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Load Limiters on Temporary Shoring Structures: Tests on

a Full-Scale Building Structure under Construction

Manuel Buitrago, Ph.D. 1; Pedro A. Calderón, Ph.D. 2; Juan J. Moragues, Ph.D. 3;
Yezid A. Alvarado, Ph.D. 4; and José M. Adam, Ph.D. 5
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Abstract: Temporary shoring structures are used in the construction of reinforced concrete buildings to transmit the loads of newly poured
slabs onto the lower floors. The main problems involved in the use of shores/props are: (1) the possibility of having higher loads than those
initially foreseen, and (2) the structural efficiency and cost of the system, which is normally oversized due to being designed to bear the
maximum load of the most demanding building operation. This paper describes a test carried out on a full-scale one-story building to analyze
the behavior of load limiters (LLs) installed on shores under actual construction loading conditions. The theoretical approach and develop-
ment of this new LL concept were described in previous papers. Because these LLs still had not been tested in actual buildings, this paper
covers the existing need for a test in the form of a “proof of concept.” It also includes computer simulations and recommendations for the use
of LLs. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0002948. © 2020 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Building structures; Construction; Load limiters; Real-scale test; Shores; Structural fuses; Temporary shoring structures.

Introduction building process. However, a number of reasons associated with the

shores (e.g., their fixing system controlled by a workman, different
Temporary shoring structures are normally used when building dif- axial stiffness, secondary bending moments, deviations from the
ferent structures (e.g., bridges and buildings) to support them dur- vertical position, the manufactured lot, or accumulated damage)
ing building operations until they have attained sufficient strength can make the theoretical deviate from the actual distribution, or
to support the loads they have to bear (self-weight and early-age even make the maximum load experienced be greater than that cal-
construction loads). The most frequently used method in reinforced culated. In fact, many authors have analyzed this phenomenon of
concrete structures is the shoring of successively shored floors the load distribution on shores after slab pouring (Karshenas and
(Adam et al. 2017), in which shores (or props) are designed to bear Ayoub 1994; Liu et al. 1985; Zhang et al. 2016) or during the entire
the maximum load of the most demanding building operation on construction process (Alvarado et al. 2009; Calderón et al. 2011;
any part of the structure (Buitrago et al. 2016a). Fang et al. 2001; Gasch et al. 2015).
All the shores used during construction are generally designed All this uncertainty, increased by possible human errors
to bear the maximum load. If there is a big difference between the (e.g., unexpected overloads, early striking, or substandard materials
maximum and minimum loads borne by the shores due to the type and workmanship) or structural design (e.g., anchorage lengths of
of structure, the actions, or the building process itself, this can lead rebars, insufficient punching shear reinforcement or absence of
to an inefficient and excessively costly shoring system, such that reinforcement) increase the potential failure rate during construc-
that reducing the difference will allow more efficient and economic tion (Buitrago et al. 2018b; Carper 1987; Ellingwood 1987;
temporary systems (Buitrago et al. 2015, 2016b). Epaarachchi et al. 2002; Hadipriono 1985; Hadipriono and Wang
Theoretical models can be used to calculate the theoretical load 1987; Schellhammer et al. 2013) or in the serviceability stage
distribution on the shores of a floor at every operation during the (Adam et al. 2017; Alvarado et al. 2017; Ghali and Gayed 2014).
In this context the idea of using load limiters (LLs) on shores
Senior Researcher, Concrete Science and Technology University Insti- was conceived to improve structural safety and avoid failures dur-
tute, Universitat Politècnica de València, Camino de Vera s/n, Valencia ing building construction. Their advantages also include improving
46022, Spain (corresponding author). ORCID:
the shoring system’s structural efficiency and reducing its costs.
-5561-5104. Email:
Full Professor, Concrete Science and Technology University Institute,
This new concept has been widely studied in previous work (see
Universitat Politècnica de València, Camino de Vera s/n, Valencia 46022, the background section for further information). This paper’s nov-
Spain. elty lies in the fact that it involves tests on a full-scale one-floor
Full Professor, Concrete Science and Technology University Institute, one-bay building under construction in which the shores were fitted
Universitat Politècnica de València, Camino de Vera s/n, Valencia 46022, with LLs and monitored during the entire process. The results ob-
Spain. tained, in conjunction with the associated computer simulations,
Associate Professor, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Calle 40 provide ample proof of the LL concept under actual working
No. 5-50 Ed. José Gabriel Maldonado, S.J., Bogotá 110231, Colombia. conditions.
Full Professor, Concrete Science and Technology University Institute, After this introduction, the background section describes the
Universitat Politècnica de València, Camino de Vera s/n, Valencia 46022,
background to the project, and the section on test description de-
Spain. ORCID:
Note. This manuscript was submitted on December 19, 2019; approved scribes the LLs themselves and the tests carried out. The section on
on October 14, 2020; published online on December 18, 2020. Discussion test results and the discussion and recommendations contain both
period open until May 18, 2021; separate discussions must be submitted the test and the computer simulation results, plus a number of prac-
for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Structural tical recommendations, after which the conclusions of the paper are
Engineering, © ASCE, ISSN 0733-9445. presented.

© ASCE 04020345-1 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2021, 147(3): 04020345

Background telescópicos de obra.” ES2636833 (2017)] and was considered an
example of the new LL concept. It successfully overcame the many
The LL concept was born due to the need to improve structural experimental tests to which it was subjected, including those in
safety and the efficiency of temporary shoring structures during which it was installed on shoring systems (Buitrago et al. 2018a)
building construction, with the secondary goal of reducing costs and demonstrated its capacity for reuse. However, it still had not been
(Buitrago et al. 2015). This new device is fitted to shores to restrict tested in a temporary shoring structure in a building under construc-
their loads to a set design limit, which is always lower than their tion. Fig. 1 shows an example of an LL. Further information on its
allowable load. The aim is therefore to avoid individual shores from design and operation can be found in Buitrago et al. (2018a).
being forced out of service and to keep them all operational under Studies were also made of LLs’ advantages for improving the
normal and accidental construction situations (Buitrago et al. 2015, robustness of permanent and temporary structures during construc-
2018a, c, 2020). Shores with LLs should be characterized by elastic tion, a vitally important aspect, because any local failure in these
plastic behavior, with the first stiff elastic linear behavior, which can cause a chain reaction throughout the entire structure (Buitrago
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changes to plastic on reaching the design limit load. et al. 2018c). Structural robustness during the serviceability stage
If the shore-LL unit enters the plastic phase on reaching the set and against extreme events is now an intensely studied field, e.g., re-
load, the higher loads produced by the successive building stages inforced-concrete (RC) building structures during the serviceability
will be diverted to the neighboring shores, while the shore will ex- stage (Adam et al. 2018; El-Tawil et al. 2014; Qian and Li 2013;
perience vertical deformation that should be compatible with the Sasani et al. 2011; Sasani and Sagiroglu 2008). However, on this
general behavior of the structure. subject, structures during the building phase have not so far been
The technical viability of this solution and its financial repercus- completely studied or considered, in spite of the fact that some
sions have been demonstrated in Buitrago et al. (2015), which con- building codes, such as the British code [BS 5975 (BSI 2011)]
cluded that LLs improved the structural safety of buildings during do deal with the subject. Buitrago et al. (2018c) showed that using
construction and the efficiency of the temporary shoring structure LLs on shores acting as structural fuses can improve the robustness
in terms of costs and the use of the shores’ load-bearing capacity. of temporary shoring and reduce the risk of progressive collapse.
A prototype of LL was then designed, produced (Buitrago et al. The study described here covers the existing need to experimen-
2018a), patented [P. A. Calderón, J. M. Adam, M. Buitrago, Y. A. tally validate the use of LLs on shores, because they had never
Alvarado, and J. J. Moragues, “Limitador de carga para puntales been actually used in the construction of a real building. For this
final validation, LLs were fitted to shores in a full-scale three-
dimensional (3D) test (see sections on the description of the test,
test results, and discussion and recommendations) and accompa-
nied by a complementary numerical simulation (section on discus-
sion and recommendations).

Description of the Test

The tests were carried out in a full-scale, one-floor, 5.25 × 5.25 m2
building with an RC slab and four steel columns at each corner.
This configuration ensured two-way bending behavior of the slab
to analyze the load redistribution when LLs were activated. The
floor-to-ceiling height was 2.40 m. Fig. 2 shows a plan view of
Fig. 1. Shore equipped with an LL.
the shoring system and a photo taken before concrete pouring.

Fig. 2. (a) Plan view of the shoring system; and (b) photo of the building structure before concrete pouring.

© ASCE 04020345-2 J. Struct. Eng.

J. Struct. Eng., 2021, 147(3): 04020345

The four steel columns were at 5.00 m from each other and con- When the plastic behavior is initiated, the unloading behavior
nected to RC footings, which in turn were supported by the ICI- and reusability conditions of LLs can be found in Buitrago et al.
TECH laboratory foundations. Four Saint Andrew’s crosses were (2018a).
connected to the four columns to keep them vertically and horizon-
tally stable. The design compressive characteristic strength of the
concrete was 30 MPa and the nominal yield strength of the steel Monitoring and Location of LLs
reinforcement bars was 500 MPa. Concrete compressive strength During the test, loads on shores, vertical slab displacement at differ-
and its evolution were measured during the construction of the ent points, and internal concrete temperature (slab and specimens)
building (see section on construction stages). Slab thickness was were continuously monitored. Unloaded shores were used subject
20 cm with reinforcement arranged in two layers and two directions to the same temperatures as those used for the shoring system to
(16- and 8-mm bar diameter in the lower and upper layer, respec- compensate the influence of ambient temperature variations on the
tively, with separation of 20 cm).
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monitored shore loads (Alvarado et al. 2009).

Test measurements were carried out in real time and the shore The devices used to monitor the building were: (1) three strain
loads were monitored during the building construction. The form- gauges on each shore separated by 120° intervals (a total of 120),
work consisted of different elements: shores, joists, and formwork (2) 14 LVDTs to register vertical slab displacement during the
boards. Fig. 2 shows the arrangement, with MJ representing the tests, and (3) six thermocouples to follow the concrete mechanical
main joists kept operational until the final striking, SJ representing properties gaining with time during curing. During the different
the secondary joists kept operation until the partial striking, and AJ
construction operations, 12 sample readings were taken every
the joists used for auxiliary material up to the partial striking (see
minute and 0.2 samples per minute in the rest of the tests.
section on construction stages for further details).
Fig. 4(a) shows the shore arrangement and the points at which
vertical slab displacement was recorded (identified by the letter C).
LLs and Preliminary Tests The shore labeling system was as follows: (1) prop number, (2) the
letter I for those with known loads monitored during the tests, and
Before starting work on the building, the new LLs were designed, (3) the letter L for those fitted with LLs, which were placed on the
produced, and tested. Computational models (Buitrago et al. 2018a) main joists and formed the shore lines that remained after the clear-
were used to design LLs with a design limit load of 16.0 kN. The ing or partial striking operations. Figs. 4(b and c) show the moni-
calculated maximum load without LLs was 23.0 kN and the LLs
tored shores with protection in the zones with strain gauges, plus
were expected to come into action at considerably less than the maxi-
those used as reference for temperature control. To control the in-
mum load.
fluence of temperature on the slab/shore load distribution, a number
Two LLs (P1 and P2) were tested individually following the pro-
of thermocouples were embedded in the slab at different depths
cedure laid down in a previous study (Buitrago et al. 2018a). Fig. 3
[Fig. 4(d)] to measure the temperature gradient. Others were installed
shows the results obtained, which confirmed similar behavior
in cylindrical specimens placed next to the building [Fig. 4(d)] to
in both. Given the elastic plastic behavior of the shore-LL unit,
analyze temperature differences and specimen and slab concrete cur-
the design limit load value was used as a label for the LLs and
was associated with a certain shore-LL stiffness value. Following ing times. Fig. 4(e) shows the data acquisition system, whereas
Buitrago et al. (2018a), the limit load of the shore-LL unit was de- Figs. 4(f and g) show shores without and with LL.
fined as the load corresponding to a stiffness equal to the 57% of the
initial elastic stiffness, while the maximum load was associated Construction Stages
with the ultimate load of the shore to make full use of its resistance.
A shore without a LL has a linear elastic behavior until failure by At the present time different processes can be used for shoring suc-
buckling or yielding. A shore with an LL must show the same cessively shored floors (Adam et al. 2017), the most usual being as
behavior up to the limit load. However, after the limit load has been follows: shoring/striking (SS), shoring/reshoring/striking (SRS), or
reached, and instead of a suddenly breaking and going out of ser- shoring/clearing (partial striking)/striking (SCS). SCS was selected
vice, the behavior of a shore with an LL becomes perfectly plastic for the present study because it reproduces the greater loads on
with the formation of three hinges (Buitrago et al. 2020) and keeps shores than the other systems (Buitrago et al. 2018c). A construc-
the load at its limit load, thus avoiding overloads. This plastic tion process with clearing or partial striking (SCS), where usually
behavior is limited below the available maximum plastic displace- 50% of shores are removed some days after pouring the concrete
ment for safety reasons and to prevent excessive slab cracking. over the slab, is the most unfavorable situation for the remaining
shores and is the situation where load limiters play a more impor-
tant role compared with the other construction processes (SS or
SRS) where shores are less loaded (Adam et al. 2017). The system
used was as follows: clearing of 50%, removing half the joists a few
days after pouring (SJ and their shores, see Fig. 2; AJ were also
removed) and the formwork boards, in the following stages:
1. Day 0: slab casting [Figs. 5(a and b)] and production of 28 cylin-
drical specimens to follow the evolution of the concrete mechani-
cal properties. In this stage, the actual density of the reinforced
concrete (22.5 kN=m3 ) was estimated by the shore loads.
2. Day 3: Clearing or partial striking, as shown in Fig. 5(c).
3. Day 5: Sand load placed on slab [Fig. 5(d)] to reproduce the
hypothetical pouring of the second floor. To reach the required
loading (see stage 4 for further details) a layer of sand and water
pools were used. Sand density was 13.6 kN=m3 in the 17-cm-
Fig. 3. Preliminary tests on isolated LLs.
thick layer. The final load was 2.3 kN=m2 .

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Fig. 4. Distribution of sensors and LLs: (a) location of shores and LVDTs; (b) shore monitoring; (c) reference shores to monitor the temperature
influence; (d) thermocouples in specimens and slab; (e) data acquisition system; (f) shore without LL; and (g) shore with LL.

Fig. 5. Summary of the construction stages: (a and b) casting; (c) clearing; (d) sand load; (e) water load/unload; and (f) striking.

4. Day 7: Pools filled with water, as shown in Fig. 5(e), to a depth 5. Days 11–12: Water unload/load/unload cycle to check the reuse
of 50 cm in 10 cm stages. An additional load of 5.0 kN=m2 was capability of the load limiters under actual working conditions.
reached, with a total slab loading of 7.3 kN=m2 , to reproduce Water unloaded down to 15 cm.
the hypothetical casting of the second slab with a self-weight 6. Day 13: Striking [Fig. 5(f)] keeping water load at 15 cm, which
equal to that of the first slab (4.5 kN=m2 ), plus a construction together with sand load gave a total value of 3.8 kN=m2 , to sim-
live load of 1.4 kN=m2 on each floor. ulate the hypothetical load of a cleared shoring system on floor 2.

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Table 1. Evolution of concrete mechanical properties the test. The maximum load recorded was 17.7 kN and the loads
Elastic Compressive Tensile varied throughout the different operations (casting, clearing, sand
Construction stage modulus (MPa) strength (MPa) strength (MPa) and water loading, and striking). The shores fitted with LLs reached
their maximum load and, as planned in their design, when loading/
Clearing—day 3 27,777 19.8 2.0
Water Load—day 7 30,005 26.1 2.3
unloading recovered the load applied and went on to reach a similar
Striking (day 13) 31,707 30.0 2.3 level to the situation prior to unloading, thus confirming their abil-
Day 28 34,215 33.4 2.5 ity to deal with actual on-site conditions. Table 2 gives a summary
of the loads on the props on the main joists in each building oper-
ation, with those on which the loads reached 16.0 kN shown
in bold.
The slab deflection was recorded by the LVDTs on telescopic
metal tubes joined to the main joists and resting on the floor. Fig. 7
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shows the readings at point C7 (Fig. 4) and how vertical displace-

ment increased during the different operations. When loading/
unloading after activating the plastic phase in some LLs, deflection
again rose to a similar level to that before unloading, showing that
the LLs could be reused in actual on-site conditions.

Discussion and Recommendations

This section first contains a discussion of the test results, including:

(1) load transmission between slab and shores, (2) shore force-
Fig. 6. Load on shore 43·IL during the test. displacement curves, and (3) results without LLs, and ends with
a series of recommendations.

Load Transmission between Slab and Shores

The mechanical properties of the concrete were measured at dif-
ferent ages: (1) elastic modulus (three cylinders, 30-cm height, and The building sequence is normally designed by evaluating the slab/
15-cm diameter, following EN 12390-13); (2) compressive strength shore load transmissions, which is commonly done by estimating
(four cylinders, 30-cm height, and 15-cm diameter, following EN the part of the applied load (in kN=m2 ) borne by the slabs and
12390-3); and (3) tensile strength (three Brazilian cylinder tests, shores. The applied loads on slabs (Qslab ) and shores (Sshores ) per
30-cm height, and 15-cm diameter, following EN 12390-6). Table 1 surface unit are widely used parameters. The mean (Smean ) and
shows the mean values obtained. maximum loads (Smax ) on shores (in kN) are also estimated to help
select the type of shore to be used. Table 3 shows the recorded
transmitted slab/shore loads. The maximum load does not exceed
Test Results 17.7 kN when LLs are used. It should be remembered that the ex-
pected maximum load without LLs was 23.0 kN. It can also be seen
The results in terms of loads on shores and vertical LVDT displace- that the slab/shore load distribution and maximum and mean loads
ments were obtained throughout the tests. As an example, Fig. 6 on shores are similar after the unloading/loading water cycle. These
shows the evolution of the most heavily loaded shore (43·IL) during experimental results were also used to calibrate the numerical

Table 2. Loads of shores of the main joists during tests.

Construction stage
Shore Casting Clearing Sand load Water load Water unload Water load Water unload
23·I 1.8 2.9 4.0 6.0 4.5 6.0 4.6
24·IL 5.4 9.6 11.5 15.7 12.0 15.2 11.9
25·IL 3.8 6.5 8.8 12.5 8.1 12.1 7.9
27·IL 4.5 7.4 8.7 11.7 7.6 10.8 7.4
28·IL 3.2 7.6 9.6 14.1 10.9 13.8 10.7
30·IL 0.1 0.1 0.5 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.0
43·IL 3.7 9.9 12.9 17.7 11.9 17.2 11.7
44·IL 4.8 6.2 8.5 12.4 6.2 10.7 5.8
45·IL 5.6 8.5 10.1 14.6 8.4 12.9 7.9
47·IL 5.0 10.4 12.1 16.1 8.4 14.4 7.8
48·IL 4.5 10.1 12.2 17.0 11.8 16.0 11.5
50·IL 0.6 0.7 1.4 3.2 2.2 3.0 2.3
63·IL 2.7 4.0 4.7 6.6 4.9 5.7 4.9
64·IL 4.6 8.9 11.3 15.8 11.4 14.9 11.4
65·IL 3.6 8.7 11.3 15.8 10.9 15.3 10.9
67·IL 3.8 7.0 8.6 13.8 9.4 12.5 9.2
68·I 2.4 5.7 6.6 9.2 6.6 8.7 6.5
70·I 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.6 0.5 0.8 0.5
Note: Units in kN. Shores with loads higher than 16 kN are shown in bold.

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J. Struct. Eng., 2021, 147(3): 04020345

Table 4. Initial stiffness of different shores
Shore Stiffness (kN=mm)
P24·IL 7.07
P25·IL 5.21
P27·IL 4.03
P43·IL 8.00
P44·IL 4.71
P45·IL 5.02
P47·IL 6.14
P48·IL 7.94
P64·IL 7.13
P65·IL 6.88
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P67·IL 6.45
Fig. 7. Vertical displacement measured at point C7. Average 6.24

Table 3. Load transmission between slab and shores during the test elastic analysis of the construction process involved in the experi-
ment using ANSYS software (v. 15, 2014). Columns and joists
were considered as beam elements (BEAM188) and shores were
stage Qslab (kN=m2 ) Sshores (kN=m2 ) Smax (kN) Smean (kN)
considered as truss elements (LINK180) working under compres-
Casting 0.1 4.4 6.2 3.5 sive forces only. The SHELL181 element was considered for
Clearing 0.3 4.2 10.6 6.4 the slab and formwork boards. Besides the construction process,
Sand load 1.5 5.4 13.2 8.2 the geometric and mechanical characteristics of the elements
Water load 4.3 7.4 17.7 11.4
in the building were also considered by evolutionary calculation
Water unload 3.3 5.0 11.9 7.6
Water load 4.7 7.1 17.5 10.8 in different steps. The BIRTH and DEATH options can activate
Water unload 3.4 4.9 11.9 7.5 and deactivate elements during the different steps to reproduce the
Striking 8.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 construction process. Command MPCHNG was used to update
the mechanical properties of the material (elastic modulus). The
hypotheses adopted to carry out the finite-element (FE) model
were as follows:
model described in the assessment of temporary shoring structure • Shores without LLs were considered to have linear elastic
behavior without LLs section. behavior with their actual stiffness and simply supported at each
end. Those with LLs were considered with elastic-plastic behav-
ior, adopting the force-displacement curve of the shore-LL unit
Force-Displacement Curves
monitored during the test.
Loads on shores and vertical displacement at points close to shores • Formwork boards, columns, joists, and the slab were considered
were also recorded during the test to estimate the downward move- as elements with linear elastic behavior. The boards were of
ment of the slab around the shores (mean LVDT readings close to wood, while columns and joists were steel, all of which were
the shores) and draw the shore’s force-displacement curve. The faithfully represented in the FE model. The concrete slab was
slope of the curve corresponds to the shore-LL unit stiffness considered to have varying stiffness with time (Table 1) accord-
and demonstrates the LL behavior and the moment they come into ing to the measured variation of the elastic modulus.
action. Table 4 gives the calculated initial shore stiffness. • Columns were totally restrained (fixed displacements and rota-
For example, Fig. 8(a) shows the force-displacement curve of tions) at the foundations, whereas shores were only simply sup-
the most heavily loaded shore (43·IL), close to the centre of the ported (fixed displacements in the lower nodes).
bay, in which maximum load was recorded because it was also Fig. 9 shows a series of images of the FE model during different
the stiffest shore. It can be seen that the shore-LL unit has linear construction stages: casting, clearing, and the application of a load
behavior at low loads, but not at higher loads, when stiffness (k) on the slab. Fig. 10 compares the experimental and FE model re-
progressively falls, showing the clearly (nonlinear) plastic behavior sults of the load evolution of the most heavily loaded shore (43·IL).
of the LL on this shore. As foreseen (see section on LLs and pre- The model results can be seen to be almost identical with the ex-
liminary tests), k is less than 57% of the original stiffness when the perimental results, showing a good fit.
load is above 16.0 kN. This reduced stiffness means that the shore The FE model thus shows a good fit with the experimental re-
stops absorbing a higher load with reference to the hypothetical sults and gives an idea of how the building would have behaved if
case without LLs and redistributes the excess to the neighboring LLs had not been installed on the shores. Table 5 gives the mean
shores via the slab. Fig. 8(b) shows the condition of the LL on this and maximum loads on shores with (SFEM−LL ) and without (SFEM )
shore under the maximum load. It can be seen in both graph and LLs. It can be seen that both mean and maximum loads on the shor-
photo that the LL deformed as foreseen, confirming its appropriate ing system are always lower when LLs are fitted, when maximum
behavior under working conditions. load remained at 18.4 kN. On the other hand, when they are not
used, the maximum load on the shoring system would have reached
22.1 kN, significantly higher than the maximum actually received,
Assessment of Temporary Shoring Structure Behavior
so that the LLs reduced the maximum load by 17%.
without LLs
The evolution of the loads on shores is another indicator of the
After confirming the viability of LLs in actual building operations, effect of the LLs during the test. Fig. 11 compares the evolution of
this section speculates on what would have happened in the test if the load on the most heavily loaded shore obtained by the FE model
LLs had not been fitted to the shores by means of FEM linear (43·IL) with (FEM-LL) and without (FEM) LLs. In both situations

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J. Struct. Eng., 2021, 147(3): 04020345

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Fig. 8. (a) Force-displacement curve (shore 43·IL); and (b) state of the LL at the moment of the maximum load of 17.7 kN.

Fig. 9. FEM of the test during different construction stages.

Fig. 10. Comparison of load evolution during test according to the Fig. 11. Load on the most heavily loaded shore without (FEM) and
experimental data and FEM results. with LLs (FEM-LL).

Table 5. Load on shoring system and load on most heavily loaded shore the load can be seen to be identical until the LL design load is ex-
ceeded under the water loading.
Sshores (kN=m2 ) Smax (kN)
Construction stage SFEM-LL SFEM SFEM-LL SFEM
Casting 4.4 4.4 5.1 5.1
Clearing 3.1 3.2 8.4 8.7 This section offers some practical recommendations for the use of
Sand load 4.6 4.7 12.4 13.0 LLs on shores during building work, which is expected to be useful
Water load 7.4 8.0 18.4 22.1 to engineers and architects, besides construction companies and
Water unload 5.0 5.6 12.1 15.5 formwork producers in the construction of RC building structures.
Water load 7.2 7.9 18.0 21.8 Although not all the shores were fitted with LLs during the tests
Water unload 4.9 5.6 12.0 15.4
to keep costs low, it is recommended to install them on all shores

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during an actual construction project because, as occurred in the construction process as regards economy, structural safety, and ef-
test and in other cases (Alvarado et al. 2009), it is always difficult ficiency. Although the present study covers the worst situation and
to identify the most heavily loaded shores. This does not neces- most of the situations where load limiters can be applied efficiently,
sarily mean higher costs as the LLs have clearly proved that they future works might consider different construction processes or
can be reused (Buitrago et al. 2018a). It is also advisable to replace parametric analyses carried out with the help of the validated com-
the LLs after wearing out half the slot of the maximum permitted putational model presented in this study.
plastic displacement (Buitrago et al. 2018a) because: (1) the accu-
mulated damage is considerable, and (2) the available permitted
plastic displacement is reduced. In addition, even though it would Data Availability Statement
be possible to design more efficient shoring systems, it is not rec-
ommended to install LLs only on certain shores or use different LL Some or all data, models, or code that support the findings of this
designs on the same floor, because this would increase the risk of study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable
Downloaded from by Auckland University Of Technology on 12/20/20. Copyright ASCE. For personal use only; all rights reserved.

mistakes on installing the shoring system. request.

As shown by the tests, fitting LLs to shores can reduce the maxi-
mum load on a shoring system by as much as 17%, or more than
30% in previous numerical studies (Buitrago et al. 2015). However, Acknowledgments
this reduction has a limit that depends on the individual case. When
The authors would like to express their gratitude to the Spanish
the LLs start to deform they limit the load received by the shore and
Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport for funding received un-
redistribute the excess to neighboring shores via the slab. This
der the FPU Program [FPU13/02466], to the Generalitat Valenci-
means that the slab and shores around the most heavily loaded
ana [GV/2015/063] and also to the Levantina, Ingeniería y
shore receive a higher load and cause further vertical slab displace-
Construcción S.L. and Encofrados J. Alsina S.A. business compa-
ment. It is recommended not to damage slabs and avoid concrete
nies for their invaluable cooperation.
cracking under construction to ensure their durability and avoid sig-
nificantly increased short- and long-term deflections. Reducing
maximum load also involves choosing lighter and cheaper shores References
for the construction of the entire building. This type of lighter and
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