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Name: _________________________ Test


1. Read the text and check the correct option:

Hi! I'm Luciana, I'm twenty years old and I'm from Nhamundá , Amazonas. I live with my aunt,
her name is Helena. Aunt Helena Has Two kids, Carlos and Alice. They're great cousins.
I study at Maria do Perpétuo School. It's a big school with a big classroom. On Wednesdays
and Fridays I study English with teacher Paula. at her house.
My best friend's name is Márcia, we love listening to music in our free time.

a) Who is Helena? d) Alice is...

(__) Luciana's friend (__) Helena's son
(__) Luciana's cousin (__) Luciana's cousin
(__) Luciana's aunt (__) Both options are correct

b) Carlos and Alice are... e) Carlos is...

(___) Luciana's cousin (__) Helena's son
(___) Helena's children (__) Luciana's cousin
(___) Both options are correct (__) Both options are correct

c) On wednesdays and Fridays Luciana...

(___) ... goes to Paula's house to study English
(___) ... goes to Maria do Perpétuo school
(___) ... listens to music with her friend

2. Choose the correct option and complete the sentences:

a) My birthday is ____ April. f) My house is ____ Batista Michiles street.

(__) in (__) on (__) at (__) in (__) on (__) at

b) She lives ____ São Paulo. g) My house is _____ 277 Batista Michiles street
(___) in (___) on (___) at (___) in (___) on (___) at

c) On Sunday I go _____ Pará. h) Her father works ____ the hospital

(___) for (___) to (___) from (___) in (___) on (___) at

d) Claudio is Brazilian, he is _____ Brazil. i) She lives ____ Maués ____ 15years.
(___) for (___) to (___) from (___) on/to (___) in/for (___) in/to

e) My English Class is _____ 6 p.m. e) My Math classes are _____Tuesdays.

(__) in (__) on (__) at (__) in (__) on (__) at

3. Translate:

1. get up:____________________ 6. have dinner:_____________________

2. work:_____________________ 7. watch:___________________________
3. listen to:___________________ 8. help:_____________________________
4. sleep: _____________________ 9. go: ______________________________
5. live:_______________________ 10. have lunch:_______________________
4. Complete with the correct object pronoun (me/you/him/her/it/us/them):

1. Can you help _____? ( I )

2. That's my cousin. Do you like _____? (Pablo)
3. hmmmm I love _____. (ice cream)
4. Please, tell ______ that I'm sorry. (Daniele)
5. Hey, don't miss ______. (the bus)
6. I don't like ______. (the boys)
7. Forgive _____. We're late. (we)
8. This gift is for ______. (you)
9. OMG! I totally forgot ______. (Patrícia and Ana)
10. Do you know ______? (my friend's father)

5. Complete the sentences with the words:

Do // Does // don't // doesn't // loves // studies // get up

a) She ________ listening to music at night.

b) We ________ watch TV everyday.
c) _____ Lucas go to school by foot?
d) My sisters _________ study in the morning.
e) My sister _________ in the afternoon.
f) Júlia and Carlos ___________ late on weekends.
g) _____ they speak Portuguese?

6. Choose the correct answer:

1 . Where does she study? 5 . How old is your brother?
(___) She studies at Abc Fun. (___) He's 10.
(___) She study at São Pedro. (___) I'm fine, thanks.
(___) No, she doesn't. (___) Yes, he is.

2. Am I your best Friend? 6. Are they cousins?

(___) Yes, I am. (___) Yes, they do.
(___) No, I'm not. (___) No, they aren't.
(___) Yes, you are. (___) Yes, They is.

3. Who is your uncle? 7. Do you like to study English?

(___) Claudio is my uncle. (___) No, you don't.
(___) Yes, he is. (___) Yes, I does.
(___) No, he isn't. (___) Yes, I do.

4. Do you like vegetables? 8. When is you birthday?

(___) Yes, I am. (___) It's my birthday.
(___) No, I doesn't. (___) It's in January
(___) No I don't.

Good luck!
(___) No I don't.

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