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‘Studying 2-D truss elongation and deformation using

Submitted by:

NIKHIL (2K19/EP/058)
NIKHIL RAJ (2K19/EP/059)
Under the supervision of

(Formerly Delhi College of Engineering)
Bawana Road, New Delhi-110042


WE hereby certify that the Project which is submitted by NIKHIL-

2K19/EP/058 AND NIKHIL RAJ- 2K19/EP/059 , Delhi Technological University,
New Delhi in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the Mid Term
Examination project for the odd semester Academic Year-2020-2021 is a
record of the project work carried
out by the students. To the best of our knowledge this work has not been
submitted in part or full for any Degree or Diploma to this University or
(Formerly Delhi College of Engineering)
Bawana Road, New Delhi-110042


We are highly indebted to DTU and especially

Prof. Manjunath.k
Our Faculty Advisors, for their guidance and constant supervision
as well as for providing necessary information regarding the
project and also for their support in completing the project. The
project needed not only our hard work but help and skills which
were provided time to time by the professors.
Our objective is when we apply force in it between
joints and members of a truss, there is elongation in it.
Seeing 2-D truss , using MATLAB software we will make
a 2-D truss and First we will study about 2-truss and
seeing force in it , making force in matrix and using it in
MATLAB by writing code in it and make structure before
and after deformation.

Trusses are a combination of members, which provide
the strength of a single solid beam, but with less
material used. Another advantage of a truss is that it
only needs to be supported at its ends. An example of
the practicality of this would be a bridge, which can
cover large spans with little to no need for supports in
between, which are not always feasible. There exists
almost an infinite set of possible truss designs, but some
of the most basic, common and practical ones
Matrix analysis of trusses The joint-by-joint free-body analysis of trusses
is tedious for large and complicated structures, especially if statical
indeterminacy requires that displacement compatibility be considered
along with static equilibrium. However, even statically indeterminate
trusses can be solved quickly and reliably for both forces and
displacements by a straightforward numerical procedure known as
matrix structural analysis. This method is a forerunner of the more
general computer method named finite element analysis (FEA), which
has come to dominate much of engineering analysis in the past two
decades. The foundations of matrix analysis will be outlined here,
primarily as an introduction to the more general use of FEA in stress
Matrix analysis of trusses operates by considering the stiffness of each
truss element one at a time, and then using these stiffnesses to
determine the forces that are set up in the truss elements by the
displacements of the joints, usually called “nodes” in finite element
analysis. Then noting that the sum of the forces contributed by each
element to a node must equal the force that is externally applied to that
node, we can assemble a sequence of linear algebraic equations in which
the nodal displacements are the unknowns and the applied nodal forces
are known quantities. These equations are conveniently written in
matrix form, which gives the method its name:

Here ui and fj indicate the deflection at the i th node and the force at the
jth node (these would actually be vector quantities, with
subcomponents along each coordinate axis). The Kij coefficient array is
called the global stiffness matrix, with the ij component being physically
the influence of the jth displacement on the i th force. The matrix
equations can be abbreviated as

Stiffness matrix for a single truss element

As a first step in developing a set of matrix equations that describe
truss systems, we need a relationship between the forces and
displacements at each end of a single truss element. Consider such an
element in the x−y plane as shown in Fig. 1, attached to nodes
numbered i and j and inclined at an angle θ from the horizontal.
Considering the elongation vector δ to be resolved in directions along
and transverse to the element, the elongation in the truss element can
be written in terms of the differences in the displacements of its end
δ = (uj cos θ + vj sin θ) − (ui cos θ + vi sin θ)

Fig 1. Individual truss element

where u and v are the horizontal and vertical components of the

deflections, respectively. (The displacements at node i drawn in Fig. 1
are negative.) This relation can be written in matrix form as:

Here c = cos θ and s = sin θ.

Figure 2: Components of nodal force.

The axial force P that accompanies the elongation δ is given by Hookes

law for linear elastic bodies as P = (AE/L)δ. The horizontal and vertical
nodal forces are shown in Fig. 2; these can be written in terms of the
total axial force as:

Carrying out the matrix multiplication:

For the truss structure, the internal nodal forces are stored in a column fi
and are related to the nodal displacement components in the column u .
This relation is expressed by the structural or global stiffness matrix K.
The contributions of the individual element stiffnesses to the structural
stiffness are added in the assembling procedure. The example shows
two truss elements connected in one system node
In each system node the internal nodal forces of all the connected
elements must be added.

The displacements of element nodes which are connected to one and

the same system node, must be equal to assure continuity
Assembly of multiple element contribution

Figure 3: Element contributions to total nodal force

The next step is to consider an assemblage of many truss elements

connected by pin joints. Each element meeting at a joint, or node, will
contribute a force there as dictated by the displacements of both that
elements nodes (see Fig. 3). To maintain static equilibrium, all element
force contributions f elem i at a given node must sum to the force f ext i
that is externally applied at that node:

Each element stiffness matrix kelem ij is added to the appropriate

location of the overall, or “global” stiffness matrix Kij that relates all
of the truss displacements and forces

First we make program for a simple truss of 5 nodes and 7 elements in

MATLAB program for testing :

1st script file , in this we give the information of nodes and elements and

After running our test program this is acquired result:

This just a test program to check our desirable truss is obtained or not.
And test program is desirable
Now we are making program for deformed 2-D truss:
1st script file, this program is just for making simple truss
2nd script file, this program is for when we apply apply force and
deformation takes place I.e, by writing the for stiffness in matrix of truss
3rd script file , here we intializing the data in program which almost
similar to the program we typed in for simple truss ( refer to the first
typed program above).
This is required result of 5 nodes and 7 elements

Here GREEN structure is underformed and RED structure is

deformed one. Here we have applied a force at element 4 as
we can see in picture line is drawn there.

Here we studied about Matrix analysis of trusses operates by

considering the stiffness of each truss element one at a time,
and deformation in a 2-D truss. With the help of MATLAB ,we
here made a truss and we can make a truss of n nodes and n
elements and study , also we can design the truss according to
our will with the help MATLAB .
NOW, fter applying force in a simple truss we can code a
program with MATLAB when we make matrix of forces applied
and deflection in itWhen we convert it a matrix we simply solve
and create a deformed and non-deformed truss according to
our will by giving shape colour size.
And study the deformed structure of truss.
Arend L. Schwab
BioMechanical Engineering
Delft University of Technology

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