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 Is equal to
苷 Is not equal to
艐 Is approximately equal to
 Is greater than
 Is greater than or equal to
 Is less than
 Is less than or equal to
axb a is less than x and x is less than b
0.34 The repeating decimal 0.343434 . . .
LCD Least common denominator
{a, b} The set whose elements are a and b
{x 0 x  2} The set of all x such that x is greater than or equal to 2
 Null set
a苸B a is an element of set B
aⰻB a is not an element of set B
A債B Set A is a subset of set B
A債B Set A is not a subset of set B
A傽B Set intersection
A傼B Set union
冟 x冟 The absolute value of x
bn nth power of b
2a nth root of a
2a Principal square root of a
i Imaginary unit
a  bi Complex number
Plus or minus
(a, b) Ordered pair: first component is a and second component is b
f, g, h, etc. Names of functions
f (x) Functional value at x
f°g The composition of functions f and g
f 1 The inverse of the function f
logb x Logarithm, to the base b, of x
ln x Natural logarithm (base e)
log x Common logarithm (base 10)

c d
a1 b1 c1
Two-by-three matrix
a2 b2 c2

` `
a1 b1
a2 b2
an nth term of a sequence
Sn Sum of n terms of a sequence

a Summation from i  1 to i  n
Sq Infinite sum
n! n factorial

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