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DIMENSION: H. 4” x W. 8.

ABBREVIATIONS: stitch (st), slip stitch (sl st), single crochet (sc), half double crochet
(hdc), fasten off (F/O)
INSTRUCTION: join at the end of each round and ch1, unless otherwise instructed

LEGS AND BODY (gray yarn)

Make two:
1) 8 sc in a mr (8)
2) *3 sc, 1 sc inc*, repeat ** twice (10)
3) *4 sc, 1 sc inc*, repeat ** twice (12)
4) *5 sc, 1 sc inc*, repeat ** twice (14)
5) *6 sc, 1 sc inc*, repeat ** twice (16); F/O
Do no cut the yarn once you have completed the 2nd leg, CH 8 INSTEAD.
Merge the two legs together:
6) join the yarn with a sl st to the 1st leg, ch1 and sc in the same st, crochet around
15 sc, work 1 hdc in each ch between the two legs, keep working on the 2nd leg, 16 sc,
work 1 hdc in each ch between the two legs (48)
7) *5 sc, 1 sc inc*, repeat ** around (56)
8-23) sc even (56); keep stuffing as you go
24) *5 sc, 1 sc dec*, repeat ** around (48)
25-26) sc even (48)
Insert the plastic safety eyes between rounds #20-21, 11 stitches apart
27) *4 sc, 1 sc dec*, repeat ** around (40)
28) *3 sc, 1 sc dec*, repeat ** around (32)
29) *2 sc, 1 sc dec*, repeat ** around (24)
30) *1 sc, 1 sc dec*, repeat ** around (16); finish stuffing the body firmly
31) sc dec around (8); F/O, close the hole and hide the yarn.
Embroider the MOUTH (rounds #15-17; 10 stitches long) and the line underneath the EYES
with black classic cotton thread.
Embroider the TEETH with white yarn.
Apply some pink blush underneath the eyes.
WINGS (gray yarn; make two)
Part #1:
1) 6 sc in a mr (6)
2) inc around (12)
3) sc even (12); F/O and cut the yarn
Part #2:
1) 8 sc in a mr (8)
2) *1 sc, 1 sc inc*, repeat ** around (12)
3) *2 sc, 1 sc inc*, repeat ** around (16); F/O and cut the yarn
Part #3:
1) 6 sc in a mr (6)
2) sc inc around (12)
3) *1 sc, 1 sc inc*, repeat ** around (18)
4) sc even (18)
Do no cut the yarn once you have completed part #3.
Merge the three parts together:
5) work 9 sc, keep working on the part #2 and crochet 8 sc, keep working on the part
#1 and crochet 12 sc, back to part #2, crochet 8 sc, and back to part #3 and crochet 9
sc (46)
6) 8 sc, 1 sc dec, 6 sc, 1 sc dec, 10 sc, 1 sc dec, 6 sc, 1 sc dec, 8 sc (42)
7) sc even (42)
8) *5 sc, 1 sc dec*, repeat ** around (36)
9) sc even (36)
10) *4 sc, 1 sc dec*, repeat ** around (30)
11) sc even (30)
12) *3 sc, 1 sc dec*, repeat ** around (24)
13) sc even (24); do not stuff the wing
14) flatten the wing and work through both layers, 12 sc (12); F/O and leave a long tail
of yarn to attach the wing to the side of the body, between rounds # 8-19.
Embroider three vertical lines with black cotton thread as shown in the picture.
EARS (gray yarn; make two)
1) 6 sc in a mr (6)
2) *2 sc, 1 sc inc*, repeat ** twice (8)
3) *3 sc, 1 sc inc*, repeat ** twice (10)
4) *4 sc, 1 sc inc*, repeat ** twice (12)
5) *5 sc, 1 sc inc*, repeat ** twice (14)
F/O and leave a long tail of yarn to sew the ear on top of the body between rounds #
26-29. Do not stuff the ear.
Embroider the three lines with black cotton thread as shown in the picture.
ABBREVIATIONS: magic ring (mr), chain (ch), stitch (st), slip stitch (sl st), single
crochet (sc), half double crochet (hdc), fasten off (F/O)
Rnd 1: starting off with brown yarn, 8 sc in a mr (8)
Rnd 2: sc inc around (16)
Rnd 3: (1 sc, 1 sc inc) rep around (24)
Rnds 4 - 12: sc even (24)
Rnd 13: 9 sc, switch to beige yarn, 6 sc, switch back to brown yarn, 9 sc (24)
Rnd 14: keep working with brown yarn, 8 sc, switch to beige yarn, 8 sc, switch back to
brown yarn, 8 sc (24)
Rnds 15 - 16: rep rnd #14 (24)
Rnd 17: keep working with brown yarn,9 sc, switch to beige yarn, 6 sc, switch back to
brown yarn, 9 sc (24)
Rnd 18 - 19: working with brown only, sc even (24)
Rnd 20: sl st even (24); F/O and wave in ends
Muzzle (beige yarn)
Rnd 1: 8 sc into a mr (8)
Rnd 2: (1 sc, 1 sc inc) rep around (12)
Rnd 3: sc even (12); F/O and leave a long strand of yarn to sew the muzzle to the
puppet between rnds # 5-10. Stuff the muzzle while attaching it to the puppet.
Embroider the NOSE with black yarn.
Ears (brown yarn)
Rnd 1: 1 sc, 3 hdc, 1 sc in a mr (6); pull the yarn tail to close up the loop nice at tight,
but DO NOT join the last and the first stitches.
F/O and leave a long strand of yarn to sew the ears to the top of the puppet between
rnds # 2-4.
Embroider the EYES with black yarn (3 vertical lines) and white yarn (1 diagonal line)
between rnds #4-7, 5 sts apart.
Embroider the EYEBROWS with black yarn, between rnds # 3-5, 5 sts apart.
Embroider the BELLY BUTTON (X) with black yarn between rnds # 14-16.

Body (light gray)

Rnd 1: 6 sc in a mr (6)
Rnd 2: (2 sc, 1 sc inc) rep twice (8)
Rnd 3: (3 sc, 1 sc inc) rep twice (10)
Rnd 4: (4 sc, 1 sc inc) rep twice (12)
Rnd 5: sc even (12)
Rnd 6: (2 sc, 1 sc inc) rep around (16)
Rnd 7: (3 sc, 1 sc inc) rep around (20)
Rnd 8: sc even (20)
Rnd 9: (9 sc, 1 sc inc) rep twice (22)
Rnd 10: (10 sc, 1 sc inc) rep twice (24)
Rnds 11 - 19: sc even (24)
Rnd 20: sl st even (24)
F/O and weave in ends.
Embroider the EYES with black thread between rnds 7 and 8.
Embroider the white part around the eyes with white thread.
Embroider the GILLS with black thread between rnds 12 and 15.
Embroider the MOUTH with black thread between rnds 5 and 10.
Dorsal Fin (light gray)
Row 1: 2 sc in a mr (2); do not close the ring yet, ch1 and turn
Row 2: 2 sc inc (4); ch1 and turn
Row 3: 1 sc inc, 2 sc, 1 sc inc (6); ch1 and turn
Row 4: sc even (6)
Close the ring by pulling the yarn end, F/O and leave a long strand of yarn to sew the
fin to the back of the shark between Rnds 13 and 18.
Fins (light gray - make two)
Row 1: 2 sc in a mr (2); do not close the ring yet, ch1 and turn
Row 2: 1 sc inc, 1 sc (3); ch1 and turn
Row 3: 1 sc inc, 2 sc (4); ch1 and turn
Rows 4 - 5: sc even (4)
Close the ring by pulling the yarn end, F/O and leave a long strand of yarn to sew the
fin to the side of the shark between Rnds 15 and 20.

Frankenstein - 2” 5/8 x 2” (7 x 5 cm) Mummy - 2” 5/8 x 1.5” (7 x 3.5 cm)
ABBREVIATIONS: magic ring (mr), chain (ch), stitch (st), slip stitch (sl st), single
crochet (sc), front loop only (FLO), back loop only (BLO), fasten off (F/O)

Body (brown, beige, white, light blue, black yarn)
Rnd 1: starting off with black yarn – 8 sc in a mr (8)
Rnd 2: sc inc around (16)
Rnd 3: (1 sc, 1 sc inc) rep around (24)
Rnd 4: 9 sc with black yarn, [(1 sc with green, 1 sc with black yarn), rep three times], 1
sc with green yarn, 8 sc with black yarn (24)
Rnd 5: 8 sc with black yarn, 9 sc with green, 7 sc with black yarn (24)
Rnd 6: 7 sc with black yarn, 11 sc with green, 6 sc with black yarn (24)
Rnd 7: 7 sc with black yarn, 11 sc with green, 6 sc with black yarn (24)
Rnd 8: 6 sc with black yarn, 13 sc with green, 5 sc with black yarn (24)
Rnd 9: working with green yarn only – sc even (24)
Rnd 10: switch to white yarn – sc even (24)
Rnd 11: switch to gray yarn – sc even (24)
Rnds 12 - 19: sc even (24); F/O, cut the yarn and wave in ends
Screws (gray yarn – make two)
Rnd 1: 6 sc in a mr (6)
Rnd 2: working in BLO – (1 sc, 1 dec) rep twice (4); F/O and leave a long strand of yarn
to sew the screw to the side of the head between rnds # 5-6.
Embroider the EYES with black yarn between rnds # 6-7. Add the eye glare with white
Embroider the MOUTH with black cotton thread between rnds # 7-9.
Body (beige)
Rnd 1: 8 sc in a mr (8)
Rnd 2: sc inc around (16)
Rnd 3: (1 sc, 1 sc inc) rep around (24)
Rnds 4 – 19: sc even (24); F/O, cut the yarn and wave in ends.
Embroider the EYES with black yarn between rnds # 6-8.
Bandage (white)
Rnd 1: 8 sc in a mr (8)
Rnd 2: working in BLO – sc inc around (16)
Rnd 3: working in BLO – (1 sc, 1 sc inc) rep around (24)
Rnds 4 – 5: working in BLO – sc even (24)
Rnd 6: working in BLO – 3 sc, work 8 chs, skip 6 sts, work 1 sc into the 10th st of the
previous round, work 1 sc in each of the next 14 sts (24)
Rnd 7: working in BLO – 3 sc, work 8 sc into the 6 ch-space, 15 sc (24)
Do not F/O, instead work a series of chains (for a total of 60 inches in length).
Place the bandage on the body and wrap the bandage string around to cover the entire
body surface. Secure the string to the body tying a knot and waving in end.
ABBREVIATIONS: magic ring (mr), stitch (st), slip stitch (sl st), single crochet (sc),
fasten off (F/O)

(join with a sl st and ch 1 at the end of each round) unless otherwise instructed.
HEAD (yellow yarn; 5 mm hook)
Rnd 1: 8 sc in a mr (8)
Rnd 2: sc inc around (16)
Rnd 3: (1 sc, 1 sc inc) rep around (24)
Rnd 4: sc even (24)
Rnd 5: (2 sc, 1 sc inc) rep around (32)
Rnd 6 - 8: sc even (32)
Rnd 9: (3 sc, 1 sc inc) rep around (40); start stuffing the head
Insert the plastic safety eyes between rnds # 7-8, 6 sts apart
Rnd 10: (2 sc, 1 sc dec) rep around (30)
Rnd 11: (1 sc, 1 sc dec) rep around (20)
Rnd 12: sc dec around (10); finish stuffing the head
Rnd 13: sc dec around (5); F/O, cut the yarn, close the hole and wave in end.
Embroider the EYELASHES and the MOUTH (between rnds # 8-10) with black cotton thread.
ANTENNAS (black yarn; 3.5 mm hook; make two)
Rnd 1: 6 sc in a mr, close the rnd with a sl st and then crochet 5 chs very tightly (6/5
F/O and leave a long strand of yarn to sew the antenna to the top of the head, between
rnds # 2-3.
Embroider the CHEEKS (between rnds # 8-9) with rust yarn.
BLACK RING #1 (black yarn; 5 mm hook)
Rnd 1: work 16 ch, join the last ch to the 1st one and crochet 1 sc into the same st,
then crochet 15 sc (16)
Rnd 2: (1 sc, 1 sc inc) rep around (24)
Rnd 3 - 9: sc even (24)
Rnd 10: (1 sc, 1 sc dec) rep around (16); F/O and leave a long strand of yarn
Sew the last round to the foundation chain - stuff as you go.
YELLOW RING #1 (yellow yarn; 5 mm hook)

Rnd 1: work 20 ch, join the last ch to the 1st one and crochet 1 sc into the same st,
then crochet 19 sc (20)
Rnd 2: (1 sc, 1 sc inc) rep around (30)
Rnd 3 - 9: sc even (30)
Rnd 10: (1 sc, 1 sc dec) rep around (20); F/O and leave a long strand of yarn
Sew the last round to the foundation chain - stuff as you go.
BLACK RING #2 (black yarn; 5 mm hook)
Rnd 1: work 24 ch, join the last ch to the 1st one and crochet 1 sc into the same st,
then crochet 23 sc (24)
Rnd 2: (1 sc, 1 sc inc) rep around (36)
Rnd 3 - 10: sc even (36)
Rnd 11: (1 sc, 1 sc dec) rep around (24); F/O and leave a long strand of yarn
Sew the last round to the foundation chain - stuff as you go.
YELLOW RING #2 (yellow yarn; 5 mm hook)
Rnd 1: work 28 ch, join the last ch to the 1st one and crochet 1 sc into the same st,
then crochet 27 sc (28)
Rnd 2: (1 sc, 1 sc inc) rep around (42)
Rnd 3 - 10: sc even (42)
Rnd 11: (1 sc, 1 sc dec) rep around (28) F/O and leave a long strand of yarn
Sew the last round to the foundation chain - stuff as you go.
Position the bee’s head on the small black ring #1, secure it in place with pins. Use a
long string of black yarn to sew rnd #12 of head to the ring.
WINGS (antique yarn; 5 mm hook; make two)
Rnd 1: 6 chs, 1 sc into the 2nd ch from the hook, 2 sc, (1 sc and 1 hdc) into the next ch,
(1 hdc, 4 dc, 1 hdc) into the next one, keep working on the opposite side of the
foundation ch, (1 hdc and 1 sc) into the next ch, 3 sc (16); F/O leave a long strand of
yarn. Sew the wings to the back part of the small black ring.
POLE (yellow and black yarn; 5 mm hook)
Rnd 1: starting off with black yarn, 6 sc in a mr (6)
Rnd 2: sc even (6)
Rnd 3: (2 sc, 1 sc inc) rep twice (8)
Rnd 4 - 5: sc even (8)
Rnd 6: switch to yellow yarn, (3 sc, 1 sc inc) rep twice (10)
Rnd 7 - 9: sc even (10); start stuffing
Rnd 10: switch to black yarn, (4 sc, 1 sc inc) rep twice (12)
Rnd 11 - 13: sc even (12)
Rnd 14: switch to yellow yarn, (5 sc, 1 sc inc) rep twice (14)
Rnd 15 - 18: sc even (14); finish stuffing
Rnd 19: working in BLO, sc dec around (7); F/O and leave a long strand of yarn.
Close the hole and wave in end.
…let’s crochet the pole base…
Rnd 20: join yellow yarn to any one st of rnd #18 of the pole, sc inc around (28)
Rnd 21: (1 sc, 1 sc inc) rep around (42)
Rnd 22: sc even (42)
Rnd 23: switch to black yarn, sc even (42); F/O and wave in ends.

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