Document The Giver

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Only An Echo

By: Ryder Armstrong

"I can't believe Jonas vanished without a trace," I said, my voice trembling with a mix of shock and
confusion. "How could I have been so unaware to his departure?"

A familiar voice responded, its tone filled with empathy and understanding. "Fiona, sometimes we
become blind to what's happening right in front of us,” Said mother "The community has a way of
keeping us focused on our-" She stopped and just stood there. “Mother are you ok” Then my head
started filling with- I couldn’t figure out the word “Memories” i said confidently.

Mother's eyes widened with a mix of concern and surprise. "Fiona, how did you know? How did you...?"

But before she could finish her sentence, a flood of memories surged through my mind. Images and bits
of conversations entered my mind rapidly, jumbling together in chaotic memories. Faces, places, and
emotions came together into a vivid picture, overwhelming my senses. I clutched my head, trying to
make sense of the whirlwind of thoughts and sensations.

"Jonas... Jonas was involved," I stammered, struggling to stand from all of the memories that were
crashing through my consciousness. "He didn't just disappear. He... he left willingly. He was part of
something... something outside our community."

Mother's expression shifted from surprise to concern. She took a step closer, her voice laced with worry.
"Fiona, you need to calm down. Breathe. What are you remembering?"

As I fought the memories began to form a clearer picture in my mind. "Jonas... He was meeting someone
in secret. I overheard their conversations, their plans to leave. They were... dissatisfied with the way
things were here. They wanted more."
Mother's eyes widened, and a mixture of shock and confusion played across her face. "I had no idea,"
she whispered. "But why didn't Jonas tell you? Why didn't he tell you about his intentions?"

"I think he was afraid," I replied, my voice filled with a determination. "Afraid of being caught, afraid of
the consequences. He must have thought that no one would understand. That's why he disappeared
without a trace."

Mother placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, her voice said with regret. "Fiona, I should have paid
more attention. We need to figure out what to do next. We have to find Jonas and bring him back, if we

I nodded, my mind racing with thoughts and possibilities. "Yes, Mother. We can't let him disappear into
the unknown. We have to find him, even if it means uncovering the secrets that lie beyond our

Together, Mother and I began to piece together the pieces of information I had recovered from my
memories. We retraced Jonas' steps, retraced the conversations and clues I had overheard, trying to
make sense of the situation. It was as if a hidden world had been revealed to us, one that existed parallel
to our community.

As we delved deeper, we discovered others who shared Jonas' yearning for something more, for a life
beyond the confines of our the community. Whispers and rumours spread among those dissatisfied with
the limited knowledge and strict rules imposed upon us. A quiet rebellion was brewing, fuelled by a
hunger for freedom and the desire to explore the vast unknown.

With newfound determination, Mother and I became a part of this hidden movement, the seekers of
truth. We delved deeper into the secrets that had long been kept from.

As we embarked on our journey beyond the safety of our community, we knew that we would face
dangers and uncertainties. But the need to reunite with Jonas and uncover the truth. With each step we
took, we embraced the courage , ready to face the consequences and discover the answers that lay
hidden in the shadows of the world we once thought we knew.

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