Rue - Morgue - Second - Edition-V02 James Fisher

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TIME FOR ZOMBICIDE IN THE RUE MORGUE!..3 MISSIONS......................................................16

COMPONENTS NEEDED..................................3 M00 - TUTORIAL #1: LEARNING TO
THE ZOMBIES................................................4 FLY........................................................16
SKILLS...........................................................7 M00 - TUTORIAL #2: SMELLS LIKE
SPAWN LOCATORS........................................7 TEAM SPIRIT.........................................17
SPECIAL LOCATIONS.....................................9 M01 - GAS RUN.....................................18
HOSPITAL TILES....................................9 M02 - NO WAY OUT..............................19
CAMP TILES AND TENTS......................10 M03 - THE PRICE OF PROGRESS.........20
HELIPAD AND STAIRS...........................11 M04 - BREADCRUMBS..........................21
EVENT TRIGGERS..........................................11 M05 - THE MAKESHIFT LABORATORY...22
HELICOPTER ACTIONS.................................14 M06 - THE MORTUARY........................23
CRASHED HELICOPTERS......................15 M07 - THE FARM.................................24
M08 - SEVEN VEILS’ DEATH...............25
M09 - NOSOCOMEPHOBIA...................26
M10 - A WORLD IN FLAMES.................27

IN THE RUE MORGUE Rue Morgue is an expansion for Zombicide: 2nd Edition. This
book features new zombie types as well as new tile types with
new ways to interact with them. New ways to spawn zombies,
new skills and rules for helicopters as transports. This book
also feature missions to be played with these new rules.

To play these missions you will need the components from the
original Zombicide Season 3 Rue Morgue box set.

Zombicide Season 3
Rue Morgue is required
to use this book.

You will need the rules found in Zombicide 2nd Edition for any
rules not covered in this book.

Zombicide Rue Morgue

is an expansion to
Zombicide: 2nd Edition.

A co uple of m onth s h ave pas s e d s i nc e the z o m bi e

out b re a k. Ou r w orl d has change d. C i vi li z ati o n ,
l a ws , frontiers, al l th e s e b e lo ng to the p as t.
For the updated Zombie Skinner spawn cards you will need the
H uma nity and zom bies ar e e ngage d i n a w ar of
Complete Upgrade Kit.
ext inct i on.
Zo mb ie s keep on roam i ng and mo ani ng ar o u nd ,
but mo s t h av e gotten s k i nny fr o m lac k o f p r ey.
T he s e infected h ave tu r ne d i nto w alk i ng
n ig htmares and sh amb le i n gho s t to w ns .
A fte r t he first fren z i e d w e e k s , the r e s i s tanc e
go t fir m, and many su r vi vo r te ams made a na m e Zombicide: 2nd Edition.
for t he mselv es. Complete Upgrade Kit
O f co ur se, w e h ad to adapt. T he w ays w e u s e d t o is required to use this book.
l ive , t o work, to th ink , ar e fadi ng me mo r i e s .
We ’re al l su rv ivors n o w , dr e s s e d and tr ai ne d a s
A l s o , we ’re ju st as h ungr y as the z o mb i e s .
Supplie s are scarce, a s w e have e x plo r e d and
d eple te d all bu t th e mo s t dange r o u s ar e as .
A nd we ’re not al l tru s tw o r thy . So me s u r vi vo r s And finally you will need the Rue Morgue tile sticker overlays.
c ro s s t he th in red lin e . T he y thr o w aw ay any These are provided in a separate PDF. Print these files on label
or stickerback paper and place over the existing Rue Morge
v a lue s a nd tu rn into mo ns te r s . I f yo u do n’t
Season 3 tiles. This new artwork adds Objective and Epic
u nde rs tand w h at I me an, y o u ’ll fi nd o u t s o o n
Weapon Crates as well as Dark Zones to instruct you in where

en o ug h. to spawn zombies.
#03 THE ZOMBIES Zombicide Season 3: Rue Morgue introduces Skinner Zombies.
If not killed properly, they can turn into half-zombie Crawlers
and keep on chasing Survivors until they receive the
T ime h as pass e d s i nc e the i ni ti al o u tbr ea k .
Su rv ivors evolve d, and s o di d z o mb i e s . W e k i l l ed
many of th em, b u t no t e no u gh, and s om e h a v e
aged . Ol d er z o mb i e s ge t a fe r al appe a r a n c e a n d
a finely h one d hu nti ng i ns ti nc t. We c a l l t h es e
el d er zom bies the Sk i nne r s ; f i r s t b e c a us e t h ei r
perpetu al h unge r made the m le ane r , a n d s ec on d
becau se th ey have a r e ally fr i ghtfu l l ook .
More th an ju s t the i r app e ar anc e mu t a t ed ,
th ou gh . Skinne r s c an s u r vi ve fo r mo n t h s wi t h out
eating anyth i ng and do n’t ne e d s o me or g a n s t o
stay activ e. A s a r e s u lt, s o me w o u nds j us t won ’ t
kil l th em anymo r e . E ve n r i p pe d i n hal f, a
Skinner can s ti ll c has e yo u . W e call t h es e
aggressive remnants C r aw le r s , fo r o b v i ous
reasons. Craw le r s can hi de anyw he r e a n d a m bus h
you , and th ey o ffe r le s s s u r face ar e a t o t a r g et .
Skinner Zombie cards are easily identified by the
Damn th em .
logo in the upper right, their background color, and
the Skinner silhouettes at each Danger Level.
Don’t miss these features if you mix them with
Zombie cards from other Zombicide boxes!

1 – Crawlers can appear each time Skinners are eliminated.

After removing Skinner Zombies, whatever the type (Walker,
Brute, or Runner), and earning Adrenaline points for the kill(s),
add a Crawler for each “1” rolled on the attack roll. If you own
Zombicide-themed dice, the “1” is replaced with a Zombie
head. Read only the dice results: the +1 to dice roll Skills have
no effect on Crawler spawning. Skinners removed without any
attack roll (by a Molotov automatically killing everything in the
targeted Zone, for example) don’t spawn Crawlers.
An attack can’t produce more Crawlers than it killed

If you own other Zombicide boxes, only Skinners can become


EXAMPLE 1: Bear fires his MP5 (3 dice, Accuracy 4+) at a

Zone containing a single Skinner Walker, rolling , , and
. The is a success and kills the Skinner Walker.
However, as there are two , a Crawler replaces it. Only a
single Crawler is put on the board, though, since an attack
can’t produce more Crawlers than it killed Skinners!

EXAMPLE 2: Swinging his Chainsaw (5 dice, Accuracy 5+),

Joe attacks three Skinner Walkers standing in his Zone. He
rolls , , , , and . Each result of 5 or more
eliminates a Walker. Thus, two Skinner Walkers are killed
and removed, and Joe earns 2 Adrenaline points. However,
because Joe killed at least one Skinner, the players check
the roll and find a single . A Crawler is then put in the
Zone. One of the Skinner Walkers was killed for good, but
the other is still alive, albeit as a Crawler!.



STEP 1: Chainsaw attack! Joe rolls , , , , and STEP 3: After the removal of both Skinners, add a Crawler,
with an Accuracy of 5+. He gets two successes ( as a was rolled.
and ) and a single .
2 – All Crawlers are the same, no matter the Zombie type
(Walker, Brute, or Runner) they were before.

3 – Crawlers are targeted last in the Targeting Priority Order.

4 – If you own other Zombicide boxes, choose your targets if

they share the same Targeting Priority Order. This applies for
Skinner Zombies mixed with Standard Zombies and Crawlers
mixed with Zombie Dogz.

5. If you are playing with Advanced Equipment Rules (Wash-

ington Z.C. or Fort Hendrix for example) Crawlers can not be
created by Break results from All-Out dice.

JOE EXAMPLE 1: Cathy fires her Shotgun (2 dice, Accuracy 4+)

in a Zone containing a Skinner Walker and a Standard
Walker, rolling and . As both are Walkers, they have
the same Targeting Priority Order. Cathy achieved one hit
and kills either of them. If she chooses the Skinner Walker,
however, it will turn into a Crawler as there is a !

EXAMPLE 2: Later, Cathy fires her Shotgun in a Zone

containing a Skinner Brute and a Standard Walker, rolling
and . Brutes are targeted before Walkers in Ranged
Combat, so she kills the Skinner Brute. Fortunately, it
STEP 2: Two successes mean two Skinner Walker doesn’t turn into a Crawler, as no was rolled.
miniatures are removed.
EXAMPLE 3: Finally, Cathy blasts her Shotgun in a Zone
containing a Skinner Walker, a Standard Walker, and a
Toxic Walker, rolling and . Two hits! Toxic Zombies are
targeted before Skinner and Standard Zombies, so the
Toxic Walker is removed first. The second hit can kill either
the Skinner Walker or the Standard Walker, as they have
the same Targeting Priority Order.

Zombicide Rue Morge features 5 types of Zombies. Most have
a single Action to spend each time they activate. A Zombie is
eliminated as soon as it is successfully hit with an attack that ! ZOMBIE RUSH!
has the minimum required Damage value. Its assailant then
immediately earns the listed Adrenaline Points.

Some Zombie cards feature the

WALKER Rush keyword. When drawing
such a card, place the
corresponding Zombie
It stinks, it’s nasty, and it’s slow. miniatures normally. Then, those
Zombies immediately perform a
Wounds dealt: 1 free Activation!
To eliminate: Damage 1
Adrenaline provided: 1

Big, bloated, and tough, these
Zombies are hard to put down.
Mutated beyond recognition, the Abomination is the Survivors’
Weapons dealing only 1 Damage can’t
worst nightmare. Only weapons dealing 3 Damage or more can
hurt them... at all.
kill this monster. A well-aimed Molotov will do the trick, as it
kills everything in its target Zone.
Wounds dealt: 1
To eliminate: Damage 2
Wounds dealt: 1
Adrenaline provided: 1
To eliminate: Molotov
Adrenaline provided: 5
Special Rules:

RUNNER • Impervious. A Molotov or Molotov effect is required to

eliminate an A-Bomb Abomination.
• Grabbing. At the end of each of its Activations, an A-Bomb
Abomination grabs all the Survivors from all adjacent Zones.
Amped up for some reason, these All eligible Survivors are dragged to the A-Bomb’s Zone
guys move twice as fast as Walkers. without penalty. This is not a Move. Grabbing can force a
Survivor to cross barricades (see Angry Neighbors and Toxic
Wounds dealt: 1 City Mall) and fences, as well as getting out of a car, a hole, or
To eliminate: Damage 1 an observation tower (see Prison Outbreak. If you own several
Adrenaline provided: 1 A-Bombs and your Survivor is subject to multiple Grabbings at
Special Rules: Runners have 2 once, choose the one to grab your Survivor.
Actions every time they are - If there is no Abomination on the board, draw a card from
activated. the Abomination deck. Then, place the corresponding
Abomination in the Spawn Zone. Don’t forget its special game
- If there is already an Abomination on the board, it gets an
CRAWLER extra Activation.

Crawlers are what happen when

Skinner Zombies refuse to die.

Wounds dealt: 1
To eliminate: Damage 1
Adrenaline provided: 1
Special Rules: Crawlers are targeted
last in the Targeting Priority Order.

Skinner Zombies of any type may not be turned into Toxic

Zombies by the Toxic Abomination (see the Toxic City Mall
6 expansions).
Fast roping: The Survivor knows how to use ropes to get out 6 4
of a flying helicopter. He can get out of a flying helicopter to
get into a street Zone (but not an indoor alley).
7-8 5
Helicopter pilot: The Survivor can pilot a helicopter
(see page 15).
9-10 6
Loud: Once per turn, the Survivor can make a huge amount of
noise! Until this Survivor’s next turn, the Zone he used this 11-12 7
Skill in is considered to have the highest number of Noise
tokens on the entire board. If different Survivors have this
Skill, only the last one who used it applies the effects. Once the dice are rolled, assign them to the Spawn Zones with
A flying helicopter is always considered to be the last to the matching Spawn locators. Then draw a Zombie card for
use the Loud Skill each game round. the first die assigned to the lowest-numbered Spawn Zone to
receive a die. Repeat this process for each die of each Spawn
Zone, going clockwise from 1 to 6, one Zombie card per die.

#05 SPAWN LOCATORS Each time you draw a Zombie card, read the line that
corresponds to the color of the Danger Level of the most
experienced Survivor still in the game (Blue, Yellow, Orange,
The Mission maps show where Zombies appear at the end of or Red). Place the number and type of Zombies shown in the
each Zombies’ Phase. These are the Spawn Zones. corresponding Spawn Zone.
When the Zombie deck runs out, reshuffle all the discarded
Zombie cards to make a new deck.

Zombie Spawn tokens mark

the Spawn Zones’ locations.

Almost every Spawn Zone has one or several Spawn locator

tokens, numbered from 1 to 6, near it.

These are Spawn locator tokens.

At each Spawn Step, roll dice to set the way Zombies enter the
board. The dice amount roll depends on the number of
Survivors beginning the game. This amount does not change
during the game (even if Survivors are eliminated). Caution!
Companions-like Dog Companions, for example-do not count
as Survivors for determining the dice amount.
Basically, the number of Spawn dice to roll is 4, plus 1 die
per 2 Survivors (rounded up) above the sixth.

EXAMPLE: Eight Survivors are engaged in a Zombicide. A first card is drawn for the . As the highest Danger
The most experienced Survivor is James: 12 Adrenaline Level among Survivors is Yellow, the Yellow line is read:
points put him in the Yellow Danger Level. 3 Skinner Walkers are put on Spawn Zone labeled #1.

Four Spawn Zones are displayed on the board. The first is Another card is then drawn for the : 1 Skinner Brute is
labeled with Spawn locator #1. Going clockwise, the second put on Spawn Zone #2.
is labeled with Spawn locator #2. The third is labeled with
Spawn locators #3 and #4. The fourth is labeled with No card is drawn for Spawn Zone #3/#4: no dice rolled
Spawn locators #5 and #6. or .

During the Zombies’ Phase, 5 dice are rolled to Spawn Three cards (corresponding to , , and ) are drawn
Zombies: , , , , . The die showing is allocated and resolved one after the other for Spawn Zone #5/#6:
to the first Spawn Zone (Spawn locator #1. The goes to 1 Skinner Runner, then 2 Skinner Walkers, then an Extra
the second Spawn Zone. No die goes to the third Spawn Activation for all Skinner Runners. This final card allows all
Zone. Both and the go the fourth Spawn Zone. Skinner Runners on the board, even those the players just
put on the Spawn Zones, to resolve an extra Activation

Start with #1,

then resolve
clockwise. Read
the Yellow line!

James is at
Yellow Level. Read
the Yellow line on
Zombie cards.



A Skinner Brute.
Final card
drawn: Extra
for Skinner

A Spawn Zone without Spawn locators is still played in the
Spawn phase. Draw a single Zombie card for it at each Spawn
Step, no matter the dice results. Resolve such a Spawn after
resolving the regular Spawns, clockwise.
Some Missions may not display Spawn locators at all,
especially Missions from previous Seasons. In that case,
choose the first Spawn Zone to play for the whole game, and
draw a single Zombie card for each of them (no matter how
many Survivors are played), at each Spawn Step.


Some Missions feature colored Spawn Zones, like Blue or Pink.
Unless otherwise stated, they don’t have Spawn locators and
require a specific event (like taking an Objective of the
matching color) to activate. Colored Spawn Zones aren’t
assigned Zombie cards until they activate. Unless the Mission
states otherwise, colored Spawn Zones spawn Zombies in each H os pi t a l s r a n k a m on g t h e m os t d a n g er ous pl a c es
Spawn Step after their activation. a r oun d . In t h e fi r s t d a y of t h e z om bi e i n v a si on ,
t h es e pl a c es r ec ei v ed m a n y i n jur ed , d ea d , an d
i n fec t ed peopl e. It wa s on l y a m a t t er of h ou rs
befor e ev er y h os pi t a l t ur n ed i n t o a
s l a ug h t er h ous e, t h en a z om bi e n es t .
F or m on t h s , we a v oi d ed t h es e pl a c es l i k e t h e
h el l h ol es t h ey wer e. W e c oul d fi n d wh a t ever
s uppl i es t h ey h el d el s ewh er e, or t h ey wer en’t
wor t h t h e r i s k . T i m e h a s pa s s ed , h owev er , a n d
t h e r ul es h a v e c h a n g ed . Ev en t h e h um bl es t
s uppl i es a r e wor t h t h e r i s k n ow, a n d d r ea dfu l
d i s ea s es a r e c om i n g ba c k fr om t h e d a r k a ges.
G ues s wh a t k i n d of t h i n g s a fl ea m a y bi t e before
i t bi t es you.

The hospital tiles are 1V, 2V, 3V, 4V, 5V and 6V.


This is
a locker room.

The hospital tiles feature indoor alleys. Indoor alleys count as
street Zones for all purposes. This influences:
1 – Lines of Sight: Lines of Sight cover as many Zones as the
line can go through before reaching a wall or the edge of the
2 – Search: You can’t Search in an indoor alley.
3 – Spawn: Don’t spawn Zombies in indoor alleys (unless
there is a Spawn Zone, of course).

The hospital tiles feature rooms. They count as building Zones
for all purposes, and share these rules:
1 – Movement: You can only enter a room through an opened
door. In t h e fi r s t week s of t h e i n v a s i on , the mi l i ta ry
2 – Search: You can’t Search in hospital rooms except for es t a bl i s h ed c a m ps i n t h e c i t y pa r k s a n d i n
locker rooms.
s ur r oun d i n g a r ea s . U n for t un a t el y, most pl a c es
3 – Zombie spawning: Opening a hospital room’s door
d on ’ t s t a y s ec ur e for l on g wh en z o mbi es a re
generates a Zombie spawn in the Dark Zone rooms. The same
i n v ol v ed , a n d m a n y c a m ps fel l a ft e r p u tti n g u p a
happens if the room door is opened (or missing) when the
hospital door is opened. h el l of a fi g h t . R em n a n t s r em a i n , someti mes
wi t h g ood wea pon s a n d a m m o t o g ra b. An d then
t h er e a r e t h e t en t s , g i a n t a n d r a g g ed p i ec es of
m a t er i a l wi t h s t uff a n d z om bi es ju st wa i ti n g for
you t o open t h em up. T h ey’ r e l i k e ma g i c ba g s
Bear can see wi t h pr i z es i n s i d e. Wh o d oes n ’ t l ove tha t?
through the
BEAR • The camp tiles are 7V (also called wasteland for helicopter
whole indoor
piloting), 8V and 9V.
alley, as it is
• All camp Zones are street Zones. Most of them can receive
considered a tent cards, as indicated on the Mission map.

Don’t resolve a
Zombie spawn
in the indoor
alleys when you
open the door.
They count as
street Zones. On
the other hand,
This Zone is a spawn Zombies
locker room. in the Dark
It can be rooms with a
Searched. missing door.


• Unless otherwise stated by the Mission, distribute hidden

tent cards at random among the Zones which receive tent
cards when the board is set (see the Mission’s map).
• All Tents are considered Dark Zones.
• A Survivor entering a tent for the first time reveals it. Flip
the tent card and spawn Zombies inside. When spawning
Zombies ignore Rush effects. A Zombie entering a tent doesn’t
reveal it.
• Tents can’t be Searched (except for the Administrative and
Do not Resolve a the Infirmary cards).
This Zone is on a hospital Zombie spawn in • No Line of Sight can be traced through a tent or between
tile and is not a locker this Zone as it is not tents and other Zones.
room. It can’t be Searched. a Dark Zone. • If you own other Zombicide boxes, a tent can’t be driven


The Administrative
tent (can be Searched).

The Infirmary tent

(can be Searched too!).

This is
a trigger.

Here is the line

between tiles
1V and 4V.

Stairs token
on the fence
Laurie is about to
execute a Move
Action to go from
tile 4V to tile 1V.
It will activate the
trigger on tile 1V.

Bordered with a fence, the helipad is a real place of interest in

any Mission. It can be used to control large streets on the
board or as an objective location for your Missions.
• The helipad is bordered with a fence. Actors can trace Lines
of Sight and execute Ranged Attacks through it, but they
cannot Move (or drive a car) through it. Remember, however,
that an A-Bomb Abomination can grab Survivors through it!
• Use the stairs token to create passages in the helipad’s
fence. Feel free to use it in your own Missions in any way you
see fit, for example as passages through levels or to justify the
presence of a Spawn Zone in the middle of a building.
As their name implies, Event triggers set off special rules when
predefined circumstances occur. Unless otherwise stated by
the Mission, apply the rule below.

Event trigger: A tile displaying an Event trigger only spawns

Zombies the first time a Survivor stands in one of its building
or indoor alley Zones at the end of an Action. Flip over the
Event trigger to indicate that it was used. Don’t spawn
Cathy uses her Sprint Skill
Zombies inside the building Zones of this tile when a door
leading into it is opened, spawn Zombies when a Survivor to cross 3 Zones in a single
steps inside one of this tile’s building or indoor alley Zones. Move Action. She didn’t stop
in the trigger’s area of effect
Game effects born of Event triggers can interrupt an and thus didn’t activate it!
Activation. They are resolved before resuming the Activation.

The Event
trigger covers
Zombie Zombie
these Zones.
Spawn! Spawn!

The Event trigger

is activated.
The token is
flipped over.


Cathy starts
a Move
Action from
CATHY here.

Cathy opens
the door.
No spawn here,
there is a trigger
on the tile.

Open door
and no
Zombie a Zombie
Spawn! spawn is Zombie
resolved on Spawn!
this tile.


through the door:
Zombie spawn
on this tile!
No spawn here either,
there is a trigger
on the tile too.
The door prevents
any spawn
until opened.

EXAMPLE: A Skinner Walker is spawned on a tile where a

Event Trigger lies. Maddie uses her Blood lust: Melee Skill
(see page 41) to get the Skinner Walker. Achieving the
movement part of the Bloodlust: Melee Skill, she stops on
the Skinner Walker Zone and thus activates the Event
Trigger. Zombies are spawned over the tile: two Skinner
Walkers appear in Maddie’s and the Skinner Walker Zone.
The next drawn Zombie card is a Skinner Walker Extra
Activation. All Skinner Walkers wound the Survivor. Maddie
is killed before resuming her Activation and benefiting of
the free Melee Action of the Bloodlust: Melee Skill. Too bad!


A helicopter can be flown only if the Mission allows it. The

Helicopter pilot Skill is required to take off or land such a
machine. In Season 3: Rue Morgue, Parker, Terry, and Travis
have Helicopter pilot as a free additional Skill at Blue

Two Zones can be used to take off or land a helicopter: the

helipad (tile 9R) and the wasteland (tile 7V). Some Missions
can include other Zones as well. Watch out for the briefing!
The pilot just has to spend an Action to take off or land the
helicopter (it doesn’t leave its Zone yet!). Place or remove the
special helicopter base to simulate the flying! The pilot can’t
leave his seat as long as the helicopter is flying.

The helipad can be

used to take off or
land a helicopter.
Some Missions feature the helicopter token and unlock special
Actions for Survivors. The helicopter can be used as a vehicle,
an objective, an obstacle, and more!


The Survivor gets in or out of a helicopter in his Zone. To get
in a helicopter, either the pilot’s seat or one of the three
passenger seats must be empty for the Survivor to occupy,
and the Zone cannot contain any Zombies. A Survivor can get
out of a landed helicopter without restriction. No one gets out
of a flying helicopter.
Survivors with the Fast roping Skill are exceptions to this
latter rule. They can get out of a flying helicopter to get into a
Street Zone (but not an indoor alley). In Season 3: Rue
Morgue. Dan, James, and Louise have Fast roping as a free
additional Skill at Blue Level.


The Survivor vacates the seat he’s currently occupying and can be used to
takes a different empty seat in the helicopter. If there are no
empty seats in the helicopter, Survivors cannot change seats. take off or land
The pilot can’t change seats when the helicopter is flying. a helicopter
as well.

While a landed helicopter can’t move at all, a flying helicopter
can cross the board very easily.
• The Survivor pilot can move the flying helicopter one or two
Zones per Action spent.
• A helicopter flies from Zone to Zone using straight lines that
run parallel to the edges of the board. Ignore all obstacles
including walls, fences, doors, and Zombies.
• The helicopter can fly over a building by moving from room
to room (it is not considered to be inside the rooms).
• Flying a helicopter is not a Move and is not subject to
movement modifiers, such as a Free Move Action or increased
• Survivors inside a flying helicopter cannot interact with PARKER
Actors outside the helicopter and vice-versa, even with Skills
(like Born leader or Lifesaver, for example). A Molotov has no
effect on a flying helicopter. No Line of Sight can be traced Parker begins her
between the inside and the outside of a flying helicopter
Activation flying a
(Zombies can see the helicopter, but not the Survivors inside
it). This is especially important to define the routes Zombies
take when they move.
SPECIAL: A flying helicopter is always considered to have the
most Noise tokens on it each round and has the Loud skill.


At the cost of one Action, a Survivor can store Equipment
cards in a landed helicopter standing in the same Zone, or in a
flying helicopter he’s in. Remove the selected Equipment cards With her first
from the Survivor’s inventory and put them on the helicopter Action, she
token. In the same way, a Survivor can take Equipment cards
flies two Zones
stashed in a landed helicopter standing in the same Zone, or in
to get here. A
a flying helicopter he’s in at the cost of one Action. Look at the
Equipment cards stored in the helicopter and move any flying helicopter
amount of them from the helicopter to the Survivor’s is above the
inventory. buildings, it
Both of these Actions can be accomplished by the helicopter’s ignores obstacles
pilot and passengers. such as walls, and
is not considered
EXAMPLE: Terry owns a SMG and Laurie, standing a few to be in the room.
Zones away, has an SMG. Meeting and exchanging stuff
would allow a survivor to have dual SMG’s. The Zombicide
rages on, however, and the Survivors can’t afford to lose
any turns. Terry stands in the landed helicopter’s Zone. He
spends an Action to move the SMG card from his inventory
to the helicopter before moving on.
Later, Laurie gets into the helicopter’s Zone. She spends
an Action and takes the SMG card into her inventory. The
dual SMG’s are ready!


The Survivor vacates the seat he’s currently occupying and
takes a different empty seat in the helicopter. If there are no
empty seats in the helicopter, Survivors cannot change seats.
The pilot can’t change seats when the helicopter is flying
With her second
Action, Parker
gets to the
CRASHED HELICOPTER helipad. With her
third Action, she
can land.
Unless otherwise stated, a Zone even partially covered with
the Crashed Helicopter token can’t be entered or crossed and
blocks Line of Sight. Don’t spawn Zombies in Zones covered by
the Crashed Helicopter token or made inaccessible by it.

Easy / 60 minutes Get to the chopper! You win the game when all starting
Survivors are in the Exit Zone during an End Phase.
A cou pl e m onths have pas s e d s i nc e th e i n i t i a l
zombie ou tbre ak . M any o f u s s u r vi vo r s h a v e
fou nd and jo i ne d a te am, c o mmu ni ty , fa m i l y, • Objectives. Each Objective gives 5 Adrenaline points to the
gang...w h ateve r y o u w ant to c all i t. T h e t h i n g i s , Survivor who takes it.
su ppl ies are g e tti ng s c ar c e . T he ne ar by a r ea s
h ave been pick e d c le an. W e ne e d to c ov er m or e • Tools of the trade. Each Epic Weapon Crate gives a
grou nd , more q u i c k ly , to b e o n the s p o t wh en ev er random Epic Weapon, among those still available, to the
opportu nities ar i s e . C ar s ar e n’t that s a fe Survivor who takes it. They can reorganize their inventory for
anymore, bad thi ngs can hap pe n o n th e r oa d .
We ov erlooke d the fe w r e mai ni ng he l i c opt er s for • The helicopter can’t be flown.
too long. Su re , the y c o ns u me a lo t o f g a s , but
th ey all ow an y o ne that c an fly the m t o r ea c h
anyw h ere in no ti me . J o e thi nk s w e s h oul d g i v e
it a try and s e e i f any o f u s c an pi lo t on e of
th em. I knew I s ho u ld have r e ad the v i d eo
gam e m anu al s .

Tiles needed: 2V, 4V, 6V & 7V.

2V 4V

6V 7V

Starting Zone

3x 3x
Objectives Epic Weapon
(5AP) Crates


Spawn Zones

Door Event trigger

16 Spawn locators
M00 - TUTORIAL #2 To accomplish this Mission, you need at least one Survivor with
the Helicopter pilot Skill and another with the Fast roping Skill.
Easy / 60 minutes
Secure the haven. Reach the Exit with all starting Survivors.
We fo und a nice pla c e to land o u r ne w Any Survivor may escape through this Zone at the end of his
he lico pt er. E xpl oring and s c ave ngi ng the ar ea turn, as long as there are no Zombies in it.
m a y ta k e a few d ays, s o w e ne e d a s af e have n .
Te r ry th inks th e bu i ldi ng ne ar b y w i ll do f i ne • SPECIAL RULES
with its reinforced d o o r s . Fi r s t, w e have to
• Objectives. Each Objective gives 5 Adrenaline points to the
e nt e r! T h e front d oo r i s lo ck e d. M ayb e w e s ho ul d
Survivor who takes it.
dr o p a few of u s at t he b ack do o r and s e e i f we
c a n o pe n it from th e i ns i de ? Whe e e , my fi r s t • Tools of the trade. Each Epic Weapon Crate gives a random
a irb o r n e operation! T ango , C har li e , Ur i ah, Epic Weapon, among those still available, to the Survivor who
pss s h. . . takes it. They can reorganize their inventory for free.

Tiles needed: 2R, 5R, 6R & 9R. • Doors and keys. The Blue door cannot be opened until the
Blue Objective has been taken. The Pink door cannot be
opened until the Pink Objective has been taken.

• The helicopter can be flown. It can take off or land on the

helipad (tile 9R).

6R 5R

2R 9R

Starting Zone

1x 3x
Epic Weapon
1x Crates

Objectives Exit
(5AP) Zones

Spawn Zones

Doors Stairs

Spawn locators
4x 1x 5x
Easy / 60 minutes Objectives Epic Weapon
Survivor (5AP) Crates
W e need a ge ne r o u s fu e l Starting Zone
reserv e if w e w ant to e x plo r e
th e su rrou ndi ng ci ti e s . We
fou nd a h el ic o pte r at a c li ni c.
Doors Open Door Spawn Zones
It seems d isa b le d, and w e can’t
access it right no w , the do o r i s
firm ly locked. A s far as w e can
5R 8R
see, som eone w as li vi ng he r e
and pu t u p an e pi c gu nfi ght Exit
before leav ing...o r falli ng.
1R 6R Spawn locators Zone

Zom bies are s ti ll r o ami ng

arou nd as w e e x plo r e the ar e a 4V 9R
for clu es. Wai t. C athy lo c ate d
th e su rviv ors’ las t s tand. I t’s
ju st across th e s tr e e t, i n a
remote gu n r o o m. A ll w e have
to d o is plu nde r the b u i ldi ng
and open th e w ay to the
hel icopter. We co u ld e ve n fi nd
a few u sefu l thi ngs the gu y s
used to ow n. I f w e ar e q u i c k
enou gh , w e c an do e ve r ythi ng
before th e zo mb i e s o ve r r u n u s .
I pray th ey had b atte r i e s .
Listening to s o me mu s i c w o u ld
feel l ike h eave n.

Tiles needed: 1R, 4V, 5R, 6R, 8R & 9R.


Siphon the helicopter’s tank. You win

the game when all starting Survivors are
in the Exit Zone during an End Phase.


• They’re dead and won’t need their

stuff anymore. Each Objective gives 5
Adrenaline points to the Survivor who
takes it.

• The clinic’s blue door. The Blue door

cannot be opened until the Blue
Objective has been taken.

• Bring the heat! Each Epic Weapon

Crate gives a random Epic Weapon,
among those still available, to the
Survivor who takes it. They can
reorganize their inventory for free.

• The helicopter can’t be flown.

Easy / 90 minutes 5x 5x
Event trigger
Objectives Epic Weapon
We s ho ul d h av e known Survivor (5AP) Crates
Starting Zone
eve ry thi ng w as going to o w e ll.
We la n d ed tw o h ou r s ago to
explo r e a prom ising ar e a. W e
d i dn ’t e xpect th e h eli co pte r
Stairs Open Door Spawn Zones
w ould lu re a d istant he r d o f
z o mb ie to ou r position. N o w
w e’re s t uck in a w orn b u i ldi ng,
t rying to get back to the
h elico p ter. D oors are de s tr o y e d; Spawn locators Zone
i t ’ s a matter of tim e b e fo r e the
z o mb ie s get insid e. I lo ve
c ommitt i ng zombicid es i n c lo s e
q u a r t e rs. No, real ly, I do !.

Tiles needed: 1R, 2R, 3R, 4R, 6R & 9R.


Leaving the a helicopter.

You win the game when all starting
Survivors are in the Exit Zone during an
End Phase.


• Crossing a zombie herd. Add 1 Spawn

die to the pool. Zombies already spawn
at the Yellow Danger Level at the
beginning of the game.

• Clean clothes, a medicine cabinet,

some toothpaste, and collector
comics! Each Objective gives 5
Adrenaline points to the Survivor who
takes it.

• Mind the safety lock. Each Epic

Weapon Crate gives a random Epic
Weapon, among those still available, to
the Survivor who takes it. They can
reorganize their inventory for free.

• The helicopter can’t be flown.

4R 9R

6R 1R

3R 2R

Medium / 90 minutes 1 – Open the main building. You’ll need the blue key to achieve this.
2 – Find the pink key to start the helicopter. Explore the main
As time w ent b y and car s de ve lo p e d i ss ues building and its surroundings. If you’re an overachiever, you could
after roll ing o ve r z o mb i e s , w e all ac q ui r ed even find some really nice stuff!
some basic m e chani cal s k i ll. A he li c o pt er ,
3 – Get the helicopter on the Exit Zone. You win the game when the
on th e oth er hand, r e qu i r e s to p- no tc h
helicopter and all starting Survivors are in the Exit Zone during an End
m aintenance. A fte r s o me r e s e ar ch, L oui s e
figu red ou t the p ar ts w e ne e de d to fi x
ou rs. We sear c he d f o r the s ame ve hi c l e • SPECIAL RULES
m od el for eig ht day s b e fo r e w e fo u nd on e.
• Not what I was looking for, but I’ll keep it anyway. Each Objective
H ere is th e pr o b le m: i t’s o n the r o o f o f a
gives 5 Adrenaline points to the Survivor who takes it.
d am aged and lo ck e d b u i ldi ng. I f w e
m anage to st ar t i t, w e mi ght as w e ll us e • The big blue door. Place the Blue Objective randomly among the Red
th e new h el ico pte r and k e e p o u r o ld on e Objectives on tiles 1R and 4R, face down. The Blue door cannot be
for spare parts i ns te ad. Si nce w e ’ve opened until the Blue Objective has been taken.
started fl yin g ar o u nd, I thi nk w alk i n g i s • The helicopter can be flown (but...). Put the Pink Objective
ov errated . randomly among the remaining Objectives. The helicopter can’t be
flown until the pink Objective has been taken. The helicopter can take
Tiles needed: 1R, 2R, 3R, 4R, 5R, 6R, 7V, 8R, & 9R. off or land on the helipad (tile 9R) and the wasteland (tile 7V).
• Whats French for Death? Set the La Guillotine card in the marked
To accomplish this Mission, you need at least one Zone. Any Survivor taking the Epic Weapon Crate in this Zone gets the
Survivor with the Helicopter pilot Skill. La Guillotine card instead of an Epic Weapon card.
• Secret Weapons Each Epic Weapon Crate gives a random Epic
Weapon, among those still available, to the Survivor who takes it. They
8R 3R 7V can reorganize their inventory for free.

5R 6R 1R

9R 2R 4R

Starting Zone

5x 7x
Epic Weapon
1x Crates

Objectives Exit
(5AP) Zones

Spawn Zones

Doors Open Door

Event trigger La Guillotine

20 Spawn locators
Medium / 90 minutes 3x 3x
Objectives Epic Weapon
We fle w ov er a smal l par k Survivor (5AP) Crates
Starting Zone
t r a n s fo rmed into some k i nd o f
c a mp. Th ere are m ili tar y te nts
e ve r y wh ere, and obvi o u s ly ,
q uite a figh t h appen e d he r e , 7V 2R Door Spawn Zones
t o o . W e l and ed a few b lo c k s
a wa y t o expl ore th e ar e a.
P e o ple kept com ing i n and o u t
o f he r e for some tim e - the
9V 5R
c a da ve r s are in v ario u s s tage s Spawn locators Zone
o f de ca y. Y ou can be s u r e s o me
o f the m are now zom b i e s 8V 1R
wa itin g for th eir ne xt pr e y .
I’m s o gl ad I h ave a r e li ab le
pair o f boots.

Tiles needed: 1R, 2R, 5R, 7V, 8V & 9V.


1 – What was going on here? Reveal

the administrative and infirmary tents,
and take all Objectives.

2 – We have a clue, now get out!

Reach the Exit with all starting Survi-
vors. Any Survivor may escape through
this Zone at the end of his turn, as long
as there are no Zombies in it.


• A puzzle piece. Each Objective gives

5 Adrenaline points to the Survivor who
takes it.

• Shiny new toys. Each Epic Weapon

Crate gives a random Epic Weapon,
among those still available, to the
Survivor who takes it. They can reorga-
nize their inventory for free.

• Looking for archives, classified files,

anything. Put the administrative and
infirmary tents randomly among the
hidden tents of tile 9V.

Objectives Epic Weapon
Medium / 60-90 minutes Survivor (5AP) Crates
Starting Zone
T h e clu es w e gathe r e d
yesterd ay h in t at e xpe r i me nts
on h u mans and z o mb i e s ali k e .
Wh at rem ain s o f the mi li tar y Stairs Door Spawn Zones
apparently wo r k e d w i th var i o u s
scientists to ac hi e ve ...
someth ing. T he y fai le d many
4V 2V
tim es bu t kept o n c o mi ng b ac k . Exit
Among th e a r chi ve s , J ame s 6R 3R Spawn locators Zone

fou nd th e l ocati o n o f a
makesh ift lab o r ato r y w he r e 7V 9R
th ey anal yzed the f i e ld r e s u lts .
After al l th i s ti me , co u ld w e
still h ave a g o ve r nme nt? I
dou bt it. Loos e c anno ns ? M o r e
likel y. We sh o u ld s co u t and
find ou t for o u r s e lve s .
Pl ease d on’ t te ll me the fi r s t
zombie w as a s i mp le gu y b i tte n
by a rad ioacti ve s p i de r .

Tiles needed: 2V, 3R, 4V, 6R, 7V, & 9R.


1 – Explore the area. Find the Blue

Objective, and activate all Event

2 – Two ways out! You win the game

when all starting Survivors are in the
Exit Zone at an End Phase.


• Finders keepers! Each Objective

gives 5 Adrenaline points to the Survi-
vor who takes it.

• Bigger guns. Each Epic Weapon Crate

gives a random Epic Weapon, among
those still available, to the Survivor who
takes it. They can reorganize their
inventory for free.

• Could “further” become “too far”?

Put the Blue Objective randomly among
the Objectives, face down.

• An Abomination! Get back to the

helicopter! Whenever an Abomination
is on the board, put the Exit token on
the helicopter token. When the board
has no Abominations, put the Exit token
in the indicated Zone.

22 • The helicopter can’t be flown.

Hard / 120 minutes 5x 5x
Event trigger
Objectives Epic Weapon
Wha t a pity. Th e Survivor (5AP) Crates
Starting Zone
m i lit a r y/scientist al li anc e
w as n’t d oing anyth ing aw fu l o r
grue s o me to th ose infe c te d.
J us t k id d ing. Th ey we r e tr y i ng
Doors Open Door Spawn Zones
t o fin d a cu re to th e z o mb i e
i nva s io n, and th ey gathe r e d as
m an y r e sou rces as pos s i b le to 9R 8R
achie ve th eir goal. W e go t
so me co d es and coordi nate s fo r
2V 4V Spawn locators Zone
t h e ir facilities from o u r
pr e vio us raid , and w e ’r e go i ng
t o s e e if th ey h ave anythi ng. 1V 5V
“ An y thing” means “anythi ng
v a lua b le ”, of cou rse, b u t als o
” e ve r yt hing pointing to the i r
actua l location, if an y” .
K no win g w h ere th e b e s t- ar me d
gro up in th e region hi de s o u t i s
pr e cio us information , yo u k no w .
Pa rk e r th inks th eir fli ght
c omp ut e r m ay h ol d th e data w e
se e k . The w h ol e plac e , ho w e ve r ,
h as b e e n infected an d
q u a r a n tined .
D id I tel l you I h ate
h os pita ls?

Tiles needed: 1V, 2V, 4V, 5V, 8R & 9R.

1 – Get the blue pass to the helicopter.
Find the Blue Objective.

2 – Get the flight computer. You win

the game when all starting Survivors are
in the Exit Zone at an End Phase.
• Useless before the invasion,
invaluable now. Each Objective gives 5
Adrenaline points to the Survivor who
takes it.

• Access card. Put the Blue Objective

randomly among the Objectives, face
down. The Blue and Pink doors cannot
be opened until the Blue Objective has
been taken.

• Mind the safety lock. Each Epic

Weapon Crate gives a random Epic
Weapon, among those still available, to
the Survivor who takes it. They can
reorganize their inventory for free.

• The helicopter can’t be flown.

Very Hard / 120 minutes
5x 1x 1x 7x
Objectives Epic Weapon
Ou r fl igh t h as tak e n u s to a Survivor (5AP) Crates
Starting Zone
remote storage fac i li ty . T he
files w ere cl e ar , ho w e ve r : a te s t
occu rred h er e and w e nt w r o ng.
Th e su rviv or s s e nt a las t
Stairs Doors Open Door Spawn Zones
message th ey w e r e i nfe cte d,
and everyth i ng w e nt b lack . T he
place and th e w ho le vi ci ni ty 10x
are fu l l of zomb i e s . A ny o ne Event trigger
am ateu r enough to ge t i n s u c h Spawn locators
Skinner Walkers
a comprom ised place s u r e ly fe ll
into a d ead ly tr ap. Fo r tu nate ly,
w e are w arned, and w e ar e no t
am ateu rs. We ’ll ge t s o me ni ce
prizes for thi s z o mb i c i de . Su ch
a perfect d ay!
9R 6R
Tiles needed: 1R, 2R, 3R, 4R, 5R, 6R,
7R & 9R.
3R 4R

1 - Get all Objectives. Ammo. 7R 5R

Batteries. Blankets. Clean and resistant
clothes. Extra clips. Medicine. Military
rations. This is like Christmas!
2R 1R x5

2 - That’s why it’s called Zombicide.

Once the last Objective is taken, keep on playing until the
Zombie Card pile is exhausted. Don’t make a new Zombie Card
pile. Exterminate all remaining Zombies on the board to win
the game.


• Welcome to the farm. Each Objective gives 5 Adrenaline

points to the Survivor who takes it.

• Doors and keys. The Blue Door cannot be opened until the
Blue Objective has been taken. The Pink Door cannot be
opened until the Pink Objective has been taken.

• Places of interest. The Spawn Zone crossing tiles 1R and 2R

doesn’t have any Spawn locator. Also, beware the Skinner
Walkers waiting behind each colored door!

• New kind of door opener?. Each Epic Weapon Crate gives a

random Epic Weapon, among those still available, to the x5
Survivor who takes it. They can reorganize their inventory for

• The helicopter can’t be flown.

NOTE: This mission may be too difficult to play with the

Abomination Fest rules found on page 30 of the rule book.

DEATH 8x 1x 1x
Hard / 150 minutes Survivor (5AP)
Starting Zone
We fo und an alm ost i ntact
m edica l area w h ere t he y w e r e
c l e a rly testing both hu mans
and zo m bies. I f th es e gu y s Door Open Door Spawn Zones
found a cu re for th e z o mb i e
i nfe ctio n before d yin g, w e may
ge t a s o lid cl u e h ere . Of co u r s e , 4V 7V 3x
I ’m s ur e th ere are re ally c o o l
supplie s and w eapons he r e as Epic Weapon
w ell, b ut if th ere is a ny ho p e , i t
6V 5R Spawn locators Crates

c ould b e h ere. On the o the r

h an d, do I reall y w a nt i t to 8V 9V
st o p a n d go back to o u r o ld
w orld?
So ma ny tents. I ’ m r e ally
l o ok ing f orw ard to play i ng
h i de -a nd -go-screw -yo u r s e lf
w i th zo mbies!

Tiles needed: 4V, 5R, 6V, 7V, 8V & 9V.

• Get the answer and win the game.
Take all Objectives.
• We rarely see such quality material
these days. Each Objective gives 5
Adrenaline points to the Survivor who
takes it.

• This hospital door. Do not place

objectives on tile 4V or 5R. Put the Blue
Objective randomly among the Red
Objectives, face down. The Blue Door
cannot be opened until the Blue
Objective has been taken.

• This baby is not a military weapon.

Set La Guillotine’s card in the
administrative tent when the latter is
revealed. Any Survivor Searching in this
Zone can take it instead of an
Equipment card.

• Wonk! Medieval style. Set the

Nailbat card in the infirmary tent when
the latter is revealed. Any Survivor
Searching in this Zone can take it
instead of an Equipment card.

• Don’t know where these came from

but we will take them. Each Epic
Weapon Crate gives a random Epic
Weapon, among those still available, to
the Survivor who takes it. They can
reorganize their inventory for free.

M09 - NOSOCOMEPHOBIA - Action mode. The Survivors lock themselves inside the hospital, and
the game is won whenever there are no Zombies in the hospital.
Hard / 180 minutes OR
- Cautious mode. Lock the hospital door and get away. You win the
There is no cure. game when all starting Survivors are in the Exit Zone at an End Phase.
That could be a weird relief if my teammates
hadn’t decided to retrieve all the scientific • SPECIAL RULES
data these guys collected. It could, you know,
“be useful later, to find a solution to an issue • This is a Zombie-fest. Add 2 Spawn dice to the pool. Taking an
we didn’t think about now”. Gah, the scientific Objective removes 1 die.
mind. My own solution is here, in the barrel of
my gun! • Data storages. Each Objective gives 5 Adrenaline points to the
Yeah, yeah, I’m overreacting. Please Survivor who takes it.
understand me, I suffer of nosocomephobia,
fear of hospitals. Guess where the data bank • True colors. Do not place an objective on tile 8R. Put the Blue and
lies? In their headquarters the greatest Pink Objectives randomly among the Red Objectives, face down.
hospital around. Collecting both Blue and Pink Objectives allows you to close and open
Everyone knows hospitals are the worst places the hospital door at leisure. To do that, a Survivor just has to stand in
to hang around since the zombie outbreak! the same Zone as the hospital door and spend an Action. No special
Equipment is required.
Tiles needed: 1V, 2V, 3V, 4V, 5V, 6V, 7V, 8R, & 9V.
• Head removal surgery tool. Set La Guillotine’s card in the marked
Zone. Any Survivor Searching in this Zone can take it instead of an
1 – Collect all data. Take all Objectives. Equipment card.

2 – Choose your side. Taking the Blue and Pink • I’ll solve your headache issue. Set the Nailbat card in the marked
Objectives allows you to open or close the hospital Zone. Any Survivor Searching in this Zone can take it instead of an
door. Choose how this Mission ends: Equipment card.

• This is not medicine but it will do. Each Epic Weapon Crate gives a
random Epic Weapon, among those still available, to the Survivor who
3V 1V 5V takes it. They can reorganize their inventory for free.

6V 4V 2V • The helicopter can’t be flown.

9V 7V 8R

Starting Zone

4x 7x
Epic Weapon
1x Crates

Objectives Exit
(5AP) Zone

Spawn Zones


La Guillotine Nailbat

26 Spawn locators
Hard / 90 minutes 6x 6x
Objectives Epic Weapon
We r e cov ered al l th e data. W e Survivor (5AP) Crates
m ade s o m u ch noise, ho w e ve r , Starting Zone
t h a n a ll w e can see fr o m the
r o o f a re zom bies. Zomb i e s
eve ry wh ere, com ing fr o m the 3R 7V
Doors Open Door Spawn Zones
sub ur b s in every d irec ti o n. I
kn o w a way to end it all: lu r e
t h e he r d into one pla c e and
1R 4R
bl ow t hem al l u p. Bigge s t
Event trigger La Guillotine Exit
fi r e wo rks sh ow ev er. A nd ho w 5R 6R Spawn locators Zone
d o we a ccompl ish th i s ? W i th
our t r us ty ‘ copter.
A fte r a l l is said and do ne , w e ’ll 9R 2R
be s t r a nd ed far aw ay fr o m
h ome . It m ay take we e k s to ge t
ba ck .
B ut le t ’s look on th e b r i ght s i de : fo r a s u r vi vor ,
t h e e n t i re w orl d is ho me .

Tiles needed: 1R, 2R, 3R, 4R, 5R, 6R, 7V & 9R.

To accomplish this Mission, you need at least one Survivor with

the Helicopter pilot Skill.


1 - Make sure the way is clear. Open all doors.

2 - Boom! End of story. Make the helicopter and at least 30

Zombies explode on the Exit Zone with a Molotov or Sniper


• Playing with doors. Each door and Objective gives 5

Adrenaline points to the Survivor who takes it.

• Fireworks. The helicopter can be freely targeted with a

Molotov or Sniper Rifle when landed on the Exit Zone. A
successful hit makes it explode in the same way as a Molotov,
killing everything in the Exit Zone (including A-Bomb
Abominations). You’ll need it to win the game.

• French touch. Set La Guillotine’s card in the marked Zone.

Any Survivor Searching in this Zone can take it instead of an
Equipment card.

• Not French but who cares?. Each Epic Weapon Crate gives
a random Epic Weapon, among those still available, to the
Survivor who takes it. They can reorganize their inventory for

• The helicopter can be flown. It can take off or land on the

helipad (tile 9R) and wasteland (tile 7V).

SPECIAL: The helicopter keeps on being Loud when landed

on the wasteland (See page 7 of this document).



The player with the First Player token activates all of their
Survivors, one after the other, in any order. When they’re
done, the next player’s Turn begins. Play clockwise. Each
Each Zombie activates and spends its Action on either an
Survivor has 3 Actions to spend, chosen from the following
Attack or a Move, depending on the situation. Resolve all
list. Unless otherwise stated, each Action may be performed
the Attacks first, then all the Moves. Each Zombie performs
several times per Activation.
either an Attack OR a Move with a single Action.
Move 1 Zone (spend extra Actions if there are Zombies in the Each Zombie in the same Zone as Survivors performs an
starting Zone). Attack. A Zombie’s Attack is always successful and does
not require any die rolls.
• SEARCH (1 x per Turn)
In a building Zone free of Zombies only. Draw a card from the • MOVE:
Equipment deck. The Zombies that have not Attacked use their Action to
Move 1 Zone toward Survivors.
• OPEN DOORS: NOTE: Runners get 2 Actions, so they can attack twice,
The Survivor uses Door-opening Equipment to open a door in attack and move, move and attack, or move twice.
their Zone. No roll is required.
NOTE: Open Doors cannot be closed again. STEP 2: SPAWN
• REORGANIZE/TRADE: Using Zombie Spawn tokens, the Mission maps show where
The Survivor can reorganize the cards in their inventory in Zombies appear at the end of each Zombie Phase. These
any way the player wishes. The Survivor can simultaneously are the Spawn Zones.
exchange any number of cards with 1 other Survivor currently • The Starting Spawn Zone is always the first one to
in the same Zone. This other Survivor may reorganize their spawn.
own inventory for free. • Always draw Zombie cards for all Spawn Zones in a
clockwise order starting with the Starting Spawn Zone.
• COMBAT ACTION: • Zombies spawn following the highest Danger Level
Melee Action: Equipped Melee weapon required. among Survivors (Blue, Yellow, Orange, or Red).
Ranged Action: Equipped Ranged weapon required.


Survivor’s Zone. If taking an Epic Weapon Crate, pick a card
from the Epic Weapon deck. 03 - END PHASE
• MAKE NOISE: Put a Noise token in the Survivor’s Zone. • Remove all Noise tokens from the board.
• The first player hands the First Player token to the player
• DO NOTHING: All remaining Actions are lost. to their left. Another Game Round then begins.


When several targets share the same Targeting Priority Order, the players choose which ones are eliminated first.

Targeting Priority Name Actions Min.Damage to kill Adrenaline earned




4 CRAWLER 1 1 1


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