99–104.
hyperosmolar syndrome in feline diabetics: 17 cases < diBartola SP. Fluid, electrolyte and acid–base disorders in
(1995–2001). J Vet Emerg Crit Care 2004; 14: 30–40. small animal practice. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders,
10 Tag TL and day TK. Electrocardiographic assessment of 2006.
hyperkalemia in dogs and cats. J Vet Emerg Crit Care 2008; 18: < Hayes G, Mathews K, doig G, et al. The feline acute patient
61–67. physiologic and laboratory evaluation (Feline APPLE) score:
11 drobatz KJ and Cole SG. The influence of crystalloid type a severity of illness stratification system for hospitalised
in acid–base and electrolyte status of cats with urethral cats. J Vet Intern Med 2011; 25: 26–38.

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