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Animals’ freedom speech

Freedom. Something that we all chase for, pursue for, and even fight for. But should every animal,
just like us, have the right to not be held captive and be free? In my opinion, yes, animals, should
have freedom to thrive in nature and let them decide their lives. And now I am going to convince
you why.

Firstly, if wild animals are captured in a zoo, they will have to adapt to a condition in which they
are not used to, which makes them hard to survive, and gradually losing their natural instincts.
Imagine a child, locked inside a room with things that could fulfill all his needs, his parents feed
him three times a day, and does his laundry every day. Would that be helping the child? Because
when he goes out of the room, he’ll find that he knows absolutely nothing. Same with animals,
natural instincts are a crucial thing to animals, and if they are deprived from them, that would be a
huge problem.

Secondly, by not capturing animals, we help not only the animals, but humans as well. If wild
animals were captured, the documentaries that we all love wouldn’t be there. And we also lose a
part of the economy brought by tourism. Moreover, if animals were captured, undoubtedly, this
will bring tremendous impact to the food chain, leading to the extinction of species.

Someone might say that capturing animals could also benefit the economy through zoos and
circuses. However, I’ve seen how animals are trapped, trained, and even tortured just for the
purpose of a performance.

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